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Ajoo Offical Thread


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Guest Kirari

^I wasn't going to bash on him ..alot.. but that article from asianfanatics above is exagerating way too much. If that voice is the result of six years of training then I'd want to get my money back. I don't think still sounding like a kid is a possitive thing. Sure it sets you apart from the rest but ehm.. :unsure:

He and his act still needs some maturing but his looks are fabulous so who cares, it's bubblegum pop. Catchy song tho

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Guest kaylah^18

[letter] AJoo's first letter

Posted: February 20, 2008

Hello~ This is AJOO^^

This is the first time I'm writing a letter after my homepage was opened ^^

Am I a little late? I'm sorry ^^

I'm very happy that a beautiful homepage was made.

This makes it possible for everyone and me to communicate~

Did you know that I read every single message you write here? ㅎㅎ

Thank you very much~ Right now, my foot's injured and I'm very worried about my first performance.


Seeing everyone's messages gave me strength.

Ah! The foot that was injured has now almost recovered.

It seems that I recovered quickly because of everyone's support.

This Friday, the long-awaited debut stage is happening.

Thanks for everyone's concern~

Ah! Only two days left.

According to plan, it's supposed to be on February 14 but it didn't happen.

I'm practicing hard in order to show a wonderful performance

I'm very nervous about my debut performance.

I'm also very worried if there'll be no reactions.

But a lot of you will be coming and supporting AJOO, right?

When everyone is supporting me, I'll be able to rise on stage with more confidence.

If possible, I want to have a valuable memory of my first performance with fans. ^^

ㅎㅎ~ I'm already asking too much...

(Greedy AJOO~ ㅠㅠ)

Hereafter, I'm going to work hard to show a good image to everyone.

I'll constantly practice, please send lots of support and love to AJOO.

ㅎㅎ I'll be doing my best!!

Ok, now I'm going to end this message~

Next time, expect better news and until then, take care everyone!

'Til then bye~bye~

P.S: AJOO will be writing frequently!

credits: AJoo + http://community.livejournal.com/ajoo_love


[letter] First performance^^

Hello everyone, this is AJOO

Haha~ Didn't I tell you that I'll be writing frequently? ㅎㅎㅎ


I had my debut performance ^^

How was I??

To tell you the truth..before performing, I was so tensed.

Before performing, I kept saying to myself, 'Stay confident, I can do this!'

But I was so nervous~


For coming to today's show and hearing everyone's shout of support~

Really really thank you..ㅠ.ㅠ

I was able to go on stage with more confidence because of everyone's support,

Will I know how much support and strength I got?

When the song ended, I was very very sad and wanted to go on stage again.

I'm very disappointed that from the beginning, my singing was tensed and I also looked tensed to the point that I made a mistake when I landed my tumbling.

As soon as the show ended, I went to the office and monitored my performance and saw a lot of mistakes.

Will there be a time when I'll be perfect....ㅠ.ㅠ

But I really enjoyed and loved it on stage.

Until now I still feel giddy. ^^

Ah~~ I'll really not forget this day.

I missed sleeping yesterday thinking of my first performance today and because I'll be thinking of tomorrow's performance, I won't be sleeping again.. ㅎㅎㅎ

Once again, thank you very much for everyone's support~~!

I'll work harder and be better in the future.

Ok, goodnight~ everyone

p.s : It's great being with you today~~~ ^^ Thanks everyone~

- 08.02.22 밤 12:56 아주(AJOO)-

credits: AJoo + http://community.livejournal.com/ajoo_love


[letter] Mcountdown ends...


Everyone~~~~~~~~~!! How have you been? ^^

All schedules ended and the tension lessens but I'm also a little tired.

But, my eyes glitter as I write again a letter for everyone +_+

Can you see my eyes??? ㅎㅎㅎ (Sorry..)

Today, I had my Mcountdown performance ^^

I wanted to show a better performance on stage but I wasn't able to do because of my injury.

