Jump to content

[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


Recommended Posts

Guest Hanjae




























Thanks for all the new pics + info!




















It's a shame she's not going to be paired with Lee Jin Wook, he looks so cute in the pics! I'm glad she's back to the straightened hair too - the ahjooma hair took a little getting used to :P It looks like she's going to be a tough, tomboy-ish kind of character, probably with her hair undone and flying all over the place. She looks positively wild in those training pics with the paint on her face XD




















I can totally see her in this role; she was tough and sassy Dal Ja, and I can imagine this role as somewhat similar, but minus the girly. The pic of her on the water in the army garb reminds me of Sandra Bullock's character in Miss Congeniality before the transformation :P





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  • Replies 3.5k
  • Created
  • Last Reply

Top Posters In This Topic

Guest cutiepie
























new pics :)
















20080320145ac0.th.jpg 20080320144cn2.th.jpg 080320121gp0.th.jpg
















20080320141bn7.th.jpg 20080320143eh8.th.jpg 20080320142dm3.th.jpg 20080320125qa7.th.jpg
















source: KBS





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Guest kdramafanusa








































































































Original Korean Article: DongA 2008.03.17 14:40
























































































English Translation Credit: HanCinema
























































































Female presidents, bodyguards… 'Women Power'
















































































































































































It seems that the new keyword for 2008 will become 'women power'.
























































































Female stars who received popularity for effeminate roles are now trying new characters, such as famous politicians, female bodyguards, and female detectives.
























































































Ko Hyeon-jeong will be acting as Korea's first female president in her next drama, SBS "Big Things", set to air in May 2008. {delayed to July-August}
























































































Ko Hyeon-jeong's role of Seo Hye-rim is a passionate lawyer. She quits after taking responsibility for the arrest a political gang's leader, and becomes famous as a civil rights lawyer. She runs for office and is elected as a female president.
























































































Ko Hyeon-jeong also acted as the first female chief of a police squad in the MBC drama "Hit". She is receiving roles that differ from her past image, and that are many "firsts" in the drama industry.
























































































Also, Chae Rim will be coming back to television as a female bodyguard.
























































































The KBS drama "Powerful Opponents" will air April 14, and her character Cha Young-jin is an unstoppable, aggressive bodyguard.
























































































"Powerful Opponents" will portray the lives of the people in the Blue House and incorporate a love triangle with the President's (Lee Deok-hwa) son (Lee Jin-wook) and another bodyguard (Lee Jong-hyuk).
























































































Bae Jong-ok is already acting as a detective in MBC drama "Park Jung Gum". It is her first time in an action role in her 21 years of acting, and her character is a 38-year-old, high school graduate.
























































































A critic of popular culture, Kang Myeong-seok judged, "Actresses are breaking the conception that they must only act in romances. The circumstances have also changed. Roles are no longer limited to old women roles but are aiming at the working woman".









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Guest shred







what's up with LJW being typecasted as the second fiddle guy? :sweatingbullets:





thanks for the new pics & the latest news everyone.


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Guest mandalaywith
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































KBS drama DC Gall site in i found to new pics.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Powerful Opponents new pictures
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit-KBS DC,mandalaywith
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if you post another site,please write credit :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lee Jong Hyuk fighting~!

































































































































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Guest CindyW88
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[News] Overseas Interests in the Drama “Powerful Opponents” Even Before Its Broadcasting
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[MyDaily] 3/21/08
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The KBS2 new drama “Powerful Opponents” attracts overseas interests even before its scheduled broadcasting date on 4/14.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































KBS attended Hong Kong International Film and TV Program Marketing “Filmmart” on 3/17 and 3/18 and signed export contracts of the drama “Powerful Opponents” with Singapore and Vietnam. In the meantime, there are contract negotiations between KBS and other 10 Asian nations on this drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“Powerful Opponents” portrays the enthusiastic Chungwadae bodyguard Cha Young Jin (played by Chae Rim) and her relationships with the other bodyguard Yoo Gwang Bil (played by Lee Jong Hyuk ) and the President’s son Kang Soo Ho (played by Lee Jin Wook). Actor Lee Duk Hwa plays the role of President.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Usually, if a drama is a non-masterwork or is without huge production cost, it rarely attracts overseas interests. However, it is because of Chae Rim’s high popularity in Chinese entertainment circle that this drama has received lots of interests from overseas countries.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Source: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/news/read.html?ne...803211043511119

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
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Guest danaiwut
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here is Cheongwadae or The Blue House (Office of the President)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
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Guest linh27
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks cutiepie, kdramafanusa, mandalaywith, and danaiwut.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LJW & CR pics!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i was wondering what the Blue House looked like, it is really pretty.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this drama won't be too serious right? i'm hoping that it will be funny, CR is really good with comedy.

































































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Guest ovette
















yeah i hope Chae Rim's character would be fun. im imagining her to be one that's prone to mistakes, like when she was on her first day at work in DJS or when she was a supermart girl in Oh Pil Seung. LOL.




thanks for the latest news!!! it definitely attracts overseas audiences.. Chae Rim is such a powerhouse!




the drama of Eugene (IRRLY) also shot scenes at the Blue House right? :)




really cant wait for this!





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Guest monoceros












looks good. I typically don't like LJW.. mostly because i find soemthing wrong with his face... but his style in here is very suitable. Hopefully his acting is also up to par. Chae Rim looks cool as a bodyguard. ^_^ girl power!



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Guest White Star






some how ...for some unexplainable reason..this prootion pic reminds me of sandra bullock's miss congenality




I'm so sike for this series...


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Guest renni72









wow Lee JIn Wook is getting busy.... i don't think he's even finish with "before and after cosmetic surgery" yet.... maybe he did.

Can't wait for this pairing... hoping this will be as good as Dal Ja Spring.....maybe even better since Lee Jin Wook is a rather charming actor.































































































































Hi, i think Lee Jin Wook is the 2nd lead. Unless there is a change, the lead female hardly ends up with the 2nd lead. Anyway, we have to watch the 3 at work before we can say who has chemistry with who.....I am only glad Chae Rim is back into korean dramas after Dalja.









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Hi, i think Lee Jin Wook is the 2nd lead. Unless there is a change, the lead female hardly ends up with the 2nd lead. Anyway, we have to watch the 3 at work before we can say who has chemistry with who.....I am only glad Chae Rim is back into korean dramas after Dalja.
































Me too!





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