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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

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Guest XiahxTiffany

ok this is 2 of my predictions i really think they are gonna come true

my main one:

Miok dies and SB donates to MJ ... i think MJ will start liking SB little by little

and start appreciating a daughter like SB

secondary one:

Both of them die and Hosee and SB live happily together after:)


Don't worry itachixneji ...it was a lapse in HS's judgement because his mother is dying and its her wish.

The writers were trying to throw in some extra drama and use the whole "even though my mother has been evil she is still my parent and I have to try to aplease her since she is dying and fulfill her wish ploy"

...which of course doesn't work with us because the writers made MJ too evil that nobody can really feel all that sorry for her.

forgot to thank you for telling me :)

now im happy i really think Hosee and Saebyuk meant for eachother

never want them to break up :)

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i also agree that sb has never mentioned any illness but why did she get so many nose bleeds? when mj started getting them everyone started to worry about her and it turned out she was dying. how many times did someone see sb nose bleed and said nothing..

I know she isn't sick but if she were to give bone marrow to both mothers she would become ill, and if she didn't tell anyone she would die happily knowing she saved both mothers and was finally accepted by MJ, it would be sad and a little out there but the writers of this show are really draggin this out and the ending solutions just don't add up to a quick resolution. Actually the sickness is too convienient and would ruin it for me since almost every drama pulls the sick card to make everything right. that would be so un-original

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Totally agree. They never really mentioned that she was ill. Then again with this drama anything weird can happen now.

yeah i know tell me about it the writer stories is everywhere and its as weird as she was probably pregnant and died from giving birth.. hahah now that would be weird since we never actually seen them kiss.

If this drama is going to end with or without MJ's request for forgiveness in the last episode(s), then I can think of this drama as the most weird, meaningless, and stupid story I have ever read/seen. If so, then what would be this drama's message to its viewers!? Live your life and be pleased to destroy others' lives!?

i was just about to add that.. like yeah its ok to treat people like that. and even till your last breath treat everyone around you like crap is fine

i also agree that sb has never mentioned any illness but why did she get so many nose bleeds? when mj started getting them everyone started to worry about her and it turned out she was dying. how many times did someone see sb nose bleed and said nothing..

i know she gets nose bleed when she is stressed or really tired.... oh my gosh dont tell me she to has cancer too...

hahah new conclusion.... all 3 dies......

ok this is 2 of my predictions i really think they are gonna come true

my main one:

Miok dies and SB donates to MJ ... i think MJ will start liking SB little by little

and start appreciating a daughter like SB

secondary one:

Both of them die and Hosee and SB live happily together after:)

forgot to thank you for telling me :)

now im happy i really think Hosee and Saebyuk meant for eachother

never want them to break up :)

i like the second one... if they are both gone it will be a new start..

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translaters: Taoofnothing, Every2toy, 46527eu4, & Usernamenave. Thank you all^.^

EP 165

Translations [Credit to taoofnothing] EP 165 part 1 & 2

MO listens to HS phone: HS your Mom has fallen unconscious. [HS: Let’s go] SB: Shouldn’t we cal MIL and say goodbye? You didn’t get a chance to say good bye to her earlier. [HS: We should shouldn’t we?] MO: No, no, if you call all she is going to tell you not to go, so we should get to the plane. Let’s go.

CB: He’s still unreachable? [YR: Yes, his cell is turned off. What are we going to do if the plane has taken off? Mom…]

HS to MO: Who’s going to meet us at the airport when we arrive? [sB: Ma’am!] MO: Oh, what? Mr. K (HS) received a phone call earlier and it was his father looking for him. [HS: My father?] MO: Your mother fell unconscious. [HS: What? What are you talking about? My mother fell unconscious?] SB: Why are you just NOW telling us? [FA to SB: I’m sorry we are about to take off; please turn off your cell phone.] HS: I’m sorry, I have to go and see my mother and we’ll have to do this later. [MO to SB: SJ you’re going too? You can’t leave. What about our trip to the US?] SB: At a time like this you’re worried about our trip? [FA on PA: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are ready for takeoff…] HS to FA: Excuse me, I have an urgent matter and need to get off the plane. [FA: I’m sorry sir, we’re ready for takeoff, and so you can’t get off. Please return to your seat.]

YS: I guess a person leaves their mark on the places they go, but I’m still missing her. What’s this? Oh no, MO left this behind! What’s this? [GM: DIL! DIL! This was left by my door! Look!] DJ: Honey, where did this watch come from? [TP: Mom, Mom, thank you very much! How did you I really wanted a computer?] YS: A Computer? Did MO do this? (Reads letter: Sister, I am leaving having had a great time thanks to your generosity. Thank you for accepting and loving my SJ so I am very grateful for that. Before I die, I will repay you for your kindness. Also, all the gifts are a token of my appreciation for the family, so please accept them.) YSK: What’s she talking about? [DJ: What? Let me see.] GM: What does the letter say? [DJ: She says its gifts for the family.] GM: DIL let me see what you got. Wow! You got the jack pot! She really gave all that to you? [DJ: This is a very expensive watch too. She gave us too much.] YSK: Don’t you think MO is being hasty? She acts like we returned SB to her and she’s going to live with her permanently.

SY: Hey BYH, tell me the truth why did SK have your saving book? Get up and tell me! [YH: Stop it Mom! Can’t you see that I’m hurting too?] SY: Did he ask you for money too? Did he? [YH: I told you several times I gave it to him! I GAVE it to him! I got sick and tired of seeing him scraping around for money, so I gave it to him!] TY: SY… [sY: Why would you give it to him? Why?] YH: Because I felt sorry for him. I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to give it to him either, but I really felt sorry for him. [sY: What?] YH: I know I shouldn’t have; and I’m sorry for teacher as well, because he treats me so well, but every time I think of my father, I would tear up and now that we’re united and you’re pregnant and have a happy life, I felt guilty. To realize he almost froze to death waiting for me…

SK: Yes, it’s 250 right? Yes, I can lift, I’m healthy. Okay, great see you tomorrow… Ow, it hurts, it hurts! [MOB #1: You think you’re playing us? We don’t want installments now we want it in full! Hey get the document and get his stamp.] SK: No, I can’t, I won’t! Wait, stop, stop! I will repay you, this time it’s for real! I will repay you! Starting next week, I have a real job and every paycheck I get; you’ll get the full amount. Promise. Look at the ad! [Mob#1: Fine. I’m going to call your work place and tell them I get your pay for unsettled debts!] SK: Why don’t they talk to me instead of using their fists?

