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Cute/sweet Text Messages/voicemails You've Recieved?

Guest calvinENG.fc3s

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Guest dot.1430279747

He's in america, I'm in australia. 

It was 8pm here, and 1am over there. 

I was coming home from uni and he asked when I'd be home.

I told him to go to bed because i didnt want to keep him up.

him: You're worth waiting for. 


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I was teasing this guy about him crushing on Anne Hathaway.

me: Nah, I know you would line up first to get her autograph if you get the chance.

him: No, seriously. She's beautiful but you're still the one I'm thinking of.

...... (having a hard time replying)

him: Nothing compares you.

me: (:



then one time, I told him I saw a ghost while I was on graveyard duty.

I was a bit paranoid so I told him to give some jokes.

him: I think I know what would make you smile or laugh, but I don't know if that would be your reaction.

me: Okay, let's see.

him: I like you (my full name).

If something creepy happens, just read it again. (his text message)

hahaha XD

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Not from a significant other, just a really good friend.

"I don't have anything of importance to say, but just felt like texting you. :)"

When I hadn't replied back in almost a day because I thought the conversation was over because all it was, was "haha :)" (and I don't usually start the conversation):

"I sent the last text, it's your turn to reply."

I had to be away for a while and wouldn't be able to contact him on my phone. He promised not to text until I texted him when I was back. A few days later when I turned on my phone, I received 3 texts.

"I miss you already." (This one I received the day after our last conversation.)

"Thinking of you."

And the last one was just one of my name.

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Once upon a time.

Her: we...wouldn't work... 

Me: all true but what was that extra long hug about 

Her: i could ask you the same thing 

Me: i didn't want you to go 

Her: i didn't want to go... but regardless, you still have a girlfriend, and we still wouldn't work 

Me: yeah i know 

Her: then why do we keep running into this situation? 

Me: I have cake 

Me: ice cream cake leftover cause I bought it for my dads bday. would you like some cake?

Her: lol excuse me? and yes I would but what are you talking about?

Me: If you stopped by to see me again, I would offer you some cake

Her: are you luring me with cake?

Me: yes

Her: you're wooing me..with cake

Me: well I figured it's much sweeter than I am

Her: haha, i wouldn't bet on that. you are sweet...and you can be sweet. you just usually choose not to be

Her: but i can't bryan...yesterday was, a one time thing. i can't be the other girl that sees you...in the middle of the night walking around a park looking at stars. you have a girlfriend bryan. you should be wooing her with cake

Me: so why'd you call me up?

Her: because i wanted to see you that day. i liked spending the whole day with you and i thought about you all day. and sitting in the parking lot in my car, lost cause i couldn't find my volunteer group, i just wanted to see you again

This girl has probably put me through hell and back for the last 5 years. A lot of missed opportunities and could haves. There was just something intrinsically fascinating that I found about her, that I couldn't shake. There are few girls who I've come across who can match wit with me, but she was more than capable. 

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Guest xxxamberleigh

My boyfriend is in the army, so we don't get to see eachother that often anymore. He texts me cutethingsss alll the time;;;

He said I love yu, to that I said I love yu more, and I got this in return..

"Impossible. <3 I never knew a girl could make me feel this way. You're so amazing amber. Just everything about you. I would die for you. Baby you make me wanna do something crazy everytime I think about you. Your an adrenaline rush to me. You makeme go insane boosauce. I'm blessed that you are mine. Iwill never take you for granted. I'm never hurting you again. I'm treating you like a princess until this heart stops beating. It'll be me and you forever living life like a dream. I need noone else. I have you and you only make me happy. I love you baby, never think differently. <33

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Guest seeingpearls

M y good friend's not coming back to school for two weeks because of a surgery, so I've been nagging and worrying over him XD.

