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5.Telephone Call

At the very beginning about the phone call between Andy-HwangBo...i think it's about when hwangbo got a phoe call and when she saw it she said "OUR Andy" so lee hok jae asked HJ's opinion how he felt when his wife called Andy as "our andy"..haha i don't know what his feeling was but Lee Hok Jae just dropped a bomb to HwangBo

Not sure if this is just a joke LHJ made it up or it was true.

yesterday i watched this episode almost 10 times. if it hadn't been 3 am in the morning then i think i could make it to 10 times! :rolleyes:

regarding the telephone call..this is what happened~

from the ANBI thread :

Just started to watch the full version of the show and had to come back here to make a comment.

In the beginning, Dondon mentioned that he heard Andy calling Hwangbo before recording. And he mentioned the funnier part was that Hwangbo answered, "Oh, it's our Andy".

MC asked Hyunjoon, how he felt about your lovable wife saying of another person's husband, "Oh, our Andy", how do you feel about that? And Hyunjoon said, "I have no feeling about it." LOL!

thats about it..hwang bo is close to shinhwa so of course she's going to call andy, our andy and so on~

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Omg, KimDongWan really want to be on this show?

That is so funny, yesterday I found pictures of him and Hwangbo at the beach and on a boat, and for 30 mintues I actually had a banner of them on. Wow, is this hinting something, I hope Hyun Joong wouldn't let go so easily!

haha, the telephone call and she said "Oh, its our andy." That totally reminds me of Junjin who always say "oh" when answering the phone! Haha, she is so close with shinhwa, I wonder if she will get to be that close with SS501.

Maybe she would go to Japan for Hyun Joong's birthday, and it would be like a total shocker, and Hyun Joong would be so happy:):)

Wow, so much little pieces, I am still waiting to find out everything, where are the subs, can't wait.

Haha, The blushing part is so cute. I noticed when she was listening to Joong play the piano, she was a little blushy too.

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Guest subdwfreaky

their romance always turn comic

that makes them an even moreee uniquely n irresistibly interesting couple, rite? :lol:

did anyone notice hwangbo was nervous/blushing when HJ passed bay her

omo. why did you have to make me excited? -_____-

but i want some reaction from hyunjoong now! stop being blunt kid!!!! yaaaa!

and i wonder how you get 3 holes from hwangbo's bum.... <_< isn't that...weird? XD maybe hyunjoong helped?

i agree! i felt weird reading everyone mention 'her' butt......actually, did anyone notice hyunjoong had just passed the trashcan before hwangbo sit a lil while and got up and then discover the 'scary face' mark and freaked out? yeah...i think some of you guys noticed it. haha. i wonder if hwangbo realized it herself lol.


HB: HJ is more mature than i thought

HJ: Actually, HB noona is really really a woman!

Second HyunJoong will continue shooting WGM eventhough next month he will go to Japan but i don't get if they will follow him there or else.

sounds like a really good news to me. :D

and i'm dying to know more about the first news now. grrr.

(Hyunjoong! please notice, appreciate n love your wife already, even if only in the show*sighT^T*. puhleezee. i can help you handle your fangirls. yaaa. altho i don't know how)

1. In bathroom:

HJ said "if only i can take a bath once then i can go to work" why i like this? the way he said was so cute it's like he was begging her. But still one thing bothers me, why she kept hitting him repeatedly after he said this? or he meant if he and she..haha i say no more! why am i thinking like this? cos the subject of sentence in korean language is always omitted, that's why i'm confused.

ehhh? :lol: iono what to say. but i really really must watch it again like rite now. haha. n i hope the subs won't


me lolol. *hits self*


55555 Kim DongWan he wants to play WGM if he gets coupled with HwangBo!


i was a fan of Dongwan n he's a really great singer but.......he can't snatch other people's wife. :lol: . that's a bad thing. Dongwan, be a good boy and stay off married woman, mmkay?

i mean....Hwangbo might be close to Shinhwa members and all, but in my opinion, the reason hwangbo always acted the way she does in this show, is because she's paired with a guy she's not familiar with. that's where the attraction (or just my imagination) comes. hehe. the only thing i wanna see now is for Hyunjoong to surpise me n his wife lol(not by presents and all, but by hosiwng some feelings n less bluntness haha) . aww, c'mon, it's not that hard to fall in love with you own wife, is it? (even if only in the show T^T. haha) even i easily came to love her after just barely 1 episode.....

pleazzee....don't be ignorant n don't let other guy take opportunity upon your lovable wife.

