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Shim Ji Ho 심지호

Guest inez

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Guest inez

Frozen Flower, Open City, Green Chair, Rules of Love
I set up this thread on the request of 'barneyashley'. I dedicate this thread to her and all Shim Ji Ho fans. Hope all of you help maintain this thread :rolleyes:

Name : Shim Ji Ho 심지호

Birthday : 2nd May 1981 1981년 5월 2일

Height and weight : 183cm / 75kg

School : Saejong University

Debut work : 1999 drama School2 '학교2'

Official site : http://www.shimjiho.co.kr OR http://www.bofkorea.com

Cyworld homepage : www.cyworld.com/bsjiho (I hope this is correct and not a fan site)


School II 학교 2(1999) (debut drama)

해뜨고 달뜨고(1999)

I like Dongsuh 동서는 좋겠네(2001)

Zoo People 동물원 사람들(2002)

Glass Flower 유리화(2004)

My Lovely Family 금쪽같은 내새끼(2004)

Rules of Love 이별에 대처하는 우리의 자세(2005)


Striker 스트라이커(1999)

Green Chair 녹색의자(2004) (watch this with care cos lots of nudity !)

Open City 무방비도시(2008)

Frozen Flower 쌍화점 (2008)








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Guest huangsy
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Guest liezle

hi huangsy! i'm not much of a fan of shim ji ho but since he belongs to Boundaries of Forest [bOF] where byj, so ji sub, lee ji ah, lee na young, heo yi jae, choi kang hee belong i get to be a little interested in him. likewise i also know of a dear friend who likes him so much :)

anyway, here's my little contribution to this thread

Shim Ji Ho's official website ~ http://www.shimjiho.co.kr/

BOF's website, to know other latest news about him ~ http://www.bofkorea.com

Shim Ji Ho's photos :)


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Guest inez

Thank you so much for starting his thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has such appeal i can't describe..like him first in 'Green chair'... :rolleyes:

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Guest huangsy

동물원 사람들(2002) on KBS2

Official site : http://www.kbs.co.kr/2tv/zoo



고두길(27세) /심지호

둘째 아들. 동물원의 사육사다.

강함을 추구하고 자기를 주장하는데 강력한 힘을 갖고있는 터프가이. 말수가 많지 않고 불의를 보면 참지 못한다.

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Guest inez

:P Hehe..you know me so well Liez!! thanks for all the pics..my PhotoBucket's cranky..

I think he's awesome in 'Open City'..didn't say much except for scary knife-fights..and looking hot..

I saw something written about JiHo a few days back and has the words KBS..is he doing a drama soon??..

can BOF confirm that?..

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Guest liezle

this is from bof's artists news section. not sure of my translation but i think you are right. hope someone can confirm this :)

심지호, 영화 <쌍화점>‘호위무사’부총관 캐스팅



배우 심지호가 영화 <쌍화점>(감독 유하, 제작 오퍼스픽쳐스)에서 왕의 호위무사인 친위부대의 부총관 ‘승기’로 캐스팅 됐다.

<쌍화점>은 원나라의 정치적 지배를 받던 고려 말, 왕권을 강화하려는 고려왕과 왕이 총애하는 호위무사 ‘홍림’을 수장으로 한 ‘건룡위’, 그리고 원나라 출신의 왕비(송지효 분)를 둘러싼 사랑과 배신을 그린 영화.

심지호는 극중 왕의 친위부대 ‘건룡위’의 수장이자 왕의 각별한 총애를 받는 호위무사 ‘홍림(조인성 분)’의 친구이자 부수장인 ‘승기’ 역할을 맡았다. 승기는 왕의 총애를 받는 홍림을 질투한 나머지 고려왕(주진모)의 총애를 받기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는 인물이다.

심지호와 조인성의 인연은 이번이 처음이 아니다. 두 배우 모두 이요원, 하지원, 김민희 등을 배출한 KBS 청소년 드라마 ‘학교’에서 큰 키와 수려한 외모로 많은 시청자들의 사랑을 받은 바 있다.

<쌍화점> 캐스팅 관계자는 심지호에 대해 “미소년 같은 외모와 충돌하는 남성적인 카리스마에 끌려 조인성의 라이벌 ‘승기’ 역할에 주저 없이 낙점하게 되었다”고 밝혔다.

심지호는 올해 초 개봉했던 영화 <무방비도시>에서도 냉혹한 소매치기로 역할로 사랑하는 여인 백장미(손예진 분)를 지키기 위해 카리스마 넘치는 눈빛과 액션 연기를 선보이며 변신에 성공했다. 관객들은 ‘카리스마 있는 강한 모습을 그 동안 감춘 것 같다’며 변신에 놀라는 반응이었다.

영화 <무방비도시>로 연기 변신에 성공한 심지호는 이번 작품에서 한 층 업그레이드된 연기력으로 수려한 외모에 카리스마 넘치는 호위무사의 모습을 선보일 예정이다.

