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Do You Have An Accent?

Guest x0_tiKKi

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Guest abviolinplayer

nope, no accent at all, even though I've lived in the south all my life...and I'm constantly surrounded by that dreadful southern drawl :wacko:

though I WISH I had a British accent soo badly :tears: haha

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Guest dancingbymyself

I know there's already an accent thread, but this is more specific so I think it's ok. If not close it ok<3

Do you have an accent that makes no sense whatsoever (ex. born and bred cali girl but you speak like a bostonian), or do you know someone like this.

I have this lol. When I speak Korean I have a Japanese accent. And not like someone from Busan either. Like an actual Japanese person trying to speak Korean lol.

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Guest coffee.princessx3

people from tell me i have a new york accent.

personally, i don't think new yorkers have accents..

but maybe that's because i live there?XD

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Guest weirdazn

I was born in a America.

When I talk I don't usually have an accent, but sometimes when I'm really nervous and really focusing on what I'ms saying, then I'll have a little bit of an accent.

I don't know why, but it just happens.

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Guest cynthiAAx_

I dont have an accent when i speak english

because i was born in Canada

I speak also fluent vietnamese

but when people listen to be, they say i sound funny

because i dont have either a buck or nam accent

because im mixed with both :S?

cause of mom, she's was born north vn. and raised in south of .vn

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Guest EchoOff

i was told a few months ago that i indeed does have an accent.

i've never noticed it before

but i'm starting to realize i can't say certain words.

like 'death' <_< maybe it's cause i was born in vn?

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Guest ltnd.

i was born in Canada but my first language was Vietnamese...as I grew up..I started using English more..I find that I don't have an accent when I'm speaking English but my friends say I have a strong nammer accent when I'm speaking Vietnamese =\ .. does that count?

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Guest Chocopiex3

I have an accent lol. That's annoying to me sometimes. People make fun of me and say I'm slow and my English is bad. *sigh* ^ ^' Maybe 'cauz I'm not raised in an English speaking family. Actually, only I can speak English.

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Guest iPanda

I know I have somewhat the Chicago accent. I have a somewhat weird accent that I have no idea what it is. Like I can't say my "th's" right. Math.. Bathroom.. I have an american accent when I speak viet.

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Guest Paradox

I guess we all technically do, it depends on who we're talking to. I'm from Colorado so I never thought I had an accent until I talked to my sisters ex who was from Wisconsin; he claims people from CO draw out their words a lot.

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