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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"; [Upcoming Musical 2024.12.6~2025.2.16 : (Dracula) "Bloody Love"]


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While we are on the topic of fan meetings... I'm finally done with translating Part 1 of the Japan Fan Meeting in September 2013.  I'm sorry it took so long.  It was a whopping 30+ mins.  But, I really enjoyed doing this one very very much.  I must have watched it at least 20 times, playing and repeating many times over.  I love how sincere CJH is in his interactions with fans.  I loved everything about this video.  You will know what i mean when you watch it... I sound like a crazy fan girl here... LOL

If this is a preview of what his other fan meetings are going to be like, I am so excited for the fans who get to watch him soon.  

I will work on Part 2 in the meantime.  We get to watch him for another 30 mins!   As usual, please give me a while.  :)

Dailymotion link here

Translation in spoiler link below (it's rather long - sorry!)

Background: Took place in Japan, Tokyo on 15 Sep 2013.

0:20 CJH: “How is everyone???” Voiceover (VO): CJH’s first meeting with fans in Tokyo, Japan on September 15.

0.36 [Captions and VO]: CJH will be sharing on his filming experience.  Engage in a duet with his fans.  Plus sing a few songs.

0:47 [Captions and VO] This is special broadcast of CJH’s latest fan meeting in Japan – titled “I want to meet CJH!”

01:05 VO Summary: On the day of the fan meeting, Tokyo was actually hit by a typhoon early in the morning.  In spite of that, fans travelled from all over Japan to meet CJH.  Thankfully the skies opened up in the afternoon and the fan meeting carried on.  It was full house!

02:00 [Caption] Profile check of CJH! (Celes80: Won’t go into it here… You can check it out on wiki)

02:14 [Cut scenes from drama (2010) “Its Ok, Daddy’s Girl”, (2011) “I Need Romance” (INR), (2011) “My Daughter, the Flower” (MDTF)]

02:47 VO Summary: Talks about how CJH is very popular at the moment and filming both movies and dramas.  He had a press conference prior to the fan meeting which was organised by Hallyu PIA. 

03:09 How do you feel about this fan meeting? (Question from Press Con)
CJH: “I am very happy we managed to organise a 2nd fan meeting for my fans in Japan.  Whilst preparing for it, I was very nervous.  Even now, many thoughts cross my mind.  Because the format of fan meetings can be a bit stiff and boring, I made sure there was some time for me to have fun with my fans.  I’ve prepared some presents as well as songs to sing with my fans. If everyone is able to relax and have a good time later, I would be very happy.” 

03:49 VO: Thank you for waiting. And with that, the fan meeting starts!

04:24 Title of the Song is “瞳をとじて” or “I Close my Eyes” by Ken Hirai.  (Celes80: He actually sings in Japanese! OMG!!! And his diction is pretty accurate!” I almost fainted hearing him sing here!! Song lyrics can be found here)

10:00 CJH in Japanese: “Ah…Everyone?... Everyone?.... Everyone? (laughs)…. Good evening, I am CJH (bows).”

10:20  Emcee: “Thank you very much!  Wow, that was amazing! Can the audience give CJH a big round of applause please?” *applause from audience* Emcee: “CJH, would you please greet everyone again?” 

10:49 CJH in Japanese: (laughs) “Good evening, I am CJH.  How is everyone?”  (Audience: Great!)  CJH: “How is everyone?”  (Audience: Great!!!)  CJH:” To all the people who came here today, thank you so much!”

11:15 Emcee: “Amazing! Your Japanese is perfect!”… Emcee talks about how wonderful CJH’s singing was just now…  Emcee: “CJH, just now after you had finished singing, you’d raised your hands to your ears right? And then the audience started shouting for you.”  CJH does the same action again and the crowd goes crazy. :)    

12:00 CJH in Japanese: “Excellent!”  Emcee: “CJH, did you study Japanese before?”

12:10 CJH in Japanese: “Yes, I have.  My Japanese is at the level of a 3-year old.” (Laughs)  CJH, via translator: “It’s difficult.” :)

12:30 Emcee: “You just sang Ken Hirai’s ‘I Close My Eyes’.  That is a difficult song to sing! Did you have any difficulties preparing for the song?”

12:54 CJH, via translator: “When I first heard this song, I liked it very much.  But when I tried to sing the song, I’d found it to be very difficult.  I was thinking that I’d probably chosen the wrong song.”

13:05 Emcee: “To all the people that wanted to meet CJH, he is now here with us and we are looking forward to having a good time with him for the rest of the evening.  And now, please watch this next video.” 

13:30 VO Summary:  Fans were asked to vote for CJH’s top 3 dramas and best 3 scenes earlier. 

13:52 Emcee: “And so, for CJH’s best 3 dramas, coming in at number 3 is…”

13:57 [Captions and VO Summary] Fan’s Choice: CJH’s Best 3 Dramas! #3: “It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl” CJH acts as Choi Hyuk-ki, who is the older brother of Super Junior’s Dong-hae and sings in the drama. 

14:45: Emcee: “Looks wonderful doesn’t it?  That was “It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl”. It was a Mon-Tues drama that aired on SBS in Korea between 2010 and 2011.  In the drama, you took on the role of the eldest son, Hyuk-ki.  CJH, can you tell us what kind of son you are at home?”  CJH, via translator: “In real life?”  Emcee: “Yes.” 

15:21 CJH: “I... I think about (care for) my parents a lot, I think double that of most people.  Since young, whenever I compared myself to my friends, it has always been this way.  My parents’ well-being has always been my number one… how to say it... the... how do I say it...priority/belief! Because my parents exist, that’s why I exist.  Especially my mom, I want to take good care of her. (Thunderous applause from the audience.)

16:11 Emcee:  “Wow. That's amazing.  Now that you are in Japan, you must have not seen or spoken to your family for some time.  When you want to talk to them - do you make a phone call? Write a letter?  What do you do?

