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Ever Laughed Out Of No Where?

Guest my_kangin

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Guest hear me roaar

ughh so the other day i had a partner presentation then in the middle of reading my partner starts to crack up and i start to crack up and we ended up not finishing our presentation. and the whole class thought we were crazy or something

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Guest tea-light

I do it all the time. I'm always spacing out during class. My friend got offended one time because he thought I was laughing at him. My other friend says I'm a "smirker". :P

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In a classroom, not really quiet. Considering that quiet and my classroom don't come together... >_<

My classmates would look at me and ask me what's wrong... >.< or my bestfriend would say I'm weird... which is true haha

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Guest carollee206

LOL yes!!!

When I daydream and remember funny moments~~

Especially when I'm by myself and I start laughing...people look at me funny =.="

Or if I'm with my friends and they be like "...are you alright man?" XD

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Guest darcyausten86

It has happened a few times. Sometimes, I will be thinking stupid stuff and just laugh. My mom will be like, "Are you okay?"

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Guest binjoo

I do this all the time. When I'm bored, I always think of a funny situation that happened and I laugh to myself about it.

My friends think something's wrong with me because I do it so frequently and they never know what I'm laughing about. Haha.

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Guest rawr_sheila

yeah i do that a lot, but i try to avoid it because people will look at me funny ^^

i think of funny moments and yeah ~

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Guest Delusional

Need to stop doing that x.x

My teachers don't really appreciate it.

But sometimes I can't help it because once in a while what they say in a lesson triggers and funny memory.

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Guest rachii-ee


I'd always be thinking of things then come across something hilarious and burst into laughter.

It feels good to be happy XD

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Guest GaeasX

I cackled several times without realizing it while I was studying in the school library.

Then an acquaintance of mine came up to me and said, "You know, we can hear you. :mellow:"

My reaction- D: Hear what?!

Apparently there were some amusing things in my Psych text.

It was a little embarrassing because other people were studying nearby and I was cackling due to a textbook. Boring person much? xD

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Guest MarshmallowChii

Yeah. And my friends always asked "Why do you laugh?"

Often I remembered a funny thing in the past :3

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Guest shining_star-:

LOL oh my it was embarressinggggg -_-;;

i was laughing at what my friend said on text and at school when it was dead quiet i busted out laughing lol everyone thought i was a weirdo <_<

lol im like oh its nothing something funny happen yesterday lol.

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Guest vietbaby_

LOOL, yes.

you're not the only one , because whenever i remember a funny memory - i start laughing.

although i try to hold it, i end up bursting out of laughter.

than i get the 'wtf' stares.

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gosh, I do laugh out of no where.

I be just sitting then I think of something hilarous from before.

somehow, I kind of do this when my friends are talking.

Like for example, their talking about something

and it reminds me of something funny, I'll laugh

and they think I'm fake laughing because what they said

wasn't that funny.

gosh, i really hate it when people say my laugh is fake.

for their information, I'm sorry I don't sit in front of the mirror and

practice my laugh so it comes out nice. Lol.


yay!! I'm a page topper!! okay whatever. Lol.

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Guest Little_Miss_Sunshine

whahaha yes and when it happens it happens in church :rolleyes: And always at moments when you're not supposed to laugh :D

And the worse thing of all: when it happens I always have to share it with the person who sits next to me, and then we both can't stop laughing :lol:

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Guest Painterlyy

I do that all the time :sweatingbullets:

It's usually when it's really quiet and boring and i'm daydreaming. I usually start thinking about something that happened a day or two ago that was really funny. First, I would start smiling to myself and get weird looks from my classmates. Then, I would start giggling which learns to laughing really hard :blush:

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Guest Jasmine ♥

Haha, I do it a lot. it freaks my sister out and my friends. xD i just sit there and start laughing and i can't stop. why? i just have funny flashbacks ;D

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