I practiced until late at night yesterday but how was I?

But seeing more people than the last time gave me more energy

I felt better than the other day.

I wasn't able to see everyone while I was on the center stage but compared to the main stage, I was able to get closer to everyone and clearly hear your support~ ^^

Anyway, you came early even though the weather's chilly

Was it hard waiting in the cold?

Thank you very much~ Did you get sick? Don't get sick~!!

After finishing interviews, I came back to the office

I was told by the company staff that a fan from Thailand came.

At first, I thought it was a lie~ but when I saw the gift she gave me, it was then that I knew that they're telling the truth. ㅎㅎ

They said she came some time ago but it's very sad I wasn't able to meet her.

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you!!!!!

Though I don't know if you can read this message.

Really really thank you. (--)(__) You even looked for the office.

I'll never forget my first ever foreign fan. ^^

Recently, I've got into a new habit.

When I open the computer, the first thing I do is search for the latest live videos.

I've been logging in the homepage and blog.

Whenever I read everyone's messages, the tiredness flies away and I get more energy.

Thank you for all the energy you're giving me~ Thanks^^ Everyone!!

Sorry I can't reply to each one of you.

I'll just make up for it with a diary entry or letter in the homepage.

I'm writing so much that It's already late in the evening ㅠㅠ

I'm still not used to this writing thing

I wasn't aware that time has passed so quickly...

I'll go to sleep now ^^

Sweet dreams everyone!! Bye~ bye~

p.s : It's already spring but the winds are still cold so take care,

When you go to the main homepage, there's an advertisement about the fanclub, think of a cute name, ok?

I'll be waiting~!

-08.2.28. 밤 아주(AJOO)가^^-

credits: AJoo + http://community.livejournal.com/ajoo_love


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Guest adikkeluangman

AJOO wants to make a name for himself

March 9, 2008


In only 2 weeks since his debut, new singer AJOO has been getting the attention of a lot of music fans because of his good looks (clear skin, red lips and shy smile), impressive dance skills and debut song “First Kiss,” which brought the genre “teen rock” into the Korean pop music scene.

As reported before, AJOO took 6 years before finally debuting on stage and that was no joke.

“I’ve loved music so much since I was young. I started training when I was in Grade 6 and it was fun but also hard. For a long time, I was only trained on basic singing and dancing and I grew tired of doing those. But the AJOO that I am now is because of what I went through.”


In such a young age, AJOO already possesses passion for music. Although he started with a teen rock song called “First Kiss,” he plans on venturing into other music styles.”

“I’d like to do other music styles. Right now, I’ve done music of teen pop and rock. In the future, I’d like to try mixing ballad and R&B with rock.

When he entered the music industry, he reminded people of Se7en because of his intense dancing and singing power and was even called the “2nd Se7en. Although AJOO feels that it is a lot of pressure to be given that title, he also says that it inspires him to be better.”

“I followed and practiced a lot of Se7en’s dancing. I’m very honored to be called the ‘2nd Se7en.’ Although it’s a lot of pressure, I’ll work harder to be better. I’m not the ‘2nd Se7en’ and I’ll try to make my mark as AJOO!”

That being said, watch out for AJOO for if his name speaks for itself, which was given to him by his grandfather and was taken from the phrase ( 아시아의 주인공) “Master of Asia,” it will not be long until we see great things from him.

Source: Newsen + krnloop

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I have to say I love his voice, it's orginal.

And to have Tablo compliment him on it was really a highlight.

I believe his dancing could use a new choreographer.

But he is new and he will keep getting better.

He has had a very good start, keep working hard.

