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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"; [Upcoming Musical 2024.12.6~2025.2.16 : (Dracula) "Bloody Love"]


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I translated it for PP thread but since we need some activities here, I’m posting here too.
This video has a lot of fun/playful parts. But that also made translation difficult.  I might miss out the fine point /real meaning here and there.   Choi Min Soo and Son Chang-Min are pros.

dailymotion:섹션TV Section.TV E746. PP 오만과편견 傲慢與偏見. Interview    cr to @PolarisCat

Section TV, New Drama 'Pride and Prejudice' #06, 새 드라마 '오만과 편견' 20141026

(013) [Choi Min Soo “If I say that it’s fun, then it’s fun.” ]  (016) [son Chang-Min “Definitely it has a bold stroke.” ]

(020) [Actors are confident about PP.]  (022) [bJH “Our shooting place has a happy and friendly atmosphere.”] 

(024) [Lee Tae Ho “There is a lot support and help from sunbaenim.” ]  (025) LTH “And not only that, CMS teachernim…”   [You should say hyung (( teasing caption))] (( The other cast respond with laughter. CMS seems saying ‘wahu!’ So LTH rephrases gingerly ‘sunbaenim’ ))  

(030) [LTH “Actually (he’s) the same age as my father…”] (( LTH didn’t mean to say CMS was old but it sounded like it.)) (033) [(CMS) nothing to say about it]

(037) [appearance of all of brand named actors, PP press conference ]
(040) [bJH, who is like a fairy pitta ]  (042) [trainee prosecutor Han Yeol-Moo ]
(045) [CJH, more looking at, more perfectly cool ] (047) [chief prosecutor, Gu Dong Chi ]
(049) [well known charisma CMS ] [ from ‘Sand Glass’ drama] (052) [Chief prosecutor, MHM ]
(055) [with infinite acting spectrum, Son Chang-Min ] (058) [nickname, 개개평 Jung Chang-Gi ]
(100) [investigator Yoo Dae-Gi, Jang Hang-Seon ]   (101) [trainee investigator Kang Soo, Lee Tae Hwan ]
(102) [prosecutor Lee Jang Won, Choi Woo Sik ]  (102) [investigator Yoo Gwang Mi, Jung Hye-Seong ]

(104) [PP team, with a strong team work]  (108)((?a bit unclear but he probably said a wrong word. )) MC “We will protect (Korean justice)!”  (109) [We are watching! We are watching it.]   (110) [MC “I’m sorry. I will do again.”]  (111) [CMS “I knew it would be NG.”]  (113) [MC “I .. am shaking..”]  (115) CMS “He started with on a wrong foot.”
(118) [MC “Let me start again. do-re-mi-pa-sol ~ sol”]   (120) MC “We will protect the Korean law/justice”   [can he do it right this time(?)]  “PP team is gathered here today.”  
(127) [out of pride/arrogance & beyond prejudice]   (130) [the story of the prosecutors who are full of passion and warm hearts and who fight for the weakest people.]

(140 [MC “BJHssi Your character name is HYM.”]
(142) [MC “And CJHssi… Dong Chi Mi, Dong Chj Mi.”]   (145) [Dong Chi Mi??]  (147) [ MC “not Dong Chi Mi,” BJH “Gu Dong Chi” ]
(( ** Dong Chi Mi is a kimchi name. ))   (150) [ MC “AH… OMG…” ]  (153) [ CJH “Were you not kidding?” ] (154) [ MC “I wasn’t.” ]
(156) [ Yeol Moo kimchi ] [ Dong Chi Mi kimchi ] (158) [ birth of kimchi couple ]