SK: Hello? What? You have more to say? [TY: Meet me later tonight. I want to talk to you.] SK: Tell me on the phone… I don’t want to see you. [TY: Don’t’ be like that. There’s a restaurant called Athena near you. Meet me there at 6pm.] SK: Hello, hello, TY! What now? Meet at a restaurant? What does he want now?

MO: SJ, SJ! [sB: Why keep it from us that my MIL fell unconscious?] HS: SB! (SB enters cab) [MO: SJ, SJ, SJ!]

Doctor’s Office

DR: (Something about the condition and needing to run more tests to confirm the right transplants… sorry my medical Korean isn’t very good)

HS: Dr, Dad, what’s going on?

CB: We found out when your mother had the car accident and had tests done.

DR: First we need to get her back here to get transplants started right away.

HS: If she receives the transplants, then she’ll be alright?

DR: Well, we’ll have to see. If we can get the right match/donor…

HS: I’ll do it. I’ll donate to my Mom.

CB: Because kids are a 50/50 split from their parents, they only have a 5% success rate. So he doesn’t think it’ll help.

HS: But we have to try! 5% is 5%, let me try! I’ll give my life to save my Mom.

MJ’s Hosp. Room

SB: HS you shouldn’t have told her you were going to the US too, then she wouldn’t have fainted. I feel like it’s all my fault. I couldn’t change her mind about me.

HS: Mother, mother! Can you hear me?


MJ: You, you…

HS: It’s me, can you see me?

MJ: You’re a bad son!

HS: Mother, don’t be this way, lay back down.

MJ: Go, get out! Get out now! Go! Go! Go be with her, the love of your life. Go live on your own and see how well you do! I don’t need a son like you. I won’t stop you.

SB: MIL, I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I’m always falling short of your expectations.

MJ: Get out both of you! I don’t want to see you!

HS: Mother, I’m sorry, I really am. Please forgive me.

MJ: Let go of me!

HS: Mother, it’s entirely my fault.

YR: Brother! What are you doing here? Are you purposely trying to upset my Mom? Get out! Get out!

YS remembers: We’re not sure but he must have had a bad experience as he doesn’t talk to women. So please have patience with him. I’m going to give him all the love he deserves!

DG: We’re here!

YS: Welcome BD! I knew you were coming so I made a Welcoming Party for you! Tah dah!

(BD and DG playing)

YSK: Shoot me too! I want to be shot too!

DG: Since she’s dead, let’s play hide and seek.

YSK: I’m looking for you! When I find you, I’m going to steal you away!

SUB: I’m back from work. (looks at her bed) What’s that? Who are you? What are you doing here? Mom! Dad!

DG: Are you okay? This is your sister. SUB say hi.

SUB: Hi? I was scared! What’s he doing here?

YSK: Well…

DG: BD got scared… it’s okay, don’t cry. We’ll get acquainted later. It’s okay.

SUB: Mom!

YSK: I know we should have told you first, but we decided to foster him. When I lost your brother, I was left with a hole in my heart and I wanted to fill it.

SUB: But still you should have told me first. He’s a new family member.

YSK: Well, I’m telling you now… SUB, it’s okay right? You forgive me? I think it’s a sign… his name is also KBD.

Part 3 and 4 are not translated yet...sorry

EP 166

Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 166

HS: SB, I have to break up with you, sorry.

SB: I don't understand, HS, what did you just say? Did you say break up with me?

HS: Because of you, mom is very tired and I don't have any confidence to continue on with you.

SB: HS. [HS. It’s cold, go home, I'll contact you later.]

YR: Why your temperature doesn't go down? Mom, do you have pain anywhere?

MJ: HS? Where is HS? [YR: I'll call him immediately. Wait, mom.]

(Outside the hallway)

SB: HS, tell me clearly, you said break up, what's the meaning of that?

HS: Just like what I've said, wish that we don't see each other. Don't show up in the hospital anymore.

SB: Fine, I won't come to the hospital. Mom is not happy to see me; I temporary will not show up. But you said, we can't see each other, you have no confidence to be with me together. What does that really mean? You spoke these words casually without taking serious thoughts, tell me. Does this mean you and I are getting a divorce? Is that it? HS

HS: SB, in reality mom is... [sB: SIL]

YR: Mom is looking for you Oppa, hurry go in.

HS: You go home first, I go see my mom. [sB: HS.]

HS: Mom, are you ok? Hurt anywhere?

MJ: I don't know what happens to me? Am I sick anywhere?

YR: Mom, don't say that. If you are sick, Dr. Kim would have told you already.

HS: Mom, I need to go back to work, I'll come right back later. Since I cancelled the US trip, there are works to do at the office. YR, take care of mom.

YR: Mom, Oppa told SB SIL, he's going to divorce her.

MJ: What? [YR: I over-heard their conversation, they were fighting earlier outside. SB looks real pathetic, like the sky has crashed on her, stunned.

MJ: Give me the phone. (Makes a call) Mr. Kim, it's me. I need you to do an errand, get some document draw up, immediately prepare a divorce application for HS. [YR: Mom]

TP: mom, GM, hurry up. We'll be late. [GM: We're coming] TY: Dad, you are going too?

DJ: Yes, we have deliveries this morning. [TP Yea, we're making big money]

SY: Mom, can we go to the marker together? We need a Christmas party too.

YSK: I'm going to visit inlaw madam after work; you go to the market yourself.

(Everyone leaves the house) TY: It's really cold. (SB comes back)

SB: He wants to break up, wants a divorce, No, no way I can't believe that. (Makes a call) HS, where are you, can we talk? I'll go to the office now.

TY: Odor! SY, take that squid away

SY: Didn’t you hear, it's so good, the smell can wake a person up, try some, it's really tasty.

TY: Take it away, I'm sick smelling it. What's that?

SY: Here, it's a New Year card. I've decided no matter what, you will become a professor, I'll work at it real hard to make your dreams come true.

TY: SY... (can't stand the smell of squid) but, what does the card has to do with being a professor?

SY: I'm trying to stagger up public relations with these people. Here are the list of names and addresses of your seniors and college professors. I'll send them new year greeting cards. (phone rings) YH, what is it?

