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Guest coreana

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Guest kimbab_luvah

i think we should just not watch it to show the director we don't like the replacements...teehee...maybe i'm being stubborn :rolleyes: ....but I WANT YOON EUNHYE TO BE PRINCESS CHAEGYUNG!...teehee....plus i don think im soo jung can do the same cutsey as YEH can..teehee....from one of the posts above..it says the director thought their kissing scene (the one where joo jihoon is sticking his tongue in her mouth..lol) was awkard...teehee...WE WERE CRAZY

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Guest lualm

The kissing scene in the palace at episode 23 is not the most romantic for me because I find the street kiss more romantic but I think it is the most real kiss I've scene on a kdrama. Yes, it looks awkward because of the way they were positioned. If the kiss' purpose is to let the audience show how much CG and Shin hungers for each other then I think there is no problem but if the PD wants us to feel romantic after watching that kiss then we have a problem because that kiss was pure passion like everything they kept inside just exploded. It's like they want to rip each others clothes then and there but I don't think that was their purpose because the next scene should be the two of them in Shin's bed though CG lying on top of Shin made us think that something happened.

I can't really find the logic why he would hire another actress just because he thinks that the actors did not meet his expectations in this one scene. If he did not really like it he could have told his actors to do it again until it's perfect.

yeah...pd hwang could have asked them to repeat the kissing scene if he thought it wasnt good enough...until they get it right...i think jjh wouldnt just stick his tongue out without the instructions of the pd...and yeh wouldnt be so giving offering her mouth like that on her own volition. the whole scene was to showcase the passion between 2 lovers who have been under restraint to show their true emotions...

i think the article wasnt just translated accurately...since it is only logical to assume that pd hwang wouldnt express his dissatisfaction on jjh and yeh after the huge success of goong. he has made shin and chae geung a cult hit ...and their story afterall is what goong is really all about .

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Guest syMplicitY

I don't think the kissing scene is awkward...it's just the camera angle. If the PD have the camera moving instead of staying in one spot...that would be better.

And agree with all of you...if the PD didn't like the scene, then he should asked them to do over until he's satisfy. No point of making any comments about it since the series is over. And replacing an actress because she feels awkward in a kissing scene...that's ridiculous. There's a lot of actors/actresses who can't kiss...and y did they get to play a staring role??? We are talking about k-drama here! To me, and I think a lot of you will agree, that kiss in episode 23 is better than most kisses in k-drama. And for the first time doing it, I think they did a good job.

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i'm from manila, and GOONG is not yet shown here.. the network who got the rights said that it would be coming soon..

i love GOONG..

i love the kissing scene of Shin and Chaegyung in the middle of the street (episode 23)

i think it is most romantic scene of the whole series.. next to the beach scene..

i love those scenes.. i think i've played it like 10 times already...


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angeljocelyn1---> I'll add you at Friendster. That's so cool to have Goong background like that.

I don't think the kissing scene is that akward. The camera angle is kinda of akward for me.

ag aj--> I meant yesterday about Goong on Indosiar. Different day from my place than in Indonesia.

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Guest cannedfish

The PD dun have eyed...he's blind...hahaha

labelle..haha..u sounds funni..yesh i totally agree wif u..dat PD is cockeye..haha..he b-longs to e blind society..how can he criticise ji hoon oppa n eun hye unnie's acting? e long kiss in epi 23 looks okie to me..i prefer e street kiss more coz it looks more romantic..mayb it's bcoz of e angle..dat PD neber tot of changing e angle of e camera when he tot dey look awkward mehz? cant b wad..soo therefore he muz b BLIND!! ;)

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hey angeljocelyn :)

you're invading soompi too eh :P

its me jangirl from pex.

july 31? really?? im so excited to watch this dubbed in tagalog.

im seeing lots of filipinos invading soompi eh... :D

hahha! are u a filipino too? heheh!!

yea! im one of those invading soompi! just kidding! hehehe!!

I dnt think GOONG is gonna be shown by july31 in the phils..since til now there is still no trailer shown by the station! hehehE! :P

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Guest Aquafina

I don't really mind if they replace BOTH of the casts because I cannot bare to see Shin with another "Chae-gyung" or Chae-gyung with another "Shin.