He replied to a freak out text I had sent to him along the lines of "WTF INFECTION FROM THE SURGERY?! ARE YOU IN PAIN? DID THEY GIVE YOU ENOUGH MORPHINE? HAVE ENOUGH FOOD THERE? YOU WORRY US! and i got a haircut. it's really short <___>" :

lol calm down i'm home now. all surgeries have chance of infections. sorry for worrying you guys. the food was decent, and i bet your hair is nice and cute and indian-richard simmons* would like it. yeah i got drugs XD

*indian-richard simmons, the nickname for the guy i like LOL :P

I don't know why, but I found his reply really cute blush.gif

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Guest NINEorMore

the bf and i live 45 min away. (but we see each other on the weekend and sometimes weekdays)

while driving home from work he text me "i wish i was driving home to you." i had tears :)

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Guest hiswendy

Not really a text... or a voicemail... but it's a message. That counts, right? Hahahaha

"You deserve special treatment, you're special. And not 'ride the short bus to school' kind of special. The good kind of special."

I spazzed.

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Guest michirururu

I actually forgot my text messages and exactly what they say.. but

my first boyfriend (who's really, really sensitive) had a long-distance with me, so he kind of wait for the date of my return back home, which is like 101~110 days or something like that, i forgot the exact number.

and then he makes up a text message everyday, 101~110 reasons why i love you.

so everyday he makes up little things about me and why it makes him happy / love me, etc. Man.. I know I'm cruel to say this, but I didn't keep a single message =(

but that's just a romantic idea if anyone likes it =)

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Guest sleepyness

My guy best friend always sends me the cutest messages HAHA.

One time he messaged me and was like:

'Hey, I know you've had bronchitis before so I just wanted to tell you that it's really smoky outside cuz of forest fires! Try to stay home today!'

And from another time when I told him I found out something about my health

Him : How are you taking it?

Me : I'm okay, I didn't cry yet.. so high five? HAHA (I was trying to lighten up the mood)

Him : You know.. it's okay to admit that you're not okay. Don't keep it all inside, I hope you know that I'm not the kind of friend that only sticks by when all is well.. I'm here when you're happy, when you're sad, when you're mad.. I'm here whenever.

.. I cried. LOL

& Another time when I was pissed off about something.

Him : Hey! What's the matter? Why does your fb status say 'whatever'?

Me : Don't worry about it, I was just feeling blue.

Him : Feel rainbow, please!

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Guest HavenInMuse

Not really a text or vm or anything but today my bf took his phone and changed my name to "My Lady :)" and that made my day!!!!! or actually made me happiest in a year actually

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Guest LOLNy

This was what my ex said to me once. :U We dated for about 6 months before we had to end it due to school and other things. I had always been on the edge about it since it was a long distance relationship, but what he told me this kind of made me realize I loved him. We had gotten in an argument about his exes because he and my friend had dated a while back and they kept it from me. Though we've been broken up for almost 2 years now, I still think about him and wonder how he's been. We ended on pretty bad terms and being that he lived 1000 miles away, we stopped talking. Anywho, this was what he told me that ended the argument:

Andy: they dont even mean a thing to me

Andy: youre the best

Andy: i cant imagine comparing them to you

Andy: they were heartless

Andy: i never really felt anything with them

Andy: but with you its a whole new feeling

Andy: a feeling that ive always longed for

Andy: i was looking for it

Andy: and i found you

Andy: and you showed me that feeling

Andy: and its nice...

I'm glad I got to give him that feeling for a while. It didn't last but I hope he can find that girl one day that will make it last. happy.gif

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Guest ms. rachellica

lol he sent me one last week wen we were supposed to study together, but he had to help out his dad with something so he ended up not coming thru. so he txted me, "ahh i'm so pissed! i missed out on some study time and some rachelle time." rachelle is me btw lol

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Guest dot.1430279747

"You are the most beautiful girl in MY world, and I intend on keeping it that way for a long time."

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Guest rcvbsk

I was sitting in class one time and noticed a ton of hershey's kisses in my backpack so I texted my boyfriend "omg why did u give me so many??"  Then he texted me back "so I can give u kisses when i'm not there"

That made my heart melt...............  

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