(200) [son Chang-Min, acting life of 43 years ]   (201) [ preposterous character transformation]
(203) [MC “After seeing your hair style, (?? Whom) thought Taeyang appeared.”   SCM “Who?” ]   (206) [nickname, chicken combed hair; looking alike Mohican hair style]
(211) [ SCM “What was he saying?”    (214) [ MC “Hul! You don’t know Big Bang’s Taeyang???’ ]
(217) [humiliation, Big Bang]  [Maybe this person(CMS) also doesn’t know Taeyang]   CMS “Maybe he is saying that your hair style isn’t looking good for you. He said something about a piece of sun(태양)…?? ” (( MC is speechless ))
(221) [ Perhaps they think sun(태양) , not Taeyang(태양) …]
(224) [MC “(to SCM)  Even if you have to exchange with CMS’s character, you will still do a fine job.”
(228) [CMS “Certainly not” ]   (230) [startled/ flinch] MC “My apology”    CMS “How can Chief prosecutor play a criminal. Certainly it’s not”
[(MC) I .. am shaking again..]

(236) [MC “The best charisma, CMS” “What’s it like meeting the big sunbaenim CMS for the first time” “For me it was scary” ]
(242) [CJH “I know you felt something like that” ] [ MC “Yes I have been feeling big (about him)” ] [CJH “We know he has a lot charisma but he is very adorable too” “In truth he is a mood maker on the shooting location”] MC “ the shooting location’s mood maker, CMS”
(256) [MC “It is heard that because of his teasing, there has been nonstop laughter on the set”

(259) MC “What is the other cast think of CMSssi?” 
(302) [CMS “You better stop asking questions about me”] (( CMS became MHM. ))
(305) [MC “ Am I really shaking” ] (307) [Jung Hye-Seong “Scary ]
(( The audience is ecstatic seeing how CMS effortlessly became MHM character: ‘He’s so cool’ ‘He’s really cool’ ‘A real rough/wild man’ ))

(316) (( He talks in mumbles so it’s hard to understand. I’m guessing but probably not accurate. The main thing is that he makes everybody laugh hard. )) CMS ‘People think ((perhaps referring to him?)) of it like a mutt (dog) which gets unleashed and then bites people..”   “When people ask questions, normally sunbaenim talks about the project and not asking whether he’s scary or not…”
(327) [(SCM) hard to agree yet also hard to disagree ]
(331) BJH “(You are) really scary hu hu”  (355) [(CMS) hum]   (357) [(BJH) sorry ]

(341) [special deep relationship between MBC and the actors ]
(347) MC “Specially for SCMssi, he’s like a family member to MBC.” [Especially, SCM appeared on 26 out of MBC 48 projects]   (353) [sCM “The first MBC drama which I started was about 1977.” ]
(357) [from the outer space prince, SCM ]
(400) [Teen. Young man. Then one day, middle aged man ]
(403) [sCM currently appearing in MBC drama ] [MC “You were very popular during the late teen period.”]   MC “So what do you think of it?” [ eung?]
(411) [non/blocked communication, SCM “What do you mean what do I think of it?” ]
(415) [sCM “If it means how I think, then do I have to say I’m thinking well?” ]
(417) [out of body experience ]   (419) [CMS “You aren’t skipping any meals right(?) (while MC wondering around without his body)” ]
(422) [bJH “Don’t get embarrassed by it” ] (424) [Lee Ho Suk (MC)  fighting ]

(427) [this year, with 4 dramas; CJH, non-stop appearing on the dramas ] MC “Reason?”
(433) [CJH “PDnims had shown a lot of interest in me.” ]  [“When the opportunity knocks, I should work.” ]

(439) [ MC “To BGLssi you said you were going to buy a car right?” ]

(( ** 감독님들이 많이 아주시는것같아요 // 아줄때 일해야죠 ( 찻아: visit/seek/look/call )
차: car These two words have a similar sound from (차) so MC playfully changes the topic to a car which CJH said he would buy for BKL. ))

(442) [a car as present ] (444) [ daebauk ]
(446) [During CJH’s struggling period as an unknown actor, BGL gave him emotional/material support ]
(448) [CJH feels lots of gratitude toward BGL ]
(452) [CJH “I found out she was actually looking around for a compact car (instead of a full size car). She said she didn’t want to burden me with a more expensive car so you could buy me boong-boong.” ]
(458) [if it has a flower scent, then everything is OK; I don’t have to worry about gas price. ]

