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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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^ Su-Hae, heard she is now in China. Hope she could get home before the 11th and attending PD Yoon's weeding :) . Those hotties are hard to chose, and we have NO influence on her choice :lol:

PutriN, can't talk about that dear since my voice doesn't count :P

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Guest SnowB_all

hahaha I know putriN, I love almost all of her co-star, kinda hard for me to be faitfully with 1 guy only, j/k :lol: . Bad of me :P . The true is I do hope she could find her true love sooner, don't really mind who he is as long as she 's happy, that's all I want. Of course it could be a dream if it's the right guy in my mind ( I do have 1 spesial guy ;) ). May the best guy win, hehehe.

Btw, talk about echan, I haven't seen her in a longest time. Hope she is doing well.

Yes, may the best guy win. And I have that special guy too. May my guy win, in short.

Where is Echan? Yeah, where is she?

Happy New Year to all ... Healthy New Year ! May Song Hye Kyo keep us busy for the next few months.

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ohhhh gosh should i break the ice?? :lol::sweatingbullets:

this maybe old to some people...but there's actually tourists attraction in South Korea of famous Autumn In My Heart area where famous scenes occured in the drama :lol: (especially that beach :tears: ) and it's because it's due to this couple's impact in the drama...it is remembered to be the break through drama that ushered in Hallyu (Korean Wave) fever in Asia...



SJS, LBH, (lady in shades??) and HKssi gave warmed welcome messages from the army life to Sunie at the Nov 2006 Fan meet and Greet at Olympic Arena, Seoul, South Korea...



here's a short interview of SHK from Seo Se-Won:

서세원 쇼에 출연한 송혜교씨~

SHG appears in Seo SeWon's show

Q. いまどきに 7兄と妹でも生んで育てることができる男は?

Q. As of today, you've co-starred as "little sister" with 7 "oppas". Which one would you praise the most?

hk: ソン・スンホンさん!!!

hk: Song Seung Heon!!!

seo: そうではないようで...

seo: Is it so ...

hk; 悪いのではなく...タフでするからそのように言えるようです

hk: He's not bad ... Because he's pretty tough and a "do-er", I think I can say so

Q: 女の前なら, 7 : 1 でも争うような男?

Q: Which man from the 7 would fight most for his woman?

hk: ソン・スンホンさん!!! 男らしく見えるんじゃないか... 他の方々も男らしいが... そんなことができるようです

hk: Song Seung Heon!!! He looks masculine... Other guys are masculine too... But he seems to prevail.

seo: 男は顔付で評価しないでください!

seo: Please don't evaluate a man by his look!

*credit uchikake SPC SSH

:lol::sweatingbullets: ehehehe please take it with a lightheart and i'm not saying SHK should be SSH at all and not others...it was given in 2005 (to my understanding)...soooo HKssi may have well change her mind by then...

i just had to bring it up to lightened up the mood since you girls were talking about guys for our HKssi :lol::P

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^hihi 2uss.... not to worry dear.... you're most welcome to share and BREAK anything in this wonderful thread :lol:

that's very nice to hear abt AIMH.... thanks for the info :)


but sadly, it's not gonna happen cos they're having the same surname.... at least that's what hk said <_<

the lady in shades is hk's sunbae, Kim Hee Sun :rolleyes:

this is new to me..... i mean, the interview between shk and ssw.... interesting :D

i like the last part when sw told hk not to judge by the look haha :lol:

again, thanks for posting... we really appreciate it :)

you sure lightened up the thread.... has been very quiet here since Ww ends and she has left for overseas

CF shooting :(

but one thing to look forward end of next week.... hope she's back in korea to attend the wedding :w00t:

we have a chance to see her sitting at a table surrounded by her.... 1,2,3...4....

at least 4 out of her 7 oppas ! :sweatingbullets:

edit : 2uss, by any chance.... have you come across an eng trans for this vid :


really want to know what are they talking about... teasing each other :blush:

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

To those who have ArirangTV: Arirang is going to air ALL IN starting today at 9:00pm, Korea time (that's 8:00pm PH/HK time). Please check the Arirang website (http://www.arirangtv.com) for the exact times of airing in your respective countries, including replays. :)

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Hi Deka!!!! Thank you for your greeting!!! It's so nice!!!!! :w00t:

You too! have a safe and happy new year and may this year be a good year for all of us! :D

hi suhae.. ur welcome dear :)

still on vacation ?

ohhhh gosh should i break the ice?? :lol::sweatingbullets:

hi 2uss... nice to see you here... and other my fave thread... since you loved Sunnie.. you should love his friends too ..right .. :)

btw have you seen ths VOD

an article about our girl...

