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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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(Seoul = Yonhap News) reporter

Announced on the 2nd to help the skin become the United States, become a "white's sake" in the city of Haitai Beverage captured tea beverage market.

Haitai Beverage aspects shows that the product features and to capture the weight function of the different existing products to help create a "beautiful white skin," this concept has been developed.

In particular, is well known as a beauty for the skin, particularly the effect of whitening, "Morus alba L." "white tea" and a good skin moisturizing effect, "Coix" antioxidants "polyphenols", to prevent skin aging, "buckwheat "and so on into the main material.

Haitai Beverage shows will be developed in a highly competitive domestic market and vigorously develop new products and actively expand the marketing plan.

Decided to actor Song for models with "drink, the skin becomes white beauty" the concept of TV advertising is expected to be broadcast in the 2 months.

In convenience stores with a bottle of 330ml ₩ 1200 benchmark won a bottle of 240ml kan ₩ 800 won a bottle of 1.5 ℓ is the price of ₩ 2200 sales.

@Song bar at Baidu


putriN, thanks for the pics, she looks beautiful :blush:

knucklepink, I still haven't time to read your fic and find the pic yet, will do later on. I'm just stuck with work now :crazy:

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hello sweetkyo! either way, the ending will be quite sad for one of the two boys...because only one can end up with her, right? but don't worry...it won't be tragic...at least, for now, i think it won't..:)

knowing which camp you're from, highly predictable & without a doubt the ending is your ideal pair. you can't please the 2 camps to make one happy & the other sad unless she ends with no one or get other guys to pair with her. hahaha my 2 cents worth of thots n who doesnt know the answer must be nuts!!

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^my goodness kim.... she's so lovely in the 1st pic :w00t:

she's really a chameleon queen too.... within a month, she has transformed from :

sexy curvy-doll LEVI'S LADYSTYLE :sweatingbullets: to


sophisticated ROEM :rolleyes: to


carefree BBK :D and


back to......... pure innocent sweet girl-next-door :)




awwww, falling in love with her all over again for the nth time :wub:

so guys.... we shall drink the white tea for a healthier (and whitier) 2009 :lol:


but don't expect miracle to happen too soon (probably not at all) on her super flawless skin :P

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^yeah, not so mature looking.... i love this recent CF image very much :sweatingbullets:

kim, ooops! how could i forgot about laneige <_<

you are right.... i'm not sure whether i can find it here too.... must try to look for it :)

main purpose.... want to support her :D

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^^ Yes, dear. For support ;)

Idols of a new owner into the Columbia Wei Song hope to cooperate with

偶像一哥李威入新东家 盼与宋慧乔合作 Brother Lee into the idol of a new owner I hope that cooperation with the Song

(中@社记者黄慧敏台北2日电) (In @ Taipei黄慧敏news agency Xinhua on the 2nd)

偶像剧一哥李威加入星城娱乐后将以电影为主要舞台,公司已安排他演出爱情电影「阁楼」,李威很期待能与「师姐」宋慧乔在戏中结缘,不过,卡司到现在还未能确定。 Idol drama of a brother Lee will join the Star City entertainment after the movie as the main arena, the company has arranged for him to show love the movie "attic", Lee is looking forward to and "Windstruck" Song结缘in the play, but the cast still yet been identified.

李威今天与媒体记者茶叙,星城大老板之一张家振还专程从美@飞来台为李威站台。 Wei today with journalists tea, Star City, one of the big boss Zhang Zhen also made a special trip from the United States and Taiwan for Wei @ flying site. 李威表示,未来将以电影演出为主,电视剧除非有好的剧本,否则将尽量减少演出,一年最多不会超过一部。 Wei said that the future performance will be mainly movies, television dramas unless there is a good script, otherwise, they will minimize the performance, not more than one year maximum.

对於李威加入星城后的首部作品,张家振透露是一部爱情片「阁楼」。 Lee joined the Star City for the first works, said Zhang Zhen is a love story "loft." 不过,目前卡司除了李威,都尚未敲定。 However, apart from Lee cards are not yet finalized. 被问到最想合作的演员,李威说,他最心仪宋慧乔,但还是得尊重公司的决定。 Asked about cooperation between the actors most wanted, Lee said his most favorite Song, but still have to respect the company's decision.