YH: Mom, hurry, something's up, hurry come here. [sY: YH, YH.]TY: What is it?

SY: Don't know, don't tell me that SK is back again. [TY: What?]

TY: YH, PYH. [sY: The living room is dark, what happened? YH?] TY: YH

YH: Mom, congratulation to your pregnancy, teacher, congrats too. Lately, I've done things to hurt you because of my dad. So, here to show off my terrible baking skill.

TY: How come there are five candles.

YR: There are teacher, mom, gm, me and the baby brother in mom's tummy. GM is on her back from the shop. Teacher and mom. Merry Christmas. (All three blow the candles.)

HS: Patient's over-all health condition is essential to receiving Chemotherapy...

(Doctor: Prepare your mom psychologically for treatments; she's scheduled to start chemo this coming weekend.) (SB enters)

SB: There is absolutely no way I can accept your conduct, I think about this over and backwards, you can't do this. Even if you wanted to push me down the cliff, there is a limit, how could you suddenly ask me to break up with you, how could you do this?


SB: Mom is sick and I realize you have a soft-spot for her. Your mom hates me and you're being sandwiched between, making life difficult for you, I fully understand. But for that reason you say to divorce me? (HS's phone rings)

HS: Hi, auntie, you've heard the news? Yes, they said because you are sisters, finding a bone-marrow match success rate is very high, can you go get checked tomorrow at once? Thank you.

SB: HS, what are you saying? Mom needs bone-marrow transplant.

HS: Mom has an acute leukemia. She said her last wish is to have you and I divorced. Sorry! Very sorry to you SB.

MO: SB is not home, why are you looking for her?

Mr. Kim: Lohas madam asked me to deliver this to her DIL, goodbye.

MO: Something from Lohas madam? What is it? What? Divorce agreement application?

(SB walks in.)SB to self: Ridiculous! How can mom do that? How can she?

MO: SJ, what is this? This is delivered here; you two are getting a divorce? [sB: What?]

MO: This is a divorce agreement application, what is going on between you two?

(SB flashes back on what HS said earlier: Mom has acute leukemia, her last wish is for me to separate from you. Sorry, sorry to you SB.)

(MO enters the room) MO: At last you've been thrown out? Is this the way that family gets rid of you?

SB: Sorry, I would like to be by myself, please go out.

MO: Ohh, you are confused or what? Do you know this is only a show? Deviously shake her son and force him to divorce you? I'm going to hold her to this, absolutely won't let her get off easily.

SB: Getting a divorce or being thrown out, it is my business. I don't need you to interfere; I'll take care of my own business. Please get out!

MO: SJ. [sB: I beg you]

MO: All of you in Lohas, I'm going to squeeze and hold you responsible for this one. Won't let go of you! That MJ woman forces my SJ to divorce, that HS controlled by his mom made my daughter grieved, I'll go after you guys with an vengeance (Phone rings) Ray, sorry I've to delay the US trip. What? Aqua construction is in the verge of filing bankruptcy? Is this true? Oh, goodness sake alive, this is going to be a big blow to Lohas, Ray, Lohas will dump their stocks, grab all, I mean ALL outstanding available shares in the market, buy them all for me. Yes, I know, today there is a Lohas share-holders meeting. Yes, I will be there, it was my originally plan to be there anyway. I know.

SUB comes in the office and announces bad news. Aqua just filed for bankruptcy.

CB: What? Aqua bankrupted.

HS: Yes, they ran out of all available cash, and filed bankruptcy.

CB: This is why I didn't get their down-payment checks. What about our imported materials?

HS: First we need to meet with the bank and ensure we have the funds first; I’ll postpone the transaction until next week.

CB: With this problem on hand, there are going to be alot of questions and suggestions in the share-holder's meeting today. I'll think of some strategies, first sell all the stocks under your name and get some cash.

YS: BD, time to eat, have some of this, KBD, if you don't listen to me I'll sell you to a wicked man. Don't do that, here have a spoonful of rice. (BD pushes YS's hand away) ok, up to you, if you don't eat this, I have ice cream and cakes in the kitchen, too bad the ice cream is melting... (BD runs to kitchen and tries to spoon out the ice cream) Oh, I caught you, here eat the rice first and then the ice cream. Come. (BD turns his head away) Come on, our BD is a nice boy.

BD: Our BD is a nice boy. [YS: Just eat one spoonful} BD: Just eat one spoonful. YS: Get up now.

BD: Get up now.... (BD is repeating sentence by sentence after YS and runs away.)

(BD refuses to eat and that irritates YS)YS: If you don't listen to me, a devil is coming to snatch the disobedient kids away and eat them up. (BD starts to cry; DG comes back and plays with BD)

(Everyone is enjoying the Christmas meal, but TY is having morning sickness as if he's pregnant. [how cute!])

(Phone rings) SY: Hello, this is KTY's cell phone, who is this? Yes, professor, a teaching professor position? Wait just one moment... wait... TY, TY, answer the phone, hurry, it's the professor.

TY: I can't answer the phone now.

SY: No, you need to answer, it's the professor telling you you're hired to be the teaching professor, hurry

(Phone drops to the toilet) SY: NO, NOT HAPPENING.

SB: No, I can't divorce! No way! Mom is on the verge fighting for life and death, how can I be a coward and run away. HS is in a state of shock; I can't ignore and pretend not seeing he's suffering with great sorrows.

MO to self: SJ, don't worry, mom is going to the share-holders meeting now, they have to pay a heavy price for the tears they inflicted on you.

(On the phone) SB: Mom, is SB, I'm going back to HS's home now, yes, don't worry. I'm going back as a wife and a DIL, yes, don't worry ok!

SB: How are you, madam, I'm back. [Lady: What?] SB: You know mom is not well, right? We'll try our best to make things work at a crucial time like this. The room is a bit dark, open up the drapes, you and I will clean-up the entire house, cook alot of green colors in the food we eat, you go and get ready. (Upstairs) SB to self: That's right, when hard time comes, it's the opportunity for couples to stick together and overcome divorce? What divorce?


YR: Oppa

HS: You left mom alone and came home? Do you have a brain? {YR: Don't worry, I came back to get some clean clothes, someone is looking after mom. You're the good obedient son, why did you dishonor mom because of SB? Why do you come home instead of the hospital?]

HS: I came back to change, let's go in.

YR: Oppa, what is actually wrong with mom? Her temperature never comes down.

