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Cute/sweet Text Messages/voicemails You've Recieved?

Guest calvinENG.fc3s

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I know it's gonna sound kinda corny or whatever, but I loved it and I couldn't stop giggling to myself for a while. :D

"Irene, last night, thinking of you. One tear rolled out. I asked, "Why are you out?" Tear said, "Theres someone so beautiful in your eyes, now there is no palce for me.""

He's so cute. xD  Don't know where he got it from but I still love him for sending me that!

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i was complaining to a good guy friend of mine about uni:

me: i don't know what i should do :( i want to do law but people say i'm too nice to do law!

guy: but that's the best part about you. You'll be amazing at whatever you do, because you're nice like that.

made my day :)

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Had a rough week and things were just not going right. I was down in the dumps and this is what happened.

Me: I feel like I`m going to fall down hard sooner or later.

Him: Every time you fall I will raise you up forever, but while you're with me I will do the impossible because you do not fall ever.

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Guest TheMissCareless

I cant really remember many but I do remember two by different people [now both my exes]   

1)''Good night baby <3 I just want you to know that you mean the world to me.Sweet dreams , don't let the bed bugs bite (: . -Virtual hug-'' Since we were texting he cant give me a real hug so..virtual hug XD.

-Warning : a story 8D-

2)He was a SUPERRRRR unromantic guy.That day I was really pissed off at him cause I was always the one saying ''I love you''s in the relationship and he was like always ''yeahh..'' , ''okay.'' ''mhmmm'' . == When I was venting my frustration at my room[LOL],he sent me a text ''I'm sorry babe..Its because you're my first girlfriend..I dont know the timing to say it.I'm sorry ): Please forgive me,I really don't want to lose you.'' But in the end the next day he managed to say it while blushing and he isn't the type to be all cutesy like normally .WAHAHAH 8D .. <Hopefully this isn't out of topic :X. 

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Guest staticlullaby

Him: thinking about iceskating on sunday :3

Me: haha oh really? x3

Him: haha yeap

Him: (:

Me: :P who with though heh ~

Him: ughhhh (':

Him: u know who

Him: ;P

Me: hmm you and yourself? :)

Him: yes you and yourslef + me

Him: (:

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One day I was really sad and almost cried. So he was like, " DON'T CRY!! PLEASE DONT!! COME ON SMILE SMILE!! I'll listen to kpop for you! to those uh...shine dudes!"

He hates Kpop but would do it for me xD oh and he means SHINee. XD

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Guest PinkWaffles

*Got a random voice mail from a little girl (and I have no idea who it is).*

"Mommy...... Daddy told me not to tell you but...... Daddy tried to fix the fence today and he broke it some more. Hurry and come home!  

Don't be sad! Bye! And I want french fries!"

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I was texting with my boyfriend telling him how my grandpa is kind of racist about his people. And he replied with:

"It's okay~ The way I love you is kind of prejudice too because I love you unreasonably. :)"

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There is this girl who is like a soulmate to me~

I dont think I'm in love with her but just..

I talk to her everyday nd mostly chat with her for hours till 4AM

So now both of us are having exams so we decided not to talk to eachother for 2 weeks.

becuz.. once we talk before you know it its 4AM again and we weren't able to study at all.

Now I'm thinking of texting her..

"You know I've missed you!

Go kick ur exam's butt so we can hangout alrdy!"

but maybe that is a bit too much?

I really miss her .___.

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Guest bulguksu

from the guy I like:

"lmao I'm so glad we met exactly what I was looking for :)"


he sent that randomly when I was being a dork talking about bacon lol


"I think if I got a hug from you before classes started itd make til lunch standable:)<3"

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Him: I'm not stressing myself out haha. btw i think you are really beautiful and i would love to hangout with you more plz

Him: its cause you are very pretty and you dont have to be shy when youre around reid and them. youre an amazing and very social girl. you dont need to be shy around my friends haha :)

Him: hahah kk i give in. btw im staring at the sky right now and the stars kind of twinkle and shine like your eyes. super pretty.

Him: goodnight sweet dreams beautiful. Hopefully ull pop up in my dreams ^^

Him: Haha you dont understand, when you like somebody, it doesnt matter about anything else. Gotta understand me and hansons thinking. and plus youre beautiful and have a lovely personality so who wouldnt fall for you

Him: yeah im down to hangout tonight! im always down to hangout with you beautiful

Me: I had a dream you were with my friends and I during the premier last night :P

Him: Im glad i finally entered your dreams cuz youre the girl of my dreams :]

Friend1 wanted to hangout with me, but I already had plans. We were texting later at 3 in the morning before he slept and I asked him how his day was.. He said, "I was trishaless today." It was a little cute haha

Friend2: trish you awake?

