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Anything that makes you wanna CRY in your HEART

Guest fallen*angel*

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Guest ktachi

even after all this time, it still hurts. even though i never loved him, it still hurts. whyyyyyy??

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Guest witchery

I can't stand this.

The "wonderful" people I had always appreciated turned out to be manipulative, conniving, and uncaring. Once again, the "happiness" turned out to be fake and just a product of my wishful, naive thinking.

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Guest geenarh

i put all my trust in him,

he told me he really cared,

then he avoided me,

flirted with every other girl,

now he's going out with some other girl,

and i can't stand it anymore.

considering it was in the last two weeks .. moving on must be really easy for him.

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Guest Alicesan

he's leaving me in a year b/c his parents want to emigrate somewhere hundreds of miles away.

our future together seems crushed and destroyed.

its like a deadline until our relationship ends.

after that idk what i'm going to do with my life, it just seems empty without him... :(

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Guest NikiChow2

I have a crush on this guy.

But he has a girlfriend already and I don't know if She is pretty or not. He is going to move in a month.

Argh....!! I don't have a Chance!!


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Guest Fockerpeace

Best to rely on oneself. That is the reality. Its ok ot daydream once a while, but don't mix it with reality. But most importantly is not to let yourself be down from things like that. And don't lock yourself up over insignificant things, its gets annoying and gets old and its people repelling. Know what I mean? Not trying to be mean, but you would live happier that way.

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i feel so bad because of i introduce my crush to my friend. she was my best friends. and soon they got together and they are planning to hide it but she still told me. i bet she is trying to make me jealous and i did really get jealous. he talk more to her now and she talk more to him. i am all alone. both of them are my close friends but now they are gone. and i cried last night because of him yelling at for her. i was so down.....

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Guest koreangurl2626

*sniffle* i saw my crush today hanging out with a bunch of girls...he was really flirtatious and it made me SICK!

but he DID wave to me! *mood instantly lifts* but then he kept flirting...

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Guest Daikirai

He suffered from heat exhausted this morning.

Seeing him in a wheel chair, looking sick and pale.

Made me cry.

That was scary @_@

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Guest TiFFaNiZeD

i just felt really suffocated when she just constantly wants my attention...i mean like...what do you want me to say? when all you whine about is whyy im mean to you?? but i don't know what your talking about!! i don't hate you!! i like you a lot as a friend!! i really thought we'd stay friends like how we started high school...i really did not want to end our high school years like this....we're supposed to be really really good friends and visit each other during break time....

I feel like a pinkberry, maybe i am a pinkberry....maybe i've hurt many others feelings before...i don't know how to deal with them...so i neglect them...im the biggest pinkberry of the entire world...

i just really need to find a way to fix my pinkberryyness... my attitude problem....im almost kidding all the time....you can probalby say that im alsmot never serious...i just need to let people know that im not serious... i just need to really talk to those people...

I need to fix this.

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Guest xohprecious

I'm in a long distance relationship and my baby just left to go back to this house. I got to spend less than 24 hours with him, and I didn't see him for over four months. I'm so upset. The time that I had with him yesterday/this morning was so perfect. It was surreal. I would do anything to have him holding me again. I feel like such a little kid. Here I am bawling my eyes out when some people spend a year or more not seeing their SO. I keep trying to tell myself that I'll see him in August ... hopefully. It just seems so far away. So, so far away.

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i didn't get into a school that my older sister is going to.

which is like he best school around.

and like..

i cried all day when i found out i didn't get in (i still do =(

and like..

iono it makes me feel like crap around my family.

cause all they talk about is that school and all..

and like my 'rents are telling me that i needa be like my sister and be better.

but i'm not like my sister.

i can't do it.

on top of that

i was in varsity choir and some reason we had to reaudition..and then..i found out 2 weeks later that i didn't make it in.

and all my friends new when the list came out but none of them told me..

i really..dont know what to do.how to feel.

i just feel..empty.

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Guest forum-love


i confessed to him,he nvr bothered to give me a reply...he kinda ignored me again. ahhhhhhhhhhhh :tears:

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Guest kookikiwi

i was dating this guy for a month and he decided to break up with my on saturday,

and sunday night he tells me that he still loves me,

so im like wtf.

and every night since we've broke up,

he'll call me ad we will talk for about an hour,

and i always see him in the hallways flirting with this girl i HATE.

when we were still dating,

i've told him that i don't like that girl and he still continues too.

before class starts i would always be sitting in the hallways with him and many other friends,

and every two to three minutes i would look at him and he would be looking at me,

making eye contact,

and it makes me want to cry because he calls me everynight and its just so hard to get over it,

knowing he still loves me,

and we cannot get back together!

i've heard from a close friend of mine and his that hes jsut doing this cause he either wants to concentrate on exams,

or he wants to get me a real silver ring and hes afraid that he wouldn't be able to make that much money by then.

i understand why he wants to break up cause he wants to concentrate on exams,

but the ring, i've told him that he doesn't have to get a ring.

its just so hard.

i love him so much

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Guest repeat_on_echo

I think I've posted in this thread about five times now. I guess my life is just really sad, or I complain too much about the simplest, dumbest things.

Hm, my best friends haven't talked to me in about 5 days, I don't know what I did wrong, they're starting to be "in love" with other people and want to hang out with other people and never want to hang out with me. I have no idea what I did? And they never talk to me anymore, I feel like they ignore me, I feel left out. And it seems like a whole bunch of people are getting tired of me. I don't know.

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knowing/realizing that my life won't be the same as him over the next year eventhough i wish with all my heart that i want it to be.

almost feels like i'm holding him back since i'm so restricted in what i can do and what i'm capable of compared to my abilities................life jus sux rite now -.-

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