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Do You Have An Accent?

Guest x0_tiKKi

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Guest <3 for six seasons

I have an obvious british accent, well it's likely cause

i live here since i was young .. but sometimes i get

that slight german accent due to the influence of my dad. =___=

but yeah, i was born in Germany so .. maybe thats why.

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Guest slypatt

yeah, my colleagues said i have a singaporean accent. the most annoying thing is, the accent always comes out whenever i want to explain something, the more i want to better express myself, the stronger the accent is... this would usually made me feel awkward coz they all have heavy aussie accent.

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Guest *Luminde

Hahaha, everyone has an accent. No one can hear their own though. xD;;

In Australia (well, in Sydney anyway), Asians tend to speak what we call 'fobby' English, which is basically English with an Asian accent. It's particularly common among the Chinese population (no idea why. @_@;;), even those who were born and raised here. +___+;;

Maybe it's because I was raised here since birth, but I've been told I don't have the 'Asian' accent. But I know I don't speak bogan English, thank God. Hahaha, so I suppose I have an Aussie accent? xD

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Guest witchery

hahaah i never thought i did, but i realised that i actually sound very different to other AUssies, prob coz of some slight Chinese accent XD

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Guest babiixj

i'm viet..born in cali & livin in maryland..pplz make fun of my accent all the time...pplz tell mee that it's a mixer of the asian/country/gangster....xDD...i seriously dunno y or how i do it...whatever comes out of my mouth is natural to mee...so i'm juss like :huh: when pplz say i have an accent....

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Guest &._Euphoria

Speaks English in an American accent and read in Queen's English. Well Chinese wise,I'm raised in Msia so I guess that makes my Chinese and Taiwanese or China's Chinese's accent/dialect different.

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Guest itcomeswithpepsi

i was born in korea and moved here when i was 8, so i have this fob accent that's kind of light...

not everyone notices :)

i can't pronounce warm and worm differently T-T such a struggle

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Guest Pipita

I was born here and have been rased here, but from the ages of 2 to 4 or maybe 6 I lived in New York.

People say I have an accent in both Inglish and Spanish language, so I am screwed : / But I seriously don't think I have one.

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Guest white_destiny18

Yes i do, but my accent only comes out wen im rlly nervous. -_-;;

one time i was doing my playing test and my music teacher was asking me these questions before the test. I knew i im speaking with my accent cuz i sound so diff and he also asked why i magically have an accent. haha

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Guest pandacrackers

My friends say I have a slight accent. I've asked them what it is, but they told me they're not sure. I was born in Kansas (US), so maybe I have a bit of a country accent? I didn't grow up there, though :x

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Guest spiral_flare

Yes, and lately it feels like it has been getting worse. I thought I finally got rid of it but some people tell me I have a VERY slight accent and that's how they can tell I'm not American. However, others think I was born in the US. I don't know. I think I do too.

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Guest hamdainvincible

my friends say i do.

but i was born in america. D;

but i'm proud if i do have an accent, shows how asian i am. :b

hmm. i think i do when it comes to talking too fast or getting really excited.

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Guest bigfatPANDA

i suppose i have a slight Californian accent.

although i can't tell b/c i live in Cali, so everyone around me just speaks the same XD

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