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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Babyan dear I much agree with you :lol:

although sometime I got upset by myself for long waiting of her project in Movie or drama... :rolleyes:

compare to other actress like Shin Min Ah whom doing a lot of movie project.. <_<

to have SHK's project sometime is tiring me up.. :(

hope can she her soon in new project rite.. :blush:

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Guest milkeesh13

im just new here.. also a SHK'ers.. :)

i love babyan's rants, that's why i made a comment.. hehe!

very well said babyan. *thumbs.up*

Despite of the negative comments she recieved. Her poise cant be vanished.

She still the same SHK we all love. I admire her bigtime! xoxo

Keep the SHK's spirit alive!

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Guest eztefie

I agree with you babyan and putrin.

I feel the same way too....I think anyone who loves her would feel that way ..... :mellow:

I wish we could let her know our admiration towards her....the admiration that goes beyond physical....

that we look up to her disposition in life and the purity of her heart.... :rolleyes:

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^ eztefie... i love it, allow me to recap your quote -

"the admiration that goes beyond physical, that we look up to her disposition in life and the purity of her heart"

so nice... thanks for sharing dear :)

hi hello milkeesh13... welcome to SHKers world :D

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• Mirror, How can I become pretty like a model?

Beauty cosmetics models talk about their secret to making the summer skin beautiful :rolleyes:


Song Hye Kyo

As soon as she wakes up, drinks two glasses of water

In order to manage her body, she breaks a sweat by working out at least four days out of the week. In addition, she drinks water frequently to prevent her skin from drying. She starts by drinking two glasses of water on an empty stomach as soon as she wakes up in the morning, ultimately drinking at least 1.5L of water in one day. She stays away from carbonated drinks and paste food, tries to eat her food slowly, and exerts every effort in regulating the amount of food she eats. She primarily eats fish and vegetables instead of meat. Among products, she regularly uses Laneige's Hydra Solution Mask. Makeup artists in charge are very fond of it. After the mask is applied on and the makeup is presented, the skin immediately becomes hydrated and the makeup is well received. Makeup mist and lip treatment are necessities.


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Guest kashermieece02

im just new here.. also a SHK'ers.. :)

i love babyan's rants, that's why i made a comment.. hehe!

very well said babyan. *thumbs.up*

Despite of the negative comments she recieved. Her poise cant be vanished.

She still the same SHK we all love. I admire her bigtime! xoxo

Keep the SHK's spirit alive!

welcome milkeesh....it's so touching how this thread flows right now :) ...let's kkeep loving and supporting our dearest Kyo! :) :) :)

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Song Hye Gyo is so gorgeous. I love all her photo shoot. She's a great actress!

haha I totally agree! :D

Haven't been here in awhile. Hope to see her in a new project soon. Preferably starring in an epic romance story. She always has great chemistry with her leading co-stars.

Yeap. she always has got great chemistry with her co stars huh. :lol:

If I were to appraise her performance, she did best in Worlds Within - her acting & attitude were natural and genuine and she improved with positive results over her previous dramas and movies. Low ratings has nothing to do with her acting but mainly due to the script and wrong timing of KBS schedules.

All In and Autumn Tales soared because of the scripts - her acting was only mediocre, Full House soared because of the script as welll as chemistry and her acting has improved over the former 2 dramas.

kierelun, I feel the same way as you too. She did really well in Worlds Within. B)

im just new here.. also a SHK'ers.. :)

i love babyan's rants, that's why i made a comment.. hehe!

very well said babyan. *thumbs.up*

Despite of the negative comments she recieved. Her poise cant be vanished.

She still the same SHK we all love. I admire her bigtime! xoxo

Keep the SHK's spirit alive!

