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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest kanshu
haha...kanshu, i'm pretty sure this one's for real!!!!

if it isn't i'm gonna sue the news agencies for letting out false information!!!!

omg, i sooooo excited!!! i hope some kind soul who gets to watch it live can tell us all the actions! :D

Ah, yuta_rule... with news, it's the same like with statistics... "don't trust any reports you except those you forged by yourself". :sweatingbullets:

But I'm just as excited as you are. :D

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Question of the day (before episode 9 airs - let's see how good you are at guessing the plot!)!

Will Kim Bum Sang admit (to himself or to someone else) that he has feelings for Cho Hee?

would that be too soon for him to say or admit in this episode...?

oh-uh...it's starting, brb!! happy viewing!

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Guest kanshu
would that be too soon for him to say or admit in this episode...?

oh-uh...it's starting, brb!! happy viewing!

After those rain scene shots? Admitting it to himself should at least be within the range of possibility. :)

Lucky you, enjoy watching!

Everyone, keep your fingers crossed that the "chosen few" will find the right channel today and boost the ratings for WIAN! :)

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Guest kanshu
not sure... but doesn't that look like a dress on the shadowy figure??

TL Kang as a cross-dresser? :sweatingbullets::wacko:



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Guest jastinel

Episode 9 got everything.... romance, suspense...love the rain scene!

Love the new Cho Hee, her total change of image, from the wardrobe, hairdo.

Suna lose weight and she can wear anything that can make her look fantastic...can wait for episode 10

getting more exciting and interesting.

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Guest pmmonkey
:wacko: Addiction is bad... I wonder how I manage to sit through an hour looking at a black screen 90% of the time, with sound only every now and then. Be right back in an hour or so after you guys post up everything about this episode. Thanks in advance for all.
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Guest kanshu
Episode 9 got everything.... romance, suspense...love the rain scene!

Love the new Cho Hee, her total change of image, from the wardrobe, hairdo.

Suna lose weight and she can wear anything that can make her look fantastic...can wait for episode 10

getting more exciting and interesting.

So now we get to se Cho hee as she was initially supposed to be?

But I'm glad to hear that they finally found the right mixture... :lol: and please... what's the deal about the rain scene? :tears:

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Brief summary although I missed last four minutes and first 5

TL visits HCH while she is worried for KBS and calling out his name , TL hears that and looks dejected and tells her that KBS went to meet his friend.

KBS comes to visit HCH .

* HCH replies to TL when asked that will he be alone as his brother was not present that ' His boyfriend will stay as , this much should be done by him ' , later KBS asks ' what does she think of him' and then she replied that he just wanted to make TL more comfortable and KBS said that she is now using him.(don't remember fully)

HCH asks whether Jang CH left him alone and then KBS lied that he did not say much as the 'Artifact' has already been submitted to the museum.

* After KBS leaves she says to himself that ' she knows that KBS is having a hard time but as the 'Artifact 2' has *been found she is really happy.

* KBS was replaced by the 'idiot' Professor who advanced before him. They talk and there he said whether he has got into trouble with Jang CH as he is really acting against KBS while KBS mocks him saying that now you have got this work due to other reasons while the Prof says defensively that he is got the job on the basis of his skill.


* KBS helper tell him that Jang CH is acting against KBS (something like that) and he is not going to leave HCH also.

* KBS phones HCH and doesn't get a reply as HCH is not in her room where his phone is. He rushes to the hospital and finds her bed empty and then searches hastily for her in the hospital and find her coming in from outside and asks if she was ok and why didn't she reply to her phone and HCH said that JH came to meet her. He rushes her and takes him inside her room and says that she should be alert and to not go outside and to not answer unknown calls (KBS is really restless and worried) and HCH asks what is going on but he said that she should do waht he told her.

* KBS storms into Jang CH house and and asks him ' why is he doing this and that HCH has no relation in this case so he should leave her alone. Jang CH says that 'where are you arguing and it is a surprise that he is arguing because of a girl or whether he likes him (silence from KBS) and that even if she is not concerned then he does no like her as she visited him earlier. Ten KBS threatens him that he will also not leave Jang CH if he continues to act like this (disclose his crimes probably) and leaves.

Jang CH says to stop troubling KBS and that he is got a better way to deal with him.

* Rain Scene -- Later HCH calls her and KBS replies that he is coming. So HCH goes out with an umbrella as it is raining hard to meet KBS. KBS sees her from a distance but then HCH phones him and she asks him " where is he and is he still far away , he replies it will take some time (and then they talk some more) . He hangs up and and then he hugs her behind and HCH says what is he doing and KBS says that he wants her to stay like this for a while and that a lover could do this much . (after hug) HCH says that he is acting really strange today and asks him why did he act strangely before in the hospital (previous meeting) and he says it is nothing much and he leaves

While TL who was coming to meet her sees KBS hugging HCH and leaves surprised.

That look on KBS face is probably because he has been overwhelmed by the happenings of the day where he even threatened Jang CH and was really worried for HCH safety.

* HCH's brother asks her 'Artifact 2' was also stolen by their father and why she doesn't seem as happy like when she recovered the 'Artifact 1' and then HCH replied that he should not worry about her.

*HCH comes back to work and helps his teammates A and B also she hears that about KBS and then she says to him as this was the reason he was acting strange yesterday.

* KBS meets the Pres. and was giving him his resignation but the Pres. told him that he wanted to show him an item and that he is disappointed in KBS as he is resigning then KBS takes back the resignation and apologizes.

* KBS thinks it is strange that the Pres. did not asks for his resignation and he has a talk with HCH and she says that he is happy that he can continue working here and KBS replied that she has really changed a lot while she said that ' KBS has also changed a lot like .... ok he has not changed a bit.

