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Kim So Yeon 김소연


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Read at the PP thread how the scene of Hyeri and her Omma have been really heartbreaking and of course, amazing acting by the actresses.. can't wait to watch that *still dl-ing*.. just love them both. :blush:

Episode 15 captures from nate.com




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Guest mandalaywith

Read at the PP thread how the scene of Hyeri and her Omma have been really heartbreaking and of course, amazing acting by the actresses.. can't wait to watch that *still dl-ing*.. just love them both. :blush:

Yesterday i sad to that scence.acting is good good~!

watch to here flash link


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I think this artticle refers to Soyeon's message at the PP official page on the 19th, yesterday which was warmly translated by antisocialnot, posted at the previous page .. :wub:

Kim So Yeon's farewell thanks to cast & crew of PP and most of all,

to the cheering fans *Fighting for Hyeri!*


Source: news.nate.com

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Yeah.. it's always not easily available the English subs unless there's a very active subbing team or even fan groups of the particular actor/actress themselves. Most of the time non Korean/Japanese/Chinese fans as we are .. we'd have to be content and just live with the situation. :mellow: Though sometimes, a surprise would suddenly appear out of nowhere. You've been really good and lucky in finding clips related to KSY lately.. who knows.. an English-subbed Win Win might just be next. :D Hopehopehope!

About IRIS the movie.. neither do I.. understand the real idea.. so far.. there's different reports written about the movie feature. Initially.. Taewon mentioned that it would not be entirely from the drama scenes but separate filming altogether (done simultaneously, don't know how they'd manage this) but lately.. it's mentioned that it'll be the drama extended scenes plus some new ones that have not be shown especially to answer those lingering questions from the tv version aired last year.

Everything about IRIS 2 seems a bit too shaky for me.. yet Taewon knows and holds the key because HJ isn't really dead.. which the possibility will always be there. However.. conflict of schedules for the original cast are just too much to ignore but we'll see what will happen. Taewon is adamant and confident enough to announce that it'll be aired next year, October but who knows for sure if it's truly happening considering endless change in plan between now and then. If KSY is not returning to IRIS 2, most of the storyline would not be as interesting anymore. She is after all.. HJ's saviour and I think it's also good chance she'll be reprising this aspect better if the sequel does get a go-ahead though we'd have to keep the expectation down as not to be frustratingly disappointed like last year when the whole HJ-KSH potential just went poof. Nonetheless.. things are somehow different now as KSY's current standing as lead actress had inproved tremendously after PP and the concerned production would probably not want to lose her either.. but if there's no KSY *big bummer*.. and if LBH will or could not appear in IRIS 2, they might as well scrap the whole ambitious idea completely.

I totally agree with rubie

If Taewon suddenly decide to not include KSY or even not give her character (KSH) more dominant screen time, then Taewon may as well scrape the whole IRIS 2.

Even though I don't know how LBH's character would survive the head-shot's bullet, I believe there's nothing is impossible in the world of drama :wacko: *clear throat*. I just wish that bullet would totally & PERMANENTLY erase KHJ's memory of CSH (Kim Tae Hee). Then KHJ will start afresh with KSH ... kekekke :P

Sorry ... I am just so annoyed at KTH's character in IRIS

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Yeah.. I totally agree.. absolutely.. anything is so "possible" in the Kdrama world.. ;) Kim Soyeon-ssi went into IRIS as the last main (supporting) cast with much less to work on (script-wise).. her biggest challenge at the time was to tackle and appear as the NK Agent role convincingly considering her naturally girlish and very feminine personality.. also seen in her previous roles. But Soyeon got into her role with full marks (just as she did with PP).. the cool haircut worked like a perfect charm for her and she is totally Kim Sunhwa inside-out. Again.. with lesser character-development for her.. we've seen how her role-potential simply remained plateau despite the much screentime with Hyunjun. But it's undeniably clear that she could hold her presence alongside LBH remarkably well even as just the sidekick, a very loyal and sexy one at that. :blush:

So.. IRIS in no small way helped KSY solidify her acting ability.. she knows.. we know that she's not the lead but her performance (especially the heartbreaking goodbye scene) had continuously stole the audiences responses for a really positive rave feedback pushing her credibility for a leading role in PP. Now that she has proven that she is indeed an actress with captivating talent, I for one.. truly wonder if IRIS2 could handle KSH differently and treat her more accordingly.

Though I'd prefer otherwise, I have to say that it's likely will always be a HJ-CSH story (simply because it started with that very idea, creating a storyline for IRIS whether we like it or not) but it would be more intense and memorably compelling to have an emotional impact courtesy KSH (KSY) because this actress can certainly deliver something that's been missing.

