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Ever Laughed Out Of No Where?

Guest my_kangin

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Guest WildSevenGirl


Whenever I'm bored/alone/etc, I would think of something LOL/cute/etc. and start laughing or smiling.

And then people would be liek. o_O;

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I do it when I think of something funny that my sister has done (she does imitations)... this is when I'm really bored and have nothing else to think about.

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lol i always laugh out of nowhere..

especially when i'm bored and go thinking of thins that happened in the past. xD

but i always try to stifle my laugh coz it's embarassing. haha.

I tend to daydream quite often, and then I snap back into reality and realize how lame my daydream was and I just crack up. And people in my class just stare at me dumbfounded. They probably think I'm even more crazier than I already am.

All that, only in the subway.

and especially when ppl stare i laugh harder.

Just can't help it sometimes.

And in the end, i laugh because of the faces i see.

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When I am alone if I think of something that happened before and was funny, I would laugh out of nowhere and ppl around me would be giving me weird stares like I am some sort of weirdo.

But if I am with my family members, they'll go, What''s wrong with you?!

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Guest yahoojedi

this happens to me alot. maybe everyday?

its because of a random moment or a recall of a funny memory. . .

sometimes i just feel like laughing. . .

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Guest `__m a y ! ♥

It happens to me a lot too, when I'm walking to school I sometimes rememeber really funny things then I start laughing like a maniac.

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Guest yongie_wonhi

LOL. This thread is funny. x]

But yeah, I have had this happen to me; a lot actually. XDD But usually I have laughing fits, when I can't control myself and just have to laugh. XDD But then sometimes I think of something really funny that happened like a waay long time ago and burst out laughing too. But for the most part, I just laugh for no reason. x] I guess we've all got the funny bone struck easily huh? XDD lol

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Guest velvetsky

hahas yes.

happens all the time

i start thinking of something funny and start laughing out of no where

sometimes in the classroom i would start laughing randomly and my friends would be like 'kathy's going red again' cos when i laugh a lot i get all red >.>

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Guest kimmie.xoxo

i do that all the freaking time LOL. i can't help it, i'm a dreamer. i frequently get lost in my own little word, but i quite enjoy it. i laugh out of nowhere or smile out of nowhere, my friends are always curious about what's on my mind and wonder what i'm so happy about. i love funny or happy memories. <3

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Guest janelforsure

Hahaha definitely! I was walking by myself last week, & as I was crossing the street, there were lots of cars & people I was going to encounter 'coz they just got off the subway & I remembered something & started laughing! I didn't want them to think I was crazy, so I just looked down & held back my laughter haha.

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Guest mextaus.

you are definitely not the only one

i have laughed randomly out of nowhere so many times i can't count

people get so freaked out, it makes me laugh even more

it has happened a lot in my life, i just remember things sometimes that I didn't even know I could think of :P

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Guest magicalspeaker

LOL definitely yeah

but i always try to cover it up by coughing loudly or something

doesn't work all the time, sadly. D:

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