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Guest coreana

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I translated a rumoured ending from the chinese website..

but err i think it is lost in the midst of the pacing thread.

but the rumored ending was : The king dethrone shin and yul replaced him. and the ever greedy motoot, reuqested that the king step down from his position earlier because of his heath..

Then just as this was about to happen, Cg found a hole in alfred the bear. and found a letter hidden inside.. when she read the letter she rush to look for Shin's grandma and showed her the letter. Halmamama finally realize why her husband was so cold towards yul's mum and ordered her away from the palace. The big secret is yul and shin are brothers because the evil yul mum seduce shin's dad. why? because her husband cannot produce a child and she needs to secure her place as a crown princess. and apparent the late king found out about this after his son died or before i am not sure.

Then Halmamama, ordered yul's mum away from the palace, banishing her away.

But at this time shin didnt want to be the crown prince and he left the palace.

Yul propsoed to Cg but cg said she want to spend the rest of her life with Shin. Yul was devastated and decides to leave the country with his mum. cg found shin...

a year later, they baby boy was born


This is juz a rumored ending from the chinese web

mayb is the truth cos of the kind did see yul's mum sort of secretly right? Forget which esp and they are talking about something.

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tq rebby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

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Guest mocha_kitty

OMG! Just finished watching epi 15 &16 of Goong....the ending of 16 almost killed me! why shin? why???? :crazy: everything was going so well between CG and shin and now he's back to being cold...

but i think something is going on coz Shin's mom phone HR about something and she said 'yes'....

'm so curious now!!! :blink:

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Guest qtbeautygirl

I translated a rumoured ending from the chinese website..

but err i think it is lost in the midst of the pacing thread.

but the rumored ending was : The king dethrone shin and yul replaced him. and the ever greedy motoot, reuqested that the king step down from his position earlier because of his heath..

Then just as this was about to happen, Cg found a hole in alfred the bear. and found a letter hidden inside.. when she read the letter she rush to look for Shin's grandma and showed her the letter. Halmamama finally realize why her husband was so cold towards yul's mum and ordered her away from the palace. The big secret is yul and shin are brothers because the evil yul mum seduce shin's dad. why? because her husband cannot produce a child and she needs to secure her place as a crown princess. and apparent the late king found out about this after his son died or before i am not sure.

Then Halmamama, ordered yul's mum away from the palace, banishing her away.

But at this time shin didnt want to be the crown prince and he left the palace.

Yul propsoed to Cg but cg said she want to spend the rest of her life with Shin. Yul was devastated and decides to leave the country with his mum. cg found shin...

a year later, they baby boy was born


This is juz a rumored ending from the chinese web

This is a good one!! I think its really satisfying other than other dramas, that drags on the suffering then ends it in an abrupt happiness, it should be one of such satisfaction that givin that the love was redeemed and made known and became fruitfull!!!! YAY!!

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Guest starryeyedwonder

I just watched Eppy 15/16~~

ahh..i loved them.. well, except for near the ending of 16..

but i was so surprised (and happy) that Shin was showing so much feeling for CG. .. in the beginning .. i thought it was only going to be the hug from behind.. but then he let go of her, turned her around, and hugged her again....... gahhh.. that was so sweet XD

and of course, the bed scene.. oh my gah.. i thought i was gonna die, LOL.

ok..i felt A LITTLE bad for Yul at the one part when he asks her after she leaves, if she really doesnt see him and his pain, etc. I felt sad for him.. but then.. after i saw the previews... >_> he's getting evil.

and you know what? i dont really feel bad for hyorin. suicide, is already a bad idea.. but committing suicide to get attention??? thats plain stupid. and i hate her even more for it... -_-

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I'm not crazy about the rumored ending from that Chinese website either. I have enough trouble overlooking Yul and Shin as first cousins fighting over the same girl. If they turned out to be half-brothers, it would be,


*sirens go crazy as producers and writers frantically flee from my wrath*

Sorry Shin/CG campers, he's hot and she's really cute, but in terms of their acting, I think it's just satisfactory.