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subwfreaky: haha, I know what you mean. I am all for them taking a bath in that thing haha. with clothes on, maybe a mistake and they fell in haha. However, if the subs are in and it wasn't what really they said I will be so disappointed. My goodness, I bet there will be alot of unexpected things they both said that we didn't catch, can't wait!!!

haha, I am so waiting for Joong to do something. It would be like the biggest surprise and rating boom if they hold hands or little cheek kiss. I bet the fans will go crazy. don't know which fans though haha.

Can't wait until the next epi come out. I heard people saying the even epi are always the better one to look at. The odd ones starts something, and the even one show all the cuteness of them together!

Here is there cut for epi 11, no subs though.

Did you guys noticed when Hyung Joong said he didn't feel anything if HB said Our Andy, Hwang Bo let out a Phew!! so funny, so was scared HJ will be mad!

part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sVFM4CcNpM

part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiqlauUxC58

part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjnF0ymYkZo

part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkSZZwrl9qk

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Guest ibmp2005

the news from dong wan,

[08.05.26][news] Dongwan: I'll go on We Got Married if my partner is Hwang Bo

Singer Kim Dongwan has said that he would only appear on the hit MBC variety show We Got Married if Hwang Bo were to be his partner.

Kim Dongwan was a guest on MBC FM's 2 o'clock Date with Park Myung Soo, and when asked "Do you want to be on We Got Married?", he replied "I didn't think about it because I hated the idea of having my private life exposed. But I changed my mind after seeing Hwang Bo and Kim Hyun Joong. If there's anyone who can bring out Hwang Bo's dual personality, that person can only be me."

He laughed and continued, "Hwang Bo is a natural and unpretentious person, but she has her feminine side too. Kim Hyun Joong is still young, he can't really bring out that side of her. But if it's me, I can bring out both her personalities perfectly."

Kim Dongwan is now busy promoting his 2nd solo album The Secret, and he has just donated 20 million won through KBS's Love Request to the victims of the recent Sichuan earthquake.

Source: MBN (mk.co.kr)

Chi trans: 韩小国 @ BESTSHINHWA

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

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Guest subdwfreaky


what the -______- ya! YA! yayayayaya!!! no way! Hyunjoong...*cries* T____T prove him wrong. waahh. as a joongbo freak, this so freaked the hell outta me. *cries*. knowing how Korean media loves to hook celebs up with these kinda news. argghh....*calm down-slaps self* Dongwan appaaa.....look around. i'm sure there are even better women to be paired with you. trust me.


but thanks for the news anyway -____-



i went to shinhwa site to look around the response....and so many fans there wanted joongbo to be separated...some said they want hyunjoong to have lotsa activities n leave hwangbo for dongwan n the overall other comments are just......scaring n freaking me out like......ohno...*cries*...hyunjoong. i'm really really counting on you now. cuz i think hwangbo would prefer you as well

:P and...and....ahhh please let them stay together as a couple. *prays* i'm just worried cuz shinhwa is pretty popular with variety shows cuz they know how to make it fun. so i'm worrying if the producers would give dongwan's words a thought. arghhh. noooo.

KimWonSaDan: pls let me know if you got my pm kay?^^. and

you just posted my youtube links up there, random. lol

AlecRuby: hey, i wanted to say this before but forgot, i loveee the banner you're using.

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haha, Subdwfreaky you are freaking out, stay calm. Like it said he is busy promoting his album, I am sure he wouldn't come on and win Hwangbo over, Hwangbo seem to be melting for Hyun Joong already, and now that Hyun Joong see compeition he will try extra hard!!! Jia you JoongBo!

