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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"; [Upcoming Musical 2024.12.6~2025.2.16 : (Dracula) "Bloody Love"]


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Guest meomongco

booha said: @meomongco   chingu  PP is still #1

PP EP13 Nielsen ratings
PP 9.7%
Healer ( 힐러 ) 7.8%
Secret Door ( 비밀의 문 )  4.8%

PP nationwide #15 (9.7% ) Seoul #10 (11.1%)

Dear Booha,
Yes, i know P&P is still in the top. But i am really worried about it. It's just in one digit number. Next week, the new drama of SBS will be on air. 
Praying for P&P will keep its leader until the end!
Thanks alot Booha. And nice day!

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Guest mdolphins

It was great reading and catching up on all of your posts. I think I share the same sentiment as the rest of you about the OTP, but because of Jin Hyuk and the overall plot and the mystery of the drama I will continue to stick around. YM's coldness has been getting to me too, I hope in the future episodes some movement is made. I still need to watch episode 10+. Anyway, I will try to check in tomorrow, if not I will be around as a lurker. Big hugs.

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Guest chaybags55

Hi hyuk girls !! Miss you all! Attending to personal matters right now!! But I will be lurking if I can.. I am just saddened by the drop of rating!! Just dropping by! hugs and kisses!

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Guest meomongco

ell4u said:Hello @ell4u,He's so thin and pale. I am really worried for him. But i still keep the faith for P&P and especially our Hyukie forever.:DOh well, There are many news for P&P's Press Con, but i didn't see any video.:). I just get the news what i talk about our Hyukie. I don't know what it means. 
@booha, pls translate it for us, all Hyukie girls!!!
'오만과 편견' 최진혁 "한석규와 노다메, 이길 수 없을 줄 알았다"

아시아투데이 정지희 기자 = 배우 최진혁이 ‘오만과 편견’의 퀄리티에 대한 강한 자신감과 자부심을 드러냈다.

9일 서울 마포구 상암동 MBC 사옥에서 MBC 월화드라마 ‘오만과 편견’(극본 이현주, 연출 김진민)의 기자간담회가 열렸다. 현장에는 배우 최진혁·백진희·최민수·이태환·손창민·최우식·정혜성 등이 참석했다. 

‘오만과 편견’은 첫 방송 이래 줄곧 동시간대 시청률 1위를 기록하며 승승장구하고 있다. 당초 국민배우 한석규가 출연하는 사극 ‘비밀의 문’과 일본에서 공전의 히트를 기록한 드라마 ‘노다메 칸타빌레’를 리메이크한 ‘내일도 칸타빌레’와 동시간대에 경쟁하게 된 상황에서, ‘오만과 편견’이 두 작품을 누르고 선두에 올라서리라 예상하는 이들은 많지 않았다. 

‘오만과 편견’의 출연 배우들 또한 마찬가지였다. 이날 최진혁은 “저희끼리 감독님과 드라마를 시작하기 한 달 전에 만나서 대진 운이 안 좋다는 얘기를 하며 걱정을 좀 했었다”며 “하지만 어차피 상대방이 한석규이고 노다메인데, 붙어서 져도 본전이니까 편하게 하자고 했다”고 털어놨다. 

하지만 의외로 두 작품을 꺾고 동시간대 정상을 차지하게 된 것에 대해 최진혁은 “우선 대본이 좋고 선후배 배우들과 감독님이 작품을 잘 표현해주신 덕분인 것 같다”며 “‘오만과 편견’이 굉장히 어려운 드라마인데, 한국 시청자들의 수준이 무척 높아졌다는 걸 느꼈다. 다른 드라마들과 차별화된 분위기를 신비롭게 봐주시고 좋아해주시는 것 같다”고 설명했다. 

이어 최진혁은 “이제 슬슬 사건의 실마리들이 풀려가고 있다. 그동안 건들거리거나 시건방진 모습을 보여드렸는데 그런 매력은 잠시 접어두고, 진지하고 어두운 모습을 많이 보여드리게 될 것 같다”며 “저희 드라마가 무척 어려워서 공부를 많이 해야 한다. 촬영이 일찍 끝나도 집에 가서 해야 할 숙제가 많아 힘들지만 끝가지 좋은 모습을 보여드릴 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 밝혔다.  

한편 ‘오만과 편견’은 법과 원칙, 사람과 사랑을 무기로 나쁜 놈들과 맞장 뜨는 검사들의 이야기를 다룬 작품. 돈 없고 힘없고 죄 없는 사람들이 아프지 않게 하기 위해 애쓰는 검사들의 모습을 실감나게 그려내 호평 받고 있다. 매주 월·화요일 오후 10시 방송.

Link news:"http://www.asiatoday.co.kr/view.php?key=20141209010005234"

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@ell4u,@meomongco.. I think its a  right timing by MBC to call a presscon today and  for the 2nd time as the rating went down yesterday..As someone pointed out in the PP thread, this move by MBC   is unprecedented. She said  no MBC drama that had two presscons.They know PP is facing tough competition with the entry of 2  new dramas H & P.More news and press release  might help PP get back its  double digit rating.   I also noticed our  Jin hyuk is lot thinner now  although he still look gorgeous and handsome  with his outfit, Our man really dresses well now compared to years ago when he was just a struggling actor.. I suppose he needs to take a few months  break from acting after PP ( if he still has the chance before MS)  . While on acting break, he can focus on his Asia Fan Meet Tour . Its more relaxing  and fun to  meet and talk to  the fans who love him  so dearly..

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Guest meomongco

AliciaA said: @ell4u,@meomongco.. I think its a  right timing by MBC to call a presscon today and  for the 2nd time as the rating went down yesterday..As someone pointed out in the PP thread, this move by MBC   is unprecedented. She said  no MBC drama that had two presscons.They know PP is facing tough competition with the entry of 2  new dramas H & P.More news and press release  might help PP get back its  double digit rating.   I also noticed our  Jin hyuk is lot thinner now  although he still look gorgeous and handsome  with his outfit, Our man really dresses well now compared to years ago when he was just a struggling actor.. I suppose he needs to take a few months  break from acting after PP ( if he still has the chance before MS)  . While on acting break, he can focus on his Asia Fan Meet Tour . Its more relaxing  and fun to  meet and talk to  the fans who love him  so dearly...
=====================================================================================================Dear chingu, 
Oh yes, i also totally agree with your comments.
I am very sorry for our guys, too. He's been working hard all time, and to be thinner than before. Come on guys, let's hope, and wait for the next exciting episode tonight...:X:X
Well, i also hope that he will has many time for relax after the drama. But he continue to work for his FM tour. Hichic. I am really worried about him...Haizz. Love him too much!!!

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Guest meomongco

hulya.23_d801 said: Dear my friend,
Thank you so much for your updating gif and pics. Pls keeping it for longer, longer time!!! Hugs and kisses to you!!!
Oh well, enjoying your time with ep 13 streaming live tonight.:X:X

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