Agreed. I think that's why I inherently liked Yul better from the start. It wasn't the character (still isn't) so much as it was the technicalities of KJH's better acting. *nod nod*

But I think the elders blow the young'ins out of the water completely. Especially the Queen, she's awesome. She's got that stare. *wiggles fingers dramatically*

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Guest hsinyi069

Some new behind the scene pics..

wonder which epi are these... :blush:





credit to dolla from koreawind...

where are they going??? ^^

(ah.. is it gonna be like manga where shin accidently taking to video that he was gonna kiss CG?? hee hee)

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Guest sour-chocolate

I translated a rumoured ending from the chinese website..

but err i think it is lost in the midst of the pacing thread.

but the rumored ending was : The king dethrone shin and yul replaced him. and the ever greedy motoot, reuqested that the king step down from his position earlier because of his heath..

Then just as this was about to happen, Cg found a hole in alfred the bear. and found a letter hidden inside.. when she read the letter she rush to look for Shin's grandma and showed her the letter. Halmamama finally realize why her husband was so cold towards yul's mum and ordered her away from the palace. The big secret is yul and shin are brothers because the evil yul mum seduce shin's dad. why? because her husband cannot produce a child and she needs to secure her place as a crown princess. and apparent the late king found out about this after his son died or before i am not sure.

Then Halmamama, ordered yul's mum away from the palace, banishing her away.

But at this time shin didnt want to be the crown prince and he left the palace.

Yul propsoed to Cg but cg said she want to spend the rest of her life with Shin. Yul was devastated and decides to leave the country with his mum. cg found shin...

a year later, they baby boy was born


This is juz a rumored ending from the chinese web

I think this ending is not bad either....but if Yul leaves the country...how can he end up with KangHyun (is it correct spelling?!?!?!) ??!?!? :(

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Guest poonpoon

Last spot translation - Ep 15 (last scene at the pillar)

Cute Alfred bear!!

CG: Today's family photo taking session is a bit weird

CG: Instead of taking it with dad, mom and bro, I am taking it with other people (what other people? Shin is your husband CG~)

Shin: And so?

CG: Felt that family is changing, hence feeling a bit weird (I think she's still not used to the fact that she belongs to Shin's family now)

Shin: What is so weird about that?

Shin: After becoming husband and wife, isn't this a natural? (*nods nods* agree with Shin)

CG: I guess I still cannot feel it yet

CG: How long are the both of us going to stay as family?

Shin: What did you say?

CG: Nothing.. Tomorrow's sun will still rise tomorrow

CG: I don't want to think about anything today

Shin: hyaa... Even you can say such things?

Shin: That was a line from the famous movie, Gone with the wind (I think!)

CG: With the wind... what is that? (CG, you need to read more books)

Shin: I should not have said it

Shin: You want to see sunrise?

CG: I have never seen a sunrise before

Shin: All sunrise are the same

CG: I was actually hoping for it (ref to him taking her to see sunrise)

Shin: Internal office, don't ask why..

Shin: But I want to disappear with crown princess for a while (Way to go Shin! Internal officer will be more than happy that you 'disappear' with your wife..take as long as you want! haha)

Shin: If the elders ask, just say we are gone with the wind

CG: Where are we going?

Shin: Looking at the fact that your silly head..

Shin: can come out with such a good line...

Shin: Shall we go and see the actual sun? What do you think?

CG: Really? Really?

CG: That is so great!


This scene just highlight how weak is Shin towards his wife's wants. In a good sense of course. In the earlier episodes, when CG said she wanted to go home, Shin asked for permission from the King. When CG wants to have a car, Shin asked for it from Hulmamama, when CG wants to go Jeju, he suggested that CG goes with Hulmamama without him (as he was busy but in the end he still went along)

Ah... I love Shin loving CG... :D

Hi ! rainbowbrite....I love Shin loving CG ,,,too....

I love Shin when he care about CG..

Really wish to have more special moment on the next episode... :(:(:(

And Thanks for ur translation ,,,komapda ...

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Guest starryeyedwonder

i found this shin picture from earlier episode XD


he looks so handsome.. but his expression is so diff. from the ones he always wears now

because of CG ..kekekee. hes smiling a lot more =)

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i found this shin picture from earlier episode XD


he looks so handsome.. but his expression is so diff. from the ones he always wears now

because of CG ..kekekee. hes smiling a lot more =)

the picture is not showing up, i think u can't link directly to the blog..

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advertisements or something... pretty irritating.. it'll pop up every now and then!!!

is this cute or eerie? :sweatingbullets:


oh my, I would say it's eerie Rebby....maybe because I hate dolls, kinda freak me out hehe.

But where did you get it, just wondering? :huh:

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