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[drama 2008] Three Dads One Mom [아빠 셋 엄마 하나]

Guest mandalaywith

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Chinese translation of Preview for 15 - copied from http://johyunjae.hk/blog/rewrite.php/read-3369.html

和國同以積極姿態展現對娜英的愛不同,一直對女性非常大膽的國熹不再壓抑著感情來告白讓三個男人的關係進入全新的局面。另一方面,一直表現遲鈍的書賢,在一次偶然的機會下與娜英在渡過甜蜜的時間中對於自己一直理不清的感情開始無法隱藏,讓書賢看著娜英的一瞬間感到非常緊張… 書賢為了消除對娜英那理不清的混亂感而加快與素研結婚的決定,彼此對感情糾纏不清的三個男人和娜英,抱著複雜的心情回到首爾,卻不知道有驚人的消息在等著他們。

譯文 : 稻草人

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Side note: Mr. Button is in the new drama: "Chun Ja's Happy Event". I think he is the romantic lead or at least, part of the triangle ... again.

Comments for this show is that it's like 150 episodes. So, the chances of this being subbed is highly unlikely.

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Guest bieroe

Happy that I know KT's not the dad, I think KH is the dad based on the preview, but we can't say much from that.

After watching the last few episodes, I see how selfish KT can be, regardless of how kind he is most of the time, those little childish acts of his make me like him less now.

Now over to SH and NY, I seriously think that NY probably has feelings for SH, but she never really showed it much because 1. HS is her priority, and finding a partner is not important to her at this time; 2. as far as she sees it, SH is unavailable, he's already found his 'perfect girl'

u know KT is not the dad from the preview?

well i dont understand korean, i just saw KH expression with the papers on his hand and over the phone with mother, i think, i assume, i saw him being angry. but of course i can be easliy mistaken

im totaly with u regarding Kh's behavior, ever since he likes NY he became more and more selfish, we dont see that in the other 2 men. and yes everytime he says "HS is my daughter, i'll take responsibility", i feel like to strangle his neck :fury:

i also think that NY likes SH, she just doesnt dare to think abt the possibilities. SH is the only one who's not really nice to her, he hesitated the longest abt helping NY and HS, after he finally does it all, i think NY feels she owes him too much and feels guilty abt it. i remember the scene where SH took off with his golfclub in the morning of HS b'day, NY's face was really dissapointed and just looked at him walking away, she couldnt, didnt dare, to ask him to stay.

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u know KT is not the dad from the preview?

well i dont understand korean, i just saw KH expression with the papers on his hand and over the phone with mother, i think, i assume, i saw him being angry. but of course i can be easliy mistaken

im totaly with u regarding Kh's behavior, ever since he likes NY he became more and more selfish, we dont see that in the other 2 men. and yes everytime he says "HS is my daughter, i'll take responsibility", i feel like to strangle his neck :fury:

i also think that NY likes SH, she just doesnt dare to think abt the possibilities. SH is the only one who's not really nice to her, he hesitated the longest abt helping NY and HS, after he finally does it all, i think NY feels she owes him too much and feels guilty abt it. i remember the scene where SH took off with his golfclub in the morning of HS b'day, NY's face was really dissapointed and just looked at him walking away, she couldnt, didnt dare, to ask him to stay.

Exactly!!! Every time I hear him say 'HS is MY daughter' I want to just go and smack him silly!!! Jeez, you can tell that the other two guys at this point really want to be HS' biological father now, but neither of them voice it out like KT. KT pretty much mentions it all the time, and now we know why, it's because him and his mom both have B blood type, since HS has B blood type as well, he automatically just assumes HS is his daughter, and he's so certain about it too.

The reason why I'm pretty sure KT is NOT the dad is because in the preview I think I heard KH's mom saying to KH that HS is his child, and KT's mom had a disappointed face, but I could be wrong haha.