16:34 CJH: “The charges for making international phone calls are quite high, so it has been difficult, but I keep in contact with my parents every other day via email.  Actually, because we were filming the drama ‘The Heirs’ in LA before this, I flew directly into Japan from Los Angeles yesterday and I’ve not seen my parents for about 2 weeks.”

17:00 Emcee: “I'm so sorry about that.  That’s amazing.”  Translator, for CJH: “I’m not a mama’s boy!” (laughs)  Emcee: “Yes, of course, we must state that clearly! :)  CJH’s love for his parents, I’m sure both of them can feel it… Now, shall we talk about the drama? Do you still remember anything regarding filming?”  

17:30 CJH: “I can’t really remember much now, to be honest… I remember that when we were filming this drama, it was the coldest winter in South Korean history and conditions were extremely difficult.  One could have easily gotten frostbite… I remember that we had a really hard time. It was through this drama that I got to know Dong-hae from Super Junior…  When we talked, we were very comfortable with each other as if we were lovers.  I am very happy to have met him.” 

18:09 Emcee: “(Laughs) Is that so?  OK, now let’s move on to #2”.

18:13 [Captions and VO Summary] #2: Romantic Comedy “I Need Romance”. In INR, CJH acts as Bae Sung-hyun who falls in love with an older woman.  [Cut scenes of INR appear – towards the end, they are all scenes of CJH kissing Jo Yeo-Jeong (his love interest) in INR.]  The audience starts squealing in the background and CJH bursts out laughing *embarrassingly*. 

19:00 CJH, via translator: “Who made this video!!”  Audience erupts in laughter. 

19:11 Emcee: “Hmm…. I wonder who made this video… Yes indeed, this drama… if you were CJH’s fan, you would think that it’s good, but hmmm…. you would be angry at the same time. (Celes80: Because of all the kissing scenes! Hahaha)  This 2011 tvN’s romance drama, INR, it was an important drama for you.  It was a fairly important piece of work which first made everyone sit up and take notice of your acting skills.  Was it interesting (filming for INR)?  Which parts were particularly interesting?"  

20:08 CJH: “First of all, there were so many kiss scenes so it felt a little... It was the first time that I’d felt so embarrassed while acting.   In any case, the script was interesting.But there was a scene at the beginning of episode 1 where it was a little frisky/racy, and I’d closed the script immediately. Because the drama was a little erotic, I was hesitant in taking it on initially.  But then I’d re-read the script over once more and found it to be very interesting.  I had thought that the drama would appeal a lot to women.  The end result was exactly that.  Many women loved it.”  

20:52 Emcee: “After hearing all this, you will realise that CJH is actually a very innocent and shy person… Now coming back to your acting, regarding those kisses… what were your feelings during filming?”

21:13 CJH: “Pass!”  *Everyone bursts out laughing*

21:15 Emcee: “He passes!!  OK, so we move on.  Fan’s choice No.1 is…”

21: 26 [Captions and VO Summary] My Daughter, the Flower.  CJH had a lot of emotionally charged scenes in this drama. 

22:12 Emcee: “Fan’s chose your no. 1 drama to be MDTF.”  Emcee says the title in both Japanese, then Korean.  He has trouble pronouncing the word Kotnim (?) in Korean, so CJH corrects him.  The emcee asks CJH to try saying the MDTF title in Japanese, which he obliges … The audience tries to correct him and CJH shakes his head.  :)

22:35 Emcee: “You acted as Sang Hyuk, didn’t you? He was someone with a dark image.  In the video, we saw it just now, you screamed out loud and you banged the tables...  Did you ever think about trying to gain popularity as an actor, through your works?" (Celes80: I’m not sure about the question.  I’m couldn’t really catch it even after hearing it many times over, sorry!)

23:06 CJH:  "The drama was broadcast in Korea in the evening timeslot when most of the elderly gathered to watch TV.  There were a lot of viewers and it was the top-ranked programme for its timeslot.  The storyline was a little gloomy though… (pauses to say sorry to the translator because his reply is so long)… Although the storyline was a little gloomy, the script was solid, and it was a drama that brought out a lot of tears from the viewers."  (Says sorry to the translator again!)

23: 45 Emcee: “Now, we have a question regarding fashion.  What do you normally like to wear?”

24:00  CJH tries to reply in Japanese: “Tr…ain..ing… Train…ing”.  Translator says it for him: “Training pants!” (Celes80: aka sports gear) :) CJH: “I wear t-shirts a lot too.  I like comfortable clothes.  Today, I had to put in a lot of effort to look fashionable, because I’m not used to wearing such things.  It’s a real hassle for me.”  Translator:  “This time the reply is very short. Thank you!” CJH bursts out laughing.

24:31 VO: And these are CJH’s best 3 dramas as ranked by fans. 

24:38 Emcee: “Let’s continue shall we? Amongst all your dramas and all the scenes you have shot, these are the top 3 scenes as ranked by your fans.” 

24:48 [Captions and VO summary] Coming in at #3 – Scene from INR, Episode 5.  In this scene, CJH asks Jo Yeo-jeong to be his girlfriend. 

25:30 Emcee: “The scene ends here!  CJH, in your personal opinion, Sung-hyun’s feelings for In-young in INR, is that something that you can identify with?" (Celes80: I never watched INR, but I gathered from the drama’s recaps that In-young was a two-timer, but Sung-hyun was really devoted to her in spite of all that.)

25:50  CJH: “No. For me, that’s impossible. I would not even look at girls who already have a boyfriend. You may think that I’m weird for thinking that, but try to consider it the other person’s perspective.  If I were that girl’s boyfriend, I would be in pretty pissed, so I won’t make passes at women who already have a partner. ” (laughs)

26:21 Emcee: “What if there was a woman that you liked, but you only found out later that she already has a boyfriend. Then, what would you do?  Say good bye?”

26:30 CJH: “Bye Bye!”(laughs)Emcee: “Number 2.”

26:37 [Captions and VO summary] #2 – MDTF, episode 125. It is a scene of CJH showing concern for his mom.  A famous scene which milked the tears of all who watched it. 