SB: You're back. [HS:SB] YR: Why are you here? Why are you home? {HS: What's going on?]

SB: I came back from my parents home with my luggage.

YR: Are you crazy? My mom doesn't want to see you, why are you here? get out and leave. Oppa, didn't you say you'll divorce her, why is she here?

SB: No, SIL, I won't divorce. [YR: What?]

SB: When mom collapsed, I know part of the responsibility is mine, that's why I came back to take care of her when she's sick. After marriage with HS; I suddenly became a member of this family, whether you like or dislike me, I'm still a member, I can't ignore and pretend not knowing and take a quick way out.SIL I won't leave even if you chase me out. One thing tough, don’t tell mom this, keep it a secret. I'll be a quiet, giving, obedient DIL, won't show my face in front her and won't irritate her either. If you tell your mom about me, you know it would make her condition worst. You know that, right. (Upstairs) SB: Your mom delivered this to me, it's Divorce Agreement Petition. (tears up the form) If we are to get a divorce, now it's not the time. I'm still HS' wife, this family's DIL. As a wife and a DIL, I'll do what I'd need to do, and if divorce is inevitable, it would have to wait. [HS:SB}

SB: After I married, every time when I see you sleep by my side, the thought comes to me that among thousands of people, how does this man become my husband, we are destined to be a couple. HS, let us overcome mom's illness. Our love endures, not meant to be suffered by you alone, we bear this together. (HS hugs SB)

GM: You have a good heart, really. It's not long since your daughter's been abused and thrown out by her wicked MIL, yet you've double boiled this turtle soup for her. [YSK: She's sick, right? Her health is not getting any better since the auto accident and SB called and told me she's back to her MIL's house, maybe she's not mad at SB anymore.] GM: People say, those who have daughters are like sinners, trying to redeem everything for their daughters. Seeing how anxious you are, now I fully understand the meaning of that phrase. [YSK: Mom, it’s good to have a daughter, especially someone like SB, I can share deep things with her. Look at my two sons; they're careless and not attentive.]

MJ: So, this morning the divorce petition is delivered, what about Aqua Construction? [Mr. Kim: They invested $2,400.000.00 in a project and is unable to recover. They have filed the 1st bankruptcy proceeding.] MJ: What about our contractual down payment? [Mr. Kim: Their accounts have been frozen by the court, distributing funds is difficult.] MJ: We are stuck with further setbacks. Also I'm planning to attend the share-holders meeting today, I'm quite sure someone will use the failure of Aqua's project to attack our director. I, as the biggest share-holder of Lohas become the director's backbone to support him. Inform the directors to come up with a plan to unleash their stocks to generate cash. (Dr enters) [DR: How are you doing?] MJ: I need to check out today. I've things to do so I’m unable to stay here, I know my body, yesterday I temporary fainted due to stress, today I feel wonderful much better than before. [DR. No, that's not the case.]

YR to self: KSB, you think you're a superwoman, forces your way in. Do you think I'll accept you? If my mom wasn't sick, I'd already torn and ripped you apart in pieces [YSK: Did I hear right, is it the 8th floor? YR!] YR: How are you? [YSK: You must be busy now that you mom is sick. I cooked some nourishing food for inlaw madam. where is her room?] YR: Over there. [YSK: Do you eat your meal on time?] YR: Yes. [YSK: If so, why do you look so pale? Do you want me to cook your favorite dishes? If you don't want to come to my house, you can pick them up in my work place?] YR: Here, give me, let me carry this. This way please.

YR: Mom. [MJ: Dr. Kim allows me to go out for three hours. I'm not a seriously sick patient; I don't know why he's so critical though.] YSK: How are you? Inlaw madam. Heard that you collapsed and sent to the hospital, how is your body? Seems' like you're a bit weak, I cooked some turtle soup for you, if I'd known you are leaving today, I would've delivered to your house. [MJ: TP Mother, our children have very messy relationships, It is fortunate this is the way to end it.] YSK: What do you mean by that? [MJ: Seduced my son in order to elevate her social status, luckily it only takes a divorce agreement. One is divorcing the other, and the other agrees] YSK: What? [MJ: You don't know yet? Your daughter and our HS are getting a divorce.] YSK: What? How can it be possible? [MJ: Our HS himself asked SB for a divorce. As far as I know, the divorce petition was delivered. You really don't know about this?] YR: Mom [YSK: Inlaw madam, HS asked SB for a divorce? They are so much in love!] MJ: If you doubt my words, go ask your daughter directly. Also, here, there is no reason for me to accept this, you take it back. I'm busy. [YSK: Inlaw madam.] YR: Ms. Kim, are you ok?

CB: Why are you here? [MJ: Am I having a terminal disease? Even If I'm real sick, when my company is on the verge of serious crisis, you think I can sleep in a hospital bed?] CB: But your body is not able to keep up... [MJ: Concentrate on the meeting. From the moment CMO introduced Aqua Construction to us I had a bad feeling, are you beginning to wake up now? Remember, whatever criticism or attacks coming your way, you still have me behind you, don't forget that.] CB: Sorry and thank you. (CB reads a report "Share holders "stock on hand" changed list" . CMO - share holder.-originally owned 3,256,900 shares, after the change, added 5,937,400 shares, now the new stocks on hand are 9,194,300 shares.) CB: My, this CMO person. [MJ: What is it?] CB: When did this report come out? CMO becomes our stock holder? (MO walks in, and MJ's stunned and stands) [MJ: What are you doing in here?] MO: Looks like you don't know yet, I'm a stock holder of Lohas. [MJ: What are you saying?]


Episode 167 is posted here already...

EP 168

Translations [Credit to Every2toy] EP 168 part 1 only


MJ: Why? Do I have a disease or something?

HS: Yes, so you have to get treated. And you cannot leave this hospital. Mother, Mother, you have..... Blood Cancer

SB: HS, no

MJ: What?? Wow really want to lie to me to get me on your side? Nothing’s going to change by your lies

HS: No, Mother you are really sick

MJ: NO, I said I'm fine and How dare you shout at me in front of HER

HS: Mother

MJ: You ungrateful! How dare you lie to me!

YR: Mom

MJ: I'll ask Dr. Kim myself, I’ll ask him if I can die from blood cancer like you want

HS+SB: Mother

YR: Mom, what did you just say?? What disease???

