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. Stranger ; Super Bestest Friends ; Bf`gf ; Break Up ; Stranger .


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Guest chickyl3aby

when i was in high school, yes that's how it worked.

but now that i'm in college it's a bit different.... my bf and i recently broke up.... he gave the whole "i'm too busy for a relationship" speech. i was heart broken.... but we still would call/text each other... we've hung out twice since our break up (a week ago) and things seem to be going fine so far.... just not as much of the coupley stuff... i feel like we reverted back to just dating. :mellow:

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Guest x_TaintedLove

In high school, yeah. DD:

That's not how it works for me though. It's more like, Classmate, Aquaintences, Friends, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Break up, Aquaintences.

The cycle only happened once. .__.

For crushes, it's Stranger/Classmate, Aquaintences, Friends, ??

Right now, I'm on that cycle...

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i went out with thsi guy

we were pretty close

then we broke up because we couldnt really see eachotehr anymore since he moved away to different high school and stuff.

then one day he told me he was moving to my high school .

we dont tlak anymore

everytime we walk past eachother we cant even look at each other anymores

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Guest ~koe*no*sainou~

I think it's only if you weren't alreayd best friends before you dated *shrugs* maybe it's just me o.o if i date a guy without being completely close to him first, and we break up, we usually become enemies (literally). but if i was already friends with him and all his friends and stuff...we'd still be friends even after the break up ^ ^

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jasontransays

Ah...This happened to me once. Not a fun thing to go through, but I learned so much from it. So I took it as a learning experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest EHNerJI

yeah >< because sometimes after breakups it's hard to go back to the way you were before (awkwardness...)

it sucks but it will sometimes end up like that =.=''

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Guest celinewalksin10

a lot of people have asked me why i'm still talking to my ex.. they say if they were in my position they would make him non-existent.. haha

it was a terrible break-up to be honest cause i found out his real intentions-- to go out and date girls again.. buut apparently, when it comes

to family problems and other stuffs he still confides in me. i guess we are pretty close, and he has even told me that he made a mistake, and if he could turn back time and do things right, he would. but he knows he can't. it's just a fine line was drawn already. :)

i can be his very good friend, but i will never be his girl again.. i'm actually happy in a way that we broke up because i know him TOO well. he can't lie to me. soo i think if we lasted longer, it would get boring, and we would eventually break up (but i'm not the one breaking up with him) i made this vow that i won't break up with my loved one no matter what. my best friend and i made that. haha it's stupid but as of now, we've managed.

maybe drifting part is just saying that you don't hang with him/her like before.. when it was longer.. like you spend more time with that person..

you just have to go back to how things were before.. :D we talk when we have something to talk about. that's it.

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