Friend2: guess not. love you trisha. sweet dreams. you should be the love of my life HAHA

Me: i like seeing you guys ^____^ except a little less after the smokeeaters incident.. heheh.. you will never find someone like trishymishy (the guhh that has crazy, embarrassing stories)

Friend3: No one can replace you :]

My best girl friend was sad and said this over the phone:

" I really love you Trisha and I honestly don't know what I would do without you. The whole time I was I couldn't stop thinking about how sad I was and how I wished you were around. Leslie wished you came too. Today was just a bad day and I wanted to go home.. It would've been so much fun if you were there. I really love you, I do.... I'd take a bullet for you. Sigh, I want to cry right now.."

I got an anonymous message on tumblr saying, "i find you really cute :)! It's almost every little detail about you and what you do that's cute and attracts me. See me more!"

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Guest hiswendy

I dreamt that he and I were together, but he had fallen in love with another girl. Once I woke up, I texted him that in my dream he kept breaking my heart, haha. He replied:

"You and your wacky subconscious! Doesn't it know that I only love you? Well I do. Hope your day has been better since you awoke."

What I love most about his message is knowing that he means it.

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Guest dbsk4eva

Him: If i ever meet chu, you wont able to finish the lunch i buy you

Me: why not? i can eat lol

Him: lawl cause if you finish i'll buy more and more

Me: waaaa LOL

Me: you want me to be chubby?

Him: lawl i dunt care if ur chubby, as long as ur happy x]

Him: ur cute enuff already. i laugh if you tuned into kirby

Me: ><

Me: i couldnt imagine if i turned into kirby =/ LOL

Me: Kirby is sooooooooooooo cute!!!

HIm: lmfao

Him: ive seen cuter everytime i log into skout

Me: =O cuter than boo the dog?!?!?!

Him: haha

Him: boo the dog doesnt make my heart melt a fast as you do ;)

Him: but... i gotta admit hes kinda cute rofl


i was hungryy during class xD

Me: i feel like eating red bean pudding lolll

Him: lawl 甜死你啊! juujuu x] (its too sweet for you! piggy)

Him: but of course its not as sweet as you ;]

Me: you always make me laugh xD

Him: haha its my job to make you laugh in da future x]


while i asked for his facebook~

Him: tbh...i thought i was the only (His name). who knew i was so popular

Me: hahaha, your name is too common

Me: unlike me =P

Him: Thats because your special x]

Him: especially to me hehe


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Guest jellie_kookie

My friend 1: who have you liked before?

My friend 2 (girl) : ermm... *different names* and you..

My friend 1 (guy) : Oh. I missed something amazing, I'm sorry.


I wake up and check my phone. There's a message from the guy I like/best friend was like:

 Good morning. I hope you woke up on time and be early for once. :)

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Him: goodnight sweet dreams trisha. Btw i luv u

Him: and im peanuts for you too

Him: and youre a very unique and special girl who has a very unique personality. and plus youre super beautiful :)

Him: super super super super beautiful ^^

Me: im in love with the pork buns <3

Him: im in love with you haha!

Him: my friend hooked me up with vip, i can see the whole club from the top! but only one problem. i wish a special girl was here with me :(

Him: sure anything for you trisha

Him: beautiful*

Him: ur a very unique girl with a very unique passion and you chose to do something you love rather than something that is forced upon you and i admire that

Friend: i hope your feel happy soon. youre a good friend and i dont like seeing you sad. so if there is anything i can do to make you feel better, always let me know :3

Friend: haha all good :) i undersrand what ya mean. ill only do it if you make sure to smile :)

Sorry, I bomb this topic a lot :3

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest YooAmie

Well, I was working with my sister in my daddy's shop, and my boyfriend started texting me saying like, "whatcha doing" and like basically general convos xD, and I have to go to like a prom thingy but with my family o.o so it's like a family party xD, and I'm the type of girl who will usually say, if I don't look good I'd just say , "I don't like the way I'm dressing/looking, but I'll stick with it" and my boyfriend is was like, " your the cutest person I've met in the whole wide world, and even if you werent looking your best, your still my cutie pie that I always knew" and so I've been very happy about my ugly looking xD. I miss him :( we broke up a few months ago :(

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