张家振不置可否,只表示宋慧乔将参加星城另一部电影「1949」的演出。 Zhang Zhen noncommittal, saying only that Song will take part in Star City another movie "1949" performance. 「1949」预定由国际导演吴宇森执导,但目前美@3大电影公司同时对吴宇森提出剧本,加上「1949」版权出问题,吴宇森能否如期拍摄还在未竟之天。 "1949" scheduled for consideration by the international director John Woo directed, but the United States @ 3 major film companies at the same time John Woo made scripts, add "1949" copyright problems, John is still filming on schedule unfinished days. 听到「1949」的版权有状况,李威直说,感觉电影圈好复杂! Heard the words "1949" are copyright status, Lee said straight, I feel good film complex!

星城娱乐艺人阴盛阳衰,李威说,尾牙时看到整个房间都是女性,让他备感压力,而且许多与他合作过的女演员如今都成了他的师姐。 Star City Entertainment阴盛阳衰artists, Lee said that year-end to see the whole room are women, so that he felt pressure to cooperate with him and many have now become the actress of his schoolmates. 对於星城的「少数民族」张丰毅,李威推崇备至,他说,如果与张丰毅合作,演技一定会进步神速 Star City for the "minority"张丰毅, Lee praised, he said that if张丰毅cooperation will be made rapid progress in acting

李威说,今年春节期间无论是玩21点、大老二,逢赌必赢,加上偶像剧「协奏曲」开出红盘,他认为自己今年气势如虹,希望能在星城大展身手。 Lee said that during the Spring Festival this year, whether it is playing 21:00, the second on every bet will win, coupled with idol drama "Concerto" to open a red disk, he believes he is prospering like rainbow this year, hoping to show its mettle in the Star City.

@Song bar at Baidu

Sorry for asking, who is bro Lee :unsure: ? Temasek dearie, please give me a light :D ..

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^me, say sorry too.... who is he ? :huh:

i think have to wait for jan... didn't see Temasek for quite sometime <_<

kim, since hyekyo signed with Stellar..... i guess we have to know more of Chinese actors huh :lol:

it seems that one by one confessed want to have a chance do a movie with her :sweatingbullets:

don't mind guys, pls give way to a korean actor first after her "1949" :D

hello guys I saw Laniege shop at HK central. In her picture there her lips were so nice. It feels good to see her pic outside of the internet and in an actual store. BTW Laniege is not cheap. I'm going back there to get the cheapest stuff. Lipbalm probably if they have, haha. The lipstick was expensive. Just to show support to Hyekyo.

hello hi anette..... wow, somebody on holiday in hk yah :D

agree.... it's just so different when you see her poster as in real.... her luscious plum LIPS :rolleyes:

though the lipstick is slightly expensive but it is good... i like the texture....

yeay to your spirit in supporting her.... Have a nice holiday dear, Enjoy and take care :)

willenette, hi... thanks for the nice comments.... appreciate your sharing here :D

edit : kim, here..... for Laneige slightly more expensive... but not sure about quality, cos i've never try those before....

yeay, you have reached 3,000 posts.... congrats on your achievement :w00t:

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^Talk about our limited knowledge of actors :sweatingbullets:

putriN, you guys talk about Laneige, how is it comparing to kanebo or sheido dear? price and quality?

edit; thanks putriN. We do have Kanebo and Shi Sheido here, and i love those branch.hmmm, but no Laneige ..

oh, 3000 posts, I posted too much, must stop posting. I think I do have at least 2950 posts at those threads that involve HyeKyo :phew: . I'm bias haha. Thanks anyway dear.

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Guest Janie Simply

Sorry for asking, who is bro Lee :unsure: ? Temasek dearie, please give me a light :D ..

Dear utkim, congrat on your 3000 posts; I declared you the President instead of putriN, she is still so far behind you. Anyway, let me be pseudo-Temasek for once :ph34r:

Aiya, we already knew this Mr. Lee lah; remember this once upon a time pic from mnet music night :rolleyes: he already declared long ago he likes to collab with SHK.


