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Kim So Yeon 김소연


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KSY as Young Mi made me wanna hug her and save her from herself. Most heartbreaking scenes for me in AAE was when she promised to take revenge against woo jin's killers ie the ex-bf and herself and the scene where she showered in her clothes. She made me cry so much I lost my double eyelids. And now that PP is ending, I feel like an addict worrying about his next fix. I hope KSY continues to make a lot of dramas.

hi everyone ^^ i have been a silent reader since IRIS days lol

it's my first post here i just want to say that i love Kim Soyeon so much she is pretty and cute and funny and amazing actress and PP is my favorite drama after IRIS and KSY was also amazing in "Gourmet"

i want to see her in a movie soon

Hi re8a, been seeing you a lot at the thread before this. *welcome!* Finally your first post at KSY thread, please don't feel shy to join us any time, ok. :)

As Sunhwa in IRIS, Kim So Yeon surpasses expectations all the way. I knew she's already an awesome & reliable actress but in such a turnaround role (tough and ultra-cool), Soyeon exuded intense charisma and chemistry with LBH despite the lesser script-wise written for her character. Despite having less to work on, the actress delivered more than expected.

yourasthma, definitely after PP.. Kim So Yeon-ssi will be well-sought after for drama roles. The ratings might not be as high as IRIS but her performance really deserves all the good, positive comments and feedback which the drama had been noted highly by the critics and fans.

Sure hope KSY would be able to venture into Korean big screen as well. It's unbelievable that she hasn't been cast in any movies these past years. But it's really a sound decision that she had chosen to work in PP (right after IRIS) instead otherwise or even taking a longer break.. KSY's acting has indeed become stronger with such maturity, fitting her current performance and appearance, too.

There is so much to look forward to, from Kim So Yeon! :wub:

prosecutor princess caps from nate.com






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Guest stoolker

thanks so much Rubie and Mandalaywith for all your hard works and contributions to the threads such as providing us w/news and pics!!!! much appreciated!!! :)

Thanks i never noticed mysoju had AAE, perhaps because i only focused on the new dramas -_-!! hehe ill def. check it out after pp ends, *sigh* only 4 more eps left.

I agree Kim So Yeon is just so amazing and that it is actually not bad to be underrated. I can see she works so hard and puts so much into her characters, and her voice is just so angelic and sweet!

i agree w/whoever said posting has becoming more fun ..maybe even addicting...as you guys can see i joined soompi so long ago! but only have few posts hahaha, because i used to be just a lurker too :P

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Guest yourasthma

silentregret has AAE on megavideo.

posting is addictive. hence this otherwise rather pointless post.

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Macos Adamas 'Endless Bracelet' from Hyeri to Inwoo

* Everything is possible for him who believes *


Source: news.nate.com

These are.. so far the captures of Sunhwa in IRIS featured on TBS official IRIS page. They'll only be at episode 4 (to air May 12), not much highlight on KSH yet.. the Japanese website is putting up the images as the drama unfolds. Pretty much non-Sunhwa at the moment. Hope things will pick up when Sunhwa joins Hyunjun in his revenge. ;)



Looking at the capture above, it's so obvious how petite KSY really is. But her cool-headed, tough persona as Kim Sunhwa and that sexy no-nonsense kick-a$$ attitude really makes her character appear much stronger onscreen, even at par and ably charismatic with the more well-known male cast.

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Captures from cyworlds yyy1223, soulcookie via nate.com


I love when Hyeri sort of 'threatened' Inwoo with her fist :lol: the girl got spunk -- once sure of anything, she goes after what she wanted



Totally the total opposite of Sunhwa, Hyeri is like.. the charming & expressive Soyeon in real life. :wub:

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Guest mandalaywith

thank you mandalaywith for the screen caps

I love KSY in AAE, she's so good there being the villian that I wanted to strangle her in every of her scene

Sun Hwa in IRIS ... whuihh .... no need to say. I think she's the best, 2nd to Go Hyung Jung

Hye Rin in Prosecutor Princess is another brilliant performance

I love to see her more

you welcome~!

Same me~!i love KSY ssi in AAE~

2003 China Tv (凤凰卫视) in i start watch to AAE drama.

I'm big fan of AAE drama.~!

thanks so much Rubie and Mandalaywith for all your hard works and contributions to the threads such as providing us w/news and pics!!!! much appreciated!!! :)

Thanks i never noticed mysoju had AAE, perhaps because i only focused on the new dramas -_-!! hehe ill def. check it out after pp ends, *sigh* only 4 more eps left.

I agree Kim So Yeon is just so amazing and that it is actually not bad to be underrated. I can see she works so hard and puts so much into her characters, and her voice is just so angelic and sweet!

i agree w/whoever said posting has becoming more fun ..maybe even addicting...as you guys can see i joined soompi so long ago! but only have few posts hahaha, because i used to be just a lurker too :P

you welcome~!Nice to meet you~!

Our KSY ssi fighting~! :rolleyes:

Not sure if these are subbed but links seem to be working.. I think. Hope this helps and you'll get enjoy KSY at her best (best villainess ever!!!), but of course.. she's even better now. :wub:

I agree>>her best villainess ever :)

you is good supporting~! :D

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Guest mandalaywith

PP Opening 2 Goodbye My Princess(HD) Caps

Cap by mandalaywith@soompi










KSY-PSH Couple :)

I so like to this scnece B):wub:



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Guest mandalaywith


I hope Rubie&someone tranaslate to Kim So Yeon News articles.