HS+YR+SB: Mother

YR: What did you just say?

MJ: What lie, there is no way I have cancer

HS+YR: Mom

MJ: (To CB) Listen to this, HS lied to me that I have Blood Cancer.

CB: Honey....

MJ: Lies, you were all scheming together without me!

DK: Blood Cancer is not the most serious of cancers and you can be treated. We can completely let you live a normal life.

MJ: What are the chances of survival?

DK: If you want, we will do a retest. But...

MJ: Thank you for your time

HS: Mother

YR: Tell me everything and don't skim through it!

SB: Don't get so mad, MIL is more shocked right now and you have to calm down

YR: How do I calm down. Well I guess it's because she's not your real mom


YR: In the movies, only young people get that disease. Why mom?!

SB: Please calm down

YR: I can’t live without her! Mom! You don't have any disease right? right??

MJ: Take her out.


MJ: Calm down, stop being so loud, always act like a lady.

YR: MOM! What good is being a lady at a time like this!

MJ: Everyone leave

CB: Let’s leave

YR: I'm Sorry!! I'm sorry that I made you stressed!

MJ: No way, No way, there is no way that I have a disease

YR: This is the worst, I'm her only daughter! How could SB know but I don't. Hey SB! I bet you're happy and joyful that my mother is dying


CB: YR! Don't say such things

YR: This is your fault! this is because you prayed for her to die!

SB: YR, stop acting like this. You can hit, or hate me always but after MIL recovers. We have to be together as a family to help MIL

YR: How can you lie to my face and be such a good actress?

SB: YR, you should be there for her at a time like this and not be offending me. Let’s go now to see if we match blood types

YR: It's that serious???

HS: It was a sudden cancer so yes.

CB: You kids go ahead, I will check up on MJ

SB: Let's go YR

YR: Why you? You don't even belong in this family.

SB: No, I'm her daughter in law, and I'm still her daughter.

(Calls YSK)

SB: I can't right now, I will tell you later, just go to work.

MJ: Blood Cancer? No way, not me, I was very healthy until now.

CB: Honey, why are you...?

MJ: There is no way that I have Blood Cancer; I'm going to uncle's hospital.

(TP's house)

DJ: Don't worry so much, SB would have told us if it was serious.

YSK: ok

GM: YSK, what’s wrong?

YSK: I haven’t seen MO in a while now

DJ: It seems as she is out


Man1: (Handing over a paper that says Lohas Stock Selling Contract)

MO to self: I have to obtain Lohas if MJ will accept SB as her daughter

Man2: Please follow me

MO: I like your office

Man2: Thank you

MO: You realize that I asked to see you so I could buy your shares?

Translations [Credit to usernamenava] EP 168 part 2 to 4

Dr: Your white corpuscle test results are unstable, so you should get a more precise test. Did you not feel the symptoms until now?[CB: Honey.]MJ: Fine, one more place, I will check (about her disease) at one more place.

HS: SB, the shot didn't hurt for you too, right? [sB: Yeah, I wish one of us has the matching bone marrow.] HS: I asked uncles and aunts(mom's side) to take a blood test, so soon we will get a call from them about the results.[sB: HS, you have to go back to work right? YR and I will shop for groceries to make healthy foods for mom, so you go back to work after meeting her.]YR: Shop for groceries with me? Ok, I will keep my mother alive, let's go, I will do everything, so let's go.

YR: Why did you buy the eels? [sB: When mother goes into treatment of clause cancer, we have to keep her body fit/healthy. She has to eat foods that are full of protein like eels and bone soup and pumpkin porridge is good for leukemia patients.] YR: oh, I see. [sB: The vegetables have to be organic and raw foods like raw milk are never okay, so you have to be careful too, alright?] YR: oooh, how did you study all that? It's cool. Then are we done? [sB: Wait, we're missing one thing, where do they sell that... Oh! there it is!] YR: Hey wait for me! [sB: Can you give us some loaches, fresh ones please. When you make loach soup out of these, how do you first handle them?] MERCHANT: Ahh, first, you put some salt on them, and wait till they die, and then wash them with flour. [YR: You’re gonna buy this? Our house maid is on vacation, so she's not home today.] SB: We can do it. Here take this (YR drops the loaches.) [sB + YR: Aaaahhhh!!!!!!] SB: What are you doing just sitting there, pick them up!!! [To people walking by]: Please don't step on them. (To YR): Come on... pick them up! [YR: That's disgusting!!!] SB: What's disgusting about this?! This is all for mother's health [YR: Aaaahhhh!!!] SB: Quickly, pick them up.

TY: You know, I could wear what we already have, you didn't have to go to the laundry place to borrow all this [sY: These days, fashion is a strategy, to make you look good all THIS is very important. This looks the best, let's go with this one. Oh, this (bow tie) will make you look like you have independence and your own colors.] TY: Isn't this kind of... [sY: Aigoo, standing out will give you more chance to look good. So, tie this on and get ready ok?] TY: I will show my capability.... urggg!!! [sY: Oh! TY! are you okay? are you okay?] TY: Yeah, I’m fine. You trust the man TY right? This time, I will certainly become a professor, so you just wait and see. Our baby, baby you trust dad too, right?

SY: Our baby says he trusts you.

Woman (who lives downstairs enters the house): Is it you, is it you that was running around? You little kid, all day long bang, bang, bang. Because of you, the people living downstairs were so frustrated. Isn't there an adult? Bring your mom out. You little, don't look at me with those eyes while an adult is talking to you!! Can't you answer!!! (in the bathroom) YS: HBS (YS nick name) has gotten old. It's so different since I took care of SUB. I'm living for BD. (Hears BD crying) What the!!! BD! BD!! (runs out)

Woman: Omo, why are you crying? What did I do? I just told you to promise not to run around again... now stop crying. [YS: Why are you crying, our BD!!! huh? It's okay, it's okay. Oh, it's downstairs, What are you doing here... (to BD): Don't cry, Don't cry.] Woman: Recently, I thought that this house was a construction site, are you guys hammering down a picket or something?! All day long, bang, bang, bang!! Now I see, it's this little kid. [YS: So that's why you made our child cry? Ma'am, I'm sorry for the noise, but how can you make a little kid cry?!] Woman: Ha!, I can't believe this, Who made who cry? I just told him to be quiet, but he doesn't even say sorry and just stares at me. What kind of kid is this? [YS: "What kind of kid is this"? You scared him so much that... omo, our BD is gonna be hurt inside?! Ahjumma, bad, bad Ahjumma!] (hitting women's hand to show BD) Woman: Ha! Ahjumma! How do you educate your child so tha... [YS: Okay fine! I will educate my child, so If he gets punished, it's gonna be by me! You don't know what kind of kid he is and you just yell at him!] Woman: Ha!!!(leaves house) [YS: It's okay BD, I will protect you okay? I won't let anyone mess with you. Okay?] BD: Okaaaay (cutely) [YS: omona! did our BD say "Okay" to me? Our BD said Okay to me. Do you want me to give you a piggy back ride? huh?? get on my back, our BD let's go this way! now let's go this way! (sees that BD has drawn on the wall)l: ah... our BD... just like SUB, you even draw well!]

