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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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belated Happy Birthday Shanda sis :blush: ..... i hope you'll keep your site up :unsure: the blogger might have misunderstood your posting (language barrier?) i hope you won't let her/him get you down :)

hater/bloggerboxfz3.gif (jk)

*i'm keeping my fingers crossed* i hope SHK will go with Bi to japan to promote FH:)

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

The best news today is the rumours over whether SHK will accompany with Rain is true. It has been officially confirmed. She would be released for 3 days to come to Changsha for promoting. Some said that KBS has persuaded alot to get agreement from Hwang Ji NI staff..here is best news to me today..

Can you give us more detail into this before I start screaming my head off from excitement :sweatingbullets: . Who confirmed it? Their management? Or was it just a statement made online? Is the source reliable? Thanks!

Shanda- Don't let one bad comment from an ignoramous upset you so much. A LOT of fans adore your site and that's all that matters, right? We're here to support you!

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Shanda sis, I'm so sorry that blogger accused you of spreading rumors!! :( We totally support you 100% though, so whatever you do, just remember that we're always behind you. ♥

//EDIT: I just saw that you did close down the site... I'm a little sad, because songhyegyo.net was one of the MOST resourceful and well-done sites that I've been to, but like I said before, we all support you. :)

If Song Hye Kyo and Bi both go to Changsa to promote FH, I'd be one happy girl. :)

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Guest ruthie08

shanda, noh!!!! i think its not a good idea to close ur site..a lot of people are enjoying visiting it ( even those people in hyesa adores u) and u know its a good site to see any update regarding shk esp for people like us who who have a hard time understanding korean. there's no need to close it. just ignore those people and dont let them upset u just remember they dont even know u as a person, to be judge by them? who cares, we know u better!...to consider there's a lot of people here who are willling to support u no matter what happens. i hope everything will go well. shanda sis, fighting and HAPPY BERDEY!

huggles to all my sis here miss yah!

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Guest honey_ping

this news mentioned about SHK going to Changsa with Rain? possibility or confirmed? if it's true - best news ever!!

[ 宋慧喬敲定來長沙--100名保鑣保駕護航 ]



YES! This is what I've been waiting for! I hope this is true!

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Guest sweet_treats1812

thank u so much for sharing these with us~ shg looks so young here ;)

I do not read Japanese but I have a strong feeling that someone who has a Song Hye Gyo blog has verbally attacked me for posting news of the POSSIBLE FH promotions yesterday...in my update on my site, I said it was a RUMOR. I never said it was TRUE...why would I intentionally spread rumors? This just blows my mind and I'm incredibly upset and it may feelings are deeply hurt. I cannot believe that I'm targed like this...perhaps, I am not understanding the blog properly because of the language barrier but from what I can make out of it, it seems to be true. This is making me considering to close my site down. I have put 100% into it to make it a reliable source, I would NEVER intentionally spread rumors about Hye Gyo or take stuff from other sites to make them look bad, etc.

It has been fun doing my site but this is getting to be too much. I will try my best to post here.

Thanks for those who have showed me support.

waaaa! this is bad! :( how dare they jump to conclusions like that? your information has always been well-credited shanda, and you are always quick to point out which ones are rumors and which ones aren't..it could be misunderstanding on that person's part, but still...he/she shouldn't have attacked u like that..big meanies!

but anyways..like what most of the people here are saying, pls reconsider before u close down ur site :( a lot of people have found it very helpful (me included!) and it would be a shame to let such a well-organized and detailed site close down...

oh, and belated happy birthday!!! may you have many, many more to come~ :blush:

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Shanda, please check your pm...I've a message from a friend for you.

I really hope to see the 2 blog/website, up and running again. It will be a great loss to have them closed down.

I believe all Hyekyo fans are friends, no matter where we are and what languages we are using. :rolleyes:

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

shanda, noh!!!! i think its not a good idea to close ur site..a lot of people are enjoying visiting it ( even those people in hyesa adores u) and u know its a good site to see any update regarding shk esp for people like us who who have a hard time understanding korean. there's no need to close it. just ignore those people and dont let them upset u just remember they dont even know u as a person, to be judge by them? who cares, we know u better!...to consider there's a lot of people here who are willling to support u no matter what happens. i hope everything will go well. shanda sis, fighting and HAPPY BERDEY!

huggles to all my sis here miss yah!