I got your pm. I am in the process of posting it on the first intro. after this reply wait a few mintue and check the intro, it should be up there. You did a great job.

So many hardcore JoongBo fans right now so sweet!

As a very super crazy HwangBo fan right now, it makes me super happy to know that her love life seem to be going so great!! haha

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Guest subdwfreaky

^ i know! lol. i freaked out to my sis n forced her to listen to all my freakish crap

but she said i was jealous cuz i want dongwan for myself. ehh? she sure is talking bout herself

and i can understand how you must have felt i guess. just imagine, fangirls usually want the boys for themselves, but you have some fangirls from two of the top boybands fighting for Hwangbo. lol. (altho i don't consider myself a fan'girl' kinda fan.) and i'm sure Hwangbo fan like you guys could read her expressions better rite? so, i hope i can calm myself down now....haha. i am such a freak lol. xD but only towards something i really like/love strongly.

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haha I think Dongwan really like bo, maybe because they are very close like junjin and her. However, from reading hwang bo's expresion she likes hyun joong more in an attractive way. her type someone told me was hye sung, and hyun joong is definetly more like hye sung than dong wan right?

anyway, I just want to support joongbo right now. since they are really the one that is on tv and paired up. If dong wan wants he could be on season two or something similar with hwang bo haha. right now hyun joong and hwangbo are slowlying getting to know eachother more and more haha.

probably as we speak.

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Guest 4eita

no dongwan can't be paired with HB I'm sure he was kidding !!!

she already have HJ he is really cute and super funny & always makes here laugh

I definitely became a fan of the the leader after this program :D

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haha, I don't think he will not now at least.

Joong wouldn't let him, and Hwang bo look like she care about Joong right now haha.

can't wait until the subs come out, we are like 2 epi behind. Could you believe it guys, it have been 3 weeks since they are together, will like a month since they probably meet before!

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i went to shinhwa site to look around the response....and so many fans there wanted joongbo to be separated...some said they want hyunjoong to have lotsa activities n leave hwangbo for dongwan n the overall other comments are just......scaring n freaking me out like......ohno...*cries*...hyunjoong. i'm really really counting on you now. cuz i think hwangbo would prefer you as well

:P and...and....ahhh please let them stay together as a couple. *prays* i'm just worried cuz shinhwa is pretty popular with variety shows cuz they know how to make it fun. so i'm worrying if the producers would give dongwan's words a thought. arghhh. noooo.

Hahaha, don't get freaked out. It's just Hwang Bo is really close to all Shinhwa, she's pretty much the only girl that most of Shinhwa fans 'approve' to be around the boys. Therefore I could understand why fans are curious to see Hwang Bo being 'married' to Dongwan. But don't worry, I read someone commented in Anbi thread that Hwang Bo is like one of the guys, heheh. So yeah..

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Guest subdwfreaky

4eita you mean...fan of hyunjoong? that's great! :lol:

altho after this show, his ranking in my ss501-fav-member list is still the same n hadn't come up yet. in fact, this show i must say got me so into Hwangbo now.


haha. n not to worry. i know bout shinhwa n hwangbo a lil since my whole kpop fandom started with shinhwa. so i heard a lot bout hwangbo, just never really check her out. just that...now that they all have grown older n there's less coupling variety show....made me freak out easily. lol. n the weird part is...the reason i freaked out isn't cuz of shinhwa but cuz of hwangbo. that really made me realize my own craziness lol.

i actually disagree when dongwan said hyunjoong didn't manage to bring out hwangbo's dual personality mainly the feminine side. i find her being very feminine here that i bet some shinhwa members would be surprised too.maybe he's impressed by her n jealous of hyunjoong now. *ok shoot just kill me now.dongwan fans don't take offense. i like him so much as a person n singer, just...not with hwangbo unnie. hehe


so, it's gonna be a monthly anniversary soon? :lol:

hmm, pics hunting for the couple now.....but these pics caught my eye now so...