28:05 CJH: “MDTF was 134 episodes long so there were many scenes, but this particular scene had left a deep impression on me as well.  Those lines were what my mom often says to me in real life, so my emotions really welled up then.  Actually, my mom’s physical condition is not very good in real life either.  That is probably why I was able to immerse myself in this role so easily.  When I read the script, I’d cried many times over.  That’s why everything felt very natural when we were filming that scene.”  

28:54 VO:  The deep love that CJH has for his mom, everyone can see it for themselves.  What a heart-warming moment this is.

29:04 Emcee: “And now, for the no. 1 scene as voted by the fans.”

29:10 [Captions and VO summary] #1 – It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl, episode 9.  It’s the part where CJH’s character sings in the episode.  CJH actually remembers the song and sings it live!

30:07 Emcee: "What were you feeling when you were singing the song in the drama?"

30:33 CJH: “When one’s own song plays in the drama, what kind of feeling is it?  Actually, I’d asked this question to other actors before.  All of them had said that it was difficult to concentrate on the singing.  As for me, I was just plain happy.  The fact that I could sing my own songs in my own scenes, I was really happy.”    

31:10 Emcee reads out a fan comment: “I really loved this drama, especially the character Hyuk-ki, which was played by CJH.  The scene where he lends his vocals to the band and sings was the best!”  CJH, via translator: “I can’t believe it!” :)

31:25 Emcee: “With that, we have the best 3 scenes from CJH's dramas.  Thank you very much”


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celes80 said:

While we are on the topic of fan meetings... I'm finally done with translating Part 1 of the Japan Fan Meeting in September 2013.  I'm sorry it took so long.  It was a whopping 30+ mins.  But, I really enjoyed doing this one very very much.  I must have watched it at least 20 times, playing and repeating many times over.  I love how sincere CJH is, in his interactions with fans.  I loved everything about this video.  You will know what i mean when you watch it... I didn't translate everything.  Only what I could catch and found interesting.  If this is a preview of what his other fan meetings are going to be like, I am so excited for the fans who get to watch him soon.  

I will work on Part 2 in the meantime.  We get to watch him for another 30 mins!   As usual, please give me a while.  :)

Dailymotion link here

Translation in spoiler link below (it's rather long - sorry!)

Background: Took place in Japan, Tokyo on 15 Sep 2013.

0:20 CJH: “How is everyone???” Voiceover (VO): CJH’s first meeting with fans in Tokyo, Japan on September 15.

0.36 [Captions and VO]: CJH will be sharing on his filming experience.  Engage in a duet with his fans.  Plus sing a few songs.

0:47 [Captions and VO] This is special broadcast of CJH’s latest fan meeting in Japan – titled “I want to meet CJH!”

01:05 VO Summary: On the day of the fan meeting, Tokyo was actually hit by a typhoon early in the morning.  In spite of that, fans travelled from all over Japan to meet CJH.  Thankfully the skies opened up in the afternoon and the fan meeting carried on.  It was full house!

02:00 [Caption] Profile check of CJH! (Celes80: Won’t go into it here… You can check it out on wiki)

02:14 [Cut scenes from drama (2010) “Its Ok, Daddy’s Girl”, (2011) “I Need Romance” (INR), (2011) “My Daughter, the Flower” (MDTF)]

02:47 VO Summary: Talks about how CJH is very popular at the moment and filming both movies and dramas.  He had a press conference prior to the fan meeting which was organised by Hallyu PIA. 

03:09 How do you feel about this fan meeting? (Question from Press Con)
CJH: “I am very happy we managed to organise a 2nd fan meeting for my fans in Japan.  Whilst preparing for it, I was very nervous.  Even now, many thoughts cross my mind.  Because the format of fan meetings can be a bit stiff and boring, I made sure there was some time for me to have fun with my fans.  I’ve prepared some presents as well as songs to sing with my fans. If everyone is able to relax and have a good time later, I would be very happy.” 

03:49 VO: Thank you for waiting. And with that, the fan meeting starts!

04:24 Title of the Song is “瞳をとじて” or “I Close my Eyes” by Ken Hirai.  (Celes80: He actually sings in Japanese! OMG!!! And his diction is pretty accurate!” I almost fainted hearing him sing here!! Song lyrics can be found here)

10:00 CJH in Japanese: “Ah…Everyone?... Everyone?.... Everyone? (laughs)…. Good evening, I am CJH (bows).”

10:20  Emcee: “Thank you very much!  Wow, that was amazing! Can the audience give CJH a big round of applause please?” *applause from audience* Emcee: “CJH, would you please greet everyone again?” 

10:49 CJH in Japanese: (laughs) “Good evening, I am CJH.  How is everyone?”  (Audience: Great!)  CJH: “How is everyone?”  (Audience: Great!!!)  CJH:” To all the people who came here today, thank you so much!”

11:15 Emcee: “Amazing! Your Japanese is perfect!”… Emcee talks about how wonderful CJH’s singing was just now…  Emcee: “CJH, just now after you had finished singing, you’d raised your hands to your ears right? And then the audience started shouting for you.”  CJH does the same action again and the crowd goes crazy. :)    

12:00 CJH in Japanese: “Excellent!”  Emcee: “CJH, did you study Japanese before?”

12:10 CJH in Japanese: “Yes, I have.  My Japanese is at the level of a 3-year old.” (Laughs)  CJH, via translator: “It’s difficult.” :)

12:30 Emcee: “You just sang Ken Hirai’s ‘I Close My Eyes’.  That is a difficult song to sing! Did you have any difficulties preparing for the song?”

12:54 CJH, via translator: “When I first heard this song, I liked it very much.  But when I tried to sing the song, I’d found it to be very difficult.  I was thinking that I’d probably chosen the wrong song.”

13:05 Emcee: “To all the people that wanted to meet CJH, he is now here with us and we are looking forward to having a good time with him for the rest of the evening.  And now, please watch this next video.” 

13:30 VO Summary:  Fans were asked to vote for CJH’s top 3 dramas and best 3 scenes earlier. 

