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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"; [Upcoming Musical 2024.12.6~2025.2.16 : (Dracula) "Bloody Love"]


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Guest meomongco

PolarisCat said: 【MBC Star History】From Gu Wol-Ryung to Gu Dong-Chi! The Story of Choi Jin-Hyuk!

Thank you so much for your video clip. I miss his characters that he acted even DC oppa now...:X:X
MBC is a good PR...:D

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Guest meomongco

chaybags55 said: Thanks my dear @ell4u‌ but I want OTP moments coz I like to imagine I am YM while having kissing scenes with her... Haha!!
Hello, my dear teacher!
If chaybags55 teacher were YM, so @ell4u teacher would who?:D.
I am really curious to watch the kiss scenes.
:)) :)), sorry my teachers, i want to imagine that i was Moon Chief...:D.I would like to command some scenes among DC and YM...:D

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@meomongco.. what can i say.. i do not want to be YM.. i would rather be Oh Jin Hee of ER.. hehe..speaking of the OTP in PP..DC is the epitome of a man in love.. his patience, his perseverance, his gentleness is so amazing despite the countless times he just received a cold shoulder.. huhu more like a treatment received by a second lead in a drama..why oh why..there really should be an additional female lead so YM would be shaken..
addendum..oh i just watched the trailer of healer.. looks promising and would make a good competitor against PP.. the reason i am posting it here is that it just occurred to me the PD nim and the writer of PP had not yet maximize our man-- like he needs to show his "action stunts' capabilities which he showed in Gu Family Book and in the Divine Move.. they didnt even feature the 'hotness' of our man.. and what about his awesome baritone voice.. oh.. i hope they do soon or it would be a waste of so much potential and possibilities...

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Guest meomongco

celes80 said: Hello!!! Credit: hal1

Thank you very much for your uploading this video.I know our Hyukie is always nice to everybody and also polite to his seniors. I really love him so much...:X

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@vforvintagevera     I’m beginning to feel anxious about this coming new drama H. It looks like a big budget drama. I read in H drama thread that KBS didn’t have many drama hits so far and it would bank on H for the hit drama this year. That had me biting my fingernails. Huhuuu    You too read in PP thread that someone mentioned about H’s writer and she’s a good writer.   PP DC site doesn’t talk about much other dramas. Every drama or idol/actor has following fans so everybody has to be careful about how the conversation would be carried out. Especially in a drama thread, I’m sure some members join in multiple drama sites. But once in awhile a stray comment can be dropped off with a bit of information about others. Still it’s kind of funny to see PPDC talk in hushed and earnest tones about PP and its strengths and limitations and gave each other encouragement/ high fives just like we do here.

@Gurl1227   Sorry The relationship with Son Eun Seo ended last year before he started filming for GFB.    It means he is free.  hehe

@ell4u  Actually I don’t mind seeing DC going after YM helplessly. It looks endearing.  Especially when he plays YM’s ID card, it’s obvious he wishes he could be the ID card so that he could hang around YM all day long.    As soon as YM responds he might look happy blissfully but he looks intense when he longs for her.   You saw the healer trailer. So it’s good. I haven’t watched it yet. I’m kind of dreading it. It looks like healer is going out for the big bang at the beginning. I read KBS is pushing hard to make it a hit.
Here are DC action scenes





cr to DC

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Guest meomongco

ell4u said: Happy Sunday everyone..
cr: cjh fb
Here's wishing you a great day ahead!
Oh my dear teacher,
He has a nice and sweet smile. Thanks for uploading the pic. I love it...:X:X.
Wishing you'll have a nice weekend, and to everybody as well!!!

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Guest meomongco

Dear @booha, here's the news about "Star History" Jin Hyuk's characters. Could you mind to translate it by English for us, please? I'd like to post it on forum website in VietNam. Thank you very much and i'm looking forwards to hear your feedback.:X:X. Nice day chingu!

[star History] 구월령에서 구동치까지! 배우 '최진혁'을 이야기하다!


"올해 당신을 사로잡은 배우는 누구?"

어느덧 길고도 짧게만 느껴졌던 2014년을 마무리해야하는 시점이 왔다. 