(502) [besides acting, singing challenge too; 36.5’C band CMS & GFB OST CJH ]
(509) [MC “CJHssi, how would you like to sing PP OST with CMS sunbaenim” ]
(516) [CMS “Please let us have OST together” ]  (521) [ CJH dying with laughter from big sunbae ‘s joke ]  (523) [ waiting for their harmony ]

(526) [MC “To express the individual trait for the character, each had prepared.” ]
(531) [bJH “I cut my hair because I thought this style would fit well for my character. It’s the first time I cut my hair for the drama so hopefully it would become HYM’s signature.” ]
(540) [LTH “Since my character is a young investigator, I’m going to wear casual outfits instead of formal ones.” ]
(548) [CMS “Kang Soo fits well with a uncoordinated style.” ]  (550) [ Jung Hye-Seong “A dress complimenting one’s shape” ]
(553) [the pretty investigator Yoo Gwang Mi ]   (553) [ SCM “I know we can say pretty Yoo Gwang Mi but she can be called uncoordinated Yoo Gwang Mi” ] (556) [pretty => uncoordinated ]
(602) [is it the birth of new combi uncoordinated & pretty ]
(604) [CWS “PP is CMS” ]  (609) [ CMS “So I am pride/arrogant?” ] 
(612) [CWS “there is nobody as real as CMS sunbaenim” “There is no pretense in him. Our drama is real and no lie/pretense like CMS” ]
(622) [bJH “Our PP is like the sun ray MBC drama” ]


image  image

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I’m beginning to like this mark, 필승 (pilseung) (victory).  Now it's his third week.  Still patiently waiting for his army pictures

** Week 3: the preliminary instruction about grenade & rifle,   zeroing fire, firing for the actual distance between the two objects or location
'You girls, are more cool looking than I had thought. I like'
cr to DC

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This was taken 3/27 but someone found it now from instagram (friend’s ?)   Him and mongsil (몽실)   She looks sad? Nope She was staring down at the phone.  I hope he will find her a boyfriend when he comes back. hehe
cr to DC

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Guest chaybags55

@booha dear that pic above with his pet dog, CJH sporting that hair, it reminds me of his drama IOKDG .. Why oh why its third week and no pics yet. Hope he is doing well out there in the camp :((

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Hello bamtol girls
Well It may be that he might not show up till the completion ceremony which has only a few more weeks left for him now.   Meanwhile in another week Vampire in Love will be out and the fans are busy with Mikey character.   I feel too the look of Mikey character seems rather conventional.  He needs some grown up edges. So let’s enjoy new improved vampire Mike. Here this vampire looks much better than Twilight/Edward. Perhaps it could be one of his next projects after MS.
( sexy Vampire CJH)
Joon posted these two(Are they her work??)





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booha said: Hello bamtol girls
Well It may be that he might not show up till the completion ceremony which has only a few more weeks left for him now.   Meanwhile in another week Vampire in Love will be out and the fans are busy with Mikey character.   I feel too the look of Mikey character seems rather conventional.  He needs some grown up edges. So let’s enjoy new improved vampire Mike. Here this vampire looks much better than Twilight/Edward. Perhaps it could be one of his next projects after MS.

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@willenette Thank you always for your comforting words. However in this thread time is starting to move very slowly. Oh well..

Bamtory girls   I read that it rained yesterday in Korea(4/13 K-time). So fans talked about the basic training which has to carry on regardless of weather.
 I’m posting a few more pictures from instagram. They were taken from 3/31.  Thanks to @chaybags55 I learned she was a part of his entourage on that day.    I’m guessing she must have been close to CJH and his friends but I don’t know what kind of relationship she has with CJH.    It seems like she might be attending his completion ceremony too from reading her statement in instagram.
 ( https://instagram.com/jaebarip/ )
cr to DC


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@booha...whoa! Stunning new, improved image!! Love them! The new Sexy Vampire Oppa CJH! I like it!