JoongBo's wonderful home^^





Credits: cafe335.daum.net/_c21_


ok, there's some info now....using online translator...i could catch some phrases here n there....but i'm not sure so can anyone translate briefly?

1302 스타풀빌라예요. 경기도 수원시에 위치한 메이트호텔

제일 꼭대기층이예요. 엄정화,한채영,박용우,이동건 나왔던 그영화..::

촬영했던 곳이 기도하구요.

1박에 29만원/주말에는 35만원이네요~


i guess it's not her house? or am i wrong?

the bedroom really looks like hotel room...lol....do they actually sleep in there during the recording? i wonder.

and the glass wall/super large window......would be so beautiful to stand there look at sunrise/sunset/night view....*___*

arrgghhh....what a beautiful place to live in.

perfect place for perfect couple?

and don't worry bout my freakiness over this couple n obstacles around them. i'll get over it.

altho i don't want to xD

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^ i only saw one bed in the bedroom in WGM.

Well i'm not sure if they really stay at this place while shooting but it seems so. Since almost of HwangBo's stuffs were here..esp. that big poster I can remember it well it was hung in her bedroom at her house.

ok i haven't read all of you guys comments..but i sure will!

Just want to drop a news first. I translated it myself.

김현중 "황보와 앤디의 전화통화 아무렇지 않아요"

어린신랑 김현중의 엉뚱한 발언이 '우리 결혼했어요'의 새 볼거리로 시청자의 눈길을 끌고있다.

25일 방송된 '일요일 일요일 밤에-우리 결혼했어요' 11회 오프닝에서 정형돈은 "녹화전 대기실에서 앤디씨가 황보씨에게 전화 한 것을 들었다"며 "황보씨가 전화를 받으며 '어, 우리 앤디네'라고 말했다"고 폭탄발언을 했다.

MC 이혁재는 황보와 커플인 김현중에게 "사랑하는 아내가 남편을 두고 다른 사람의 남편에게 '우리'라고 했는대 어떻게 생각하세요"라고 질문을 하며 궁지로 몰아갔다.

그러나 김현중은 "글쎄요 아무렇지도 않은대요"라고 답해 엉뚱한 새신랑 다운 발언을 했다.

Kim HyunJoong "I don't mind the phone call between HwangBo and Andy"

The young groom of " WGM" Kim Hyun Joong has recicved lots of attrations from the viewers

Broadcasted on May 25th "SSN:WGM", at the oppening, Jeong Hyung Don said "Before recording in waiting room, i heard Andy called HwangBo. As recieving a call, HwangBo said "it's our Andy"" dropping a bomb to HwangBo.

Then MC lee Hyuk Jae asked HwangBo's couple, Kim HyunJoong "Pls tell us what you think about your beloved wife (OMG! melting) calling the other husband as "our" this question leading to difficult situation.

But Kim HyunJoong answered "Well, I don't mind that" giving a knockdown to the 3 wacky grooms.

Eventhough he said he didn't mind but is that what he really felt? let's see (joke from me :rolleyes: )

1.Giving a cold look to Adny, HyunJoong thinking "How dare you called my wife!?"


2.HwangBo trying to deny it...inside she was burning afraid that her young groom would be mad.


3.Guilty wife : I'm sorry, HyunJoong

Calm Groom: You'll pay for this when we get home (gnashing)...555


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To All

first for a record, i'm a shinhwa's fan too but i'm their fan because of HwangBo 555

Whoa it took me a while to read all comments!

No matter what Dongwan said was for a joke or for real but this is my opinion. In case it was his true feeling, DongWan and HwangBo's time is already gone since he had his chance but he let it go haha. Why don't you hit on her long ago or at least on "Come to play" which you both spent nights shooting it together.

I'm sure that "Hwang Bo's dual personality" won't come out if the groom is DongWan oppa since they're so close. The person who will bring that out from her will be someone she's unfamiliar with, just like HyunJoong, Micky or U-Know (remember Love Letter? she blushed so hard).

