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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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This is probably an old interview...it is from a Japanese magazines...who has went to Jeju island to interview Hyekyo and CTH for My girl and I promotion last Jun/Jul. The first part is about FH and I have extracted some of the parts that I have not seen in other interviews.

Big thanks to anchan who has taken the trouble and a lot of time to have it translated to Chinese. For those who could read Chinese, you could go to www.hyekyoclub.com to look at the full Chinese translation.


Rain is mischievous but also an interesting person

What is your first impression of Rain ?

His first impression to me is very good. I saw him on the TV, standing on the stage, he is very masculine, full of energy and I thought he should be very nice. In fact, it is what he is like.

I heard that both of you are very shy, you two did not talk much at the beginning ?

Yes, when we first start shooting FH in Thailand, we have not talked about anything but the drama in 4 whole days. We decided that we could not go on like that, so we started having gathering between the 2 agencies and we become more acquainted.

When do you think the two of you started to have the tacit understanding ?

From the very first time that we read the scripts. Jihoon puts a lot of thoughts to make his counterparts comfortable, without feeling any pressure. He told a lot of jokes, like to act mischievously and is a very funny person.

How about KSS and HEJ, what are they like ?

They are both extremely nice people. They are very busy people and we do not meet a lot. Though recently we have a lot of contact. There is a lot of things that I could learn from them in terms of acting, they are very nice people, and I want to continue our good relationship.

It was said that during the Thailand filming, because both the actors and the production crew are not familiar with each other, your sexy thin strap vest (the yellow one wore in the ‘bed’ scene) has helped to make the filming a success ?

That is not something great that I have done. It is just that I thought wearing that vest would fit the scene more.

You seems to be very afraid of the elephant while shooting in Thailand, you do not like animals ?

It is not the case. I think some people know that, I have six puppies at home. Although I like animals, elephants are really too big for me. I prefer small animals.

HJE in FH has cooked a lot of different dishes, how it is like in reality ?

Though I do not have too much chances to cook in real life, I am interested in cooking and I cook at home sometimes. I am good at cooking seaweed soup, miso soup and making rice balls (kimbap ??) as I cook them frequently.

HJE has requested LYJ to buy flowers for her. In real life, when you have a boyfriend, what do you want your boyfriend to do for you ?

(looking puzzled) I have never thought of this, but I think probably I will not be , so proactive as HJE, such as saying ‘I want you to do this’.

Which scenes do you like most ?

The scene in Phuket, where the two of us riding the bicycle and the scene where we lean on each other on the bench. These scenes have also been made into MV when the drama begins to show. These scenes are still in my mind for quite sometimes after the drama has finished airing.

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Guest charles0702

^yup... i guess as fans we really have to start getting used to her looking all different cuz you know how she said she wants to try something different--if this was one of those then i'll greatly support her.

oh... and her hiking up the mountain in a very cold weather, i give her salute for that. she makes me so proud. actually, this is another great reason why we should all watch her movie cuz she really did gave it her all.

tammie... i haven't heard from soutsada as well. i hope she'll come back soon. :phew:

kaye sis, i agree with your post.. whatever she does, i will always support unni... :lol:

thanx winnie sis for the article.. i never knew she had six dogs.. that is alot..

angel2nyt, thanx for posting up that article.. she should be back in a couple of more days..

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kaye sis, i agree with your post.. whatever she does, i will always support unni... :lol:

thanx winnie sis for the article.. i never knew she had six dogs.. that is alot..

angel2nyt, thanx for posting up that article.. she should be back in a couple of more days..

She is already back to S.Korea today...trust me :rolleyes:

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hi! thanks for the article. she looks so different on those ROEM pix. anyways if she wants to look different then we should support her all the way. just hope she won't change that much to soon. people still think she's the innocent looking girl and changing that fast may turn off some people.

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Guest sweet_treats1812

thanks for the articles angel2nyt and winnie ;)

so shg should be back in south korea by now~ i hope she has some time to rest before she begins any other activities...

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Guest evenstar7377

thanks for posting....this is the 1st time i have read the said article and I love the way SHK's describes Ji-hoon...i can imagine Ji-hoon being goofy to make everybody laugh..and I find it so sweet that even after the drama SHK still remembers the scene on the bench...so sweet! :D

wloi- really she is back in korea???hmmm...i hope she did not catch a cold...or someone will really get worried... :lol:

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Guest angel2nyt

ive been quite active in this thread nowadays...


ive been stalking this thread since forever

anyways.. i saw these pics from the 2004 kbs awards website

for the Most Popular Award



for the Top Excellence Award(how old was she in 2004.. 22??and she already received this)


i just noticed everytime she would give her speech, she always has the same posture hahaha

i cant find the Best Couple pics :(

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Guest soutsada7

hi all :waves: I miss all my sis :w00t: sorry that I've been MIA for a while, but I've been very busy :tears: anyway, thanks for all the updates winnie and all the other shgers...I've got quite a lot to catch up.

angel2nyte, thanks for all those gorgeous pix...I really miss FH!

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thanks wloi and echan for the article.

HJE in FH has cooked a lot of different dishes, how it is like in reality ?

Though I do not have too much chances to cook in real life, I am interested in cooking and I cook at home sometimes. I am good at cooking seaweed soup, miso soup and making rice balls (kimbap ??) as I cook them frequently.

i love the answer of 'making rice balls' part.

Remember Bi did rice balls during his fan meeting 2006. not sure in seoul fan meeting or Budokan fan meeting, Japan. maybe he had learnt from SHK. :lol:

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Guest kierelun

thanks winnie for article, very interesting

cikumis and angel2nyt for pics

I wish hye-kyo onni will go with Bi to Changsa :w00t:

this news mentioned about SHK going to Changsa with Rain? possibility or confirmed? if it's true - best news ever!!

[ 宋慧喬敲定來長沙--100名保鑣保駕護航 ]



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is filming done for hwang jini yet? If it is I hope SHG is finally getting some rest and got home safely from North Korea. And also, if it is over: about dang time. Felt like they've been filming forever. Now they can start editing and we can finally see our movie!

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