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button nose-hot or not?


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Guest Atmosphere.

Button nose as in nose pierced? o_O *checks google images*

oh.. so basically it's just natural nose to have, it's not like you do something with it, got it.

i think i have a button nose.. well not exactly, more like it's squared <__<;; but sometimes

my brother says i have pig nose -__-;; i don't really care people have button nose, i mean

they were born with it, we can't hate them for having it, :)

doesn't vanessa hudgens have button nose? o.o

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i hate my nose the most out of whatever's on my face xD

i think it's pretty flat and i remember someone calling it a button nose haha

check my 411 for pics if u want :P

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Glasses sliding down: Check

Goggles sliding down: Check

Big sunglasses sitting on cheecks: Check

People telling you have no bridge: Check

People saying you have a flat face: Also check

I'm pretty sure I have a button nose, but it was worse when I was younger >.< I'm okay with it now :)

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Well, I've always refered to it as a cute little button nose.

Just because that's how I heard it first (somewhere - probably in a book or something).

Don't think I even realise - but that's how it is in my mind (:

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idk what a button nose looks like.. is it different from a pig nose?

i dont have the flattest nose but i definitely dont have a prominent nose bridge and its kinda long. i dont love my nose but i like it... ppl had told me i had a cute nose lol

semi profile pic: n1369110822_30295276_9519.jpg

profile pic: n1369110822_30441959_6490.jpg

do i have a button nose?

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Guest jolie pomme

I guess button noses could be described as bulbous shaped? And flat noses, noses without the roundness on the sides? I think button noses are cute unless its Shrek sized. Rainie Yang pulls it off quite well. Cute as a button! Tehee pun intended.



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Guest jaejoong_wifey

i have a really flat nose too

and its sorta weird

cuz both of my parents hav really high noses but mines flat

so they joke that i was adopted sometimes

i learned to stop caring but sometimes i get really self conscious about my nose

esp when there are pics of me from the side

cuz i have high cheek bones and a flat nose which = BAD BAD BAD


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Guest xxDemi91xx

I think I have a button nose. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. Meh...I guess it's just there.

If it's not too flat or wide, it can look cute if the person can pull it off.

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Guest silntdreamer

I don't know if I have a button nose....XD But I hate that my sunglasses are always slipping!! T-T I never disliked my nose though....I never knew so many people disliked their nose! What I do dislike on my face is my weird eye and sometimes my lips because it seems so fat sometimes

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