Thanks ever so much for keeping us all alive in this thread @booha. \m/ You've contributed such lovely news & pics & artwork etc...so much, so much! Luv ya! :x

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This video clip(about CJH’s name change) is from MBC ‘Happy Time’ (Sunday morning show).   I’m also posting the links for the entire show which is in raw and has two segments. It has a part about actors/actresses who changed their names during their careers: from part1(29.95)  to  part2( 8.02)      If everybody is interested in these actors’ history, I’m sure they are in google to check them out.



cr to uploder

(translation)  CJH's part
<iframe title='happy ㅌㅇ(영상)' width='640px' height='360px' src='http://videofarm.daum.net/controller/video/viewer/Video.html?vid=v6119838IyswIslTNwIHYHW&play_loc=undefined&alert=true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' ></iframe>
cr to DC

((** He showed off his Mokpo accent in this program. But it seems this Mokpo accent isn’t quite extreme as the one from the other side of the eastern province (like Tagu/Busan cities) which has a noticeably heavy sound.))
(037) 아따 엄마 (mom)
아따(ahtta)    (OH) Boy! Gee! Well! Gosh! My Damn it!       ((**It’s from Jeolla province included Mokpo. People use it to make exclamation/ emphasis in certain situations like good/awkward/ requesting //or sneer/sarcastic at something objectionable… If someday we will hear it from CJH or DongHa, we know what it means. I just learned it. ))

(005) Lee Sun Gyun & Kong Hyo Jin Kitchen Romance (Pasta) (010) [ 2010 popular drama; Who is this hidden actor from(Pasta)?!]
(014) [ Kim Tae Ho?] [Who is Kim Tae Ho???]    (020) [LSG’s kitchen, #3 weighty charming man Kim Tae Ho]
(024) [ real name; Kim Tae Ho = Choi Jin Hyuk]   (029) [ In 2006 audition program, he made his debut with his real name!]
(033) [He started gaining recognition by appearing in Pasta as LSG’s #3 chef.] MC “However the viewers couldn’t remember his name afterward.”

(036) [ CJH “ahtta eomma (아따 엄마)  // I’m appearing on Three wheels show  // but I’m really nervous~”]   (042) [Finally he became the real Mokpo man] ((inaudible what he’s saying))  (045) [ CJH “Please I need to help~” ]
(047) [Q: radio (BKL two o’clock date) “Why did you change to CJH?”    (050) [CJH “As an actor, it didn’t seem like a good name to use.”] [“It didn’t come off as something unique and also there were so many people with the same name.”]    (058) [CJH “I changed it for a fresh new start in my career.”]
(102) [ KTH => CJH appeared on GFB as GWR for first two episodes at the beginning of the drama.]
(109) [ Because of GWR’s popularity, he reappeared earlier than was originally planned.]
(112) [ Next to the leads, LSG and Suzy, he became the second lead.]
(118) [ After changing his name, he came to stand on the top leaving behind his long unknown nameless career.]
(121) [ He showed his charismatic acting successfully against CMS’s performance.]
(127) [ The name ,CJH, erased his previous nameless acting career.]

real Mokpo man  '아따 엄마'



bamtol JHssi


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@meilie29   Yeap When I saw those fanart pictures, I had this sudden urge to see him playing in some kind of vampire fantasy drama.    I know they were photoshoped images but we know he can transform into various images if he wants to.   Of course it would be nice if his first drama would be rom-com.   But when I saw this picture, I imagined of him in a dark/heavy melo vampire and a writernim would give him this famous line from Hamlet (to be or not to be or something like that)   hehe kidding   
He looks too flowery to say such words.     So let’s scrape off this (to beee or not to beee).