Don't mean to put anymore pressures on you Shanda, but by closing down your site you're basically letting them get the best of you and that's probably what they wanted. There's a lot of inconsiderate and well, just plain dumb, people out there so don't let them bother you so much. You have more supporters than haters.

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Guest evenstar7377

shanda - first of all belated happy bday...i frequently visit your site..i hope you reconsider too..many SHK fans like me are checking your site..i think your site is really a reliable one...pls. don't let those people affect you..

about the FH promo is japan..i hope it's true....is there a confirmation from Sidus already???

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Guest charles0702

it seems that shanda sis has already closed her website and we all should respect her decision. ;) shanda sis you did a phenonmen job my dear. you are one of the most dedicated shk fan out there and she is lucky to have a fan like you.. closing your website is a great loss to song hye kyo fans around the world :( .. but i hope you frequent here with updates with your shk sisters :lol: .. :P

i hope to change the subject and brighten everyones mood.. here are some wallies i found of beautiful shk unni

credits go to www.ftu-forum.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2073 ? internetgirl





p.s. welcome back ruthie sis and jenna sis.. glad to see ya back.. huggles :)

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hi everyone, thank you for all the support. i've received so many e-mails today about the site closing...it really shows that a lot of people truly do love songhyegyo.net. i've put my all into this site and it's become like my 'baby' as silly as it may sound. my goal isn't to be the BEST site for shg cause i know the best 2 sites on her are the korean ones (and i have to add, they are both amazing), plus i know there are other foreign sites (forums) on her too that deserve credit. i guess my biggest goal was to be a credible english site for all the fans that do not understand korean, etc.

my intentions were never to 'attack' this person or to hurt her feelings...and sadly, i feel as though i might have caused damage with her too cause i see that she is closing her blog. honestly, now that i re-evaulate things, i think everything was misconstrued by the language barrier. i deeply apologize to her and do not want her to close her blog. i think she might have felt that i was crediting her site for the rumor and noone wants to be the person or source who started the rumor. again, i think it was just the language barrier and i do not believe that her intentions were to attack me. by me crediting her for the info, i wasn't saying that she (and her site) are the ones who said yes, it is confirmed that they are coming to changsa...all i did was get a few pieces of info from her blog. again, this is just a case of not understanding one another's language. like i said, i'm sure she didn't want to be the source of the rumor and you know things get spread over the internet so fast! i believe people were also believing the rumor out of excitment and were already planning their trip.

i've made my decision that i will not close my site down...there is no way possible that i can. but from now on, i will not be posting 'rumors' and the only sources that i'll use will be the korean articles and sites since (besides english, of course)

that is the only other language that i can understand and won't get info completely wrong. and of course, i'm sure that winnie sis won't mind me quoting her as well since i know we do not have a language barrier.

also, winnie please let her know that i am deeply sorry and i never wanted to cause her any harm. please tell her not to close her blog down. i will feel horrible if she doesn't decide to open it. in fact, i don't think i'll keep my site open unless she keeps hers. it wasn't anyone's fault, just a case of misunderstanding.

wow, i am sorry for writing a lot and for dragging my shg sisters into this...i appreciate all of your support though. my feelings were very hurt but now i feel awful cause like i said, i've hurt this other person too.

let's get back to topic...talking about our beautiful girl, SHG<3 before going to bed tonight, i'll contribute some photos.

oh, and tammie sis...those wallpapers are beautiful. i love the last one! i miss seeing SHG in her litmus ads.

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Guest charles0702


shanda sis.. i am so happy the songhyegyo.net is officially reopend... :w00t:pty-partyhat2.gif

i am glad that things worked out and the situation is over.. i hope the blogger doesn't feel that we attacked her :sweatingbullets: all shk fans should stick with each other.. i am glad to hear that everything was only a misunderstanding (language barrier) i hope the blogger (i know who you are) keeps her blog too because it looks very nice :lol:

and by the way, your post wasn't too long.. it gives us a better understanding of the situation.. i also miss her litmus adds.. :P

credits go to www.ftu-forum.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2073/ internet girl




credits article to hyesa.com

Approximately 20 cuts shot for "Hwang Jinee' in North Korea by North Korean crew; "A completely perfect work of art."