13:52 Emcee: “And so, for CJH’s best 3 dramas, coming in at number 3 is…”

13:57 [Captions and VO Summary] Fan’s Choice: CJH’s Best 3 Dramas! #3: “It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl” CJH acts as Choi Hyuk-ki, who is the older brother of Super Junior’s Dong-hae and sings in the drama. 

14:45: Emcee: “Looks wonderful doesn’t it?  That was “It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl”. It was a Mon-Tues drama that aired on SBS in Korea between 2010 and 2011.  In the drama, you took on the role of the eldest son, Hyuk-ki.  CJH, can you tell us what kind of son you are at home?”  CJH, via translator: “In real life?”  Emcee: “Yes.” 

15:21 CJH: “I... I think about (care for) my parents a lot, I think double that of most people.  Since young, whenever I compared myself to my friends, it has always been this way.  My parents’ well-being has always been my number one… how to say it... the... how do I say it...priority/belief! Because my parents exist, that’s why I exist.  Especially my mom, I want to take good care of her. (Thunderous applause from the audience.)

16:11 Emcee:  “Wow. That's amazing.  Now that you are in Japan, you must have not seen or spoken to your family for some time.  When you want to talk to them - do you make a phone call? Write a letter?  What do you do?

16:34 CJH: “The charges for making international phone calls are quite high, so it has been difficult, but I keep in contact with my parents every other day via email.  Actually, because we were filming the drama ‘The Heirs’ in LA before this, I flew directly into Japan from Los Angeles yesterday and I’ve not seen my parents for about 2 weeks.”

17:00 Emcee: “I'm so sorry about that.  That’s amazing.”  Translator, for CJH: “I’m not a mama’s boy!” (laughs)  Emcee: “Yes, of course, we must state that clearly! :)  CJH’s love for his parents, I’m sure both of them can feel it… Now, shall we talk about the drama? Do you still remember anything regarding filming?”  

17:30 CJH: “I can’t really remember much now, to be honest… I remember that when we were filming this drama, it was the coldest winter in South Korean history and conditions were extremely difficult.  One could have easily gotten frostbite… I remember that we had a really hard time. It was through this drama that I got to know Dong-hae from Super Junior…  When we talked, we were very comfortable with each other as if we were lovers.  I am very happy to have met him.” 

18:09 Emcee: “(Laughs) Is that so?  OK, now let’s move on to #2”.

18:13 [Captions and VO Summary] #2: Romantic Comedy “I Need Romance”. In INR, CJH acts as Bae Sung-hyun who falls in love with an older woman.  [Cut scenes of INR appear – towards the end, they are all scenes of CJH kissing Jo Yeo-Jeong (his love interest) in INR.]  The audience starts squealing in the background and CJH bursts out laughing *embarrassingly*. 

19:00 CJH, via translator: “Who made this video!!”  Audience erupts in laughter. 

19:11 Emcee: “Hmm…. I wonder who made this video… Yes indeed, this drama… if you were CJH’s fan, you would think that it’s good, but hmmm…. you would be angry at the same time. (Celes80: Because of all the kissing scenes! Hahaha)  This 2011 tvN’s romance drama, INR, it was an important drama for you.  It was a fairly important piece of work which first made everyone sit up and take notice of your acting skills.  Was it interesting (filming for INR)?  Which parts were particularly interesting?"  

20:08 CJH: “First of all, there were so many kiss scenes so it felt a little... It was the first time that I’d felt so embarrassed while acting.   In any case, the script was interesting.But there was a scene at the beginning of episode 1 where it was a little frisky/racy, and I’d closed the script immediately. Because the drama was a little erotic, I was hesitant in taking it on initially.  But then I’d re-read the script over once more and found it to be very interesting.  I had thought that the drama would appeal a lot to women.  The end result was exactly that.  Many women loved it.”  

20:52 Emcee: “After hearing all this, you will realise that CJH is actually a very innocent and shy person… Now coming back to your acting, regarding those kisses… what were your feelings during filming?”

21:13 CJH: “Pass!”  *Everyone bursts out laughing*

21:15 Emcee: “He passes!!  OK, so we move on.  Fan’s choice No.1 is…”

21: 26 [Captions and VO Summary] My Daughter, the Flower.  CJH had a lot of emotionally charged scenes in this drama. 

22:12 Emcee: “Fan’s chose your no. 1 drama to be MDTF.”  Emcee says the title in both Japanese, then Korean.  He has trouble pronouncing the word Kotnim (?) in Korean, so CJH corrects him.  The emcee asks CJH to try saying the MDTF title in Japanese, which he obliges … The audience tries to correct him and CJH shakes his head.  

22:35 Emcee: “You acted as Sang Hyuk, didn’t you? He was someone with a dark image.  In the video, we saw it just now, you screamed out loud and you banged the tables...  Did you ever think about trying to gain popularity as an actor, through your works?" (Celes80: I’m not sure about the question.  I’m couldn’t really catch it even after hearing it many times over, sorry!)

23:06 CJH:  "The drama was broadcast in Korea in the evening timeslot when most of the elderly gathered to watch TV.  There were a lot of viewers and it was the top-ranked programme for its timeslot.  The storyline was a little gloomy though… (pauses to say sorry to the translator because his reply is so long)… Although the storyline was a little gloomy, the script was solid, and it was a drama that brought out a lot of tears from the viewers."  (Says sorry to the translator again!)

23: 45 Emcee: “Now, we have a question regarding fashion.  What do you normally like to wear?”

24:00  CJH tries to reply in Japanese: “Tr…ain..ing… Train…ing”.  Translator says it for him: “Training pants!” (Celes80: aka sports gear)  CJH: “I wear t-shirts a lot too.  I like comfortable clothes.  Today, I had to put in a lot of effort to look fashionable, because I’m not used to wearing such things.  It’s a real hassle for me.”  Translator:  “This time the reply is very short. Thank you!” CJH bursts out laughing.

24:31 VO: And these are CJH’s best 3 dramas as ranked by fans. 

