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[sitcom 2005] Nonstop 6 - Rainbow Romance 레인보우 로망스

Guest jew-lee

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Alrighty! Here are all the translations for the scenes requested by j o a n _


*1:20 --> 2:23

HM: EunBi, are you really okay now?

EB: That's what I said.

HM: Please don't get sick ever again. Seriously if you get sick, my heart feels as if it's going to rip apart. But, I hear that if you get an appendicitis operation you have to fart and stuff...EunBi, did you fart too?

EB: Of course.

HM: Ah, shoot! It could have been my chance to hear you fart. I think your fart would sound cute like you. Your fart is even my style. Do you want to go watch a movie? If you don't go, you'll regret it. You'll really regret it.

EB: You always say I'll regret it. So what movie are we going to go watch today?

HM: Lets see...what should we watch?

EB: Are you okay?

KB: EunBi must have been released from the hospital today.

*5:18 --> 6:11

HK: Oppah, does it hurt a lot?

KB: No, it's okay now.

HJ: Hey! You guys should have been careful. Why did you guys block the motorcycle?

HC: It is true that we made a mistake, but it was also his fault too. His concentration was somewhere else, so he didn't see us.

HK: Oppah, why did you do that? What were you looking at that kept you from looking up front?

KB: No, just..

HB: Well anyways...you are going to be so uncomfortable from now on...having both of your arms in casts.

HK: I'll stop by often.

KB: It's okay. You are busy with presentations and stuff. It's okay.

HJ: Well than, the SamChul's would have to help you and stuff.

All: SamChul? Who's SamChul?

HJ: HongChul, EeChul, and HeeChul. Combining it is SamChul. This happened because of you guys, so of course you guys need to help him out.

HC: No...this is all your fault to tell you the truth. You kept on asking questions so that is why he didn't see us.

NHC: What do you mean it's my fault. EeChul kept on asking us to play basketball.

HC: That's right...you.

EC: Alright. We are accountable for this. Since all three of us made a mistake, lets take care of him by taking turns.

*7:28 --> 8:45

KB: I'm so hungry. EeChul told me that he was going to make me some porridge, but what the heck is he doing? EeChul, what happened to the porridge?

EC: Oh, on the internet...I printed out what porridge is good for patients...so just wait a little bit. It said it was 20 grams. One gram short. This is one gram.

KB: Hey, just roughly estimate it. You'll spend the whole night just for measuring.

EC: What do you mean roughly. It's written in the directions so I need to follow it exactly. So just wait a little bit.

KB: Ugh, I'm so hungry.

EC: The door is opened.

NHC: Tadda! I made it exactly on time, right? I'll look after KiBum now.

EC: Hyung, wait just a moment. I'll quickly make this and leave. The amount of water, salt, and the water temperature...I just need to do those correctly.

KB: Hey, it's fine, it's fine. I'll just ask HongChul Hyung to do it.

EC: No way. I started it so I need to finish it off as well.

NHC: No, no. Just leave it up to me.

EC: Oh, okay. Than follow the directions carefully since KiBum is sick.

NHC: Alright. Don't worry, don't worry. KiBum you should be tired, so go get some rest. Wow, I'm going to eat too

*9:59 --> 10:35

NHC: Ah, why do you taste so plain? I need to put more salt. I put too much salt. It's okay, it's okay. I can just put more sugar. Oh, I put too much sugar now. It's okay, it's okay. I can just put some more soy sauce.

KB: Hey hyung? You think I'll be able to eat that?

NHC: Don't worry. You won't die, you won't die. You won't die from eating it. Wow, this porridge is going to taste so good. (I don't know what he kept blabbing about, but this is basically what he said).

*14:38 --> 16:37

KB: What? You are going to go meet a friend?

HC: Yeah.

KB: Hey, than what about me?

HC: Don't worry. While I am away, I already have everything under cover. First off, what is the most uncomfortable for you?

KB: Hey! Everything's uncomfortable. What am I suppose to do if I can't drink water when I try to?

HC: That is why I have this. Water, tadda! I'll hang it on here, so if you want to drink water, drink it. Water, water.

KB: Hey, how can a person live with just drinking water.

HC: That is why I also have, juice! Tangerine juice, tangerine juice. I'll also hang this on here, so drink it. What else?

KB: What about food? I'm really hungry right now?

HC: And that is why I also have porridge. Porridge, porridge. I'll also hang this on here, so eat it whenever you want it. How is it? You are not unsatisfied, right? Than I'm going to go now. I'm late. Enjoy eating.

KB: Hey, KimHeeChul? Cinderella!? Come back before midnight.

EB: Thank you. You must be tired from carrying the stuff.

HM: Always by EunBi's side whenever you need help...HyunMin Man! Use me whenever you want. And if you really are thankful. You have to promise me you'll watch a movie with me. I'll call you again.

EB: Go home safely.

HM: Seriously, you also have a sweet heart. EunBi, if you keep on being perfect like that...it can't work. I'm going.

EB: Bye.

HC: Hey EunBi. EunBi...KiBum hurt his arm so can you check up on him later?

