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Guest Solly

no offense but i don't like this couple... so... awkward and random.... i hope their relationship develop though because as of right now judging by the first episode, i see no chemistry between them whatsoever.

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no offense but i don't like this couple... so... awkward and random.... i hope their relationship develop though because as of right now judging by the first episode, i see no chemistry between them whatsoever.

hi, thanks for your opinion. although probably most people here are at a half and half moment with joongbo. they have an age gap, and aren't exactly like the anbi or alexshinae couple, but i think they are a good match.

although hyun joong is very blunt, he does laugh with unnie a lot and that show signs of him as being happy. i don't he would necessarily fake his laugh (not that i am saying anyone said he faked again). but you guys get the point.

in addition, hyun joong will definitely open up with hwang bo later, she is such a sweet, outgoing, and patient person. 6 hours on a yacht that waves and is windy constantly? who actually would stay there for that long?

and although she acted angry sometime, it was just to tease hyun joong. hwang bo unnie is really cool and really real. she isn't afraid and she's always tough looking.

however, in the next ep. if you guys caught the preview, hwang bo unnie seemed to be reading some letter or something and she was moved by it. i wonder if it was a poem or song of hyun joong's. that would be really sweet!

have a good sleep guys and lets chat some more JOONGBO tomorrow!

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Subdwfreaky you're really funny when said "noooo"...you love this couple so much, don't you? ^___^

Chemistry, i don't see it from any couples,really...even andy-solbi maybe because i always think it's just a show so i feel nothing but amusement.

Yeah, i was a bit shocked when he said he expected someone cute but then i thought he was just telling what he really felt and was being himself, spoke of what was on his mind...i like that and think HB felt nothing of his words.

While watching HB investigating (i can see a picture by using thie word hehe)HJ about what a girl said that he didn't like....he replied "ridiculous things like....give me the stars in the sky" and she bursted out laughing saying "who still said that"..they seemed to enjoy laughing at stuffs like this.

Now that KimWonSaDan mentioned about the letter, i'm curious too..what's written in that letter i wonder.

BTW, i'm so touched when reading HJ's post about "don't hate HwangBo nuna" eventhough i don't really understand, he seems to be a good boy.

Sunday sunday why it is so long!!!!!

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Guest AlecRuby

Muize where did you read the post about HJ saying don't hate hwang bo nuna? I didn't see it anywhere, is it on his blog?

Also, I am so so so so curious about the letter. hwang bo unnie looked really touched and they were having fun I think for their first night. They sat on the sofa and drank from "CANS" and hwangbo put on a hair clip for hyun joong.

chemistry will slowly build up guys, don't worry. please have faith in them.

Hi Guys, can anyone translate this news for me? Its about JoongBo I think...

새신부 황보 목덜미 잡는 `엉뚱신랑` 김현중 화제


"(나이) 생각보다 많지?" "네"

"전 원래 여자친구 생기면 '야'라고 하거든요" "그럼 '야'라고 하는거다" "(긴장)…"

"돈 많이 벌어와" "네. 이번 달에 행사가 두 개 있어요"

MBC '일요일 일요일 밤에'의 인기 코너 '우리 결혼했어요' 9회에 새롭게 등장한 김현중-황보 커플이 화제를 모으고 있다.

김현중은 "저랑 어울리는 귀여운 여성을 섭회해 주실줄 알았는대 황보 누나라 의외였다"고 첫만남에 대한 소감을 밝히고 방송내내 황보 앞에서 긴장된 모습이었다.

김현중과 달리 황보는 "로또"라고 말하며 김현중과 커플이 된 기쁨 마음을 감추지 못했지만 연상이라는 부담감에 쑥쓰러워 하는 모습을 표현했다.

김현중은 황보의 '커플티가 아닌 좀 비슷한 티'를 두고 첫 실갱이를 벌였고 티를 입되 '같은 티가 아닌 것 처럼 잘라 리폼'을 하는 것으로 합의를 하고 요트 낚시를 떠났다. 흔들거리는 요트에서 손이 아닌 황보의 목덜미를 잡아준 김현중은 해가 질때까지 낚시에 몰입했고 이에 황보는 지치기만 한다.

'엉뚱신랑' 김현중은 "잘하고 싶었어요. 손톱만한 고기라도 잡아 믿음감 있는 남자의 모습을 보이고 싶었다" 고 속내를 밝혔다.

한편, 이날 첫 방송을 한 9살 차이 이휘재-조여정 커플은 신혼집에 짐을 푸는 장면을 선보이며 다정한 분위기를 연출했다.

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Guest AlecRuby

Here is another news, I don't know if it is the same or not, but please translate if anyone knows korean!