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Guest astrosexxy

3/10 ~ 3/16 schedule

notice; i don't know much korean, there probably will be mistakes.

feel free to point them out ^^

3/13 (Thursday) : SBS "dushittalchul cultshow' (PM 2:00)

Mnet "M! Countdown' (PM 7:00)

MBC "kangin, cho jeongrin's chinhan chingoo' (PM 8:00)

3/15 (Saturday) : SBS 'Star King' (PM 5:30)

credits; http://blog.naver.com/aj2o/

take out with proper credits.

there will probably be changes to his schedule, and i will check

it daily (on both his ohp and naver), but i don't know if i will be

able to update this post since i keep forgetting there's an ajoo thread here. ;;

but i posted this over at the livejournal community as well, and i will keep updating

it if there are changes so please stop by if you'd like. ^^;;

--- edit; i should be studying... but instead i made a tutorial on how to joing the ohp and get access to ucc, gallery etc.

go to his ohp (http://stam.co.kr/ajoo), and there will be a box on the left where it says ID, pass, login, join & help.

you can't miss it, just press 'join'. i had problems with this in firefox so make sure you are using internet explorer.


PM me for questions and i'll try to help you out, i couldn't join myself since i don't have a korean social security number

but as soon as i can find the webmasters email address i'll ask him/her about foreigners signing up.

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Guest Rikku

lol. every time i look at this thread, i always read "Aigoo Official Thread" XD

it's a bit confusing this kid though...lulz. teenagers...

he wants to infuse dancing with "teen rock"? i imagine emo kids every are heaving right now. :lol:

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Guest ▂▃▄▅▆ KIZ ▆&#9

아주, “아직 진짜 첫키스 못해봤어요” [OSEN]


[OSEN=이정아 기자]여자만 상큼 하란 법 있냐. 뽀얀 피부, 상큼한 매력으로 누나들의 마음을 훔칠 준비를 마친 ‘발렌타인 보이’ 아주(18, 본명 노아주)가 가요계 문을 힘차게 두드리고 있다.

수줍은 미소와 얼굴을 붉히는 모습이 영락없는 10대 소년인 그는 첫 싱글앨범 ‘첫키스’에서 아크로바틱을 응용한 춤과 틴록이라는 새로운 장르로 신선함을 한껏 발산하고 있다. 파워풀한 춤을 추기 위해 스턴트 액션은 물론 쿵푸, 카포에라, 아크로바틱 등을 연마했다. 무대 위에서 고난위도의 텀블링을 선보일 수 있는 것은 그의 이런 노력이 있었기에 가능했다.

2월 14일 발렌타인데이에 데뷔 무대를 가질 것을 계획하고 ‘발렌타인 보이’가 될 것을 의심치 않았지만 안타깝게 바로 그 전 춤을 추다가 발을 다쳐 그 계획이 무산되기도 했다. 하지만 팬들은 그에게 더 큰 박수를 보냈고 며칠 후 성공적인 데뷔 무대를 가질 수 있었다. 6년여의 연습생 생활 동안 목, 다리, 어깨 부상을 당하기도 했지만 연습을 하던 그 시절도, 5시간 밖에 못자는 지금도 행복하다는 생각을 한다는 그다.

# 1. 6년 전 길거리 캐스팅!

아주는 길거리 캐스팅이 된 대표적인 사례다. 6년 전 명동 역에서 지하철을 타다가 기획사 관계자의 눈에 띄어 오디션을 보고 트레이닝을 거쳐 이렇게 데뷔를 하게 됐다. 많은 이들이 연예인을 꿈꾸는 지금 꿈을 이룬 그는 노력이 뒷받침 된 행운아임이 분명했다. 아주는 “지금 친구들은 학교에서 꿈을 키우며 공부를 하고 있는데 나는 남들보다 꿈을 먼저 이룬 셈이다. 정말 행복하다. 앞으로가 더 중요하다고 생각하고 열심히 하겠다”고 말했다.

‘아주’라는 이름도 본명이다. 할아버지가 ‘아시아의 주인’이 되라는 뜻으로 지어준 이름이다. 여동생이 둘 있는데 ‘아라’‘아미’라니 이름이 참 예쁘다는 생각이 들었다.