Personnaly, I think HyunJoong and HwangBo is a good match...although not perfect cos this word should be described for sweet couples. They share laughthers, cuteness and cares...right now since they're starting to open their hearts to each other.......i'm really looking forward to an unexpected scene ,at least just one, like holding hands on purpose (not like at the beach) or a hug. Actually, i did hope that at the swimming pool scene, HyunJoong would wrap his hands around her waist...god! i'm gonna be banned from SS501's site if they see this post! 555

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News (this one is really rough and tough translation from me)


MyDaily May 25th 2008: KHJ, open his heart to 6-yr noona, HB.

the heart of 6-yr-young husband began to open little by little.

On MBC "SSN:WGM" KHJ (22)-HB (28) is welcoming the change. The only older-younger couple on WGM, HJ-HB started with an awkwardness. 6 years difference of ages causing them fail to open their hearts . But as they started to know each other slightly, they began to understand each other as well. Broadcasted on May 25th, "if you give me that sweater, i'll play you a piano song" is such a romantic promise.

Moving into the newlywed house, HB said to her fake husband "we still have many awkardness". HJ showed his feeling with earnest "I'll try not to be awkward" (after this I'm lost...something like hearing HJ being this eager had captured HB's heart) In the living room, HJ played a piano song "I miss you" by the singer Kim Bum Soo so beautifully and looked like a prince. But this was short since he couldn't play more than this "this is all I have learned". The heart of HJ began to open to his fake noona wife bit by bit.

About their promise, HB said "this sweater will be done after a month. Perhaps, after a month, we'll hear him play that piano song entirely" which he gave her in return as promise.

Slowly, HB discovered the change of KHJ. KHJ said that it looked like that she was more adult/grow-up but meanwhile she revealed her true feeling inside to KHJ "HB noona is actually a woman and I mean a lot" he added.

As JoongBo couple prepare for their housewarming, there's a new situation laying ahead for them. HB has invited Song Eun Yi (MC), Jwi Hwa Jeong (DJ) and Park Shi Eun (actress) as guests. The gap of ages between him and those noona guests, KHJ appears to be nervous and has the fidgets. Not as usual, this will bring laughters to the audiences....(really? if it's funny then i'm happy but if he's feeling uneasy again then I'll give you a kick ok? j/k)

Next week, the topic of their housewarming concerning with them open their hearts even more which the audiences will continue giving their supports to these two.

if my translation is confusing pls accept my apologize. While translating this, my mom asked me what i was doing. After receiving my answer, she said "you crazy girl, i thought you were working" 555 Mom, this is not a work, this is my love hehe


The scence of HJ recieving a phone call to go to work really funny. Cos when he picked up a phone and about to get ready to go, HB dropped something so loudly which brought laughters and questions from MCs . One of MC asked her if she really dropped it or she did it on purpose. it's like all of the sudden,her hands became weak that her husband would leave her alone hehe

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Guest AlecRuby

Kim HyunJoong "I don't mind the phone call between HwangBo and Andy"

The young groom of " WGM" Kim Hyun Joong has recicved lots of attrations from the viewers

Broadcasted on May 25th "SSN:WGM", at the oppening, Jeong Hyung Don said "Before recording in waiting room, i heard Andy called HwangBo. As recieving a call, HwangBo said "it's our Andy"" dropping a bomb to HwangBo.

Then MC lee Hyuk Jae asked HwangBo's couple, Kim HyunJoong "Pls tell us what you think about your beloved wife (OMG! melting) calling the other husband as "our" this question leading to difficult situation.

But Kim HyunJoong answered "Well, I don't mind that" giving a knockdown to the 3 wacky grooms.

Eventhough he said he didn't mind but is that what he really felt? let's see (joke from me :rolleyes: )

1.Giving a cold look to Adny, HyunJoong thinking "How dare you called my wife!?"


2.HwangBo trying to deny it...inside she was burning afraid that her young groom would be mad.


3.Guilty wife : I'm sorry, HyunJoong

Calm Groom: You'll pay for this when we get home (gnashing)...555


Thanks for those funny pics. hyun joong is just killing me with his smart mouth. they are so cute together. ahhhhhhhhh... this couple is just growing onto me.

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