'우리 결혼했어요' 新커플, '나이차 극복'소재로 웃음

2008-05-11 20:12:45

[마이데일리 = 안효은 기자] MBC '일요일 일요일 밤에'의 인기 코너 '우리 결혼했어요'에 새롭게 등장한 두 커플이 '나이차 극복'을 소재로 웃음을 선사했다.

11일 '우리 결혼했어요'에서는 정형돈-사오리 부부, 알렉스-신애 부부의 빈자리를 이어갈 김현중-황보 커플, 이휘재-조여정 커플이 처음으로 등장해 화제를 모았다.

특히 두 커플이 연상연하 , 9살 나이차 등 세대차이라는 공통된 장벽에 대처하는 각자의 방식을 보여주는 과정이 흥미로웠다.

올해 37세를 맞아 연예인중 노총각 반열에 오른 이휘재와 이휘재보다 9살이나 어리고 나이보다 앳된 외모의 배우 조여정 커플은 조심스럽게 서로를 알아가는 과정에서 애틋한 재미를 선사했다.

이휘재는 고등학교 시절 처음 만난 조여정이 어느덧 20대 후반의 아름다운 여성이 된 모습에 "예쁘다"라는 찬사를 연발하며 기쁨을 감추지 못했고, 조여정은 나이차이가 많이 나는 것이 부담스러운 듯 조심스럽게 행동했다. 호칭도 이휘재는 "결혼한다면 해보고 싶었다"며 '여보'라고 불렀지만 이휘재를 '도둑오빠'라고 불러보며 수줍어하는 조여정의 모습은 대조적이었다.

이휘재가 축구선수 이운재 선수보다 1살 많다는 사실과 이휘재가 침대에 옥장판을 까는 모습에 놀라는 조여정과 이삿짐 정리로 피로를 느껴 숨을 몰아쉬는 이휘재는 불안하면서도 재미를 줬다.

하지만 이휘재의 연륜과 나이가 어리지만 다소곳한 조여정의 성격 덕분에 두 사람의 행복한 결혼생활의 가능성을 엿보였다. 이휘재가 이삿짐 정리를 도맡아하며 어린 신부를 살뜰히 챙기는 모습은 든든함을 느끼게 했고, 조여정 또한 이휘재가 부지런히 움직이며 집안일을 해내는 모습에 마음을 열어갔다. 이휘재가 수십년간 모아온 옛날 물건들을 열심히 설명하는 모습에 조여정은 "한 박스를 가득 채운 물건들을 마지막 하나까지 모두 설명하는 모습에 순수함을 느꼈다"고 말하며 이휘재의 장점을 찾아내려 노력했다.

한편 첫만남에서 신혼여행을 간 황보와 김현중 커플은 연상이라는 부담감에 쑥쓰러워하는 황보의 노력과 연상 아내에게 나이로 평가받기 보다 듬직한 남편임을 알게 해주고 싶었던 아이돌 김현중의 엇갈림이 시간이 지나면서 이를 극복하려는 둘의 묘한 호흡으로 발전하면서 폭소를 자아냈다.


첫 만남에서 꽃미남 남편 김현중을 만나 "로또"라고 외치지만 연하라는 사실에 걱정을 하던 황보는 "뮤직비디오를 찍고 오느라 힘들었다"며 자신의 여행가방을 옮기는 것도 힘겨워하는 어린 신랑의 모습에 이러한 걱정이 현실이 됐음을 느꼈다. 그리고 현중 또한 "말 놔도 되지" "누나가 늙었냐" "여자가 해달라면 다해주냐"등 누나 신부 황보의 거침없는 언행에 적응하는 과정에서 긴장하는 모습이 역력했다.

신혼방에 도착해서는 커플티를 가지고 실랑이를 하면서 오히려 두 사람의 상황이 역전돼 웃음을 자아냈다. 커플티를 준비해 온 황보에게 김현중은 "창피하다. 사람들이 몰라보게 자르겠다"고 퉁명스럽게 나와 황보를 당황하게 했다. 김현중은 "너무 닭살스러운 것은 싫다. 사람들 다 보는데 부담스럽다. 사랑을 겉으로 표현하는게 싫다"는 솔직한 속내를 털어놨다. 이에 황보는 "나도 한번도 안해봤다. 좀 해 보자"고 애원하며 진땀을 뺐다.

그러나 두 사람의 미묘한 갈등은 6시간 동안 풍랑속에서 낚시를 하면서 조금씩 사그러져 갔다. 궂은 날씨에 낚시를 나선 두 사람은 한 마리의 고기도 잡지 못했고, 황보는 지쳐가는 반면 김현중은 오기를 부리듯 낚시에 열중했다. 이에 김형준은 "잘하고 싶었다. 고기를 잡는 모습을 보여줘 누나가 '어려도 잘한다'하는 생각이 들게 하고 싶었다. '역시 어린애구나'라고 할까봐 불안하고 걱정됐다"며 연상 신부에게 잘 보이고 싶었던 순박한 마음을 드러냈다. 그리고 황보 또한 투정을 부리기보다 어린 남편 김현중이 고기를 잡을 때까지 기다려주는 배려로 김현중의 불안함에 대한 무언의 응원을 보내 보는 이들을 흐뭇하게 했다.

