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Would You Mind If Your S/o Isnt A Virgin?

Guest 2Loveletter

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Yes, i would mind if my bf isn't a virgin anymore.

but i wouldn't judge him badly, just bcoz he had done it already.

I honestly prefer a virgin bf.

actually, i wouldn't want to date a guy who has slept with lots of girls.

that's just my preference.

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Guest princessberry

I wouldnt mind, if he's the right one that Ive met, I can't leave him just because of he's not a virgin after all isnt it?

Plus, isnt it very hard to get a guy who had never slept with any girls before at this era?

So yeah I won't mind :)

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Guest Sweet.desire

I would mind. I want a guy who'll give importance to virginity. I don't like

someone who's not virgin anymore because it makes me feel less special.

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Guest smilesunwoo_

I would mind, but I wouldnt mind at the same time.

I would like him to be a virgin, and I want him to have that special time with me, you know? But at the same time, if he's done it a couple times (not a couple, maybe like 1-2 times), it should be okay.

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I'd be a bit uncomfortable, and probably be curious to how many girls he slept with.

Just knowing that maybe you're the fourth or fifth girl, probably isn't a very good feeling.

And there is a part where when you lose your virginity to a virgin in a relationship, later along the path break up. Then next relationship comes along = sex becomes easier to initiate?

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Im like everyone else, my ex wasnt , and had like 3 gf's, and lost it alrdy but i was still a virgin, but he undeerstood me tho, he knew i wasnt comfortable with that stuff. 

I mean, I would be a lil uncomfortable knowing that he's did stuff not knowing under what conditions so you dont ' know if it was like playing around or not. :( 

He respecrted me tho and nothing happened. 

To me, if I were to loose my virniginity or anything I have to be ready and be sure that he is the one, like its serious stuff . I know so many ppl who just bang people for fun, I dont know how they have that mindset! 

If someone wanted to have sex with me or anything (LOL not that anyone would) I want to be sure thye really love me. I guess to me I take it very srs, in the end I just think its okay ish, people now a days lose them so early -.- but at the same time its not becuase you dont know wat he did in the past! :(

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Guest xsilentangel

I used to care a lot. I am still a virgin and I still think sex is a HUGE deal. I'm not religious and I don't have strict parents; it's just a choice I made myself to lose it to someone I am in a very serious relationship with. I don't like the thought of him being so intimate with another girl. But in the last couple of years, I've realized that this cannot be changed. I am more accepting of people after more experiences. I think I don't care as much as I had in the past, but I still care a lot.

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Guest m i s o

I mind alot. I even told my boyfriend how much it bothers me. Im aware its in the past and its not something I can change, Im also aware that hes changed since then. But it still bothers me nonetheless. The greatest thing that bothers me about it is he claimed he didnt even love the girl even though they were together 7 monthes and that he only did it as a "highschool experience" type of ordeal. That makes me furious and pokes at my heart and my tears. I lost my virginity to him, and that nagging feeling will never go away that he could give his away to someone not so special to him yet I gave it to someone I loved and cherished so much that I waited to meet.

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AH, at first I would have minded about that a lot. When I was a virgin, but I gave it away so. From that understanding....I can't mind it, because I too slept with someone else- who isn't there anymore. Reason why I would give it up? Because of love. That's all. It was just unfortunate that it didn't work out and now with my current boyfriend we both know about each other previous partners and we're fine with it.

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Guest fkonmai

It depends for me.  Current girl I'm dating was raped, when she was younger.  When she told me, I wasn't even thinking about her no longer being a virgin.  I just feel sorry for what happened to her.  I'm a virgin myself though.

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Guest indeedsmashing

If I were still a virgin, I would probably mind a tad bit considering he did something very intimate with another and there may be some sort of attachment there. I would also feel inexperienced in comparison ultimately leading to some sort of added insecurity. I would most likely not let it get to me though. I probably wouldn't make a big deal of it and would not let it affect the relationship itself because the relationship shouldn't even be questioned or altered because of some minor insecurity. I mean, he likes you. You have him. Just take things slow from there.


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