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Do You Have An Accent?

Guest x0_tiKKi

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nah, I don't have an accent. I usually have the Aussie accent when I talk, but some words I say have an american accent to it, somehow. :wacko:

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Guest judyjudychan

i was born in taiwan but since i came to US pretty young

i dont really hav an accent~

but when i went bck once &&came bck

i had an accent &&these ppl used to make fun of me!!~ lol

but now i dont hav that much of an accent,,, only sometimes haha~

sometimes ppl tell me to stop speaking chinese &&speak english

when i am speaking english~omg lol = ="

or they tell me to repeat sometimes hahaha~

in mando i obviously hav a taiwanese accent sho when chinese ppl

speak to me, they know right away that im taiwanese~ ^____^

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Guest Kahori

I was born in South Africa but moved to the Uk when I was little. The accents have merged to form something quite strange- sorta posh british but not! It would have been cool to keep my South African accent as I sound quite normal now :P

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Guest o0ohenryo0o

I was Asian born, people tell me I sound hick-ish.

Not my fault I grew up in a small redneck town. (sadly).

I`m trying to fix that though. :D

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Guest .oOLimOo.

How is it possible to not have an accent?

You speak, right?

Of course I speak.

Accent: the unique speech patterns, inflections, choice of words, etc., that identify a particular individual: We recognized his accents immediately. She corrected me in her usual mild accents.

To him I shouldn't have had an accent due to the fact that we both spoke with a southern-American accent. Think of it this way . . . let's say you're British and you randomly say to your next door neighbor who was also British and spoke with a British accent "I like your accent." It wouldn't make sense since that's the way you hear people talk everyday.


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Guest ☆婉宜

I was born here in the U.S. and I have an accent. Since I don't speak English to my family and relatives. Also, sometimes with my friends. Some of my friends tell me that I have a thick.

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Guest AiMango

I was born in the states but I lived there for only a few months. I grew up in Taiwan.. then Canada when I was 6. I have a slight accent but it's barely noticeable.

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Guest bcgirl5549

No.. I don't..

Butttt my friend & i can do amazing Indian accents (:

Puahaha thanks to watchin Russell Peters since the 7th grade...

We're in 10thgrade now ...HAHAHA

lol yeah gotta love Russell Peters XD Even though my family is Indian me, my brother, & sister mock the accent haha. The one accent i have the most trouble understanding is the British. My whole mom's side of the family is British and we'd always ask them to repeat what they said, and they just love our Canadian accents. Except we don't do that "eh" thing >_< i wonder how that started?

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Mine's like tourettes.

I usually don't have one (as per se), but sometimes when you least expect it, BAM.

Then everyone gives me the wtf o______O'' look. Followed by laughing. Lots of laughing.


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Guest justaddclouds

born and raised in massachusetts xD

slight boston accent

but i can control it

so i guess i have an american accent?

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Guest rooraa

It's so weird!! I'm born in raised in California but both of my parents are full vietnamese so I suppose my first language was vietnamese however when I entered kindergarten (and probably before then) i was using more and more english and began to forget the vietnamese language. I didn't notice I had an accent until my 4th or 5th grade teacher sent me to speech class becuase apparently I have a problem pronouncing my "r"s, they sound more like "w" and sometimes my "th" sound like "t"

now at the age 16, I can hardly converse in vietnamese becuase I don't know how to say anything and I have a thick American accent.

When I'm speaking english, I have that weird accent and it's odd that my two brothers don't have an accent but my twin does too =P

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Guest youraDouche.

Well i was born here in da US. When i was like in pre-k or 1st grade i hade a little of you no3 dat fob accent. No lie.

But i started getting use to english so i talk just like an American girl no3. But not as far as dat "OMG" or "like duh" haha.

Now dat i speak so much english, i sometimes forget my viet. I usually speak viet mixed english words in it, cuz im use to it no3.

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Guest eluphant

I have a tiny accent. It's barely noticeable though.

I'm raised in america...sooo..yeaa...

Whenever I say noodles..It goes.."NOODOS". -___-;;

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OMG. I never thought i had an accent, but when i talk to white kids who i feel are smarter than me, i studder and say things wrong, so this one girl said that i had an accent. I was so fricken _________.

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Guest Unseen Choice

I actually have a southern accent with a little of that drawl when I speak from the time I've been in boot camp, I don't have much of a Boston accent at all from what people have told me.

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Guest kikkie

Nope, no accent (even though Canto was my first language). But when I'm presenting, I might stutter and forget what I'm trying to say (which, interestingly enough, doesn't happen when I'm presenting in Spanish).

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