24:38 Emcee: “Let’s continue shall we? Amongst all your dramas and all the scenes you have shot, these are the top 3 scenes as ranked by your fans.” 

24:48 [Captions and VO summary] Coming in at #3 – Scene from INR, Episode 5.  In this scene, CJH asks Jo Yeo-jeong to be his girlfriend. 

25:30 Emcee: “The scene ends here!  CJH, in your personal opinion, (Bae) Sung-hyun’s feelings for In-young in INR, is that something that you can identify with?" (Celes80: I never watched INR, but I gathered from the drama’s recaps that In-young was a two-timer, but Sung-hyun was really devoted to her in spite of all that.)

25:50  CJH: “No. For me, that’s impossible. I would not even look at girls who already have a boyfriend. You may think that I’m weird for thinking that, but try to consider it the other person’s perspective.  If I were that girl’s boyfriend, I would be in pretty pissed, so I won’t make passes at women who already have a partner. ” (laughs)

26:21 Emcee: “What if there was a woman that you liked, but you only found out later that she already has a boyfriend. Then, what would you do?  Say good bye?”

26:30 CJH: “Bye Bye!”(laughs)Emcee: “Number 2.”

26:37 [Captions and VO summary] #2 – MDTF, episode 125. It is a scene of CJH showing concern for his mom.  A famous scene which milked the tears of all who watched it. 

28:05 CJH: “MDTF was 134 episodes long so there were many scenes, but this particular scene had left a deep impression on me as well.  Those lines were what my mom often says to me in real life, so my emotions really welled up then.  Actually, my mom’s physical condition is not very good in real life either.  That is probably why I was able to immerse myself in this role so easily.  When I read the script, I’d cried many times over.  That’s why everything felt very natural when we were filming that scene.”  

28:54 VO:  The deep love that CJH has for his mom, everyone can see it for themselves.  What a heart-warming moment this is.

29:04 Emcee: “And now, for the no. 1 scene as voted by the fans.”

29:10 [Captions and VO summary] #1 – It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl, episode 9.  It’s the part where CJH’s character sings in the episode.  CJH actually remembers the song and sings it live!

30:07 Emcee: "What were you feeling when you were singing the song in the drama?"

30:33 CJH: “When one’s own song plays in the drama, what kind of feeling is it?  Actually, I’d asked this question to other actors before.  All of them had said that it was difficult to concentrate on the singing.  As for me, I was just plain happy.  The fact that I could sing my own songs in my own scenes, I was really happy.”    

31:10 Emcee reads out a fan comment: “I really loved this drama, especially the character Hyuk-ki, which was played by CJH.  The scene where he lends his vocals to the band and sings was the best!”  CJH, via translator: “I can’t believe it!” 

31:25 Emcee: “With that, we have the best 3 scenes from CJH's dramas.  Thank you very much”


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Guest Joon J. Lee

I'm on my way back home and I only have one thing to say. He is one seriously deadly attractive man!

Your letters were delivered safely!

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Guest sunshine4ever

Joon J. Lee said: I'm on my way back home and I only have one thing to say. He is one seriously deadly attractive man! Your letters were delivered safely!

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Guest mdolphins

welovesk said:

Thanks Joon!!!

This is so great, at least he now knows he has supporters in other parts of the world too and that he is finally recognized for all his hard work!  Hwaiting!!

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Guest mdolphins

@celes80 said:

While we are on the topic of fan meetings... I'm finally done with translating Part 1 of the Japan Fan Meeting in September 2013.  I'm sorry it took so long.  It was a whopping 30+ mins.  But, I really enjoyed doing this one very very much.  I must have watched it at least 20 times, playing and repeating many times over.  I love how sincere CJH is in his interactions with fans.  I loved everything about this video.  You will know what i mean when you watch it... I sound like a crazy fan girl here... LOL

If this is a preview of what his other fan meetings are going to be like, I am so excited for the fans who get to watch him soon.  

I will work on Part 2 in the meantime.  We get to watch him for another 30 mins!   As usual, please give me a while.  :)

Dailymotion link here

Translation in spoiler link below (it's rather long - sorry!)

Background: Took place in Japan, Tokyo on 15 Sep 2013.

0:20 CJH: “How is everyone???” Voiceover (VO): CJH’s first meeting with fans in Tokyo, Japan on September 15.

0.36 [Captions and VO]: CJH will be sharing on his filming experience.  Engage in a duet with his fans.  Plus sing a few songs.

0:47 [Captions and VO] This is special broadcast of CJH’s latest fan meeting in Japan – titled “I want to meet CJH!”

01:05 VO Summary: On the day of the fan meeting, Tokyo was actually hit by a typhoon early in the morning.  In spite of that, fans travelled from all over Japan to meet CJH.  Thankfully the skies opened up in the afternoon and the fan meeting carried on.  It was full house!

02:00 [Caption] Profile check of CJH! (Celes80: Won’t go into it here… You can check it out on wiki)

02:14 [Cut scenes from drama (2010) “Its Ok, Daddy’s Girl”, (2011) “I Need Romance” (INR), (2011) “My Daughter, the Flower” (MDTF)]

02:47 VO Summary: Talks about how CJH is very popular at the moment and filming both movies and dramas.  He had a press conference prior to the fan meeting which was organised by Hallyu PIA. 

03:09 How do you feel about this fan meeting? (Question from Press Con)
CJH: “I am very happy we managed to organise a 2nd fan meeting for my fans in Japan.  Whilst preparing for it, I was very nervous.  Even now, many thoughts cross my mind.  Because the format of fan meetings can be a bit stiff and boring, I made sure there was some time for me to have fun with my fans.  I’ve prepared some presents as well as songs to sing with my fans. If everyone is able to relax and have a good time later, I would be very happy.” 

03:49 VO: Thank you for waiting. And with that, the fan meeting starts!

04:24 Title of the Song is “瞳をとじて” or “I Close my Eyes” by Ken Hirai.  (Celes80: He actually sings in Japanese! OMG!!! And his diction is pretty accurate!” I almost fainted hearing him sing here!! Song lyrics can be found here)

10:00 CJH in Japanese: “Ah…Everyone?... Everyone?.... Everyone? (laughs)…. Good evening, I am CJH (bows).”