# 2. 연상은 몇 살까지 괜찮아?

‘누나들의 로망’이라는 수식어가 붙은 아주. 연상의 여인들의 사랑을 많이 받는 만큼 실제로 연인으로 연상의 여인은 좋아하는지, 몇 살까지 괜찮은지 궁금했다. 그는 상당히 오래 고민하다가 수줍게 “5살”이라고 말했다. 5살 이상 차이나는 누나들은 실망하겠다고 하자 재빨리 “아니, 사실 난 일찍 사회생활을 시작해 아무리 나이가 차이가 많아도 말이 통할 것 같다. 5살 위도 괜찮다”고 덧붙이는 모습이 귀엽다.

# 3. 이상형은 한예슬 누나!

18살 아주는 이상형으로 단번에 한예슬을 꼽았다. 한예슬의 밝은 이미지가 무척 좋단다. 한예슬이 환하게 웃는 것을 보면 그런 웃음이 누구에게나 전파 될 것 같다는 생각을 한다. 한예슬 이야기를 하면서 유난히 밝게 웃는 아주에게 “CF도 한예슬과 촬영하면 얼마나 좋겠냐, 무슨 광고를 찍고 싶냐”고 물었더니 한예슬과 CF를 찍는다면 무엇이든지 좋다고 또 밝게 웃었다.

# 4. 아직 제대로 된 첫 키스는 못해 봤다!

노래 제목도 ‘첫 키스’ 이고 뮤직비디오에서도 키스 장면이 등장한다. 정말 첫키스는 언제 경험했냐고 묻자 의외로 진짜 첫 키스는 해본적이 없다고 했다. 학교에 다니면서 여자친구를 사귄 적도 있었지만 키스를 해 본 적은 한 번도 없다. 뮤직비디오를 촬영하면서 해 본 것이 전부다. 그 뮤직비디오 촬영할 때의 이야기가 재미있다.

뮤직비디오에서 키스 장면을 촬영하는데 경험도 없고 너무 떨려서 긴장을 무척이나 많이 했다. 여배우랑 그 장면을 촬영을 하는데 1, 2시간 가량이 소요 됐다. 어떻게 해야 될지도 모르겠고 어떻게 겨우 겨우 촬영을 마치긴 했는데 기억도 잘 안 난다. 아주는 “왜, 첫 키스를 하면 무슨 맛이 난다고 하지 않냐. 너무 떨려서 생각도 안 난다. 이건 촬영이었으니까 진짜 첫 키스는 아니다. 나중에 하면 어떤 느낌일지 궁금하다”며 당시의 기분을 회상했다.

노래 ‘첫 키스’의 안무는 첫 키스를 한 후 기뻐서 팔짝팔짝 뛰고, 날아갈 것만 같은 기분을 표현한 것인데 그 감정이 안 산다고 혼나기도 많이 혼났다.

# 5. 올해는 아주의 해!

벌써부터 회사로 팬들이 찾아오고 특히 태국 등지에서 아주를 보기 위해 온 팬들도 많다. 그런 것을 보면서 일단 신기하다는 아주는 먼저 한국에서 인정을 받는 것을 목표로 삼고 있다. 한국에서 인정을 받은 후 일본, 중국 등에도 진출을 할 계획이지만 한국에서 이름과 노래를 알리고 인정을 받는 것이 먼저라고 생각한다. 하지만 그 때를 위해 영어 공부는 틈틈이 하고 있는 중이다. 같은 소속사 선배인 윤하도 조언을 아끼지 않고 있다.

피아노, 기타를 능숙하게 다룰 줄 알고 자작곡도 6곡 정도 만들어 놓은 아주는 올 여름께 발매될 정규 앨범에도 많은 관심을 가져달라고 당부했다.