'우리 결혼했어요'는 서로 다른 성향의 네 커플이 가상의 결혼생활을 하면서 겪는 에피소드를 그려내고 있다. 그리고 그 재미는 결국 서로의 차이를 인정하고 이를 극복하는 과정에 숨어있다. '연상연하' '9살 차이'의 두 커플이 나이차라는 공통된 상황에 대처하는 과정에서 과연 어떠한 웃음과 감동을 줄지 기대된다.

[MBC '우리 결혼했어요'의 새 커플 황보-김현중과 이휘재-조여정. 사진=MBC화면캡처]

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Guest maricris

maricristhanks for the xman eps. i watched them and it was hiliarious. i would like subbs if anyone know how to sub it.

yup thats what i'm saying, if only some1 will provide a good translation..i would love to do it....^^

and fans being mean to Hwang Bo? :blink: come on give her a break... <_<

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Guest Atmosphere.

well there could be a good reason why she changed her name to hwangbo because hye jung is a very common name!!!! i like hwangbo better even though it sounds like a guy name, but i think it's so cute XD i always think that name as tough/laid-back name! she is tough and laid back type of person, i love her as an actress and singer, she's so cute!! you know sometimes she reminded me of chille from TLC.. wait did i spell her name right? XDD usher's ex girlfriend! anyways!!!!! omg!! i want to see this one! i love the we got married, it's funny and cute! XDD except that some can be scripted so i dont like that =X andy part was funny!! the one with shinae and that guy was just too much as if they were doing a copy of a korean drama =___=;; i wanted something funny and cute like andy and solbi!! XDD so hyun joong is really like that in real life? like very formal? =__=;; i like guys who are exciting and is not afraid to get DIRTY!!! XD

anyways!! i want to see BoA Kwon unnie in We Got Married or Hyori Lee unnie! OR!!! Bada from S.E.S.! XD or wonder girls omg!! XDD like Sunye! I want to see her!! XD

are you sure you were lazy to cut the other couple pictures or you just didn't like them? XD

kk let me watch the video! nuuu they are not eng subs! i love it when it has that even though i understand what they are saying but i prefer!!

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Guest subdwfreaky

I heard that Joong oppa had to tell his fans not to be mean to Bo!

So sad fans shouldn't be so mean, Bo is not bad at all.

Hmmm...so far as i know SS501 fans....they're just like SS501.....fans with really nice and pleasant attitude, humble and don't bully other people......so i doubt he meant that the fans are being mean to Hwangbo...i think he's just trying to control the fans in case they turn wild.......you know... :sweatingbullets: ...since SS501 always take care of their fans' and including fans attitude. they communicate with fans, whenever...let's say...some...ummm...i can't say.....'people'? did mean things to SS501...they'd take control of the fans...telling the fans to not do the same thing.......so yeah...i hope i explained.... :sweatingbullets: ...of course, fangirls can go wild.......but since SS501 not only has fangirls, but fans from various generation n both gender (as i learned from my friend.....)...i doubt the fans hate Hwangbo...it's kinda like....'precaution' since he's so responsible..lol. i hope i explained it. n i hope i didn't get it wrong. knowing TripleS...they're just so not the definition of 'trouble-makers', always supportive;....in fact, lots of international fans i know actually like the pairing(of course, only in the show...haha)

Muize :P me funny?...lol...i was just excited i guess...haha. actually i love almost all couples in We Got Married, but cuz i always have a thing for older girl-younger guy...and since this couple is too cute....they got me too fast on their side...haha.....aren't they just too adorable? xD

are you sure you were lazy to cut the other couple pictures or you just didn't like them? XD

uhmm...what i meant was......this is Hyunjoong-Hwangbo thread......but i didn't cut out other couples from the caps.....does that mean i dislike them? O___O....haha. i don't think so..........altho yeah, there's one couple that i dislike. :P

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Guest AlecRuby

Hey guys, thanks for checking out this thread, it's getting popular.

As for those who want to see JOONGBO ep in eng subbed, it is already out on youtube. As you can see from my sis's post.

SsUaSmAmNy: Thanks for your long comment about Hwang Bo. Although just a reminder, this is JOONGBO thread, so please just refer to these two. I know you are excited to see other stars in We Got Married, but they aren't the topic of this thread. Thanks!

