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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"; [Upcoming Musical 2024.12.6~2025.2.16 : (Dracula) "Bloody Love"]


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Guest Chibiaya_ssi

@alex1999: Thank you for sharing the photos of him in Thailand. Those fans were super lucky to have met him at the airport. Hope Jin Hyuk can spend some great free time before he enters MS.
@Joon J. Lee: Thanks for the Tokyo FM translation! It was so fun to read his answers! This must have taken you ages to translate since the article is so long. Only a few weeks left and you'll be at the Korea FM. So nice and you get to visit Seoul as well! Is it your first time there? I wish I could join but I'm traveling to another country at that time so cannot make it. If only his FM in Korea could be held in summer then I would might have been able to attend it. haha But he already enters military service in March... :(
It's CHJ's birthday soon and I was originally planning to make a MV for him to celebrate his birthday but there are only a few days left so I'm not sure if I can even finish it. I haven't even started... :/ 

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@"Joon J. Lee"‌ Thanks so much for the translation! Although I attended the same session (evening session), my Japanese is not good enough to understand the whole conversation. I did enjoy the event though. He walked to almost every corner of the hall and I believe all the audience had a close look at him. He literally walked right in front of me when he sang his first song. I also very much enjoyed his singing. He sang 3 different songs from those he sang in the HK FM and he sang them perfectly. He looked a lot fresher and happier this time. He looked so tired during the HK FM.

It's very kind of you to offer the tickets for his Korea FM, but I guess I have to give this a pass. I have been attending three FMs of his in a row. I am contented for the time being. I will just wait for another 2 years to go to Korea with other Soompi girls when he comes out from MS.

@alex1999‌ Welcome back!

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Korea FM is on the 28th, Feb. 2015. Two o'clock in the afternoon.

The venue only holds 422 seats so it's going to be cozy.

I have 4 extra tickets right now and I think I will be able to spare about two of them.

L20, H35, G32, D33 These are the seat numbers and I have put down the link to the seat arrangement of the venue below so you can check it out.

Fast decision is most welcome.

And if you decide to come, I will be happy to help you guys out with accomodations and stuff.

Shouldn't spend extra dimes on nothing-for-good fancy hotels!!! Well, that's just my idea. LOL 


Will be waiting for your answers.

And if there are more than two of you who are willing, I think I'll see what I can do so feel free to think things over.

Oh that sounds perfect... Unfortunately I think I would only have saved enough money for a one way plane ticket by that time, and my mom would never forgive me if I got trapped in Korea lol. I can hear it now.. "Where are you?!" "Well you see mom, there was this fan meeting I just had to go to... And now I'm stuck. But I touched his hand and it was so worth it"

...she'd never understand :pensive:

However I hope you find friends to use the tickets, be it on soompi or RL ^-^

Here's to hoping that, at the very least, we all meet in two years time!!!

Thank you chingu for letting us known :x hope you have super fun at the cozy venue, it looks nice ^_^

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Hello hyukies I mentioned that there was a thing we could do together as a group during CJH’s two years absence.  It’s about watching again some of his dramas.  For that I thought about two: EC and MDTF.   Many members came here after EC so I don’t have to talk about it further.  I thought about MDTF because CJH is the lead, and it’s very long yet fun to watch and talk about as it’s melo/romance. It has a soompi drama thread but unfortunately it doesn’t have Eng sub. Without it, it’s hard to carry on any soompi discussion.  Since the MDTF thread was opened I have been looking for a way to get it Eng sub.  By chance I learned that one can put in a request(?) for the drama  in these three sites: Drama Fever, Viki and Soompi TV

((Drama Fever))




((Soompi TV ))


I don’t know exactly how these things work but hopefully some members here could be able to do something about it. I was going to wait talking about it until later but when I saw the postings by @Joon J. Lee ,  I thought it might be time to bring out about MDTF’s eng sub. It is possible that RBH could make it happen. Possible @Joon J. Lee   would want to give a message to RBH/or CJH about this issue(?).    In J-FM, CJH mentioned about this (‘You can kill time by watching 120-episode and 60-episode not-so-popular drama of mine. I'll be checking on you! (laughing)’ by @Joon J. Lee  translation) I hope CJH should know there are many overseas fans who like this drama too. If we could have Eng sub, we might bring in more people to the soompi discussion for the drama.

@Joon J. Lee     Thank you for the translation.    Btw I don’t know whether you’re aware that MDTF has a soompi drama thread. But without Eng sub, it got stuck in the same spot. As I talked about it, it would be nice if RBH could help getting it Eng sub.    I know you are busy and gratefully you just translated a long article. So I hate to say this to you but if you have time, could you possibly convey a brief message to RBH/ or CJH about Eng sub MDTF???

Have a good day   Wish K-FM will be as entertaining as the last year.  Perhaps another(like Rainism) dance??



cr to DC


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@booha‌ I think if I witnessed CJH do a rainism dance I would probably just pass out on the spot from euphoria.