EB: KiBum oppah is hurt? Did he get hurt a lot?

HC: Not a lot, but he has a cast on. I have everything done for him, but I'm a little worried. If you have some time later, please stop by. Here's the key. Please.

EB: Alright.

*17:57 --> 18:34

KB: I'm so hungry. I guess I need to fix myself something. Where are the pots?

EB: I wonder if KiBum oppah is okay. No, why am I worrying about it.


EB: Oppah. Oppah, what's the matter?

*20:49 --> 21:40

EB: I microwaved the porridge that HeeChul oppah made.

KB: Thanks.

EB: I'll feed you. Is there anything else I can help you with?

KB: No, it's okay. EeChul is going to come in a little bit.

EB: Oh. EeChul must be here. Oppah? HyunKyung?

EC: We came together on my way here. HyunKyung brought you some stuff to eat.

HK: EunBi, what are you doing here?

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Guest `starry.night



HAHAHA!! The fart conversation is so FUNNY!!!!!!!!! :lol:...I was like...o.O

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Guest mango.baby

sypnosis for this week's epsiodes

2005년 12월 26일 (월) / 제 46 회

"1mm 사이의 남녀"

은비와 기범, 자꾸 함께 있는 모습을 보여 아이들의 의심을 사게

됩니다. 그러다가 함께 놀러간 펜션에서 은비의 머리가 기범의

옷에 끼게 됩니다. 아이들이 보면 또 오해할 것이 뻔하고.....

둘은 얼른 벽장 속으로 숨는데요, 금방 나갈 줄 알았던 아이들.

계속 나가질 않고 방에만 있네요. 은비와 기범이 좁은 공간 안에

함께 있는 시간은 길어만 지고......

빈대 민기와 짠돌이 재경의 사람극장!

희진의 책 출판을 축하하기 위해 민기와 재경을 제외한 모든

아이들이 희진에게 선물을 주었다고 합니다. 왕빈대 민기와

왕짠돌이 재경의 돈 안들이고 선물 만들기 작전. 그들의 모습을

다큐멘터리로 보여드립니다.

2005년 12월 27일 (화) / 제 47 회

"필름 끊긴 밤"

민기, 아침에 일어나 보니 귀고리에 여자 숄을 두르고 있습니다.

신발장에는 여자 구두까지 있네요. 전부 보라의 물건들이라는데

민기도 보라도 어제 무슨 일이 있었는지 전혀 기억이 나지 않습

니다. 아이들의 말로는 둘이 술이 취해 나갔다는데....... 귀고리,

립스틱의 기억을 찾아서 헤매는 민기와 보라의 이야기..

기범이가 양쪽 팔에 기부스를 하게 됩니다. 삼철이, 즉 홍철,

의철, 희철이가 간호를 하겠다고 나섰는데요. 간호를 할 수록

기범이는 더욱 망가져갑니다.

게다가 은비가 기범에게 죽을 떠 먹여주는 장면을 현경이에게


2005년 12월 28일 (수) / 제 48 회

"스페어 타이어 사랑"

기범과 은비의 사이를 의심하는 현경이 때문에 은비는 형민이와

사귄다고 둘러댑니다. 하지만 자신을 좋아하는 사람을 그런

식으로 이용하는 것은 나쁜 일이라고 희본이가 따끔하게 충고를

해주네요. 그래도 형민이는 자기를 스페어 타이어로 생각하라며

언제든지 부르라고 합니다. 형민과 은비... 어떤 관계가 될까요?

상미에게 스토커가 생깁니다. 상미는 자꾸 따라오고 집까지

찾아오는 스토커 명훈이 너무 부담스러운데요. 보라는 왜 그런지

좋아하는 눈치네요. 상미 대신 스토커를 상대해 주는 보라.

귀여운 스토커 천명훈은 어떻게 될까요?

* 특별 출연 : 천명훈

2005년 12월 29일 (목) / 제 49 회

"금지된 장난"

보라의 흉을 보다가 보라에게 딱 걸린 민기. 그 때부터 보라의

복수극이 펼쳐집니다. 민기도 맞받아서 장난을 쳐 보지만 하는

족족 실패하네요. 그러다가 딱 한 번 성공한 민기의 장난!

하지만 철썩~ 따귀를 맞는 민기입니다. 도대체 무슨 장난을


소개팅 했던 남자와 심하게 싸우고 헤어지는 모습을 우연히

상미에게 들킨 희진. 상미에게 비밀로 해 달라고 부탁을 하는데....

그 후로 이상하게 까페에서 아르바이트로 노래를 하는 상미의

노래가사가 매번 희진을 약올리는 것 같습니다. 그 후 벌어지는

소동은 무엇일까요?

2005년 12월 30일 (금) / 제 50 회

"엄마가 된 희진"

2005년 마지막 날, 제야의 종소리를 들으러 가다가 넘어진 희진.

깨어나 보니 우아한 교수 박희진의 운명이 한 순간에 바뀌어져

있습니다. 택시기사인 남편 창완에 아들 재경에 딸 은비.