Regarding the part "are you sure you were lazy to cut the other couple pictures or you just didn't like them? XD", what do you exactly mean? All these pictures were provided through internet search and the ones that came along with their news.

I too agree that Hwang Bo's name sounds awesome. Strong and laidback character just like unnie is.

For those who always knew her as a strong character, you guys should check out her music on youtube. Her ...tears one was really good. her smoky voice and the ballad lyrics were good. Hwang bo unnie is a great ballad singer!

SUPPORT JOONGBO! Only three days to go, before their first night and romantic beach scene!

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haha, I didn't mean that SS501 fans are mean. I think all very popular bands' fans are very nice in fact.

It just I read some replies in the youtube clips and they all were dissing Bo while they can't stop complimenting Joong.

I am really looking forward to these two's next epi. Bo seem like she is so touched reading that letter,

I wonder if that letter is written by Joong, he said he isn't a romantic kind of guy right?

It looks like Bo is a romantic kind of girl, even though she is tough, maybe he surprises her!

Can't wait.... but I am waiting ahaha

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Guest AlecRuby

Hmmm...so far as i know SS501 fans....they're just like SS501.....fans with really nice and pleasant attitude, humble and don't bully other people......so i doubt he meant that the fans are being mean to Hwangbo...i think he's just trying to control the fans in case they turn wild.......you know... :sweatingbullets: ...since SS501 always take care of their fans' and including fans attitude. they communicate with fans, whenever...let's say...some...ummm...i can't say.....'people'? did mean things to SS501...they'd take control of the fans...telling the fans to not do the same thing.......so yeah...i hope i explained.... :sweatingbullets: ...of course, fangirls can go wild.......but since SS501 not only has fangirls, but fans from various generation n both gender (as i learned from my friend.....)...i doubt the fans hate Hwangbo...it's kinda like....'precaution' since he's so responsible..lol. i hope i explained it. n i hope i didn't get it wrong. knowing TripleS...they're just so not the definition of 'trouble-makers', always supportive;....in fact, lots of international fans i know actually like the pairing(of course, only in the show...haha)

Muize :P me funny?...lol...i was just excited i guess...haha. actually i love almost all couples in We Got Married, but cuz i always have a thing for older girl-younger guy...and since this couple is too cute....they got me too fast on their side...haha.....aren't they just too adorable? xD

uhmm...what i meant was......this is Hyunjoong-Hwangbo thread......but i didn't cut out other couples from the caps.....does that mean i dislike them? O___O....haha. i don't think so..........altho yeah, there's one couple that i dislike. :P

subdwfreaky: thanks for supporting again. i think we are on the same joongbo boat together. i always have these older girl young guy thing that gets to me, only if I think they match. And for real I never really knew who hyun joong was until this show. I knew he was SS501 and that was about it. This show is becoming cooler because it really shows the real celebrities that we obsess about all the time.

and i am sure that fans aren't mad a hwang bo, like you said it is just a precaution. hyun joong is so caring!

oh, yeah back to the older woman young guy relationship. I think this couple aren't bad at all. I actually love them so much. at first I wasn't too sure because of their personality in a way, but they are totally growing onto me. formal hyun joong and informal general. what an opposite attract?

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Guest cookie&cream<3

hwang Bo or w/e is soo luckyy!

buht she kinda likes too old for HJ.

i need to watch this!

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Guest AlecRuby

cookies&cream...: hwang bo unnie is really not that old. she is only older than hyun joong about 6 years. it is still better than the acutal married couple aston kutcher and demi moore, where she is older than aston like about 10-20 years.

this is only a reality show... so we shouldn't be minding about the age gap, and just enjoy the show the way it is. plus, hwang bo doesn't look too older. i still think she is prettier than when she was in her xman days.


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Guest eunicenyl

Wooo they look kinda cute 2gether too :D

Nw i'm lookin 4ward 2 watchin tis variety again...

Tks 2 everyone who contributed the pics & trans ^_^

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Muize where did you read the post about HJ saying don't hate hwang bo nuna? I didn't see it anywhere, is it on his blog?

I read it from here http://cynews.cyworld.com/service/news/she...11423729105..he wrote it on his official hompage..i guess.

Just saw Andy and Solbi kiss pics and it got me wonder.what about HB+HJ? what if they kiss just like the other couples? will the result be the same? But don't think it's gonna happen since these two are not into this kind of things...

Oh and one more thing, i read a comment at youtube saying like if they had to spent a night together so how could HwangBo manage to wake HJ up? hahaha cos he's sleepyhead.

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Guest lovelyxdream

when i first heard about them being coupled i wasn't all that thrilled.

i thought it would be awkward and not that entertaining

(plus, i really liked the alex&shinae couple, so to me they had a huge spot to fill)

but when i actually watched their segment on the show, i really liked them, and i think i'll like them even more as the show progresses :)

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