Hopefully, they both will be back. I would be so mad if they are replaced, though.

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I don't think the kissing scene is awkward...it's just the camera angle. If the PD have the camera moving instead of staying in one spot...that would be better.

And agree with all of you...if the PD didn't like the scene, then he should asked them to do over until he's satisfy. No point of making any comments about it since the series is over. And replacing an actress because she feels awkward in a kissing scene...that's ridiculous. There's a lot of actors/actresses who can't kiss...and y did they get to play a staring role??? We are talking about k-drama here! To me, and I think a lot of you will agree, that kiss in episode 23 is better than most kisses in k-drama. And for the first time doing it, I think they did a good job.

i agree.... i dont find the epi23 kiss awckward. its one of the "best kiss" in kdramas that i've seen.

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Guest ★ rain-a-sky ★

I think the scene in ep. 23 was okay :/ not the best I've seen, but it's the passion and meaning that counts ;] and I really hope that they don't replace cg & shin with other actors & actresses, because that would be awkward and it just wouldn't be the same *___*

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Guest GoongLOVExx

So ISJ might get the rold of CG for season 2?

Hmm...I have mixed feelings about that. I LOVED ISJ in MISA, but I can't see her playing the perky, fun carefree rold of CG. I think she is better playing more serious roles. I really hope that everyone comes back for season 2, because it wouldn't be the same without the orginal cast. I would pronanly still watch it if the cast was replaced, but it would be soooo much better if the old cast returned.

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Guest 16candl3s

whaaat? that was awkward??? i dont think so! well the shot may have been a bit off but the chemistry was so intense. im not being biased but that was one of the best kiss ever in an Asian Drama. What can the PD expect? They were the one's who hired newbies... the acting of the cast may be a bit rusty but all of them improved towards the end.

Goong was based on the manhwa then the PD should be at least faithful to it and not modify the plot just to have a commercial hit. It'll be so hard for viewers to relate to the characters if they wouldnt be portrayed by the original cast, unless they would create new characters entirely different from CG and Shin.

One last thing, if the PD would keep the viewers in limbo, it may backlash to Goong 2. It may not even matter if YEH or JJH would be back or new casts will be introduce, viewers may loose interest in the long run...

well that was quite long...just wanna say my piece. :D Though not everything we ( Goong fans ) want would come true, i hope everything would turn out for the best. We should be all be thankful for having seen Goong 1...

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i'm so addicted to GOONG!!!!

please add me on the friendster account i already gave princesshours_14 an invite... my id is different from the one i use here in soompi though...

GOONG ROCKS!!!!!!! has the cast for season 2 been confirmed? any news on the cmeback of the Royal couple?? for me the royal couple is still JJH and YEH.. how about Kim Jung Hoon and Song Ji Hyo are they coming back?

16candl3s i love your goong blinkie!!!!

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Guest coyoyo

no way the PD want to replace YEH with ISJ in Goong 2.

So sad to hear about this news.... :(:( :(

I love YEH & JJH and hope to see them in Goong 2.. :rolleyes:

I hope the PD will reconsider for replace the cast member ... :wacko:

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Guest Galchi

i agree.... i dont find the epi23 kiss awckward. its one of the "best kiss" in kdramas that i've seen.

I find that kissing scene very original on the street in Episode 23.

It's so romantic and so sudden. I just find it very unique that they kissed in front of a lot of people on the street. I want to do that but maybe I might get apprehended :D

And I agree that if not both of them are not in the GOONG 2, its much better, than to see them with different actors.

Im So Jung playing Chaekyung, let's see if it will hit the viewers but I hope so because I also like that girl just that the role is already associated with Yoon Eunhye ;)

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Guest MiGkYo

the thing is dat Goong is a hit.... the PD is stupid if he replaces the casts becoz' "THE KISSING SCENE" is no good.... blah! it would be a turn-off for Goong2 if they replace the YEH+JJH espeically!!! :angry:

AHH... i dunno... time is flying and yet stiLL no news~ sigh~ <_<

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