또한, 꾸준한 운동으로 멋진 근육질의 몸매를 다듬어 온 심지호는 영화를 위해 맹연습한 승마와 검술 실력을 극 중 화려한 액션 연기로 보여주게 된다.


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Guest huangsy

2004 drama and movie.

Glass Flower 유리화(2004)

Official site : http://tv.sbs.co.kr/yuriwha/

English site : http://global.sbs.co.kr/English/AboutSBSPr..._id=V0000290068


신지석 : (심지호)

지수의 하나밖에 없는 동생

어렵게 사는 지수를 도와주지는 못할 망정 항상 사고를 치고 다녀 지수를 속상하게 만드는 사고뭉치 동생. 지수가 일본에 가있는 동안 힘들게 얻어 놓은 집을 팔고 오뎅바를 열어 지수를 곤경에 처하게 만들기도 하는 등 악한 마음은 없지만 본의아니게 항상 지수를 힘들게 만든다.. 그래도 부모없이 돈버느라 바쁜 누나 밑에서 애정을 그리워 하며 자란 지석이 한없이 안쓰럽고 가엾다.

MY LOVELY FAMILY 금쪽같은 내새끼(2004)

Official site : http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/lovely/

English KBS site : http://contents.kbs.co.kr/program/program_...?contentsUid=35


With the second highest divorce rate in the world, it is time for Korean society to take a moment to unearth the reasons why the material abundance and well-being have resulted in more ruined families and wandering souls that cannot find their spiritual refuge. My Lovely Family tells from various perspectives about what we have lost but must find again, and what we should never let go of. This drama tackles such issues as the love of a middle-aged married couple, relations between parents and children, and problems of the elderly and women. It also takes an in-depth look at the problem of education and employment in a society that ignores human values and prioritizes educational background above everything else.

Kim Jae-min : just married to Song Ji-hye; the only son of Kim Dae-seok and Lee Sun-ja; a typical “mama boy”

Although he looks like a spoiled child of his parents, Jae-min has a strong will and firm principles. He is a good-looking guy who has received plenty of love from his mother. When Jae-min and his wife face a crisis in their relationship because Jae-min’s father-in-law, Song Min-sup, refuses to give up his strong attachment to his daughter, the two decide to start their own life. As they embark on their independent life, they mature spiritually and develop their unique personalities.

Green Chair 녹색의자(2004)

Related movie site : http://movie.daum.net/movieInfo?mkey=37466

Trailer : http://movie.daum.net/movieInfo?mkey=37466&mode=5


Mun-hee, a married woman in her thirties, has been arrested and convicted for having sex with an underage, Hyun. After being sentenced to 100 hours of social work, Mun-hee is released only to find reporters hungry to sell her story to the press, and among them, Hyun is standing alone. Leaving those hyenas, the two head for nowhere and stop at a small hotel. Day and night they indulge into each other through endless sex. After five days of sex and enjoyment, Mun-hee undergoes extreme changes of emotion, and suddenly says goodbye to Hyun. However, Mun-hee soon finds herself still lingering on Hyun.


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Guest huangsy

MBC drama 이별에 대처하는 우리의 자세(2005) Rules of Love / Our Attitude in Facing Parting / Our Attitude to Prepare Parting

Official Site : www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/parting and http://content.mbc.co.kr/english/drama/05/1670623_25447.html



Han Jae-Min (Actor: Shim Ji-Ho)

He seems sweet as a child. It seems that nothing much is going on in his head.

He lost his parents when he was still a child, so his grandfather raised him. He seems happy and carefree, but he's very soft-hearted and lonely. He likes women. He's surrounded by the women that he claims to be 'just friends.' He's rather whimsical. Once he likes something and focuses on it, he can't see anything around him. This personality makes him attractive, but it can also be very hurtful to some people. If he didn't have his unique sweetness or his charming smile or his handsome appearance, he would have been a target to many people who hate him. He's a rude and rather stupid player, but there's something about him so that most people can't hate easily. He's interested in Hee-Won who frequents Seo-Jun's studio. He tries to get a job there to get a chance to meet her. However, things don't go as he plans. Then, he decides to use Geum-Young. He thought that his plan had worked beautifully, but he didn't expect Geum-Young to make a counterattack. Even though he's a Casanova who can attract any woman with his charms, it doesn't seem that he can get away with Geun-Young. After he announces his breakup with Geun-Young, he ends up paying for it in a big way.








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Guest ultranguik

oh its his bday today? congrats then

i didnt recognize him from open city, i just thought 'that hunk was familiar',

dang, shim ji ho really change a lot eh,

if i wasnt mistaken he was on sympathy for mrs vengeance/lady vengeance too?

ive watched green chair and not to keen,

too many unnecessary nudity, and i dont understand the film either

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