10:20  Emcee: “Thank you very much!  Wow, that was amazing! Can the audience give CJH a big round of applause please?” *applause from audience* Emcee: “CJH, would you please greet everyone again?” 

10:49 CJH in Japanese: (laughs) “Good evening, I am CJH.  How is everyone?”  (Audience: Great!)  CJH: “How is everyone?”  (Audience: Great!!!)  CJH:” To all the people who came here today, thank you so much!”

11:15 Emcee: “Amazing! Your Japanese is perfect!”… Emcee talks about how wonderful CJH’s singing was just now…  Emcee: “CJH, just now after you had finished singing, you’d raised your hands to your ears right? And then the audience started shouting for you.”  CJH does the same action again and the crowd goes crazy. :)    

12:00 CJH in Japanese: “Excellent!”  Emcee: “CJH, did you study Japanese before?”

12:10 CJH in Japanese: “Yes, I have.  My Japanese is at the level of a 3-year old.” (Laughs)  CJH, via translator: “It’s difficult.” :)

12:30 Emcee: “You just sang Ken Hirai’s ‘I Close My Eyes’.  That is a difficult song to sing! Did you have any difficulties preparing for the song?”

12:54 CJH, via translator: “When I first heard this song, I liked it very much.  But when I tried to sing the song, I’d found it to be very difficult.  I was thinking that I’d probably chosen the wrong song.”

13:05 Emcee: “To all the people that wanted to meet CJH, he is now here with us and we are looking forward to having a good time with him for the rest of the evening.  And now, please watch this next video.” 

13:30 VO Summary:  Fans were asked to vote for CJH’s top 3 dramas and best 3 scenes earlier. 

13:52 Emcee: “And so, for CJH’s best 3 dramas, coming in at number 3 is…”

13:57 [Captions and VO Summary] Fan’s Choice: CJH’s Best 3 Dramas! #3: “It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl” CJH acts as Choi Hyuk-ki, who is the older brother of Super Junior’s Dong-hae and sings in the drama. 

14:45: Emcee: “Looks wonderful doesn’t it?  That was “It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl”. It was a Mon-Tues drama that aired on SBS in Korea between 2010 and 2011.  In the drama, you took on the role of the eldest son, Hyuk-ki.  CJH, can you tell us what kind of son you are at home?”  CJH, via translator: “In real life?”  Emcee: “Yes.” 

15:21 CJH: “I... I think about (care for) my parents a lot, I think double that of most people.  Since young, whenever I compared myself to my friends, it has always been this way.  My parents’ well-being has always been my number one… how to say it... the... how do I say it...priority/belief! Because my parents exist, that’s why I exist.  Especially my mom, I want to take good care of her. (Thunderous applause from the audience.)

16:11 Emcee:  “Wow. That's amazing.  Now that you are in Japan, you must have not seen or spoken to your family for some time.  When you want to talk to them - do you make a phone call? Write a letter?  What do you do?

16:34 CJH: “The charges for making international phone calls are quite high, so it has been difficult, but I keep in contact with my parents every other day via email.  Actually, because we were filming the drama ‘The Heirs’ in LA before this, I flew directly into Japan from Los Angeles yesterday and I’ve not seen my parents for about 2 weeks.”

17:00 Emcee: “I'm so sorry about that.  That’s amazing.”  Translator, for CJH: “I’m not a mama’s boy!” (laughs)  Emcee: “Yes, of course, we must state that clearly! :)  CJH’s love for his parents, I’m sure both of them can feel it… Now, shall we talk about the drama? Do you still remember anything regarding filming?”  

17:30 CJH: “I can’t really remember much now, to be honest… I remember that when we were filming this drama, it was the coldest winter in South Korean history and conditions were extremely difficult.  One could have easily gotten frostbite… I remember that we had a really hard time. It was through this drama that I got to know Dong-hae from Super Junior…  When we talked, we were very comfortable with each other as if we were lovers.  I am very happy to have met him.” 

18:09 Emcee: “(Laughs) Is that so?  OK, now let’s move on to #2”.

18:13 [Captions and VO Summary] #2: Romantic Comedy “I Need Romance”. In INR, CJH acts as Bae Sung-hyun who falls in love with an older woman.  [Cut scenes of INR appear – towards the end, they are all scenes of CJH kissing Jo Yeo-Jeong (his love interest) in INR.]  The audience starts squealing in the background and CJH bursts out laughing *embarrassingly*. 

19:00 CJH, via translator: “Who made this video!!”  Audience erupts in laughter. 

19:11 Emcee: “Hmm…. I wonder who made this video… Yes indeed, this drama… if you were CJH’s fan, you would think that it’s good, but hmmm…. you would be angry at the same time. (Celes80: Because of all the kissing scenes! Hahaha)  This 2011 tvN’s romance drama, INR, it was an important drama for you.  It was a fairly important piece of work which first made everyone sit up and take notice of your acting skills.  Was it interesting (filming for INR)?  Which parts were particularly interesting?"  

20:08 CJH: “First of all, there were so many kiss scenes so it felt a little... It was the first time that I’d felt so embarrassed while acting.   In any case, the script was interesting.But there was a scene at the beginning of episode 1 where it was a little frisky/racy, and I’d closed the script immediately. Because the drama was a little erotic, I was hesitant in taking it on initially.  But then I’d re-read the script over once more and found it to be very interesting.  I had thought that the drama would appeal a lot to women.  The end result was exactly that.  Many women loved it.”  

20:52 Emcee: “After hearing all this, you will realise that CJH is actually a very innocent and shy person… Now coming back to your acting, regarding those kisses… what were your feelings during filming?”

21:13 CJH: “Pass!”  *Everyone bursts out laughing*

21:15 Emcee: “He passes!!  OK, so we move on.  Fan’s choice No.1 is…”

21: 26 [Captions and VO Summary] My Daughter, the Flower.  CJH had a lot of emotionally charged scenes in this drama. 