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Guest itashee

im totaly with u regarding Kh's behavior, ever since he likes NY he became more and more selfish, we dont see that in the other 2 men. and yes everytime he says "HS is my daughter, i'll take responsibility", i feel like to strangle his neck :fury:

Pegster and bieroe – I’m happy that I’m not the only one who gets irritated at KT’s selfish behaviour <_< . I just wanted to slap him when I watched the last 2 episodes :tongue2: . He only thought about his own feelings, not paying attention to the fact that other people may suffer from his actions. . .

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Guest kanshu

I think that KT's behavior is very much "in character", just like SH's more laid back personality.

If you think about it, KTT and KH have th exact opposit characters of SH... KT is very impulsive and outspoken, often acting without thinking and single minded, while KH is cunning and calculating, and knows how to use his charms.

Then there's SH, who's careful about what he says when he's not talking to his friends, who doesn't like taking risks and who is not very good on the "charming personality".

In any case, what you get now is what happens when the "truce" of friendship is removed... if they'll be able to recover from it, the next two eps will show. Then again, with their"glue" SM gone, it might be difficult.

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Guest sabchy

they kiss ?????????????' holly smoke *jumps around*

been waiting for this !!!!! omg where the hell is tomorrow ??!!!

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Guest bud072102

After seeing the preview, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Yes, it was sweet that we finally get to see some actions. But I also feel that it's not really fair for the other two "DADs". They all have feelings for NY and they all love the child, so I think it would be heartbroken in the last episode. I think NY being with Mr. Button would be best and the trio dads just remain the uncles, that way nobody would lose anything. Mr. Button really likes NY and I think he would be a great "dad" too. Anyone out there is thinking the same thing? Oh shoot me!!! It's getting interesting though, I can't wait for the ending either way.

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Guest sabchy

I think NY being with Mr. Button would be best and the trio dads just remain the uncles, that way nobody would lose anything. Mr. Button really likes NY and I think he would be a great "dad" too. Anyone out there is thinking the same thing? Oh shoot me!!! It's getting interesting though, I can't wait for the ending either way.

now that i think about it..... I have always liked Mr. Button... and the way he treated SH when he 1st held her... he would be a great dad :D

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Guest nymph

After seeing the preview, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Yes, it was sweet that we finally get to see some actions. But I also feel that it's not really fair for the other two "DADs". They all have feelings for NY and they all love the child, so I think it would be heartbroken in the last episode. I think NY being with Mr. Button would be best and the trio dads just remain the uncles, that way nobody would lose anything. Mr. Button really likes NY and I think he would be a great "dad" too. Anyone out there is thinking the same thing? Oh shoot me!!! It's getting interesting though, I can't wait for the ending either way.

I think if NY chose Mr.Button it would be unfair to all 3 dads. The 3 dads have taken care of NY and HS since pregnancy, Mr.Button can't just step in and grab everything. I think the 2 other dads would be happier seeing NY with their best friend instead of Mr.Button, although the initial feeling may be negative.

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Guest Noel_Williams

^ Definitely agree. If she ends up with Mr. Button, I feel it's unfair to the dads too. He's nice and all, but I don't want NY to end up with him.

Ooh! A kiss! But I don't know how to feel about it. It's bittersweet. All three of them likes NY, and there's only one NY. :( I have always been hoping for KH and NY. He's such a darling. But as for KT, he might as well ends up with his co-worker who likes him. I know for a definite NY cannot end up with him. Can't be. But I so adore KH!!!

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Guest hjkomo

I just noticed something while watching the KBS VOD live stream this morning....

at the bottom of the VOD window, there are ads for the various KBS dramas currently airing...

...and the ad for 3 Dads, 1 Mom only shows a picture of SH and NY - not the other 2 dads or Mr. Button.

Is that supposed to reveal something??? :blink: Hmm....I guess we'll find out this week.

I also hope that the kiss is real. :D

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Guest plumangel3

^ lol i hope that the kiss is real too and not a fantasy or something =p

im so looking forward to that scene.