According to rep. from 'Hwang Jinee''s production company, Cine2000, "There were about 20 scenic shots filmed by a North Korean crew at Parkyun Falls in North Korea and they all contain very beautiful scenery."

The rep. then added, "If those scenes were to be inserted into the movie right now unedited, there would be nothing inferior about them as they are a completely perfect work of art. Additionally, "As far as I know, top North Korean cinema manpower was put into getting the shots and filming has all now been completed."

In the beginning, the movie production company was denied their request to film at Kaesung and had given up hopes of filming in North Korean when North-South relations soured. However, a North Korean crew filmed the scenes for them instead and relayed it to the movie crew.

[Money Today Star News, Yoon YuhSoo reporter]


English translation by hyesa2 for hyesa.com

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Guest honey_ping

hi everyone, thank you for all the support. i've received so many e-mails today about the site closing...it really shows that a lot of people truly do love songhyegyo.net. i've put my all into this site and it's become like my 'baby' as silly as it may sound. my goal isn't to be the BEST site for shg cause i know the best 2 sites on her are the korean ones (and i have to add, they are both amazing), plus i know there are other foreign sites (forums) on her too that deserve credit. i guess my biggest goal was to be a credible english site for all the fans that do not understand korean, etc.

my intentions were never to 'attack' this person or to hurt her feelings...and sadly, i feel as though i might have caused damage with her too cause i see that she is closing her blog. honestly, now that i re-evaulate things, i think everything was misconstrued by the language barrier. i deeply apologize to her and do not want her to close her blog. i think she might have felt that i was crediting her site for the rumor and noone wants to be the person or source who started the rumor. again, i think it was just the language barrier and i do not believe that her intentions were to attack me. by me crediting her for the info, i wasn't saying that she (and her site) are the ones who said yes, it is confirmed that they are coming to changsa...all i did was get a few pieces of info from her blog. again, this is just a case of not understanding one another's language. like i said, i'm sure she didn't want to be the source of the rumor and you know things get spread over the internet so fast! i believe people were also believing the rumor out of excitment and were already planning their trip.

i've made my decision that i will not close my site down...there is no way possible that i can. but from now on, i will not be posting 'rumors' and the only sources that i'll use will be the korean articles and sites since (besides english, of course)

that is the only other language that i can understand and won't get info completely wrong. and of course, i'm sure that winnie sis won't mind me quoting her as well since i know we do not have a language barrier.

also, winnie please let her know that i am deeply sorry and i never wanted to cause her any harm. please tell her not to close her blog down. i will feel horrible if she doesn't decide to open it. in fact, i don't think i'll keep my site open unless she keeps hers. it wasn't anyone's fault, just a case of misunderstanding.

wow, i am sorry for writing a lot and for dragging my shg sisters into this...i appreciate all of your support though. my feelings were very hurt but now i feel awful cause like i said, i've hurt this other person too.

let's get back to topic...talking about our beautiful girl, SHG<3 before going to bed tonight, i'll contribute some photos.

oh, and tammie sis...those wallpapers are beautiful. i love the last one! i miss seeing SHG in her litmus ads.

I'm so happy that you have finally decided. Thank you for not closing down your site and because you are indeed loved by everyone. Let this be an experienced obstacles to you to be even better in the future........Fighting!

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Guest charles0702

hey all my shk sisters.. i am heading to bed but want share some pix i have never seen :lol: shk unni looks beautiful as always :blush:


credits go to www.maiyeuem.net/vtopic105205.html/innoangel4eva


credits go to sweet-dream.heavenforum.com/ftopic243.Request

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Wow, Shanda sis, thanks for reconsidering closing down your site!! I'm so glad that it's back up again. ♥ I do hope that the Japanese blogger doesn't think we SHK fans attacked her either. But now, all's well that ends well, yes?? :)

Tammie sis, thanks for sharing all those pics of SHK! She's looks amazing as always. <33

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Guest gummonster

OH MY GOD, thank you sooooo much for not closing songhyegyo.net, it's my favorite song hye kyo site. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..... You ROCK

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