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[sitcom 2005] Nonstop 6 - Rainbow Romance 레인보우 로망스

Guest jew-lee

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Guest amydien

I felt bad for Hyungmin somehow because he keeps doing all these nice sweet things for eun bi but she cant find it in her heart to like him back because she still like ki bum....and then ki bum starts having feelings for eun bi, but eun bi cant give in to ki bum either because of hyung kyung....and then hyun kyung gets jealous of eun bi, but cant hate her because she's her friend....aaaahhh! Yeah, this is a difficult situation.... :)

Poor Chun Myung Hoon....he had to do all those chores Bo Ra made him do, all because of Sangmi...who really had nothing to do with those chores...haha...

Thanks for the FF link dreamweaver!

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Guest flyfany89

at first when i saw Hyung Min..i didn't like him..but now i do~

i really like how he do things for Eun Bi..

i really like that thing he says:


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just finished watching ep. 48... awww... such a tough choice for eun bi. i'm still rooting for her and ki bum even though i think hyung min is really nice, doing all those things for her. hyung kyung and ki bum don't really match and it's obvious ki bum has lost feelings for her and is developing feelings for eun bi. it would be good if ki bum and eun bi get together yet somehow remain friends with hyung min and hyung kyung in the long run.

haha... bora made myung hoon do all those chores just cuz of sang mi. :P that was funny...

other than the eun bi / hyung min / ki bum / hyung kyung parts. could i also please request for the translation of the end when ki bum is chatting with lee chul? thanks! :D

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Guest sarangie

thanks for the translations of the summaries, mango.baby!! :D can't wait to watch today's episode! ^_^

Nonstop 6 Rainbow Romance Ep. 48.asf [42.1MB]

available in my CB :lol:




YSI since some of you still need it:


thank you sooo much~!!

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Guest lil_azn_wannabe

Thx for the translation purpletiger86, that's really really cool!

I've just watched Ep 48 and it's soooo sad in a way

It was soooo *arrrgh* when Eunbi told him to never appear in front of her again, but

she kept changing her mind! I feel really really bad for that hyungmin, cause he's really really

sweet to her and he makes her smile all the time, but still I like Kibum and Eunbi pairing better...

I feel bad for HyunKyung too, but I still prefer hyunmin more than her, I don't like her at all...

She's tooo good and seems tooo perfect It was soooo cool, when Eunbi fell and Kibum was standing up *yay* 'fighting!!!'

He's feeling something towards Eunbi! He's starting to like Eunbi!

something towards Eunbi! Hope

I can't wait until the next episodes, the next and the one after have nothing to do with Kibum and Eunbi...

I hope someone can translate the parts of Kibum+Eunbi+Hankyung+Hyungmin rectangle? and the part was EeChul was trying to say to KiBum! He's sooo funny, I'm starting to like EeChul too, he can be really really funny, but he doesn't have many parts v.v

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dreaweaver, thank for the links but the YSI doesn't work for me?

and filefront doesn't either!?

jina, i think the YSI has reached its limit already. i used the beta version, which allows 50 instead of just 25 people from downloading. i'm not sure why FF doesn't work. after you click Download Now, you need to scroll down and pick one of the links of the servers to d/l. have you tried that? :unsure: i can't reupload cuz i've already watched the episode and deleted it. :( sorry...

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I haven't seen episode 48 for myself yet, but I can't wait to see it after reading a couple of spoilers.

Well...I think we all know that KiBum and EunBi will get together eventually (99.9% sure, lol). Like as you see in dramas and stuff...a guy and a girl, who grew up fighting together...will eventually end up as lovers.

But like most of you....I feel bad for HyunMin...I LOVE this guy, he's so goofy and sweet...it's sad enough that he gets dumped everytime by a girl...and now if he gets dumped by EunBi....gah, that's heartbreaking. HyunMin can come to me than!!!! :)

I have nothing against HyunKyung...but I just think that she is not a very good actress...the scenes where she see's KiBum and EunBi together...where she tries to make a 'shocked' face...it looks so ackward and she doesn't show a big reaction....it just feels like someone is forcing her to make a shocked/surprised expression, but she can't make one.

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Guest hershy kissez

im really starting to love that HyungMin guy! even after EunBi told him to leave her alone countless amount of times, he still came when ever she needed someone there. it was sad when he said she can use him like a spare tire. :(

i hope EunBi and KiBum will be able to go out soon. id feel so bad for HyungMin but imo, EunBi and KiBum look so much cuter than HyunKyung and KiBum :P

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Translations for all of EunBi/KiBum/HyunKyung/HyunMin and one with EeChul+KiBum scenes in Episode 48. Everything is ALL in order.