배용준 송혜교 기용하는 저가제품CF 왜?

A Low cost product for Bae Yong Joon - Song Hye Kyo CF, Why ?

translated by google :

Is still in recession, companies neonaeopyi 'hard' and lower body, but to be aggressive than any other company is into marketing.

The best low-price cosmetics brands deopeyiseusyapeun advertising model with money announced for the Korean Wave star Bae Yong-joon said. In a difficult situation is a tough decision modelryo tteolchyeonaen burden. Comics model nundolrineun low joyeongeup modelryo the opposite strategy.

The effect was hit. This situation is not good pocket women began to show interest in low-price cosmetics.

Enhwagangse also raise deopeyiseusyapeneun said. Saw a strong yen in Japan, Korea Travel and deopeyiseusyap fans of Bae Yong-jun increased the purchase of products, find a lot of Japanese tourists, the Seoul-store sales in October last year, increasing more than the previous year 'gihyeonsang the show said.

If a bad game for the reduced lunch. The company produces food ingredients for a recession which is likely to raise. Soy sauce, is a representative case famous (saempyosikpum). Saempyo as a model for the germ line, the actress and began aggressive management. Open Christmas events was a lecture matyihae dishes.

The result was successful. 'Saempyo liver S501' revenue in the quarter rose 3 gidaebi increased 140%. 10 woleman ₩ 2,000,000,000 uh increased 182 percent last year sold china.

The price on the front of the McDonald's fast food companies, export promotion has TV ads. Difficult game, 'Bob expensive and more expensive coffee shops coffee' instead of 'cheap hamburger' and 'cheap McDonald's coffee is the temptation to use. McDonald's won the CF 3000 through 2000 and won the set lunch is the promotion of coffee. 4000 won the coffee shop at the front of the coffee is not the job comparison Optical Gorda.

'Stay keyisyeon' (staycation: Stay and Vacation of the compound word. Spend a vacation home in a slump, the meaning of the word) is emerging effects. Nintendo released the game leading the (Wii) and wipit (WIi Fit).

Released in December last year, sales are steadily on the price after tough. Considering the special Christmas and year-end record sales are seen remarkable, even if it added in the industry.

Yapahjin wallet out as a burden, even a non-family house is a bad time, enjoying a popularity wipitui will be imported. U.S. economic magazine Fortune, and the sales volume of one days credit crunch as one of the video games business was identified.

Nintendo also has been on aggressive marketing. TV ads are meant to teulmyeon wipit to come pouring ad is offensive. The exercise and enjoy with his family, by emphasizing the message 'Stay keyisyeon' has emphasized the significance of another.


A scene of Jinro ads ↑

Building a typical recession, a smile on sangpumin not forget Suzhou. The relatively cheap price of a bad game, Suzhou daejungsulin well-known fact that the increase in sales. Course in September last year, a new brand 'J' introduced. Song Hye Kyo topseutain paid advertising model.

Of course, "the first half of last year, up about 20%, increased advertising costs," the "Suzhou since the recession, the impact of competitors and receive less under competition is also more aggressively respond to ads," he said.

Was a result of aggressive marketing and the bad. The "J is a new brand launch in the three months to sell the common cold was 1000" and "the effects of aggressive marketing that is not bad," he said.

2009 year is expected to continue aggressive marketing. Course of "getting a new brand J, but the war, more than ever this year, the industry's Suzhou is very high," said "regardless of the recession in the advertising market into positive strategies to maintain," he said.

Will lead in the first half of the 2009 recession, this has been. Although most of the companies Iong face, but as a product of recession, with the money she smiled at companies are ready to take more offensive


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^ deka, thanks for the news dear :blush:

2uss, please break the ice at this thread anytine. SHK thread in times had many quite HOT discussions about those hotties before and we now have learned and take those issues easy and have more fun when we are trying to match maker her with someone, no hard feelings :D . Please bring any guy here at this thread, they are all welcome :w00t:

btw, thanks for the trans.

H2 couple :rolleyes:



BinKyo couple :lol:



Dobbel Song couple, they both are so beautiful, like made in heaven :P:lol:



BiKyo :D



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Hi DEKA what is the news saying? Is this recent? Thank you.

hi annette.. yup it's todays article :)

it's about they've rose up the sales of the products... same with the image of the products they're endorsing..

and ths's positive effect of having BYJ and SHK as models... :)

anyway... i've edited my post with the google translation :crazy:

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^ putriN, what the article is talking about :unsure: , trying to use google, but it was really hard to understand :sweatingbullets:

I guess 2009 will go for 1949 movie and we hardly to see her in anything else, but I think she should concentrate on this movie and do her best in it. Wish her best.