(in YS’s room)YS: He looks like an angel, with his eyes closed like that. How did they (BD's real parents) hurt you and then abandon you. [DG: (enters room) Honey!!] YS: SHHHHH!!! our BD is sleeping. He's sleeping, can't you take your coat off outside?! [DG: Okay, Okay. Aren't you being too cold to me these days? You just abandon me, and stay with him like he's a piece of precious gold?! I'm disappointed. If you keep going like this, fine I will, fine.] YS: Aigoo, how can you be jealous of a little kid. Are you fighting with the kid with me in the middle!

SY: Mother, Grandmother, you're home. I turned on the boiler ahead of time so your room floor will be warm. [GM: Aigoo, good job. I was disturbed by the fact that I had to put my behind on the cold floor after walking the cold road, how understanding, you're the best!] YSK: did MO come home yet? [sY: Yes, she came in a while ago.]

MO: (on the phone talking to her husband) If you really work hard to undertake all the stocks of Lohas, it being seized is a matter of time. I will help with the funds. I will sell all my artwork. All of them. Don't worry about me; I go to the hospital at Korea. [YSK: (knocks) Can I come in?] MO: Ray, I will call you again. (hangs up phone) Yes, Come in unni [YSK: I don't see you often recently, and you keep skipping breakfast. And your face is pale, are you sick?] MO: No, oh, and can you give this to SJ [YSK: What is it?] MO: A Christmas gift, I couldn't give it to her yesterday. When our SJ was young, we were so poor, that every Christmas, I had to lie to her that Santa was sick so he couldn't come... Now, for the first and last time, I want to care for her. [YSK: "first and last time"?] MO: N..No (quickly changes the subject). Anyways, don't tell her that it's from me. If you tell her that it's from me, I'm sure she will get rid of it. Okay? [YSK: Should I set up a place? So just you and SB could spend some time with each other and become closer, and you could give the present to her then.] MO: Really?!

(YSK calls SB) SB: Yes mom. [YSK: SB, do you have time today?] SB: Ah, I'm sorry; I worried the house and didn't go for a while. I'll go at dinnertime. [YSK: No, don't come home, why don't we meet outside, it's been a while since we did. Okay, I will call you again to tell you the place and time. Okay.] MO: Thank you so much unni! What kind of foods does SB like? What will our SJ wear, It would look good if mother and daughter dressed up similarly [YSK: Are you that happy? Tell me the time and meeting place later alright?]

(SY is eating the nuts she was drying and YSK sees her.)

YSK: How did you guys change who gets the morning sickness? Well, it’s much better to eat what you want and get a good baby than not eat. [sY: I keep eating, but our baby can't get enough (YSK goes inside) Ahh Baby, I don't know if your father did well at his interview. (TY comes inside the house looking disappointed) Oh TY you’re here! How did it go, did you do well?] TY: Well.... Uuuuuahhhhgg! - It went like that [sY: Huh?] TY: One word after another, I made the morning sickness sound. [sY: TY...] TY: I really wanted to do well, I was determined to become a professor so I could let you brag about being the wife of a professor... (starts to cry) [sY: Why are you crying? you can do well next time? you will do better next time.] (they hug and MO sees them) MO to self: what is this, the eldest son wasn't a professor??

MO: I didn't want to eavesdrop on your conversation, but I heard, uh... you weren't a professor? [TY: Uh about that...] MO: Ahh, so it was like that... Well since you guys are not telling the family, I guess there is a good reason. [sY: Well, our TY isn't a professor at this moment, but he isn't that different from one, and it's a matter of time, so in a little bit...] MO: That's fine, I don't have to hear an explanation from you... and if you two are okay with it, I know a university/college; do you want me to introduce them to TY? [TY+SY: REALLY!!!] MO: But of course TY has to take his interview and open classes to show his capabilities, but I'm saying that I will help you get a chance. [TY: We would be very thankful if you did that. TY + SY: Thank you!] MO: Aaeee~ no problem. Oh, and you should have more sense on what you wear. Next time you should wear a more minimal style. This is really not it (referring to bow tie).

SY: (As soon as MO goes out), Ha! What's wrong with this! It looks very stylish.

SB: (handing YR a jar) Don't ever say that I made it, alright? [YR: Okay, I'm not stupid you know, I can lie about that. Where are you going?] SB: To meet my mom for a little while, and learn how to make more healthy foods. Well, call me if anything goes wrong. [YR to self: She is working hard to be a good daughter in law]

TP: (sees YR and stops car beside her) Hey KYR, where are you going [YR: Ha! do you know me?] TP: (drives the car in front of YR) Hey, are you mad because I yelled at you a little last time. Aaeee, the world knows that KYR has an understanding and forgiving heart. [YR: You're right, I have a very kind heart, so I'm never gonna forget how you got angry at me.] TP: Where are you going, I'll drive you there, It's cold, get in… Get in!

TP: It seems that your mom's after symptoms of the accident must be lasting a long time, she's still in the hospital. (YR shows sad face, looks out the window) TP: Don't worry too much, she is a immortal person that would survive even if a nuclear bomb dropped and the Earth collided with another planet. Ha, ha, immorality, that goes perfect with your mom's image. What's wrong with your face, are you on a diet again, hey... these days, men don't like women who are too skinny. [YR: I'm not going to ask you to go out with me, so don't worry!] TP: What is that anyway? (referring to jar YR's holding) [YR: SB made it for mother. She hates SB so much, so I'm delivering to her instead.] TP: (Sighs) Your mom is so vicious. Only SB could take so much. Tell her to be a little more kind, if she keeps on going like that, she is going to be punished [YR: What did you just say, why would our mom get punished! Are you saying that you were waiting for that to happen or something?!] TP: Well I wasn't trying to... [YR: Are you gonna continue to talk badly about my mom?! If you are, stop the car. I'm gonna get off, so stop the car!] TP: (stops car) Hey... I'm sorry, I didn't mean... [YR: I was barely holding it in... bastard, you made me cry... mom... mom...] TP: Why are you crying... (takes tissue and wipes off YR's tears) Is your mom in a bad state right now? [YR: Oppa, What am I going to do about poor mom... what am I going to do... My mom, she has leukemia.] TP: What!? L-Lu-Leukemia!?