Hi milkeesh13! hehe thanks... :) and welcome to SHK's thread! :D

putriN, haha. I never imagined typing such a long post before too... but I couldn't stop typing as I wrote that post. :sweatingbullets: there's just too much to say you know. :lol: and I really can't wait to see the photos from her NY photoshoot. :rolleyes:

sorry again, but I think I gotto rant a little more this time too... :D (this will probably be the last time ranting like this for a long time so bear with me yea)

anyway, on another (sensitive) topic, I've been seeing many people like to say she's an overrated actress in gossip sites... (Warning! Another long post ahead :P)

First of all, how can they say that she's overrated when her acting is being scrutinized like crazy in each project?! After Full House, people are fast to make comments about her practically in every project she does, and she is always being criticized. Okay, maybe her acting is not up to par with Jeon Do Yeon, but her acting is definitely way better than many actresses in the industry! I dare say she's the top 10 amongst every actress in Korea including her sunbaes too.

I just really don't get how an actress can be overrated when she is always being criticized in each project... Was she rated too high in Worlds Within? Under rated would be more like it.. I know she's pretty and many people like her because she's pretty, but as an actress, how can they say she's overrated when she has to endure all the criticisms and always try to do her best and puts in effort to do better each time?! and is being pretty a crime?! I seriously don't get it. From interviews, she is said to even had to put up with people coming up to her and saying negative stuff bout her..

"Then you must have a lot to endure.

There's really nothing like that at the filming sites. When I'm out and people who I'm not close to strike up a strange conversation with me, I feel as if I'm going to die if I can't fight. Why do I have to live like this? Why do I have to listen to that type of talk from someone who has nothing to do with me? Here, I would be able to confront them but if I did, the situation would get bigger and that cannot happen." :(

"Even this time, there are news articles that critisize your acting. Everytime you do a project, there is criticism about your acting and this time, articles questioning whether it'll be a success or failure are continuously coming out, these are articles that put a heavy burden on you. You've been experiencing these type of reports for 10 consecutive years, how do you feel when you see them?

I am wounded. However, I think in my profession, it's only natural to receive evaluation. I'm also aware of what areas I have problems in and put forth efforts to fix it. But I did get angry at some of the articles this time. For example, I'm filming "Worlds Within" but I'm being looked at by the standards of "Full House." In conclusion, since I can only do "Full House" type of acting, I have to do projects like "Full House." Is that not a contradiction? It's hard to just be indifferent to it all."

source : 10asia.co.kr

credits : Shanda @ songhyegyo.net

"Some people consider 30% to be the default audience rating and when Song Hye Kyo suddenly falls to single digits, they expressed "failure." I heard things like "She can't go any further than she has already.""

source : W Korea

credits : Shanda @ songhyegyo.net

Sometimes I really do get upset when I see people simply just throw remarks like "overrated" on any actress, particularly SHK (and other actresses too). If an actress is praised eventhough she did not act well or did not receive any criticism when she did not act well and is still popular, then you can say she is overrated. If an actress is praised as a good actress when what she only does is stick to doing certain type of project and not coming out from her comfort zone and not trying to portray different types of roles, then only you can say she's overrated.. But SHK?! She has to put up to so much criticisms and pressure. Can you still say she's overrated when all people talk bout her is negative in every project after Full House? They don't even give proper credits to her where she deserves and are always quick to point fingers at her when her project "messes up"..

The thing I like bout her is, she is humble and honest when she says that her acting is mainly contributed by her hardwork, and not natural talent. (although I do think she has a little of natural talent actually.. haha..)

"It's not likely that I was born to act. I've been acting for twelve years now and a great deal of it contributes to the effort that I've put into it."

credits : Shanda @ songhyegyo.net

Because of this, she always try to do better, and pushes herself to work harder. She knows she is not the best out there (yet :rolleyes: ) and does not have 100% natural talent, therefore she puts in effort to challenge herself to something new in every project to learn more and become a better actress.

Again, sorry if I touched a sensitive topic. cause college is resuming, and I won't have much time to post so much in this forum anymore, so I had to speak out and hopefully people will realise the good things bout SHK. ;)

Bout this article, this is just my opinion... You are free to have a different opinion.. I just really think she doesn't deserve to be called "overrated" recently when all she has been getting is criticisms eventhough her acting has improved and she did act well especially in Worlds Within...