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^oh good.... deka can translate better than mr google :rolleyes:

need your help.... how about this article? is someone "torn between two lovers" B)


:w00t::sweatingbullets::phew: ...

ochhh putriN dear... honestly i really don't like ths issue since the cyborg time... ;)

made me ... torn between bikyo shipper..and not to...

i think hye kyo deserves better than ths... i don't want to see her being hurt again ;)

and why brought up shk on ths ... :phew: ..

oh well ths's the gist.. bear with my english guys :P

on MBC "sinhaecheol" special edition aired today... Rain said about his impression about ISJ,

"I can say Im's beautiful, in my mind for a beautiful woman" and "beautiful appearance, also tolerance, very wise and good woman, "

and about Song Hye Kyo he said " cause I was born just differ in several months, so I called her my sister," :tongue2: "she always comes 5 minutes or 10 minutes early," he said. he was impressed with her ... always dicipline on location ?

Rain, "Song Hye Kyo, who is sleeping not sleep. Usually I sleep 20-30 minutes tteojindago eyes said," and "really peuropesyeolhan people, that his passion for a woman," he said. ??? *deka : ths part i don't get it ..

and ths one is so boring... sorry cloud .. no offense.. >>> rain, "I want a girlfriend soon,"

^ putriN, what the article is talking about :unsure: , trying to use google, but it was really hard to understand :sweatingbullets:

hahaha... :lol::lol::lol:

ps : i stand for the correction guys... hope someone will post the better translations later..

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^ hehe, thanks for the trans deka :D . ah, so she is now like his sistaaa , oh well, never mind. I think it's good as well ;) .

Dicipline on location , it's a good personality.

Me too deka, I think she deserves more than this.

OK, 1 pair off from my list, less to think about. hehe.

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:w00t::sweatingbullets::phew: ...

ochhh putriN dear... honestly i really don't like ths issue since the cyborg time... ;)

made me ... torn between bikyo shipper..and not to...

i think hye kyo deserve better than ths... i don't want to see her being hurt again :)

and about Song Hye Kyo cause he said " cause I was born differ just in several months, so I call her my sister," :tongue2: "she always comes 5 minutes or 10 minutes early," he said. he was impressed with her always dicipline on location ?

ths one is so boring...>>> rain, "I want a girlfriend soon,"

my apology deka.... didn't expect the article to reopen your "wounded heart" -_-

sister now? :blink: but nice to hear that she's a discipline lady at work :)

to your last statement... HAHA :P

many thanks dear for the gist.... SHKers declare you now, our resident translator.... yeay clappingmz6.gif

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Guest silver_beam

Out of the blue why is he comparing these 2 co-stars, thot he wasnt impressed by Soo Jung judging from many public appearances distancing away from her. Can't believe he admits Soo Jung is not only beautiful but tolerant good wise woman too while Hye Gyo is only disciplined. Possibly the combination of the 2 will give him a perfect GF? Wudn't agree with his judgement here, I wud think it's the opposite, no offence tho.

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^my thot too.... and this media got nothing better juicier to ask/report :huh:

ehmmmm.... beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder <_<

I guess 2009 will go for 1949 movie and we hardly to see her in anything else, but I think she should concentrate on this movie and do her best in it. Wish her best.

my exact sentiment too :)

she should not take other projects, perhaps CFs only.... to fully prepare herself physically & mentally for "1949" :rolleyes:

stay healthy girl :wub:



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Guest silver_beam

^my thot too.... and this media got nothing better juicier to ask/report :huh:

Media waiting for juicy gossips to report but he could have replied "no comments" than to stir emotions. Seems desperate for a g/f, have been harping for one the last few years.

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hey, that news is just a part of a interview...where he talked about his co-stars....you should watch the video but not just trust what the news said.

You all know how the media will mislead people...kick him only after you have watched the interview and understood what exactly he has said.

Peace to all.

edit to add: this news origin is from 090102 MBC SHJ Special edition

I know that youtube link is not yet available...he talked about Hyekyo at around 37:xx..he addressed her as Hyekyo ssi, song Hye Kyo...I've heard the word CHINGU (friend)...but have not heard NOONA

So we should let him have the benefits of doubts for the time being until the interview has been subbed.

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