저스틴 팀버레이크, 어셔가 정말 좋고 그런 퍼포먼스를 하게 될 날을 꿈꾸며 록에 기반을 두고 10대들의 감성을 덧입힌 틴록이라는 장르로 ‘틴록=아주’가 생각날 수 있도록 만들겠다며 각오를 다지는 아주. 그가 몰고 올 3월 봄바람 만큼 따뜻하고 상큼한 무대는 이제부터다.


<사진>황세준 기자 storkjoon@osen.co.kr

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Guest usagis


i hear the song

i love!!!!!!

and i see he is so pretty face i love!!!!

i am a fans of AJOO

yeahh ^^ thanks for the treat about this pretty boy and

he sing is soo aaaaa

i am inlove ^^


well is my first post please undestandme ^^ T_T

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^^it's cool,

i find him to be more attractive in videos rather than pics, i guess he's not photogenic (best example: seungri from big bang, he doesn't look as good in pictures, but he likes 3434234932 times hotter in person!!)

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Guest astrosexxy

ah. ajoo's laugh is so adorable~~ ㅋㅋㅋ

he performed first kiss and some other song, and he played the piano *-*

i don't have time to put all the screencaps together right now since

sukira and chunji starts soon but i'll get the screencaps up later tonight :3

i hope someone recorded this, the second song he sang was beautiful ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

and his english is so cute haha xDD

i think he became a bit teary during da vichi's second song

because kangin pat his back and asked 'are you ok? are you ok?' x'3 ahwz.

akiradown; hahah, i agree with you. xD he's too pretty for pictures.

they make him no justice. :3

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Guest tvxqforever


finally THERE's a.. AJOO thread!!



i know him through..

Epik High's Tablo..

cos Tablo was saying that Ajoo's voice is UNIQUE !!









Ajoo in Super Junior Kangin's Chin Han Chin Gu 130308



credit : imbc.com

reup: tvxqforever @ soompi

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Guest astrosexxy

screencaps from chinchin over here.

tell me if you have any problems viewing them, daum's been acting

up on me lately. -sigh-

also, does anyone have a rip/recording of the song he sang in english and played piano to on chinchin? '

pm me if you do. i can't find it anywhere D:

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Guest marjorie<3

i like him alot i never get tired to watch his debut perf ^^ even thou his voice is a bit shaky its nautral for beginners and at least he sings LIVE ^^ and yes i think he will be the next SE7EN in KOREA will soon mke it big just dont change his APPEARANCE AND THE HAIR SUITS HIM BUT MAYBE NOT TOO LONG ^^ he need to guest on gme shows to gain more popularity ^^ i support him all the way woootttt!!! where is his forum? i wanna join ^^

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Guest .:: Stacey ::.

To watch AJoo's radio appearances, go here (3/7 MBC Radio "Twinkling Star at Night" only) and here (MBC ChinChin Radio, SBS Tushitalchul Cult Show, etc)


[news] "Someday, I want to take a spot on a global stage."


In an interview with Sports Seoul, AJOO talked about how his family supported him in his quest to become a singer, how was it like training for 6 years, his idols and what his big dream is.

"I was in Grade 6 when I got scouted in a subway for an audition. I love and enjoy dancing. Fortunately my parents didn't oppose to me doing it. I was a bit worried but they encouraged me and said, 'Believe if you really want to do it'. I trained on basic singing and dancing for 2-3 years and I thought it was fun in the beginning but because everyday I just completely did the same thing, training became boring. I also felt frustrated when I didn't improve. Then one day in those 6 years, I decided to really practice and turned-off my cellphone. I started just for fun but in doing so, I fulfilled my dream."

AJOO is currently a junior at the Sanggye High School and wants to follow Justin Timberlake, Usher and Beyonce's charisma and passion. When it comes to the local music scene, AJOO says that he especially respects Cho Yong Pil.

AJOO, who is planned to release his album in June-July, ended the interview by expressing what his long-term goal is.

"Someday, I want to take a spot on a global stage."

credits: sports seoul + http://community.livejournal.com/ajoo_love/



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