22:12 Emcee: “Fan’s chose your no. 1 drama to be MDTF.”  Emcee says the title in both Japanese, then Korean.  He has trouble pronouncing the word Kotnim (?) in Korean, so CJH corrects him.  The emcee asks CJH to try saying the MDTF title in Japanese, which he obliges … The audience tries to correct him and CJH shakes his head.  :)

22:35 Emcee: “You acted as Sang Hyuk, didn’t you? He was someone with a dark image.  In the video, we saw it just now, you screamed out loud and you banged the tables...  Did you ever think about trying to gain popularity as an actor, through your works?" (Celes80: I’m not sure about the question.  I’m couldn’t really catch it even after hearing it many times over, sorry!)

23:06 CJH:  "The drama was broadcast in Korea in the evening timeslot when most of the elderly gathered to watch TV.  There were a lot of viewers and it was the top-ranked programme for its timeslot.  The storyline was a little gloomy though… (pauses to say sorry to the translator because his reply is so long)… Although the storyline was a little gloomy, the script was solid, and it was a drama that brought out a lot of tears from the viewers."  (Says sorry to the translator again!)

23: 45 Emcee: “Now, we have a question regarding fashion.  What do you normally like to wear?”

24:00  CJH tries to reply in Japanese: “Tr…ain..ing… Train…ing”.  Translator says it for him: “Training pants!” (Celes80: aka sports gear) :) CJH: “I wear t-shirts a lot too.  I like comfortable clothes.  Today, I had to put in a lot of effort to look fashionable, because I’m not used to wearing such things.  It’s a real hassle for me.”  Translator:  “This time the reply is very short. Thank you!” CJH bursts out laughing.

24:31 VO: And these are CJH’s best 3 dramas as ranked by fans. 

24:38 Emcee: “Let’s continue shall we? Amongst all your dramas and all the scenes you have shot, these are the top 3 scenes as ranked by your fans.” 

24:48 [Captions and VO summary] Coming in at #3 – Scene from INR, Episode 5.  In this scene, CJH asks Jo Yeo-jeong to be his girlfriend. 

25:30 Emcee: “The scene ends here!  CJH, in your personal opinion, Sung-hyun’s feelings for In-young in INR, is that something that you can identify with?" (Celes80: I never watched INR, but I gathered from the drama’s recaps that In-young was a two-timer, but Sung-hyun was really devoted to her in spite of all that.)

25:50  CJH: “No. For me, that’s impossible. I would not even look at girls who already have a boyfriend. You may think that I’m weird for thinking that, but try to consider it the other person’s perspective.  If I were that girl’s boyfriend, I would be in pretty pissed, so I won’t make passes at women who already have a partner. ” (laughs)

26:21 Emcee: “What if there was a woman that you liked, but you only found out later that she already has a boyfriend. Then, what would you do?  Say good bye?”

26:30 CJH: “Bye Bye!”(laughs)Emcee: “Number 2.”

26:37 [Captions and VO summary] #2 – MDTF, episode 125. It is a scene of CJH showing concern for his mom.  A famous scene which milked the tears of all who watched it. 

28:05 CJH: “MDTF was 134 episodes long so there were many scenes, but this particular scene had left a deep impression on me as well.  Those lines were what my mom often says to me in real life, so my emotions really welled up then.  Actually, my mom’s physical condition is not very good in real life either.  That is probably why I was able to immerse myself in this role so easily.  When I read the script, I’d cried many times over.  That’s why everything felt very natural when we were filming that scene.”  

28:54 VO:  The deep love that CJH has for his mom, everyone can see it for themselves.  What a heart-warming moment this is.

29:04 Emcee: “And now, for the no. 1 scene as voted by the fans.”

29:10 [Captions and VO summary] #1 – It’s OK, Daddy’s Girl, episode 9.  It’s the part where CJH’s character sings in the episode.  CJH actually remembers the song and sings it live!

30:07 Emcee: "What were you feeling when you were singing the song in the drama?"

30:33 CJH: “When one’s own song plays in the drama, what kind of feeling is it?  Actually, I’d asked this question to other actors before.  All of them had said that it was difficult to concentrate on the singing.  As for me, I was just plain happy.  The fact that I could sing my own songs in my own scenes, I was really happy.”    

31:10 Emcee reads out a fan comment: “I really loved this drama, especially the character Hyuk-ki, which was played by CJH.  The scene where he lends his vocals to the band and sings was the best!”  CJH, via translator: “I can’t believe it!” :)

31:25 Emcee: “With that, we have the best 3 scenes from CJH's dramas.  Thank you very much”


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I read CJH started filming for FLTY 5/11 as you mentioned about Jang Na Ra’s shooting schedule. It means definitely he is in FLTY.
PS (about a fan meeting) The picture of him 5 years old was shown and even at that age he was tall and he looked very cute. He had his first kiss during the senior year of high school in a park behind MokPo terminal: He held her neck from behind and held her waist. According to him it started from (?adolescent) curiosity but he didn’t think he did a good job (more like amateurish from both)    She was the same age as him.   It was his first date(?)    But then they separated after the kiss (You must be kidding!   haha)

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I read CJH started filming for FLTY 5/11 as you mentioned about Jang Na Ra’s shooting schedule. It means definitely he is in FLTY.

PS (about a fan meeting) The picture of him 5 years old was shown and even at that age he was tall and he looked very cute. He had his first kiss during the senior year of high school in a park behind MokPo terminal: He held her neck from behind and held her waist. According to him it started from (?adolescent) curiosity but he didn’t think he did a good job (more like amateurish from both)    She was the same age as him.   It was his first date(?)    But then they separated after the kiss (You must be kidding!   haha)

Hi booha, which FM are you mentioning?

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@PolarisCat    HAHA  So the kissing part made you curious!!  I'm just kidding. It was from a fan meeting yesterday for Korean fans.  I'm sure CJH knew personally  many fans who attended it so it was easy for him to talk about a sort of personal aspect. 