So happy and glad that Prosecutor Princess really showed all that Kim So Yeon is able to portray with more to come, of course. She delivers Ma Hyeri so well, so real and again.. exceeding so much expectation.. from fans and non-fans especially. I laughed out loud at her impeccable comic-timing as well as adoring her sweet cute expression and my heart aches watching her going through such heartbreaking truths and decisions she had to make. But most of all I love how Hyeri is such a warmhearted, forgiving and wonderful person. She started thinking just about herself but in the end, not only she becomes more open-minded and thinks about all those close & important to her, it's still her outspoken, optimistic thinking that puts everyone and everything back into perspective. :wub:

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Guest mandalaywith

Our PP Will be Happyending

PP Dc gall in korean fan say

Now PP shooting in ILsan lake park( 일산 호수공원).

Park in HR-IW Date?? B)


아직도 촬영중이랍니다..

이건 비루한 개럴이 물어온거이 아닌 확실한 정보통에 의하면

호수공원에서 박배우와 김배우가 내리쬐는 땡볕밑에서 열촬중이라고 함다..

가까운곳에 계시면 마실이라도 함 나가셔서 알현을 영광을 얻으세요..~~~~~~~

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thank you mandalaywith for the news.

i wonder if it's same lake where IW scattered his father's ashes

*sigh* i still can't believe PP is ending :(

rubie ... i guess IRIS 2 with a story of KHJ with total permanent memory loss of CSH is only a dream

even though i know that, i just dislike the idea of KTH being the 1st lead again after her so-so performance

(can't help that, since CSH was still pretty much a mystery and the core where IRIS' story revolve)

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yukiyukiku, your idea of memory loss.. is actually quite viable for the sequel storyline (it's a common but effective plot in movies, especially) but it may not be a permanent one, he's obviously going to go back to CSH even if she kills him.. that's what he always do. Right? The ending of the drama was exactly that because of her connection to IRIS. HJ might be with KSH for awhile (just don't make it like before, two years together and nothing happened!). Even if he goes back to CSH or gets killed again.. like.. for good :huh: .. at least.. make Sunhwa happy for once.. for all that she had done for Hyunjun to achieve his revenge.. he can't even return to South Korea if it's not for KSH and PCY. Sorry.. I always get a bit agitated thinking of this drama .. seeing how Sunhwa cried and so heartbroken in the car leaving the man she loves. :(

But back to PP.. it's obviously going to be a good ending or at least something that isn't going to be bad from the current development. Must say that the writers have churned out a wonderful storyline indeed.. even for the last 4 episodes.. there are still surprises in store for the audience. I just love that the series has no bad vibe, no annoying characters, no illogical plots but kept everything and everyone especially Ma Hyeri so delightful to watch. It is a real success for Kim So Yeon in her first and truly leading role performance. thumbup.gif She wasn't just cute and lovely.. she's funny and warm.. incredibly talkative, adorable ..in fact her melo scenes are even more and especially heartbreaking (I love Soyeon in ep 13 the best).

Well done, Soyeon-ssi.. always the best, nothing less! :wub:

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yea, you're right ... maybe that's called love

even if CSH killed him, KHJ would still go back to her ... crazy b/c of love

i felt bad too for KSH. She deserved happiness as much as KHJ, but well ... we all know what happened

I'm glad that being KSH, KSY get much love

And with PP, I'm ALL out for KSY

this is the 1st time I follow a drama online from the 1st episode till the end

(and never again ... it's so much works and takes so much time, even though it's only 2x a week)

but it's worth it. Like you said, PP has no villian or evil things, just misfortunes and fate ... ending in forgiveness.

I love how the writer put it together. Not to mention the suspense .... oohhh we can talk all nite about it

PP is indeed a rare diamond among the k-dramas

If KSY will lead a drama, I will be no doubt ALL OUT again for her

kekekeke .... :P

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Hope our KSY will have more drama leading role offers and gets to work on the big screen as well, as many as possible .. before IRIS2 goes into filming.. IF and when it really gets through. Obviously.. KSH isn't going to be just the the NK Agent who loves HJ and sits by his side, doing nothing. I see revenge in Sunhwa's eyes.. they dare mess around with her "coffee+butter" Hyunjun-ssi. fight.gif KSY went into IRIS with quite a number of disadvantages on her behalf because of her supporting status compared to the other 4 but things will surely be different as her ability is highly-appreciated now.