I think that is a good idea of yours chingu ^_^ we could also attempt to learn some basic korean together since so many want to try to see him when he returns from MS. That way we could at least greet him properly in korean ^_^

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Guest chaybags55

@booha thanks for bringing up this MDTF thing. I would love to watch with eng sub. I didn't know that CJH had a not so well known drama with 60 episodes?? ( as you mentioned here that he said that during the Japan FM) what's the title of that drama?

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Guest chaybags55

My sweet @celes80 thanks so so much for this translation. Thru your translation, we get to know CJH more and love him more too.. Take care and stay healthy and beautiful !! ^:)^

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Guest meomongco

Oh ho, long time no see you Hyukie Girls...I've missed you so much. The thread is still busy and some guys visit it. I'm very happy to see it.
I had a busy and tired time, but today i can breathe and come back here with you.
@celes80, thank you very much for your translations, i love it, noona. Love you so.
@joon j.lee Thanks alot for your article, too. 

@AliciaA, @PolarisCat, @Chelseab and everybody, how are you going? i hope that everything is good to you. I think you had a lovely time...hehehe. 
SIJWVgy.jpgSorry girls, i can't help anything. i am so sorry. But thankful for what you're doing here and for Hyukie. Big appreciate for that. 

Have a nice weekend!!!

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Hyukhyuk girls I need to restate about my previous posting. About MDTF, I meant to say people can send a request for the drama which isn’t on the list to those subbing companies( Drama Fever, Viki, Soompi TV ).

MDTF is a long drama but each episode is a half hour so the entire 131 episodes are actually 65 ½ episodes. (  @chaybags55  ) That’s why CJH said “120-episode and 60-episode” drama which is MDTF.

I hope we could start to put a request for MDTF in those three sites. Later I will post it in Jin Se Yeon thread to bring in more petitions/request for MDTF.

CJH Feb schedule

2/14(Sa) [Fan Meeting] Valentine’s Day Date in Taiwan TICC pm 07:00

2/20(F) [magazine] ARENA March edition

2/28(Sa) [Fan Meeting] Promise KT&G Seoul pm 02:00

I’m sure everybody remembers this photo from ARENA (2013)


cr to DC

PP will be broadcasted in Japan: March 23rd in KNTV



class="yt watch-title-container"Choi Jin Hyuk Best Korean Drama Emergency Couple Acceptance Speech–3rd Annual DramaFever Awards!


Drama Fever: http://instagram.com/p/yvoFN1i6o2/


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Guest chaybags55

Aww thanks for that clarification @booha .. Yes your Posting to JSY thread is a brilliant move. Hope this will gain ground enough to catch attention of RBH..

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@chaybags55   Hello Yes I hope more people will go to those 3 sites and request for MDTF. Especially for this Soompi TV, I hope it will listen to our request since we are the soompi members.   I really want to watch MDTF together someday.

It’s made by the Real CJH fan club: CJH singing ‘Fool of Love’ in MBC Acting Awards 12/30/2014

 최진혁 공식팬카페 'theReal' Official Youtube

[theReal] 141230 2014MBC연기대상 최진혁 사랑의바보



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Guest meomongco

Thanks alot for your updating. 
I'm so happy to hear that our Hyukie won for Best Drama and Best Couple in EC...hố hố. I love it.
Congratulations!!! :)) :))

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Guest chaybags55

meomongco said: @booha, 
Thanks alot for your updating. 
I'm so happy to hear that our Hyukie won for Best Drama and Best Couple in EC...hố hố. I love it.
Congratulations!!! :)) :))

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@meomongco‌ hello chingu.. welcome.back. Miss u girl.@booha ,i.love to see MDTF too. I heard its nice family drama. soompiers lets send request to subbing companies. hope viki or dramafever does it. Sadly Soompi.tv still not available in our region..

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Dear HyukHyuk girls.  Choi Jin Hyuk will leave Thailand tonight at 23.55. I hope he had great time here even it is a brief trip. 
@booha, Thank you for mentioning about MDTF. I would really like to watch it some day (as I have been waiting for an Eng-sub for a long time). Already sent request to those sites.  
The video of him singing in MBC Drama Awards was so awesome. Thank you for sharing.
@Joon J.Lee Could you please help convey a message to RBH from Thailand fans to re-consider the Fan Meeting in Bangkok?? If it can be arranged before his enlistment will be GREAT.  I guess he is extremely busy right now. If not, kindly put Thailand in his list after 2 years.
@celes80 Thank you so much for your translation. He is so mature. He looks older than his age but that makes him to be so charismatic. He is so sweet and playful. Really love his personalities.
High waves to all HyukHyuk girls. Have a great weekend :) :) :)

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Guest chaybags55

@alex1999 yes ive seen the pictures at the airport taken by a fan posted at their fb choi jin hyuk thailand, I dont know how to post here sorry. Can you? @alex1999. Thanks!

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