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Cute/sweet Text Messages/voicemails You've Recieved?

Guest calvinENG.fc3s

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Guest lovesicles

not a text msg.

but just something that happened.

he said: saranghae.

for the first time.

and i ruined it. lol.

me: wait.. do you really mean it.

him: ...you just ruined the mood.

me: only say it if you mean it. u_u

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my senior texted me back then when he seemed to have interest in me..

'i just want to see you happy'

'every second, every hour, i just want to see you. Every day, every night, i dream of you..' i forgot the rest actually it was his original poem made in hanzi(chinese letters) and i have to translate the whole thing first because he didnt want to tell me himself. The moment i understood his poem, i was amazed, mesmerized, and touched. But now i only remember that part as a remembrance of my once-fell-in-love-with-me senior. We are now merely strangers. I never responded to his feeling though. But he is not the adamant and persistent type. But he was SWEET back then =)

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Guest army_girlfriend

My boyfriend is in the army and whenever we talk/text/ see each other we have a little thing

Instead of the whole "love you bye"

I say "love you always"He says "love you more, stay smiling"I say " always, see you soon"He says "see you soon"

It sounds silly, but because we get to see each other much, and obviously with deployments for months at a time, means we never say goodbye, always see you soon.


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Guest A`Style

I'm so jealous of all these~! I wanna share one of mine ^^

"yeah :) today Jeff* walked in and was gonna scare you but I told him, 'if you wake her up I'll wake you up!' and I shook my fist at him :P haha!."

That made me giggle and smile all day

*changed name

I have another one. I got this one today:

":( I'm sorryyyyy! But I want you to be :):D =) =D ^^~ :>) =] :] ;) ;]"

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Guest tinnny

I always delete my texts but here's a couple that I remember:

"Morning beautiful."

Usually, I'm the one who always texts him first in the morning, but I didn't this morning so he texted me saying, ":( I was waiting for you to text me."

I just left his place to get home and I told him I got a headache, he says, "maybe it's because you left me :("

I was making him wait to call me, cause we always talk at night while falling asleep and I said, "sorry for making you wait", he replied, "it's k, the more I wait, the more it makes me want to talk to you."

There is tons but these are the recent ones :)

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Recently I got one from my Bf, since he left a couple days ago to another city and he's coming back at 1am tomorrow (and I'll go pick him at the ariport), he texted me a few moments ago:

"I miss you so much, it's been just a couple days but being so far away from you it's horrible. I just wanna be there already so we can be together and spend an amazing Sunday, I love you"

He says that because he sadly missed my Birthday (Two years in a Row, he's a Nerdy so he has lots of Computer Science contests around the country), since he had to go to Guanajuato, so he says he has a big surprise for me on Sunday and I can't wait !

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Guest MusicallyEnchanted

'Your beauty is evident, regardless of what you wear'.

=]] Nicest, most eloquent thing I've heard from a guy haha.

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Guest jTuned

On the 21st May(end of the world!:vicx:), we had a huge fight so the next day...

Him:"Yesterday I thought the world was actually going to end! Do you know why?"

Her:"what the.. -0- why?"

Him:"Because you are my world."


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Lol. I remember some from my ex-crush

Me: I know you don't wanna be talking to me.. so go text your Korean girlfriends (He loooooooooves snsd sleep.gif)

Him: What korean girlfriends?

Me: Don't lie! You know who! haha. Here, I'll even give you their number: 243-2314(random numbers)

Him: Whose number is that?! 

Me: Your girlfriend's duh!

Him: No. That's not your number ;) 


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Guest Dorami.

Me: I'm not talking to you anymore!

Him: Fine, then I'm not talking to you too!

Me: Fine!

-1 hour later-

Him: =(

Lol I thought it was cute/funny.

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Guest xrainy_day

We got into this super cheesy battle of who loves the other more (gag, I know.)

I told him I love him more when we were on facebook chat and then he told me to wait while he sends an important text.

I get a text from him saying "Your argument is flawed because I love you more."

For a guy who hates cheesy stuff, he says a lot of cheesy things.

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Guest Scarlet

me: what's your idea of a perfect date?

him: every day i spend with you is my perfect date

i smiled like an idiot

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My friend posted on my FB wall:

Him: I HATE you cuz your leaving. (I'm leaving for college, he's a year younger than me.)

Me: I HATE you for not asking me to stay. XD

Him: I WAS not ASKING you to stay.

Lol. I'll miss this boy when I'm in college. :)

Here's another text message convo I had with a friend, which I found hilarous:

Him: So I have a piggy bank but I never feed it :o

Me: Feed it. XD Stop abusing it.

Him: >.> he's on a a diet. I'm just supporting him.

Lol, I almost died laughing!

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Guest meatbun_16

i have heaps of texts from my boyfriends, and some of them are really cute, and it's even more touching because he's not a romantic kind of guy!

one of those text is ...:

me: "<3 x 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...."

him:"ya<3 x1"

me: "<3 x1? how's stingy!!!!!!!! im ur wife, five me more<3:D hehehhehhehehhehe!"

him:"i only have 1 heart and 1 girl(:""

and this is the other one, a bit long but touching...:)

him: "i havent been sleeping much tonight and just feel uneasy... why do you you say that you love me so much and yet you cant break rules for me...?

am i not worth it or are you just affraid to do so..? i wont break just family rules..i swear i'll even break the law just for you!.....but did you know there's one thing i'll never break? and that's to stop loving you! even if i did have a choice, then i'd rather choose to die because your my world and i dont want to witness it breaking into pieces... and even if i did i wouldnt mind putting it back together again with you..."

he sent me this at 6 in the morning...

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Guest hkukaudition

Me : Don't worry, i'll be back in October and you won't notice anyway 'cause you'll be working so much

Him: Of course i will notice, i think about you everyday.

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Guest hong863

" i love you. if you stay with me, i promise to love you with every bone in my body"

it was super duper sweet =D

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