(this scene shows that how softened HCH has ecome towards KBS and later when she was trying to overhear KBS and KSW talk she was worried about KBS.



In between KBS met with his friend , where his friend said that Jang CH is really doing too much and asked him why did he shout at Jang CH and he must have a valid reason for it and then KBS gets HCH call and goes to meet her.

JH visits HCH and says that she is sorry that she did not know about KBS and HCH relationship and that she is giving up KBS and that she wants that KBS to be happy, while HCH even says that they may break up later . HCH says that she now realizes that JH is really a nice person and that he envies her and KBS could get such a nice girl.

( By this scene it really seems that JH is totally a naive and clueless girl and she is really innocent.)

Later JH meets TL and told him that she met HCH and that he is she is giving up KBS while TL has a worried face and she says him not to worry about her as she is back to her original self and he leaves to meet HCH in the rain without an umbrella.


--------- Why was KSW worried and this par of episode involving him

KSW comes to museum where he is greeted by his team members who are really happy about 'Artifact 2' being sent to museum bu the unknown person . KSW meets the lady member incharge of the 'artifact 2' and she says that the item has been already been repaired by a very skilled person and only few in the country could do this. KSW asks whether a person of KBS caliber will be able to do so then she said that surely.

HE calls KBS but KBS at this time was worried about HCH so he said that he has got a really important work.

The chief tells KSW taht he heard that Jang CH had kept the 'Artifact 2'.

He later meets KBS and where he says that he wants to believe that KBS is on the good side and wher KBS replies that he cannot leave an item unrecoverd like a doctor cannot leave his patients (something on this line) while outside the door HCH was trying to overhear their conversation .


rest covered by ebrigid , sorry I wrote a lot in the summary and I hope others can get a fair picture of what happened in Today's episode .

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Guest jastinel
So now we get to se Cho hee as she was initially supposed to be?

But I'm glad to hear that they finally found the right mixture... :lol: and please... what's the deal about the rain scene? :tears:

It was touching for me...

CH went out to wait for KBS and she even called him, though I don`t understand what she said, I guess she told him that she went out in the rain to wait for him and KBS was there watching her and he walked towards her looking so happy that someone like CH cares for him and when he hug her, I felt as if he knew he is falling for CH already. It was so sweet to see this different approach in a romantic scene.

Thanks dirfree for the summary! I can get the idea of the story from it.

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You know, looking at them, I wonder if he really hugs her, or if that's just his wishful thinking again at seeing her standing there? Because she seems to not react to his presence at all! I mean, it could just be the sequencing, but... I don't know.

ARGGHHHH!!! It's driving me nuts! <-- Serious withdrawal symptoms

Yes, he really hugged her and she was actually waiting for him with that umbrella.

Wonder if she is beginning to fall for him???? And that hug is so so so sweet but I do

wonder what their conversation was. (Can someone please translate? Thanks)

Suna has put on some weight after her recovery. Perhaps it's the drugs or whatever

she had to take. Am now waiting for some translations and from you too, kanshu,

for the synopsis. Thanks in advance.

And dir free, thanks for the summary. That helps.

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Guest ebrigid

dirfree, you missed the last 5 minutes?

It's quite predictable. The last few minutes were about:

- KBS doing some "homework" at the police-station. He thought the TL Kang and his team would be on the chase for "robin hood", and wanted to be in on it, but they were not. And they dumped a bunch of paperwork on KBS for him to "help" them with.

- HCH calls (or was it KBS who called HCH?) while KBS is still doing his "homework".

- HCH asks if KBS has eaten, he says not...Eventually they decide to go out to eat together (!) KBS tells her to wait for him at the museum.

- While packing up his work, KBS notices something amongst the stack of papers. KBS goes to a computer terminal that has been vacated by one of the police guys, and searches for HCH's father. He validates some numbers from his stack to the profile of HCH's father in the computer. (not sure what is validated here)

- HCH is waiting for KBS somewhere in the vicinity of the musuem. HCH is getting a little impatient as it's been some time

- KBS walks slowly to HCH, and tells her to listen to his words carefully.

- KBS breaks the news to her, "your father is alive".


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perfect! wish i knew what KBS said to hch..

sorry everyone...i was away...trying to find bigmail rigth now...

DL links goes so fast....:(

i don't know what's going on....but them bigmail/dl links goes fast....i can't catch one myself...

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Guest kanshu

Thank you dirfree and ebridgid for the summaries! :D

I shall be able to survive the trip home now.

It seems that things really were set into motion!

Thoughts (without having watched the episode, just based on the summary):

- HCH is using KBS against TL Kang, but it seems that she is also slowly falling for KBS at the same time

- The game's afoot between KBS and TL Kang... this could end really nasty, i.e. since the rest of the team will follow TL Kang rather than KBS.

- TL Kang... I get the feeling that, unless he get a really positive signal from HCH, he will keep his distance. Nevertheless, he'll feel protective towards her.

- KBS... the guy's a goner. Well, in any case, he seems to have lost his heart (and his common sense)... the "out of control" feelings seem to be back... which is never a good guarantee for survival when dealing with the bad guys. While standing up for HCHs sake was brave and sweet, he gave himself an opening the size of the Himalaya. Want to punish KBS? Simply do some really nasty stuff to HCH and force KBS to watch...

- Lady Wang... seems to be on her way of mending from fangirl-ism, though I fear the moment when she'll fall for TL Kang. :sweatingbullets:

Those who have watched the episode... do you think that they have finally found the right "mixture"?

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