It's always so good to talk about Kim So Yeon, just adore & love this girl. :wub: Thanks yukiyukiku, you're really cheering up the PP thread too. It's always great reading at the drama thread, everyone write such insightful and funny stuff. I haven't seen episode 15 (still dl-ing :wacko: ) but it's ok.. meaning PP will not end too soon for me. :P

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Guest mandalaywith

Our PP E16 Happy Ending Last scene HR-IW Date

Good Happy Ending~!


PP Event Fanmeeting (20.5.2010)

china,UK Fan go to this fanmeeting

[포토엔]국적을 가리지 않는 ’서변앓이’, 중국, 영국에서 온 팬까지 200명!


our ksy is canot see??why?

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Guest jessT

so yeon shi, i love your acting so much, so sad that PP has ended, hope to see your acting more in the future

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Guest mandalaywith

PP Event Fanmeeting (20.5.2010) Media pics

Fanmeeting PSH say " wanted PP extend to 2Ep." " 2회 정도 더 연장했으면 했는데 아쉽다"

PP Fanmeeting in cannot see our KSY.busssy?? :o


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Maybe the PP fanmeeting as mentioned in the article earlier is a PSH solo-fanmeeting?? :huh: There's no KSY or any of the other PP cast, maybe they had another event elsewhere or will have something scheduled later (like tomorrow or this weekend) to meet the fans.


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Guest yourasthma

I'm not dl-ing PP but waiting for viikii.. how's the ratings? Just got my results so was hoping to catch PP now that I'm in the mood... anyone seen ep 15 yet? did it live up to expectations?

and rubie, you're more than welcome about the obscure videos. good to know my legal research skills have some use. and about IRIS, memory loss would be convenient but i'm satisfied so long as KSY plays a supporting role as well written as huh young mi in AAE. i was actually hoping for some spin-off for the character sun hwa. the woman's got nothing to lose now... no more family and if LBH's character did die, maybe sun hwa can go kick serious richard simmons and seek revenge. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. in a way, KSY can come closer to fulfilling her wish to play 'villain' again.

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Guest mandalaywith

Maybe the PP fanmeeting as mentioned in the article earlier is a PSH solo-fanmeeting?? :huh: There's no KSY or any of the other PP cast, maybe they had another event elsewhere or will have something scheduled later (like tomorrow or this weekend) to meet the fans.


you talking is right

this screening watch only for PSH and his fans.

SBS event in our KSY is come.

Now i found to SBS Event PP Fanmeeting.

SBS Event PP Fanmeeting(20.5.2010) Pics

credit-PP DC Gall

Kim So Yeon,JH PD,CSH


HJS&pp Casts


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I'm sooooooooooo glad to see KSY and the PP cast & their PD together at the event watching the last episode with the fans. Now.. that's more like it! :wub:

mandalaywith.. you have been so efficient in getting such good photos to share with us, WELL DONE!! rbhcool.gif

Everyone with such love & appreciation for Kim Soyeon-ssi have been making this thread glow so much and even with PP already ending, the warm sharing of everything KSY will continue forevermore. :lol:

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Guest mandalaywith

PP E16 Last Ending HR-IW HD Big Captures


HR-IW Kiss B)


HR-IW Smile Forever :rolleyes:


I'm sooooooooooo glad to see KSY and the PP cast & their PD together at the event watching the last episode with the fans. Now.. that's more like it! :wub:

mandalaywith.. you have been so efficient in getting such good photos to share with us, WELL DONE!! rbhcool.gif

Everyone with such love & appreciation for Kim Soyeon-ssi have been making this thread glow so much and even with PP already ending, the warm sharing of everything KSY will continue forevermore. :lol:


Thnaks your Message

I'm KSY fan.I'm always support our KSY.

will be update My take to our KSY Pics.

2007 Blue Dragon Filem Awards in I see KSY.

our KSY ssi fighting~! :wub:

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Guest mandalaywith

SBS Event PP Fanmeeting(20.5.2010) pics

credit- Naver blog search

PP FM in KSY&PP cats,PP PD












Last Gif is Our KSY Sign

this korean fan is lucky ~!she recived to KSY sign :)


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Fabulous sharing, mandalaywith! :wub: I bring forward all KSY pics for us.. at the new page, ok. Thanks so much to you for tirelessly looking up PP goodies to share. You always make sure we don't miss anything, huh! :lol:

Kim So Yeon-ssi is looking so lovely and she's really petite standing next to the towering HJS. :P Love her sweet appearance and I always lovelovelove her most cheerful and happy, especially hearts-full signature. :wub:

SBS Event PP Fanmeeting(20.5.2010) pics

credit- Naver blog search







Last Gif is Our KSY Sign

this korean fan is lucky ~!she received KSY signature :)


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