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How Late Do Your Parents Let You Stay Out?

Guest michikocolatte

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Guest I.♥_Y0U ;)

I'm 16. I don't really have a set curfew, it depends on where I'm going. Usually around 9-12ish

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Guest she leanss

they do, if they know what i'm doing, where i will be, who is there with me and everything, but i have to be home before 11. -_- i'm 16

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Guest sangiie.yo

it depends where im going.

for new years.. i stayed out till 1 cause we went out to watch the fireworks :D

but for normal outings- i can only go till... 5-6 ?

they dont tell me a time i have to be home by, butwhen i get home they start lecturing about coming hoem so late <_<

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Guest jpinkgorilla

ugh i have strict parents too, maybe not too strict i guess.

they give me the, "we do this, because we care about you" excuse.

haha i'm 14 years old, and don't reall have a set curfew.

It depends on where i go and who i go with.

Usually if i'm just going out for no special occasion with a friend, i have a curfew of 8pm and 6pm in winter.

And usually, only allowed out once a week (not on holidays)

if it's a party or a birthday outing or whatever, i'm usually home at 10-11pm depends

imo, it's not that strict, but - theres people around my age who can go out whenever wherever. Do their parents care?


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Guest BABYY_

i'm 14 and i don't really have a curfew. my parents just tell me to be home before 1:30 am

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Guest yours.truly.

i'm 17 and i don't get to go out whenever i want. on the rare occasions i do get to go out at night, i have to be home at like 10:30 or 11. my mom is really strict.

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I turn 20 this summer yet my mom still starts calling me going "Asdfghjkl it's so late! Come home" when it's like 11:30PM or 1AM. Come on...

EDIT: But I guess it's a good thing that my mom still tails me like that because I have friends whose parents DO NOT GIVE A CRAP about them and although in the past I had similar reactions as some people here (as in "Aww lucky" or *envy*), it's kind of sad that one's parents don't care where their child is at a late time of day (no offense to anyone). At least my mom nags because she wants her son to be safe at home. One of my friends' mom just goes out partying or gambling nightly and leaves her to do whatever she wants and this friend of mine has told me she feels that she isn't loved or cared about.

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Guest royalpirate.

If I'm with my cousins or my bro, then I can go out for as late as I can. (:

But with my friends, my mom won't even let me go.

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Guest hear me roaar

im 17 my parents let me stay out til 10-11 depending where i am and who i'm with. sometimes i stay out til 2 but only when i'm with my sister.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest lizelle

hmm, i don't really have a curfew..

i just have to be home before it gets dark.

my mom always calls me to check on me

so i try to get home around 7 or 8.

i don't really like staying out late anyways

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Guest marasshi

If I'm going to be out until after midnight, they let me stay out all night because I (we) think it's scary using public transpo that late. So I just go home when it starts to get light out, when everyone is off to work LOL

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Guest Regina Rae

My parents don't really care about how late I stay out. But personally, I don't like to stay out late D:

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Guest moonies

i don't have a curfew...as long as they know where i am, who i'm with, and how i'm getting home, they let me stay out as late as i want

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Guest Fueled by Ramen

my curfew is before dark. -__- no specific time, but in the winter that is VERY early...

and in the summer, that's like 8-9pm. meh. I'm 16, by the way.

if i'm in my neighborhood/not traveling alone, i can stay out a little longer, but usually,

i travel home alone and usually, i go downtown rather than staying in my neighborhood..

my parents don't let me go out often though... they think twice a week is "a lot". o__O wtf.

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