신하균, 김명민, 장혁, 주진모, 지창욱 등 올해 MBC 안방극장은 상반기부터 하반기에 이르기까지 유난히도 쟁쟁한 배우들의 대결이 이어지면서 뜨겁지 않은 시간이 없었다.

그런 와중 조연에서 차근차근 단계를 밟고 올라와 2014년 '대세'로 우뚝 선 배우가 있다. 바로 올해 <운명처럼 널 사랑해>, <오만과 편견> 두 작품에서 MBC와 손잡으면서 명품 연기력을 인증받은 명품배우 최진혁이 그 주인공.

'스타 히스토리' 그 첫 번째 주인공으로 MBC 작품들에 출연한 배우 취진혁의 흔적을 뒤따라 가본다.

      2010년 <파스타>의 스타쉐프 사천왕 중 넘버3 '선우덕'
    "언제까지 같은 주방 안에서 이렇게 싸워야 합니까?"

단도직입적인 성격, 마초적 스타일! 그럼에도 불구하고 요리 앞에서의 그는 누구보다 세심하고 마음 여린 남자였다!

이선균, 공효진 주연의 <파스타>에서 그는 이태리 유학파 넘버3 '선우덕'으로 활약하며 탄탄한 '꽃미남 쉐프'의 라인을 형성했다.

       지금의 최진혁을 있게 만든 2013년 <구가의 서>의 '구월령' 
   "이 여자를 놓치면, 난 또 천 년을 기다려야 할 지도 몰라." 

지금의 최진혁을 있게 만든, 일명 '스타덤'의 좌석이었던 구월령.

인간을 사랑한 신수라는 설정으로도 가슴이 설레는데, 하물며 일편단심 꽃미남이니, 어찌 여심이 향하지 않을까.

비록 인간이 되겠다는 결심은 그의 죽음까지 이룰 수 없었지만, 한 여자를 향한 끝없는 사랑만은 시청자의 가슴 속에 영원히 남아있다.

      2014년 <운명처럼 널 사랑해> 속 로망의 남자 '다니엘'
    "그러니까 제가 선을 밟기 전에 잘 하셨어야죠." 

모든 걸 갖춘 '동네 오빠'에서 나만 사랑하는 로맨틱 가이로 다시 안방극장을 찾은 최진혁!

장혁-장나라와의 팽팽한 삼각관계의 주인공으로 마지막까지 <운명처럼 널 사랑해>의 팬들의 마음을 일명 '장혁파'냐 '최진혁파'냐로 나뉘게 만든 그 쟁쟁하신 '다니엘 오빠'다.

미영(장나라)이 슬프고 힘들 때 귀신같이 나타나 모든 걸 해결해주는 만능 해결사였고, 또 그녀의 사랑을 응원해주는 영원한 조력자로 여심을 흔들었다.

      이게 바로 '대세남' 굳히기! 2014년 <오만과 편견> 검사로 돌아왔다! '구동치'
    "내 이름은 구동치야! 구동치!"

특이한 이름과 훈훈한 외모, 젊고 유능한 10년차 수석검사라는 63빌딩보다 높은 백두산 스펙! 

게다가 극중 열무(백진희)만 바라보는 그의 일편단심은 꽃미모를 아깝게 만들지만 또 다시 시청자들의 눈길을 사로잡기엔 충분했다.

현재 대한민국 민생을 위협하는 다양한 사건들을 수사하면서 머리쓰는 지능파에서 액션까지 소화하는 활동파까지 두루 포섭하면서 만능 연기자로 거듭났다.

밑에서부터 탄탄히! 기본은 중요하니까요!

'반짝' 뜨기보다 차근차근 단계를 밟고 자신만의 길을 닦아나가고 있는 배우 최진혁. 특히 루팡도 울고갈 '여심도둑'으로 많은 여성팬을 거느린 그는 이제 묵직한 검사 역할까지 소화해내며 대한민국을 사로잡고 있다.

지금보다 더 빛나는 배우로 자리매김을 할 그를 앞으로도 MBC의 다양한 드라마를 통해 만나볼 수 있기를 기대해본다.