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Hi dear all!!! It had been quite a long time that I "disappeared" from this thread! I'm still alive and I'm back :x

After a little refreshment, I am going to takeover a Facebook Fanpage of our man which was opened by a girl living in Burma in 2013 as she's busy in her study. I think some of you may already know this page-

Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 Global Fans


I may need the help from some of you after I have figured out a plan of how to run the page. As you know, there are many fan clubs all over the world and I, together with some diehard fans would like to provide a platform for fans over the world to get the info/update of CJH. The ideal platform should not mean to complete with other CJH fan clubs/pages but to co-ordinate with. Anyway, this's just the first step and I still need some times to think big and work great.

Will trying to stay active here! Btw, I'll meet some of you in Singapore next month. So excited!!! :x

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Guest Huggybear

Hello.. hi to all/ I'm a newbie here... but a certified CJH die hard fanatic. I'm trapped in mixed emotions over his career.. personal... everything about him. I hope you bear with me. 

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@booha Yes!  He can and he WILL transform!  Remember I gave him a title some months ago about being "A man with a thousand faces"?  Well, by now, we must admit that he's pretty versatile an actor and he'll do well in the years ahead.  

Though we have all enjoyed his rom-coms (me included), we also sensed his desire to diversify.  He's proven himself in the latest P&P - needless to say.  GFB, the springboard for the take-off, is clear evidence that many dearly love his acting!  but...I think we are looking forward to his next rom-com after his discharge :-bd   (He did mention it in one of his interview, didn't he?)

His army days only serve to give him opportunities to grow in body, mind & soul.  So, we all look forward to a grown man!  Not that he's not mature already.  He had already spoken.  Loud and clear... that he needed the time to "think things over".  That's good!  He knows himself.

@PolarisCat  Wow!  A new challenge!  How exciting!  You've got the training behind you dear.  Am sure you'd do well.  \:D/

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@PolarisCat  So delighted to hear about your latest adventure in Hyukssi wonderland.   CJH spent the last two years building up and solidifying his career and I hoped he wouldn’t have to start all over again after his MS.   Now from reading your post, I no longer have to worry about it.   It’s so nice to know CJH has diehard fans. Your plan is excellent.   Yes  There are his fan bases but they are spread out.   To tell you the truth I haven’t figured out which one is legitimate or effective.   It’s definitely time to have something you are planning to do; to have one place everybody can check or coordinate.   I’m so happy it’s you who are doing it.    If anything I can be of help please PM me.   You are probably aware by now that my fan activity is limited in soompi.   It’s because I have limited time and energy.   Still I will try to be helpful as best as I can. Take care

@meili29   YesYes He clearly said he would do rom-com because it fitted well with his personality.  But he also talked about WR character.   After GFB, he said he didn’t want to do saguk because of arcane dialog one had to use which he didn’t think he could do well.  I was disappointed from hearing it then and I thought well a fusion saguk didn’t need to talk like that.   Recently he talked about WR character which he thought was very memorable/unique.   As WR didn’t have enough the screen time to be developed fully, so he would like to consider playing a similar character someday.

@huggybear_stv said: Hello.. hi to all/ I'm a newbie here... but a certified CJH die hard fanatic. I'm trapped in mixed emotions over his career.. personal... everything about him. I hope you bear with me. 

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@PolarisCat , I am happy to see you here , actually today i am thinking about you , when i review my  photo collection of him, especially that photos you uploaded , it seems you are doing a great job , i wish for you happiness and good days. 

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Guest Huggybear

Thanks for the welcome notes. I sure will have a great time... aptly updates and information about the Prince of K drama. I gave him that title because he is so convincing in his roles. i think he was born with it.... acting skills plus his voice!! it is a bra snapper ... hahahahaha sorry for that :) Our Hyuki came to my attention in the Heirs. His mysterious character made a mark and i started searching... then i got his name. I read a lot about him. After reading wikipedia... drama fever and other articles... i stared compiling his drama series... then i am certified fan gurl hooked to the bits :)Awww i miss him! I worry about him... I pray for him a lot... i fear about a lot of things relevant to his career... and more importantly... his health while he's in the Army...Bye for now Hyukies... :) :) :)

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