The good news is Lee Wei (Taiwanese singer cum actor) is now the new client of Stellar Entertainment as of last month. This company really treats their clients well. According to Producer Terence Cheng, there is already a romance movie lining up for actor Lee. Lee has done many dramas but would like to concentrate more on movies.

FYI, Lee has acted with korean actress Yoo Hana in My Lucky Star drama; here's a clip of Ah Wei and Hana at the Seoul Drama Award last Oct; his talking sounds just like Ah Zhang, pretty playful :D


Here's more of him giving out award to my other favorites from TODAW drama during the award night.


credit: baidu


utkim, just noticed from the article you posted, sounds like '1949' is encountering some copyright problem :unsure: hope it won't affect the filming schedule until further notice :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Janie Simply

Aiyaya..., just read from Baidu that '1949' movie aka the Oriental Titanic might is dipping into the ocean :tears: According to the news, Producer Terrence Cheng is having pain breaking the news to Chang Chen and Song Hye Kyo. Guess time to let go of my siggy... soon :tears::tears::tears:

Will try to squeeze out some juice on this article or hoping for some English news on it.



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Guest Janie Simply

^HAH!!! REALLY ??? this is so sad :tears::tears::tears:

Then perhaps Mr. Lee up there might have his chance to act with SHK since they are both from the same organization now :rolleyes:

On second thought, we might see Kyo in a new Korean movie since she has been busy gleaning over some scripts right :)

jan, i've no mood to work leh :(

putriN darling, I totally 100% know how you feel as we are in the same boat :tears: There's no life saver now so we are sinking with the Oriental Titanic :sweatingbullets:

putriN, not only Job's tears; Song's crystalized tears; but my tears too :tears:


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^Chang Chen said : Lee, Over my dead body ! :lol:

YES! YES! i'm thinking of that too.... yeay! another korean project pls kyo !!! :w00t:

putriN darling, I totally 100% know how you feel as we are in the same boat :tears: There's no life saver now so we are sinking with the Oriental Titanic :tears:

i'm totally very much looking forward her collab with ah chang boarding the oriental titanic :tears:

probably..... him too somewhere out there in a corner.... crying his heart out :blush:

i guess its better now then halfway filming and have to cancel it -_-

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Guest Janie Simply

Me too but what to do :sweatingbullets:

Read that she is doing a chinese CF clothing line; she will have 7 or 8 transforming outlook :)


Zhang and Lee might not have the chance yet :sweatingbullets: but this actor Nicholas Tse is lucky as he will be doing a chinese television ad with Kyo next month.


edit: Oh great, wloi is here to shed some more light for us :w00t:

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Today HK news...

It said that 1949 might not happen due to script copyright problem...moreover, it seems that John Woo has an invitation for a hollywood movie to start in Jun09.

Hyekyo has been in HK these few days, for shootng CF for a Chinese brand clothing.

According to Stellar, Hyekyo will be shooting CF with Nicolas Tse, a HK artist.











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Guest SweetKYO

I dont want to feel sad, probability and possibility still exist -

But for now happy to see her with Nicholas Tse, he is gorgeous too

and SHK picture - what she's wearing is 'IN' fashionable.

About 1949, I hope it didnt happen because of the rating WW got. pls.

I hope she will have another drama or movie either at home (Korea) or


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Guest Janie Simply

Sweetkyo, could you share with us more about "IN" fashion, is there a link we can browse through as we are a pretty noisy nosey bunch :P

Just hope that there will be a press conference soon by both Director Woo and Producer Cheng to confirm things :blush: Anyway, Producer Terrence said he definitely want a Chang-Song collab in the near future :)


Oh, SHK has a new crush now and it happens to be Chang Chen's co-star from Red Cliff :rolleyes: During the interview two days ago, HK said TK is charming and manly :) Move over, Mr. Chang B)


credit: vivianqian520


Tofumui, hmm... I wonder it's your avie guy :rolleyes:

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Guest tofumui

Oh, SHK has a new crush now and it happens to be Chang Chen's co-star from Red Cliff :rolleyes: During the interview two days ago, HK said TK is charming and manly :) Move over, Mr. Chang B)


credit: vivianqian520

hmm do you mean Takeshi Kaneshiro.. it would be awesome if the SHK and TK could film something together..

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