Anyway, good night SHKers! :D

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Wew default_ohmy.png.7c5ce25a593819697a7f2bcfcb2626dd.png


kashermieece02 said:


BinKyo fighting!!! default_tongue.png.194e2dcd0e4db0f8ab265889d77e0b82.png:Pdefault_tongue.png.194e2dcd0e4db0f8ab265889d77e0b82.png

..gudnyt guys!!!!love you all! emoticons/default_smile.png.1a17920c0f0ac6da5e6bf86100ef353d.png

WOW impressive artwork kashermieece02 default_wink.png.225a342bb97a92f33547c37853d13c22.png

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Whoa, the last page was like a love confession from all SHKers to Kyo ;):wub: . I'm touching and proud to be as 1 of you guys :) .

About overrated issue, I think all actors do have their own charms which earned them their fan's supports and for me (lately, hehe, have grown up a litle bit :lol: ) whenever I see those kinds of posts , no point for me to continue the discussion.

Talent is a gif from God, and how many of us have that :unsure: ? I envy for those who have the talents and I admire for those who work for it :rolleyes:

*I realized I'm the one who write least and have the most posts :phew::lol: *

Babyan, I'll miss your rants dear :( .


Heard that Taiwan 'll remake FH. Wish them luck.

putriN, thanks for the trans from Shanda, aish, I bet I could manage to do like Kyo do ( drink 2 glasses of water, eat veg. food and fish) just for 1 week :unsure::lol:

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Guest tianared

If I were to appraise her performance, she did best in Worlds Within - her acting & attitude were natural and genuine and she improved with positive results over her previous dramas and movies. Low ratings has nothing to do with her acting but mainly due to the script and wrong timing of KBS schedules.

All In and Autumn Tales soared because of the scripts - her acting was only mediocre, Full House soared because of the script as welll as chemistry and her acting has improved over the former 2 dramas.

I totally agree. She has really matured in her acting skills. I absolutely loved Worlds Within. It's one of my favorite Korean dramas along with Full House, Autumn Story, and Stairway to Heaven.

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Guest cintakyo
Thank so much, you always have the best BinKyo psed...keep them coming please! 2 Gorgeous people from Eden9....awesome!!!
:D :D :D i think lovely COUPLE EVER!!!!!!!! BINKYO!!!!!!!! yap agreee dear MeLLa :)
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Guest milkeesh13


* putrin

* kashermieece02

* babyan

thanks for the warm welcome! i love reading all ur rants and all the pictures as well. :)

nice work everyone! ^^

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^hello milkeesh13, yeah why not, just for the fun of it... though we know, Kyo sure looks the best :rolleyes:

putriN, thanks for the trans from Shanda, aish, I bet I could manage to do like Kyo do ( drink 2 glasses of water, eat veg. food and fish) just for 1 week :unsure::lol:

hi kim, as for me.... i will start with drinking 2 glasses of water every morning first :D

babyan, we hope you still visit us occasionally, drop few lines :rolleyes:

yeah, it's quite saddened to see Kyo has to endure more just because she's beautiful :(

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Heard that Taiwan 'll remake FH. Wish them luck.

putriN, thanks for the trans from Shanda, aish, I bet I could manage to do like Kyo do ( drink 2 glasses of water, eat veg. food and fish) just for 1 week :unsure::lol:

I think Taiwan vers will adapted the manhwa.. not remake SHK's FH :rolleyes:

but I don't in to the actor 'Wu Zun'.. He can't act <_<

what a hot pic! :P ..very nice :)

thanks ^^

huoooooo... thanks gina

finally u made it puahahha... :lol:

im happy yiippeeee.. :P

Ur very welcome :lol:

hello my fellow SHKers.

have u already voted SHK in hancinema's "Who do you think look better in school uniforms?"

she's currently in #2. Let's make her #1. It's fun! :)

here's the link:


hello to :lol:

will vote in a second

thx for the info milkeesh13

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