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Guest clairdeluned

asdkghajhsg Telly those are such hot pics *drool* Him in the blue clothes....*dies* I like my men lean and slightly muscular :wub:

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Guest AznGrlz

say hello to telly's picture spammage =D

must find more kim jung hoon pictures soon! yul campers, don't betray me and jump to the shin side because of these pictures, moohahahaha =p

this one features joo ji hoon/shin, because i can't find any of kim jung hoon/yul, gahhh!!!



thank you so much for the pics! after looking at them, my mind only pops up one word *hot!* :faints/dies in happiness:

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Guest AznGrlz

less morbid :lol: lol that cracked me up.

kingdaddy the two-timing playa'? hahaahaha. us goongians come up with all sorts of creative nicknames for the characters every day and that's why i love this big cuddly goong family.

i doubt kingdaddy's ever going to get tired of mo-toot though. he's too blind to see the devil standing in front of him...*really disliking the king right now*

same here! i remember earlier someone mentioned that the king is a bit densed...i think its true!

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Guest Katrina

i was searching for JJH's pics with his back 'tatooed' with word... i think it's jeans add... too lazy to read backlog... too many of them... i'll go crazy :wacko:

and yeah... about the rumours.... i know maybe some of you are soo soo tired hearing this... but i think it's quite ridiculous... uhuhu~ i dont know... :mellow:

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say hello to telly's picture spammage =D

must find more kim jung hoon pictures soon! yul campers, don't betray me and jump to the shin side because of these pictures, moohahahaha =p

Well Telly, it's a bit hard to do when we have Shin with no shirt or semi-opened shirt pics staring at us. But I'm hanging on for poor Yul's sake.. Other Yul's campers, don't migrate!!! STAY!!

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Guest sour-chocolate

i'm with you on that! :ph34r: but it would be better if two-times-player kingdaddy decided he's taken enough of mo-toot and gives her a back-to-reality slap right infront of everyone...mwhahhahah :i'm evil: :P

* I have a question! is anyone viet in here? that wants to watch goong with viet subs...'cause i can show u where to go for eps 1-12*

:P I'm Vietnamese...but never watched Korean movie with Viet sub before...only by Viet dub or Eng sub...it would be weird for me to look at Vietnamese writing actually happen on the scene....Dont know why.... :lol: my mom would scold me if she knows I become a "banana" like that... :phew::sweatingbullets:

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Guest AznGrlz

:P I'm Vietnamese...but never watched Korean movie with Viet sub before...only by Viet dub or Eng sub...it would be weird for me to look at Vietnamese writing actually happen on the scene....Dont know why.... :lol: my mom would scold me if she knows I become a "banana" like that... :phew::sweatingbullets:

* off topic - hehe Xin Chao! same here...at first i wasn't used to reading viet for dramas, but u get used to it once you find out how cute it is :instead of anh, toi they call each other by anh/em: brings the feeling closer! hehe

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Guest vpower

i tried the viet soft subs but it came out a whole bunch of weird symbols. i would like to download with viet subs so i can brush up on the language. i dont want to forget but i think i am already starting to =(

whoa you guys have a dictionary?!?!?!?! so cool!!!

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Refer to the "GOONG" dictionary in the first post.

Jess aka Silent J, are u still working?? Is that boring music still playing on the com? hahahahaha... 45 minutes to go for me before flying home to my beloved Goong episodes.

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Guest makemyday

Refer to the "GOONG" dictionary in the first post.

thanks :)

i thought i looked through pretty much everything on the first post but i guess i didnt :)

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Guest AznGrlz

i tried the viet soft subs but it came out a whole bunch of weird symbols. i would like to download with viet subs so i can brush up on the language. i dont want to forget but i think i am already starting to =(

whoa you guys have a dictionary?!?!?!?! so cool!!!

hehe go to iuphimhan.com :register: and look for goong :cung dien: they have hard subs 1-12

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Guest sparkzy

eeeeek... i HATED the ending of episode 16 i hated it i hated it i hated it! gross.... depressing... what a letdown after 4 consecutive EXCELLENT episodes...

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Guest mocha_kitty

Is there any hint of what's going to happen in ep 17? CG opened the door for Shin and.... :excl: I was shouting at my computer at the last scene of ep 16.... :P

I saw the preview for it but still dying to know what happened in that scene.....

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Guest chubbyone

I don't want anyone to be gay or die. I want this to be a lighthearted drama with a happy ending. Well you can call me 'Alice from Wonderland'.

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Is there any hint of what's going to happen in ep 17? CG opened the door for Shin and.... :excl: I was shouting at my computer at the last scene of ep 16.... :P

I saw the preview for it but still dying to know what happened in that scene.....

You mean HR opened the door for Shin? I assumed you're talking about the dreading hotel scene? Before the long preview comes out, I can't make any guess what they have in store for us.. You know they like to create surprises for us Goongers..... mostly good ones :D

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Guest HomelessBird

i tried the viet soft subs but it came out a whole bunch of weird symbols. i would like to download with viet subs so i can brush up on the language. i dont want to forget but i think i am already starting to =(

whoa you guys have a dictionary?!?!?!?! so cool!!!

I know ! I have the same problem too ! That's why I just give up on the viet softsub ! I think there is a place that provides hardsub ! I can't remember where though !

Edited: azngrlz just beat me for the website , lol

To sour-chocolate: hahah, Thu, moi di hoc ve la len day roi ha? Sao dam bat chuoc vay ha? Lol J/k :P

To other Viets: Xin chao moi nguoi !

P.S: There is a Viet version of Goong Manhwa coming out ! I think by the end of this month by KimDong Publishing House ! I will get my friend to buy me the whole set once she goes back to VN ! :rolleyes:

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Oh oh, I SECOND the idea of having a Goong Dictionary for newbies who come to this thread and feel intimidated by this whole new LANGUAGE they are faced with!! *so dramatic, lol*

Any terms/goong slang you've heard of but not quite sure what it means? Ask away!


Camper: [noun] one who wholly support and camp in either the Shin Camp or the Yul Camp. (or both if you're greedy! hehee)

Goongian, Goong-Junkie, Goonger: [noun] people obsessed with goong.

Goongianism: [noun] a religion based on Goong teachings.

Ho-Toot or just Toot: [noun] A nickname for Hyorin. the 'Ho' derives from Saki whom once accidently used the word and 'Toot' coming from Liquidfir, censoring the word b****. Hence, put them together, u get Ho-Toot!

Ho-toot^2 or just Toot^2: [a FILTHY noun] A nickname for Yul's mom..

S.A.V.E with a silent J: [noun(s)] S.A.V.E with a silent J are 5 members who make it their mission to bash Min Hyorin and make sure she never messes with Shin and CG

S is Saki

A is Angeline

V is ValXD

E is Yesha, whos real name starts with an E


Silent J is Jess [Jun Ji] who really is never quiet..haha

Shinian: [noun] Faithful Shin followers.

Shipper: [noun] one whom roots for a certain relationship. E.g ChaeGyeong+Shin Shipper

Wednesdays & Thursdays: [noun] Goongian holy days.

Yulian: [noun] Loyal Yul followers.

This is our "GOONG" dictionary...I think it needs to be updated though, :lol: .

Audrey, yes I'm still at work...about two more hours before I get home, including my having to drive through HORRIBLE Seattle traffic. The "com" music is better since my friend changed it to Jazz...at least I'm more awake.

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