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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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Guest marvinoppa

i saw this BIG girl wearing a TIGHT shirt and SHORT SKIRT. she had a muffin top... it made me cry a little.

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Guest xPnPx

He didn't even acknowledge me (again). Even though I can force myself to not like him, I know that when I talk to him, I'll have the same feelings all over again.

And today when I asked my mom 'what if the offer is not accepted?', she responded 'then we'll look for another house'.

When she asked 'do you honestly want to move?', I said 'yes'. I lied because I know that the rest of my family all wants to go. But I am still selfish because I still can't bring myself to want to leave.

Two weeks left and I won't see him again for...probably ever. Unless we bump into each other on the street randomly in a few years.


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Guest Angxizzle

nothing i do ever seems to be good enough for him.

does he think he's some kind of god or something?!

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Guest fairytale143

We were together, but I saw too many problems so we reverted back to being friends

Then things got better and now we are sort of together, but w/o the title. It's making me feel like we're just friends w/ benefits or something

I hinted that i still like him but i'm too stubborn to outright say it. I don't know if he's acting stupid, or he really doesn't know. Maybe he just likes the way things are; no strings, no commitment.

He asks me if I've found someone i like, and I tell him I haven't. We always have this conversation to try to show our support for eachother in finding a more ideal s.o. Little does he know my heart breaks everytime we talk about it

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Guest lenakeem

my boyfriend.. broke up with me today..

we've been dating for almost a year..

he said these exact words:

i hate you, i fcuking hate you, just leave me alone.

im a mess.. .. we had a future together..

we were supposed to have three kids: brock, bella, and megatron..

we were supposed to go to the same college..

.. i loved him.

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Guest --expired.

tomorrow is his last day at school

it`s gonna feel so empty without him

walking me to my classes

and at lunch

I won`t be able to see him as much..

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Guest babii.lani

i actually cried because of him yesterday

& now i'm just plain confused

i keep hearing things from my friends & his friends

but what i really wanna hear

are the words that come from him

i don't know what to think anymore

i can't concentrate : (

doesn't he f*cking know i like him too?

we reallyreallyrelaly need to talk

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^ i was in this situation just like weeks ago.

TALK GIRL TALK. u have to. b/c u know that its' gonna drive you nuts. just one question, is he a shy guy? mine was.. and i felt that i rushed him to telling me. tell him that you want to know how he feels about you. (like heart to heart talk. 1:1 conversation i guess?)

and for me, that was the thing that made me want to cry in my heart. and it still does. it's been weeks and it still does. when he told me that "he didn't want to ruin our friendship and wanted for us just to be firneds" iono what that means anymore.. does that mean he didn't want us to drift so he didn't want to take chances? lol. we're still super close. which is really weird considering all that has happened. and that we both know at one point, we liked each other..

but it still really hurts whenever i go back to that scene.

it might be ironic that i'm telling you to talk when talking made me like that, but I felt that it had to conclude one way or another or i would go nuts. i'm not sure if someone made a timemachine and allowed me to replay that what choice i woudl make, but for now, i know that although it hurt, I knew that inside, I had to know.

but still, he hasn't told me if he ever had liked me. and that makes me sad..

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Guest xPnPx

Telling my friends the truth made me want to cry...and I realize now how I've been taking so many people for granted for all this time.

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Guest mabaydar

Whenever i heard about him after the break up, especially when i heard that he got new gfs.

Whenever i think about him after we broken up.

Whenever i think about how much trust i give him but what i get back is lie.

But there is one more person who can make me cry whenever i think about him but i am not feeling hurt.

Just cry. I donno how to describe the feeling.. sorrowful tears? regret tears? Thankful tears?

He is my best male friend.

I cry whenever i recall the memory that he warned me so many times not to trust my bf and not to love whole heartedly.But i did ignore what he warned. :(

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Guest poonie

when i dont' get to see her for one day. when she avoids me. when i think about how this will never work out. when she makes me feel really happy but i know it's just as friends. *sigh* i hate this.

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