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Ever Laughed Out Of No Where?

Guest my_kangin

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Guest Dragonlove

hahaha all the time!!!! I daydream a lot so I'll remember a joke, or I'll think about someone and I"l start laughing my butt off.. and people give me weird looks.

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Guest FrozenWaterMelon

Yeah tons of times, most of my friends know I laugh easily haha.

so if they see me laughing, they usually laugh along with me,

but to other people, they think im crazy..

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i often think about something funny and end up LOL. people look at me strangely, because it seems like i'm laughing out of nowhere..but in reality, i'm just reliving a funny moment in my head haha.

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Guest x.yoru

yeah, just when i'm really bored + not tired.


I usually try to hold it in (happens JUST when the teacher is talking) so i probably make the ugliest faces ever.

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Guest Carmen.

Yeah I do that a lot!

And whenever it happens, I'd just laugh and laugh and laugh for a long time.

For no reason at all!

My family probably thinks I'm insane.

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i'm not laughing...


just smile widely...

sometimes when in the train...

when i remember the funny moments..

and i start to smile...

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I use to do that a lot. The people who surrounds me are usually serious, but I'm very random idiotic girl so they find it hard to deal with me. I once remembered a good joke and burst out laughing in the middle of the lesson when everyone wrote a test. I tend to laugh at night, when I'm in my bed and I recall something funny. My mom then opens the door and says "Is everything okay with your head today, honey?" xD

I'm an idiot but I'm proud of it ^^

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Guest richardmoon

lol what an interesting topic!!! me and my friends will be out eating somewhere or just doing anything and we'll just look up at each other then for some reason we all start laughing for no reason at all ... its so weird but its so fun haha

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Guest Shinryu

This happened to me several times before.

Sometimes I would put my head down (appear to be sleeping) then out of no where I bust out laughing, scaring people haha!

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LOLOL i do that tooooooo!

my mom thinks i have issues.. o.o

my brother thinks i have imaginary friends... cus i would say something to myself in the room without knowing, like "OMG AHHH SO MUCH HW!" or " YES! I FINALLY SOLVED IT!! :o"

i really do LOLOL! especially when i chat with my friends on aim or something

im also a huge fan of smiling & grinning to myself when i think of something funnnny :D

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Guest passmethewrinch

Yup. I'll be walking home from somewhere and then suddenly I remember this funny memory and I'll start smiling like crazy. I try not to laugh though 'cause I'll look crazier than I already am (especially when cars and other pedestrians see me).

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Guest geekchiiq

lol yeah

when i think of something or someone, i just randomly smile..

ppl are usually wtf? why are you laughing haha

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