게다가 자신은 교수가 아니라 포장마차 아줌마가 되어 있습니다.

함께 모여 노래도 부르고, 가난하지만 옹기종기 모여 따뜻한

정을 나누는 식구들. 정말 화목해 보이는데....

하지만 현실에는 부딪히는 문제들이 있군요.

이런 문제들을 어떻게 희진은 해결할까요?

Again, can a nice soul please translate/summarize the above so the rest of us can know what to expect?

Thanks in adv

okay. sorry TT.TT my parents took me on a surprise christmas trip sunday night when i thought we were going to dinner so we ended up in vegas -__-;;

i'll translate from wednesday on

wednesday: 12/28/05 Episode 48

"spare tire love"

because of hyun kyung's doubts/questions on the relationship between kibum and eunbi, eunbi says she's dating hyungmin. but hee bon warns that leading on a person that likes you is bad. but hyungmin says that whenever eunbi needs/thinks of him as a spare tire she can call him anytime. how will they turn out?

sangmi gets a stalker. she thinks that the stalker (myung hoon) who follows her everywhere and even to her house is burdensum. bora can tell that he's stalking sangmi cause he likes her. instead of sangmi bora talks with the stalker. what will come of the cute stalker chun myung hoon?

(TN: AHH. boo-dam boy chun myung hoon from NRG is guest starring in this one =])

thursday: 12/29/05 Episode 49

"private affairs" (?...hahahah i have no clue. that's what my dad says it is -__-;;)

minki gets caught while pranking bora. from then on bora vows to take revenge on him. min ki continues to play jokes but they all fail. in this fashion minki succeeds just once. but minki ends up being the butt of the joke. what kind of joke did he play?

sangmi sees hee jin get into a serious argument with a guy she gets set up with and their separation. hee jin asks sangmi to keep the incident a secret. but oddly the song sangmi sings at her part-time job at the cafe refers to hee jin (TN:? sorry...hahaha i'm a little confused at this part).

friday: 12/30/05 Episode 50

"hee jin becomes a mother"

on the last day of 2005 while hee jin is on her way to see a concert (or something like that) she faints. when she wakes up her life isn't what it was before. her husband is a taxi guy and her children are jae kyung and eunbi. she isn't a teacher anymore but a pochangmacha (a small food stand under a tent, these things are all over the streets in korea) owner.

everyone gathers and sings songs and has a good time. everything appears to be going well but there are still some issues that they face. how is hee jin going to help figure them out?


hahah i know i'm not the best translator but you guys pretty much get it, right?

sorry it's so late TT.TT

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Guest Sarang^DBSG

woah!!!! there's subs for rainbow romance...it started with epi 44? Wee~~~ This makes Rainbow romance more enjoyable to watch hehe Thanks

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poor chun myung hoon...hwang bora makes him do everything..it was funny though..i pity hyungmin..eunbi reject him..i hope there is translation for the eunbi,hyungmin,kibum and kibum's gf(dontrememberhername) part...i really want to know what they saying..eunbi feel down during her ballad perfomance..hyungmin is really a sweet guy..he make eunbi a suprise..woah..

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Guest Melanie Haeli

I juz watched epd 48..thanx alot^^

and thanx for the translations....

I was soo touched of wat Hyeongmin did for Eunbi esp the last part..both of dem soo cute...i've grown to like this couple too...and poor Myunghoon..ahaha

Can't wait for tmrw's epd^^

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Guest amydien

"private affairs" (?...hahahah i have no clue. that's what my dad says it is -__-;;)

minki gets caught while pranking bora. from then on bora vows to take revenge on him. min ki continues to play jokes but they all fail. in this fashion minki succeeds just once. but minki ends up being the butt of the joke. what kind of joke did he play?

^this sounds somewhat similar to eun bi & ki bum! Haha...hmmm...another loviedovie twist, ne? :D

friday: 12/30/05 Episode 50

"hee jin becomes a mother"

on the last day of 2005 while hee jin is on her way to see a concert (or something like that) she faints. when she wakes up her life isn't what it was before. her husband is a taxi guy and her children are jae kyung and eunbi. she isn't a teacher anymore but a pochangmacha (a small food stand under a tent, these things are all over the streets in korea) owner.

everyone gathers and sings songs and has a good time. everything appears to be going well but there are still some issues that they face. how is hee jin going to help figure them out?

^this is interesting....cant wait to watch this one!


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thanks for the translations of the summaries, mango.baby!! :D can't wait to watch today's episode! ^_^

Nonstop 6 Rainbow Romance Ep. 48.asf [42.1MB]

available in my CB :lol:




YSI since some of you still need it:


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Guest bubblyhyunghee

I don't really like the Hyunkyung girl with Kibum. I think Kibum and Eunbi is cute together. But Hyungmin is so NICE. ARGG...The rectangle is getting so messy. LOL. Romance and relationships are so difficult.

Poor chun myung hoon...bora makes him do everything...

My Quesses on what's going to happen later:

Kibum will break up with Hyunkyung

Either Minki or Bora start liking each other

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