The stuff that are in bold are flashbacks.

Enjoy~ :)

HK: EunBi....were you taking care of KiBum oppah?

EB: No, that's not it. I just stopped by coincidently and...

HK: Both of you...don't you think it's a little too much of a coincidence?

KB: HyunKyung...it's not like that.

HK: I'm sorry if I'm taking it the wrong way, but I think I like KiBum oppah a lot. The truth is when I see you two together, I feel jealous and worried.

EB: HyunKyung, don't ever mistake this. I'm going out with someone.

HK: You're going out with someone?

EB: I...like that person a lot. I'll intoduce him to you.

HB: You don't have a boyfriend. Didn't you say you were going to introduce him? What are you trying to do?

EB: Well I guess I need to take HyunMin there. Since I need to show him for a little bit.

HB: EunBi, I didn't see you like that...but you are really mean.

EB: What did I do?

HB: Don't you know the meaning of (something)? If you are not going to go out with him, you need to tell him to let go of you straightly. Are you going to use people's feelings whenever you need help?

EB: It's not like that.

HB: Just cut to the chase and say no. That might also prevent him from getting hurt.

EB: You are right unnie, I think I've been very selfish lately.

JK: Oh you were here.

EB: Oppah, do you know anyone from your friends that is good person?

JK: My friends? Of course I have a lot of friends that are great.

Guy: EunBi, this is (something about his hair). How is it? Good style, huh?

EB: JaeKyung oppah, I'll get you back for this. Ah, how annoying!

Guy: EunBi, everything's good about you...but I think you need to change your style. You look too (something). And also lose some of that cheek/baby fat. If a girl has cheek fat, they look very dull. Ah, it's hot! What do you think you're doing?!?

HM: I'm so sorry. Are you okay? What should I do? This is (something-i think he was talking about that guy's hair).

EB: You came knowing that I had a blind date with someone, right? How did you know?

HM: I already told you before. When you are in a situation of trouble...HyunMin Man!

HB: Cut to the chase and say no. That might also prevent him from getting hurt.

EB: HyunMin, there is a saying called 'Hope (something)'. It is said that a person should say no statements straightforwardly than yes statements. If we don't do this, we'll have the person that we are giving hope to be in a stage of distress. I...don't want to hurt you. Lets not meet each other anymore.

HM: If you don't want to hurt me, you can go out with me then.

EB: I'm sorry. I won't be needing your help anymore. I'm leaving.

HK: Oh, EunBi.

EB: Oh, HyunKyung.

HK: What are you doing here? Is he the person that you were telling me about?

EB: Uh, yeah. That's right, my boyfriend.

HK: Oh, really? Hello. That's great. I was going to have a meal with KiBum oppah here. Lets eat together. It's okay with you, right?

EB: Oh, of course it's okay. You can eat with my friends, right? It's okay, right?

HM: Yeah.

HK: I think both of you look great together. Right, KiBum oppah?

EB: Yeah, seems like it.

HM: Whoa, HanKyung you have good eyes. You two look great as well. KiBum is hansome and HanKyung is pretty. It's good to see a great match like you two (?).

HK: HyunMin, are you going to come to the presentation to?

HM: Huh? What presentation?

HK: Didn't you tell him about our Ballet presentation? Why didn't you tell HyunMin?

EB: Well, that is...

HM: Oh! Presentation. I heard about it. I just forgot about it for a second. I forget about things easily. Oh, it would have been bad.

HK: KiBum oppah is going to come that day. Why don't you come, HyunMin?

HM: Of course. I will definately come.

HM: Whoa! EunBi!! Doing great!

EB: HyunMin?

HM: EunBi, you are really good. I must go to your presenation.

EB: HyunMin, why are you keep doing this? I told you we shouldn't see each other anymore.

HM: I just thought you were going to be hungry, so I brought some Seaweed Wrapped Rice Rolls.

EB: HyunMin. Please don't do this. I told you we shouldn't meet each other from now on. I already told you. There is a saying called 'Hope (something)'. It is said that a person should say no statements straightforwardly than yes statements. If we don't do this, we'll have the person that we are giving hope to be in a stage of distress. Please leave, HyunMin.

HM: Than I'll just leave this here. When you get hungry, please eat it. Okay?

EB: It's okay. I don't need your help. Hurry and leave. Don't evern come up to me again. HyunMin, I'm so sorry.

HK: EunBi? Were you still practicing?

EB: Yeah.

HK: I'm sorry about last time. From mistaking you and KiBum oppah's relationship.

EB: It's okay, that can happen.

HK: EunBi, I have some movie tickets...do you want to watch it with me? Along with KiBum oppah and HyunMin?

EB: What?