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@sunshine4ever @Yeekrfan2 @Joon J. Lee    It seems like CJH fan meeting went well.    I really appreciate how much you, gals, had to work hard to pull it off for this event.    So happy to see something very special happened in this thread!!

@sunshine4ever Thank you for initiating the fan letter activity.     I still remember you said why CJH should celebrate. I didn’t realize the word ‘celebration’ had so much positive sound. I think we all, including CJH, should try to live and to act in such a way to earn the celebration.   Before I wondered about your seemingly endless energy to carry on so many tasks till you mentioned while watching a drama you fell asleep.   Keke    So after all you aren’t the super machine but only mortal. Isn’t it amusing to learn how different people might read comments differently!!

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@mdolphins Glad you liked the fan meeting video.  It's rather long.  After posting it, tbh, I was wondering whether anyone would bother. :( Cos it's so long, and very difficult to watch without subs.  I'm thinking whether there is a better way to do this, than to type out a long long list of text into Soompi.  I haven't figured it out yet.  I liked it very much, but its probably because I could understand the video as is, without having to read someone's long translation.  I'd imagine the experience to be much less enjoyable for the rest of you.
I wonder whether you finished it?  If so, I'd love to hear what you think about it.  You'd asked why GFB was not voted into the list of top 3 dramas by the audience.  I'm not sure, but I was thinking that it's because GFB hadn't aired in Japan at the time of the fan meeting.  He'd mentioned in Part 2 that GFB had only just finished airing in Korea, so maybe that.  Another reason could be that he had a minor part in the drama, so it couldn't be considered as his drama per se, but I doubt it.  These are just guesses.  I'm not sure.  In any case, what struck me most when watching the fan video was how much effort he'd put into that fan meeting.  Singing in Japanese is not easy, particularly as he doesn't even speak the language.  But he had actually put in a lot of effort to memorise and sing these songs.  And it wasn't just 1 song.  Part 2 of the video is almost like a mini-CJH concert, some songs in Korean, some songs in Japanese.  He was also very candid and honest in his interview.  And he kept talking about how much his family means to him, his deep love for his mum, that came through very strongly.  It feels as if he treats his fans like his friends.  I don't know.  I think I've gone bonkers over him.  I need help - I've got ChoiJinHyuk-itis. HELP. :((

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Guest mdolphins

@celes80 I did finish it and I loved it. You are right, I think he put an awful lot of effort into that, plus he had to be nervous, but I think he really worked hard to try to appear as relaxed and open as possible for the fans. Which must have been a little hard for him because he seems to be a very reserved person.

I actually understand quite a bit of Japanese after learning some from an instant emersion program, I used to listen to it in the car and I have watched a lot of anime and Japanese dramas since 2007, so it helped me to hear both languages spoken during the fan meeting. So, I would be happy watching the second part even if you only translated a little bit or the important parts. I have been having a harder time learning Korean, because of the phonetic way it flows, Japanese is easier for me to break down.

Anyway, I really appreciate all of the time you take to do this for us, it really does help all of us get to know him better as a person.

I've had Hyukitis for a while now, I even started marathoning Panda  and Hedgehog this weekend and I thought I would hate it, but in  a weird way I kind of like it. I am only up to episode 8, but I have always had a fondness for all of the lead actors (Donghae and Yoon Seung Ah) and I love the friendship between the guys the most, I am not a fan of the love triangle, but I like that there are other things going on too. Jin Hyuk is actually pretty adorable in this, but fairly serious too, which helps me get past all of the sugar and occasional ridiculousness in this drama. I also like the Grandpa and the girl who plays Choi Won's sister, she is a riot and so much fun to watch.

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@mdolphins  At first, I did the translation work just cos I wanted to practice my Jap.  And my Hyuk-itis wasn't so severe then.  I'd watched his dramas and had read about him here and there, but nothing crazy.  I thought it was a great way to kill two birds with one stone.  But the more I read about him, the deeper I'm sinking into it I realise.  It's so scary, how quickly that addiction set in.  It's wonderful how you are showing support for him by watching all his previous dramas.  How do you get hold of them, his dramas I mean?  Some of them are so old, there's no way I can watch it even if I wanted to.  I'd love to watch all his dramas at some point, but I'm thinking its best I curb my addiction for CJH by staying away for awhile. Not completely, of course.  I couldn't do that. :)  It's been very nice joining this forum sharing information and hearing everyone's thoughts on CJH.    It's probably very late at night now in your part of the world, so pls have a good night and happy watching Panda and Hedgehog. :)  Do let me know how that turns out.  

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@booha, @sunshine4ever, @celes80, @mdolphins, @Ihjj, @Yi0481, @OnnieS, @Katrina, @yesyoong, @welovesk, @sky3, @luvjinhyuk, @yhiyori1221

These are our Fan Letters to Jin Hyuk and a BIG thanks to @
Joon J. Lee for the safe delivery. For the rest of the letters please download from my dropbox links  :)>-


Inside Cover

Back Cover

All our Fan Letters link:




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Guest Joon J. Lee


This is the printed out version of the fan letter package.

No filming or picture taking were allowed at the fan meeting so there aren't any decent pics for you guys. Sorry. But I can tell you this. He DANCED. HE DANCED ' RAINISM' (originally by Rain). Boy, he was sooooo sexy. He is by no means lethal. The place was absolutely filled with wild screams!!! I am pretty sure there will be a DVD out after the Asian Tour, so keep ur fingers crossed gals.

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Guest sunshine4ever

Joon J. Lee said: http://m.dcinside.com/view.php?id=jinhyuk&no=44933 This is the printed out version of the fan letter package. No filming or picture taking were allowed at the fan meeting so there aren't any decent pics for you guys. Sorry. But I can tell you this. He DANCED. HE DANCED ' RAINISM' (originally by Rain). Boy, he was sooooo sexy. He is by no means lethal. The place was absolutely filled with wild screams!!! I am pretty sure there will be a DVD out after the Asian Tour, so keep ur fingers crossed gals.

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