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How Late Do Your Parents Let You Stay Out?

Guest michikocolatte

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I don't really have a curfew since I don't go out so much at night but if I do...my limit would be 11pm or 8-10pm on school night. I think I could even extent my time if I give my parents a call, give them a heads up - let them know where I'm at, when I'll be back and such. My parents aren't strict so it's all good ;D

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I didn't really have a curfew. Whenever I was out late, like it was almost midnight, I'd get a phone call from my mom telling me to go home. If i didnt answer, she'd leave me an angry voicemail :P haha. This past summer was when I started to go out more often and stayed out pretty late. In the beginning, my mom and brother were really strict with me and always told me to go home early ..but I never did >.<. And then eventually, they got used to it lol. Now, whenever I go out, my mom always asks where I'm going and then says to not stay out late. But I disregard it anyways and she doesn't say anything. She'll only bring it up when we're arguing and says it's unlady like >___>.

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Guest AyuTrance90

I'm 14 and I have to get back home before it's dark. I'm only allowed to go out with friends during the holidays though. My mum doesn't let me out on Sundays during school days -_-

On summer holidays, I usually get back home at around 6pm.

And on winter holidays, I have to get back home at 4 or 5pm, because it gets dark early in winter >_>

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Guest oh_miracle

if it's out shopping with friends, then i have to be back by 7pm.

lastest i've been out was 11:30pm for a party and surprisingly, my mum didn't rage or anything. haha. i'm 16. (:

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My parents don`t really mind anymore now that I`m in college. They`re fine if I know my limit which I do perfectly at. I usually don`t go out too late. The latest ever was probably 4 AM, but my mom never found out lol.

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Guest AnonymouSouL

i stay at home, i have to get back by 5-6 or before nightfall its really annoying but its their rules

but when im back at my place its freeeedom

im in college and my parents rules still apply...

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Guest `dang sun mei

before 10, i'm 18 T__T since i still live under my parents' roof until college.

but i guess it isn't too bad. my friend's parents are 8 pm o___o...

that was me last year.

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I'm 17

and I still have to be back home before dinner, even on school nights (Which is around 6pm)

i get exceptions on special days. Like birthday parties, or school events. But if it's just hanging with friends BEFORE DINNER

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Guest FragrantWhisper

As late as I want, given that my best friend is with me. It's like my parents trust him more than they trust me.

In all seriousness, though, I know they like him watching over me, since they're pretty familiar with him.

I've been out as late as midnight hanging out.

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Guest nsterling

They wouldn't late me stay out as late as 12 midnight. That's why my friends usually stay over and we continue the party at our place when the clock strikes 12.

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Guest thisismyscreename

Most of you guys are lucky that you guys could at least go out..

I don't really go out because they don't like me going out.

But, if I did go out I would go out for a couple of hours, but if I call them and ask to stay a little longer, they'll let me. xD

If I'm with my cousins, that's a different story. ^^

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Guest may__chick

i would say two or three hours. it really depends where i'm going/where i'm at and who i'm with. oh and depends on their mood lol xD

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