MJ: (to self) I have to live... Even if the chances of survival are low, I will increase the chances myself...

(HS and CB enters) HS: Mother, I will stand by your side and protect you, so cheer up.

MJ: I should, clause cancer or whatever, I will resist them all. HS, don't hope that you can get over your relations with SB because I'm sick, alright?

HS: .....

MJ: You don't have to stay here all day, see to your job. The company is as important as my life. I will never get it taken away by CMO or anyone else.

CB: Honey.

MJ: go ahead to work.

CB: Okay, we will go outside, sleep, sleep well. HS and CB leave the room.

MJ: (Sigh) Why me? What did I do wrong? All my life I worked so hard for my children and husband. I even helped other people. It is a lie if I say that I lived my whole life doing good deeds, but I didn't live only doing bad things. Why me? What, what did I do?.. (she cries)

(MO is so excited about her date with SB, she is agonizing about what to wear, her jewelry, what bag to carry.)

MO: whew, it's my first date with SB I have to look good/pretty. I'm gonna be late.

SB: Why isn't anyone here? (calls YSK)

MO: SJ, are you here? Welcome.

SB: (hanging the phone up) Ahjumma…. why are you... What about my mom?

MO: Unni isn't coming. She set this place up for just you and me. Sit down.

(SB tries to leave restaurant)

MO: (stops SB) SJ, I borrowed this whole place to spend quality time with you. Think of mom's effort, what's so hard about eating a meal.

SB: Why do you keep saying that you’re my mother! Fine, if I eat dinner with you, are you going to go back to America? Then are you...

MO: Fine, I'll go back to America, only if you agree to spend all day with me. (puts hand up to make the mini orchestra to play their music).

SB: Aren't you gonna eat?

MO: Just seeing our SJ eat makes mom full. Your fingers are long, you have white skin and even body temperature, how are you an exact copy of me...? I guess this is why they say blood relations are scary.

SB: Can I ask you one thing?

MO: Yes, anything, ask anything, mom will tell you.

SB: My real father... where's his grave?

MO: Oh... next time, I will tell you everything later.

SB: You borrowed this whole place too?

MO: I didn't want to get bothered. Sit down, (takes SB's hand, and SB tries to pull back) Let's just stay like this for 2 hours. The movie's starting

YSK: [to self (the calendar says hospital x 3)] Why are there so many kinds of medicine...? What do you take this medicine for...?

TP: (outside) MOM!!!! MOM!!!!

YSK: What? Your mom's not gonna run away, why are you so excited.

DJ: What is it?

TP: There's a big problem. SB's mother in law........ she has leukemia.

PG: Huh???? TP, what are you talking about???? She's what, what disease??

SB: Hey, get up..... the movie's over. Ahjumma, Ahjumma, AHJUMMA!!!!!!


School starts tomorrow, Good Luck everyone in your studies^.^

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Annyung yurabun,

I've been a silence reader all thi while.....YAMD made my heart ache.....I really hope MJ will receive some punishment........not only simply die......

Thank you sweetheart0085 for all the translation done....

Nomu komawoyo.....

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Guest jethrel


Translaters: Taoofnothing, Every2toy, 46527eu4, & Usernamenave. Thank you all^.^

EP 165

Translations [Credit to taoofnothing] EP 165 part 1 & 2

EP 166

Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 166

EP 168

Translations [Credit to Every2toy] EP 168 part 1 only

School starts tomorrow, Good Luck everyone in your studies^.^

Thanks to all the translators for their time as well as sweetheart0085 for posting it here.

I'm still trying to finish up 1 episode to create a .srt file but it's taking ages! Some more my timing isn't that great.

:( :( :(

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Today's episode -

Miok went to talk to MJ at the hospital, I think she was telling MJ not to continue to hate and be an obstacle in Hose's marriage

MJ is not very pleased with what Miok had to say. but it got her thinking

Miok left MJ's room and left one of those "good luck, peace" thing on the door knob (I guess she wants something good to happen to MJ)

Miok told SB to go ahead and donate to MJ

The two women hugged....I don't understand their conversations, but I guess SB is telling Miok to stay healthy and wait (not sure for what, for 12 months or for another donor to come by)??

I was a bit shcoked that SB is willing to let Miok not receive the bone marrow transplant now.

SB told her family of the decision. Young sook was concerned and asked Miok is she is really ok.

MJ sneaked out of the hospital and went back home. She saw a lot of poster notes around the house. I think she is beginning to realise SB really cares for her. She also saw SB and Hose talking to each other. MJ was hiding behind the door, and she did not look angry finding the two of them together in the house.

MJ went back to the hospital. CB and Yuri told her she can get the transplant soon. MJ was happy, but she does not know it is from SB (I think).

TY received a letter of employment confirmation. Him and his wife jumping over joy.

SB finally went into the surgery room, everyone waiting outside.

Last scene, the nurse was treating MJ in the hospital room. Then MJ closed her eyes. Not sure if it has any significant meaning.

p.s. MJ did not died as the Friday's preview showed....it was her dream, that prompted her to sneak out and went back to the family house briefly.

Preview -

Looks like they are losing MJ (but I really think it was just a scare). On the other hand, Miok was rushing to the toilet, she is throwing up really bad. Soonbin's parents adopted the little boy I think.

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Today's episode -

Miok told SB to go ahead and donate to MJ

The two women hugged....I don't understand their conversations, but I guess SB is telling Miok to stay healthy and wait (not sure for what, for 12 months or for another donor to come by)??

I was a bit shcoked that SB is willing to let Miok not receive the bone marrow transplant now.

I don't know, from my perspective there is something morally wrong with this scenario.