Link news:"http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/op/news/index.html"
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Guest vforvintagevera

Thank you for posting that clip MBC put together of all of Choi Jin Hyuk's dramas with them.Made me appreciate how far he's come along since his days on Pasta.You can definitely tell how much he's improved as an actor (and the weight he lost lol). That jump from Pasta to Gu Family Book (3 years!) shows how good of an actor he is now compared to back then. You can see in GFB, FTLY, and P&P how he's more subtle, knows how to use his eyes to act, instead of relying on over-acting of the facial expressions, and uses his gorgeous voice to create more layers and depth to his characters. 
It also made me suddenly pine for Wol Ryung, Dark Wol Ryung and Gumihot Daddy, so much so that I marathoned all his clips again.
I really hope MBC keeps him as their golden boy. Especially if they go into a contract (unless CJH also wants to pursue movies), but he can always go into an exclusive contract of one drama a year with MBC can't he? Preferably I hope they'll be willing to wait for him after his 2 years in the army because they clearly have a good partnership right now and it'd be a shame for both MBC and CJH not to work together more often. 
I remember someone posted here or on the P&P thread about how with all the casting debacles Kill Me Heal Me is facing, MBC must be scrambling and wishing that they could cast CJH in the drama, since P&P also faced similar issues and P&P came out just fine once CJH signed on. It's too bad CJH has his enlistment coming up, I doubt he'll be able to sign onto Kill Me Heal Me even if he wanted to. That being said, the drama's synopsis probably doesn't sound interesting enough, so maybe CJH would have declined as well.

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Guest meomongco

ell4u said: thanks @meomongco.. im loving their bromance! i really admire how Jin Hyuk shows brotherly affection to Ta Hae even in the BTS.. oh he is such a sincere hyung..
Yeah, Hyukie is really nice to everybody even children...:X:X. I think oneday, he'll meet somesone who's falling in love with him. That's really a special one...:D

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PP EP12 Promo

“뺑소니 사고 범인, 누굽니까?”

의문의 자료를 받은 동치(최진혁)는 문희만(최민수)과 사건의 연관성을 파악하려 애 쓰고, 동치를 대구 고검으로 보내야 하는 열무(백진희)는 마음이 심란하다. 문희만은 과거의 일을 담판 짓기 위해 개평(손창민)을 부르고, 민생안정팀은 주윤창 살인 교사의 결정적 증거를 잡는다. 오산 뺑소니 사건을 추적하던 동치는 놀라운 사실을 알게 되고, 강수(이태환)는 자신의 과거를 알고 있는 인물과 만나게 되는데...

Translated by @boohaPP EP12  Written Preview
“Hit and run suspect, who is it?” 
After receiving the questionable material, DC(CJH) struggles to understand the relevance of the event with MHM(CMS). 
When YM has to see DC going away to Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Daegu, her mind becomes distracted.  
MHM calls Kai-ping(SCM) to settle a thing of the past. 
DC learns the surprise fact as he tracks down the hit-run case.

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The Original English Version Of OST 1: 하루 하나 One Day - 에디킴(김정환) Eddy KimOriginal Singer:David ChoiOriginal Song Title:My Company
As we know, the OST 1 is actually a remake from David Choi's "My Company". Though many people said that this OST is a bit boring, I'm loving it so much!The English version is lovely too. Would like to share with you all. 
This version is the most original one that David Choi recorded it 6 years ago.

My Company

There's a girl that I sort of know
on the other side of the world
she looks so beautiful
on her internet photo
Her myspace says that she's single
and boy I hope that's true
if she wasn't I'd feel oh so blue

Would it be strange
if we were to arrange
a date for some coffee or tea
Maybe you'd be
Perfect for me
Oh I wonder
would you like my company

I've heard her voice
in a dream I once had
until a truck crashed outside, I heard it was bad
yeah I felt depressed
cuz it was only a dream
so I tried to fall right back to sleep
but I couldn't get her back to me

Would it be strange
if we were to arrange
a date for some coffee or tea
Maybe you'd be
Perfect for me
Oh I wonder
would you like my company

But I can't afford to pay your fee
to fly you here right next to me
I guess we move on to plan B
Just hope I can meet you again in my dreams

Would it be strange
if we were to arrange
a date for some coffee or tea
Maybe you'd be
Perfect for me
Oh I wonder
would you like my company

Here comes Eddy Kim's Version: id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"Eddy Kim (에디킴) – 하루 하나 (Day one) [Pride and Prejudice OST Part 1]

And here is the interview of Eddy Kim regarding the OST Part.1:
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