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Guest Bunk

ooo! They kiss? I've been leaning towards his character since the beginning, simply because he had the most growing to do. He's been so shallow and even mean throughout the series, which is what created a lot of the tension that we love so much in dramas. So it makes it happy that they might be hooking up in the end. This whole time I've been wondering who on earth she'd choose, if any. They're all stand up guys, it seems.

I have a 1-year old, so I've been enjoying this show on a mommy level. It's been a blast so far to watch.

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Guest rynne2007

I just noticed something while watching the KBS VOD live stream this morning....

at the bottom of the VOD window, there are ads for the various KBS dramas currently airing...

...and the ad for 3 Dads, 1 Mom only shows a picture of SH and NY - not the other 2 dads or Mr. Button.

Is that supposed to reveal something??? :blink: Hmm....I guess we'll find out this week.

I also hope that the kiss is real. :D

I've noticed that VOD ad also since I've been watching this drama live over the internet...

I hope the kiss is real and not just an imagination of SH...noticed that this was shown after we see SH lying on the floor thinking something...that makes me think this might be a dream of his...

SH and NY really looks goog with each other...I am also thinking that NY likes SH....Remember the scene when they got home from hospital after KT incident...NY was looking for SH...and SH feels the same way...when NY left them after finding out the truth...SH is the only one among the guys who noticed a very slight change on NY..."Her hair got longer" to be exact...which means he was concentrating more on NY than HS...and also the scene where SH fetched NY to her office...He was asking how NY and HS are when they were away, that he cares more for her than HS...you may read the whole dialogue written by HJKOMO on the previous post...

From the way they treat the 2 girls, HS and NY, I guess KH would be the dad and SH would be NY's husband...Anyway, she already mentioned that SH was her husband to the nurse taking care of SH's dad... :)

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Side note: Mr. Button is in the new drama: "Chun Ja's Happy Event". I think he is the romantic lead or at least, part of the triangle ... again.

Comments for this show is that it's like 150 episodes. So, the chances of this being subbed is highly unlikely.

150 episodes?? not way..

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Guest Cerise

We reached the end at last. Though it is sad to feel that Wednesdays and Thursdays won't be the same anymore without the daddies, but it's ok. Bring on the next drama…

I'll miss the daddies the most. Well at least the ones that were at the beginning of the drama. ><;;

They've changed so much in the last few episodes. We all started to get annoyed with KT's childish selfish act. I want to try to understand him but I can't. He was cute in the beginning and most of us adored his pure personality. But now (I agree with pegster and most of you) he put himself first in matters that actually doesn't revolve around him alone. He thinks he has the right to marry NY because he believes that his sperms are the Olympics Gold winners in swimming. Grow up, NY and HS have a say in the matter.

And KH, that guy, though I think he truly might have feelings for NY, but can we trust a player really?Ok, I am a rooter to KH and NY coupling but not in this way. He now starts fights with his long life friend for a woman's sack. I'm sorry but I really don't respect men who can easily break their long life friendships for a woman that they bearly know (few years in NY's case). Unless his friend is scumbag or a total disrespectful jerk he shouldn't do it.

That point I think SH has, he might have liked NY for a long time even before SM's death. But I think he hides it well. Where did I sense that the most? In the scene where SM first introduced NY to his friends, SH's face shows it all. But he is not out of my bashing range yet. Wait SH, weren't you their when your friends admitted that they love NY. How can he go on and kiss her? I know I have to see the episode first and not judge, but KH and KT seemed to me that they are still angry. I'm sure we will see them digging holes in front of each other. It's too soon for SH to show his love for NY, and not with the current atmosphere. I would have liked it if the theory of few more months passed before that would happen is used.

><;; Don't hate me I don't hate you… SH and NY or KH and NY or even Mr Button and NY are ok … oh wait! Auntie Mame had pointed that Mr Button has his own daily drama… :lol: Good luck Mr Button.

I want to know what will happen to the cute female officer. :phew:

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