EB: I'm sorry. HyunMin, HyunMin? Where did he go? Did he leave already? What the...is he already gone?

HM: EunBi?

EB: Oh, HyunMin.

HM: You're finding me again? (I think that's what he said)

EB: Hold up.

HM: The movie that we saw today was great, huh? The acting of a gorilla sacrificing his life for a woman? It was great.

EB: HyunMin?

HM: Hang on. Hello? Yeah. Tomorrow's test? It's okay, I'm not going to take it. I need to go see EunBi's presentation. Yeah, I can take that test some other time. I don't know, tomorrow is a very important day. I said I'm not going to take it. I don't know, I don't know. Ah why? Hang up.

HB: Hey EunBi? Are you still meeting HyunMin? I told you to reject him.

EB: That's not it.

HB: That person...he seems like he needs to take an important test tomorrow, but it seems like he's not going to take it and go to your presentation. Do you really have to do this?

EB: What?

HB: Well, his (or her) heart will hurt...but tell him off coldly. It's best for both of you.

EB: HyunMin?

HM: Yes, EunBi?

EB: There is a saying called 'Hope (something)'.

HM: I know, I know. Are you talking about that again? I heard it more than a hundred times now.

EB: Don't come to the ballet presentation tomorrow.

HM: What?

EB: I...still like KiBum oppah very much.

HM: I know. Did I say anything? Did I ever tell you to like me? Just think of me as a spare tire. You know how there are times where the tire pops when driving? Just think of me of a person where you use me at those times.

EB: I don't want to show KiBum oppah us being together. So don't ever show up infront of me again.

HK: Oppah?

KB: Do well on your presentation. EunBi...you too.

EB: Oh, thank you.

HK: Isn't HyunMin coming?

EB: Yeah. He'll probably not come because he's busy. I told him not to come.

HK: Oh, is that so?

HK: EunBi, have some strength. That can happen.

EB: Thank you, HyunKyung.

HK: Oppah?

KB: I watched the performance well. EunBi, how's your leg?

EB: It's okay. I didn't get hurt. I'm fine.

KB: That's good. We're going to go out to eat dinner. Do you want to come with us?

EB: It's okay. Why would I want to butt in with your guy's date. I'm fine so you guys go ahead.

HK: EunBi, we're going to leave first than. Bye.

EB: Bye.

HM: Did I ever tell you to like me? Just think of me as a spare tire. You know how there are times where the tire pops when someone drives? Just think of me of a person where you use me at those times.

EC: You came?

KB: EeChul?

EC: What?

KB: What am I suppose to do when I'm like this?

EC: What is...

KB: I don't know what my feelings are. What is real.

EC: Is this about EunBI?

KB: Did you know about it? I...am not suppose to be like this.

EC: You choose. Just for this, I will root you on without relying on principles.

HM: Tadda! HyunMin Man! EunBi, have some strength. Hooray, hooray, hooray!

EB: HyunMin?

HM: I'm so cool, huh? Look at you, EunBi. You are starting to regret for dumping me.

EB: Did you take the test well?

HM: How did you know that I was taking the test today? Oh, is that why you told me not to come to the presentation? Seriously, EunBi you are my style!

EB: Did you take the test well?

HM: I didn't take the test.

EB: You didn't take the test? Why?

HM: I'll take it another time. Since there are plenty of chances.

EB: What kind of test is it?

HM: Driving test.

EB: What?!?

HM: I really need to pass/take it next month. EunBi, did you hurt your leg?

EB: Just a little.

HM: EunBi, stay right here. I'll come back quick. EunBi, I'm good at driving, huh? When I get my license for real, I will drive you in a nice car, okay? I'm going. Hold on tight.

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sandy: omo omo... thanks sooooo much for translating!!! :w00t:ki bum's starting to realize his feelings for eun bi... :wub: and that hyung min guy is just too nice... :lol: skipping a driving test just to see eun bi at the ballet recital. :D awww... and ee chul is rooting ki bum on no matter what. good for him. ^_^

i can't wait to see how the storyline develops. and i do agree with you guys that hyung kyung's acting is a bit bland and eun bi would be better with ki bum. :P

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Guest mango.baby

translation for that last scene between kibum and lee chul

KB: lee chul...what do i do in these kinds of situations?

LC: what...?

KB: i really don't know what my feelings are..what's real..

LC: are you possibly talking about eunbi?

KB: you know? i shouldn't be this way..

LC: you make the decision..no matter what, i'll be cheering you on the whole way..

kibum's really torn about his feelings.

i don't think he likes hyunkyung that much any more.

especially the part where he stands up and looks really worried when eunbi fell like he wanted to go help her up =]

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