What are the writers saying? It's more important to keep your sadistic mother-in-law alive than your own blood mother!? Even if the mother gives her permission to do so, that is one of those request that should be taken as "It's thoughtful enough that you said it ... but no! I CAN NOT do as you say"

So what is this all about? Is this to re-enforce old traditional ways of thinking that once a woman is married she is becomes a stranger to her biological family and the dutiful servant to her husband's family even to the points between life and death!

What a bunch of crap!

I hope no impressional young woman is watching this! :ph34r:

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Yes I too thought that was not right. In that particular scene, Miok called SB to come meet her at a football field. When SB arrived, Miok asked SB to race with her, to see who will get to the goal first. They started running and Miok won the race. After that, Miok gave SB that talk. I don't know what exactly she said. I imagine she was saying that her health is not too bad since she won the race...blah blah........I guess she just want to make thing easy for SB. But you can see SB listened well and did not argue at all. I am really disappointed....hope someone could translate this part and let us know their conversation at the football field.


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Guest ValleeDamour

Yes I too thought that was not right. In that particular scene, Miok called SB to come meet her at a football field. When SB arrived, Miok asked SB to race with her, to see who will get to the goal first. They started running and Miok won the race. After that, Miok gave SB that talk. I don't know what exactly she said. I imagine she was saying that her health is not too bad since she won the race...blah blah........I guess she just want to make thing easy for SB. But you can see SB listened well and did not argue at all. I am really disappointed....hope someone could translate this part and let us know their conversation at the football field.


It is just too ridiculous for SB to sacrifice herself to save devil queen MJ and not her own mother. I want to slap SB. Anyone, please help me.

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I don't know, from my perspective there is something morally wrong with this scenario.

What are the writers saying? It's more important to keep your sadistic mother-in-law alive than your own blood mother!? Even if the mother gives her permission to do so, that is one of those request that should be taken as "It's thoughtful enough that you said it ... but no! I CAN NOT do as you say"

So what is this all about? Is this to re-enforce old traditional ways of thinking that once a woman is married she is becomes a stranger to her biological family and the dutiful servant to her husband's family even to the points between life and death!

What a bunch of crap!

I hope no impressional young woman is watching this! :ph34r:

I don't think this show has any meaning (what meaning it had went out the window a long time ago...destroyed by the writers <_< )...it's just entertainment value at this point...really sadistic entertainment especially towards the end of this show with the main storyline.

Here's the YouKu Link for Ep. 174

(it's streaming really slow for me for some reason)

I thought of another possible plot twist. MJ still dies even though she gets the transplant because her body rejects the transplant. That way there can't be anything awkward between SB and the Kang family. She tried to save MJ but she couldn't. Another donor comes along and MiOk is saved :) I think that's a nice scenario.

I just knew MiOk would sacrifice herself for SB's sake. I guess what MiOk's thinking is that SB's happiness lies in HS. Since MiOk abandoned SB, SB has had to live a really hard life by herself with no family around to help her. Now SB has a family of her own (the Kim's and the Kang's). The Kang's side of course is pretty messed up because of MJ...that's why MiOk wants to try to set things right and get MJ to accept SB as her daughter-in-law...so SB can "live happily ever after".

Can anyone explain what SB said to CB and YR when HS brought her back to the hospital? I don't understand why SB doesn't tell YR about MiOk---it's a pretty legit excuse or does YR know about it since CB and HS know?

Thank you Simba3K for the YAMD wrap up party report!

I can't remember if these were posted or not :huh: If they were well, for those of you who missed it you can watch it and for those who already saw it you can watch it again.

Sang Sang Plus Season 2 Ep. 8 (052708) with English Subs

MCs: Tak Jae Hoon, Shin Jung Hwan, Lee Hyori, Solbi

Cast of YAMD:Lee Ji Hoon (TP), Yoona (SB), Sun Woo Yong Nyuh (HR), Gong Hyun Joo (SuBin)

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2KzYkS5ARI

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYCg_tpkmf4

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBhnQk3CtTI

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My5XTp1a_oQ

Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY5l0a9aQTk

Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxoDC19J1fY

This show was pretty funny. Sun Woo Yong Nyuh is a funny lady and a pretty car girl model back in the day. Hyori gave dating tips to Yoona and Solbi harassed her about Andy. Jihoon is jealous of 1 Night 2 Days variety show :lol:

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I don't know, from my perspective there is something morally wrong with this scenario.

What are the writers saying? It's more important to keep your sadistic mother-in-law alive than your own blood mother!? Even if the mother gives her permission to do so, that is one of those request that should be taken as "It's thoughtful enough that you said it ... but no! I CAN NOT do as you say"

So what is this all about? Is this to re-enforce old traditional ways of thinking that once a woman is married she is becomes a stranger to her biological family and the dutiful servant to her husband's family even to the points between life and death!

What a bunch of crap!

I hope no impressional young woman is watching this! :ph34r:

I agree, the writers have consistently showed the charaters on this show to be devoid of any morals and values. As much as I love my MIL if there is a choice between saving my "estranged" mothers life and her's, my mother would win hands down. This is just too unreal to be believed :tongue2:

They also have not convincingly shown any real remorse by SUB or YS towards SB. SUB turnerd around because she met another man, not because she felt bad about what she was doing to SB and YS turned around after being dumped by a man and finding out her daughter was dating someone of higher "status" than HS.

And don't even get me started on the whole TP/YR mess. MJ has never truly been remorseful towards the Kim family for what she put them through. Yet, this whole family with the exception of SY went to be tested to try and save this detestable human being. Are we expected to believe with 4 episodes to go that MJ is going to have this miraculous near-death experience that is going to completely change her life around and atone for all the evil she has done. I, for one, just don't see it and can't accept it.

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Guest kamsammi

It is just too ridiculous for SB to sacrifice herself to save devil queen MJ and not her own mother. I want to slap SB. Anyone, please help me.

What if the story ends like this: MJ realizes that Miok also needs help. Therefore, to compensate for all the wrong things she had done in the past and to die in peace, she convinces SB to help Miok rather than herself. So, MJ will die and probably Miok will die too after receiving the marrow. Too unrealistic/optimistic?

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^ dannyshin, you have to download the episode. Enter the code and you can save it on the computer.

And I just posted the YouKu streaming link check back on page 409 for my post.

You really should be a lot nicer to those who are taking the time to post links for everyone. At least watch how you type your requests.

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