This articles is good writen for Kim So Yeon :rolleyes:

김소연 무개념 ‘마혜리’로 떴다

SBS '검사 프린세스'서 신입검사 역할 제2전성기

배우 김소연이 '마혜리'로 화제몰이를 하며 제2의 전성기를 누리고 있다.

SBS 수목드라마 '검사 프린세스'에서 천방지축 신입검사 마혜리 역할을 맡은 김소연은 캐릭터, 연기는 물론 극중 패션, 대사로도 화제의 중심에 섰다. 비록 시청률은 10% 초반이지만, 문근영 손예진 등 방송 3사 수목극 여주인공 중에서는 단연 돋보인다.


김소연은 마혜리와 싱크로울 100%라는 호평을 받고 있다. 더이상 '아이리스'의 여전사 이미지는 떠올릴 수 없을 정도다. 마혜리와 자신의 실제 성격이 90%이상이라는 김소연의 말처럼 캐릭터를 실감나게 묘사한다는 평이다.

처음엔 좌충우돌 '무개념' 신입검사 마혜리의 모습을 천연덕스럽게 표현해 시청자들의 웃음을 '빵빵' 터뜨린 김소연은 점차 사람과 사랑을 알게 되고, 다른 사람의 시선도 배려하게 되는 과정을 공감있게 그려내고 있다.

이같은 배우와 캐릭터의 뛰어난 조화에 힘입어 마혜리 패션도 화제를 모으고 있다. 극중 '된장녀' 검사 캐릭터 설정에 맞춰 매회 치렁치렁한 액세서리, 킬힐, 아슬아슬한 미니스커트 패션을 선보이면서 여성 시청자들의 눈길을 사로잡고 있다.

'검사 프린세스' 제작진은 "김소연씨의 경우 마혜리를 표현하기 위해 처음부터 다양하고도 화려하게 패션으로 설정했다"며 "앞으로도 남은 방송분동안 마혜리를 표현하기 위해 또 다른 패션으로 시청자분들의 눈길을 사로잡을 것"이라고 소개했다.

극 초반 마혜리의 대사도 화제를 모았다. '독도에 검찰청 생겨요?' '시정했어요. 어제 입었던 치마보다 1센티 길어요'를 비롯한 마혜리식 '무개념' 대사가 천연덕스러운 연기와 조화를 이뤄 시청자의 웃음을 터뜨렸다.

한편 김소연은 극이 진행되며 마혜리가 점차 검사로 성장하는 과정을 통해 요즘 또 다른 모습들을 보여주고 있다. 김소연이 어떤 마혜리로 또 한번 시청자들의 눈길을 사로잡을지 기대가 모아지고 있다.

스포츠월드 탁진현 기자

[ⓒ 스포츠월드 & Sportsworldi.com

This articles is Today Daum Ent News Hot News in No.5

Source- http://media.daum.net/entertain/all/view.h...;RIGHT_ENTER=R5

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Guest mandalaywith

Yesterday PP Dc is Provide to Food Party Event.

Kim So Yeon,Park Shi Hoo Post to Thanks message Sign for Prosecutor Princess DC Gall

Kim So Yeon Message Sign


Park Shi Hoo Message Sign


PP DC staff say Tonight More pics&vod will be update.

Pics&info source- PP Dc Event 1 이벵후기 1탄!

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Guest mandalaywith


Our PP Drama will be extend 4 episodes?

News link here

‘개취’이어 ‘검프’도 연장설?…수목극 나란히 20부작 될까?


[경제투데이] SBS수목드라마 ‘검사 프린세스’에 대한 시청자들의 연장 요청이 쇄도하고 있다.

지난 6일 방송된 12회를 기해 인우(박시후)의 정체가 드러날 위기에 놓이자 시청자들은 “남은 4회 방송만으로 인우에 대한 이야기가 가능하겠나?”라고 의구심을 드러내며 “인우에 대한 혜리(김소연)의 마음도 드러났고, 인우의 정체도 밝혀지게 됐는데 4회 연장하면 좀 더 재미있게 드라마를 볼 수 있을 것 같다”고 바람을 밝혔다.

시청자들의 연장 요청에 대해 ‘검사 프린세스’ 제작진은 “남은 방송분이 흥미진진하니 관심과 애정을 갖고 지켜봐 달라”고 당부할 뿐 말을 아끼고 있다.

‘검사 프린세스’에 대한 시청자들의 연장 요청이 이어지고 있는 가운데, 동시간대 경쟁작 MBC ‘개인의 취향’은 연장 방송과 관련한 진행이 좀 더 앞서 있다. MBC 측은 ‘개인의 취향’ 인기에 “4회 연장을 논의중”이라고 밝힌 바 있다.

‘개인의 취향’이 4회 연장이 확정되고, ‘검사 프린세스’에 대한 연장 논의가 시작되면 수목극은 나란히 20부작이 될 가능성이 높아진다. 애초 ‘개인의 취향’과 ‘검사 프린세스’는 16부작, ‘신데렐라 언니’는 20부작으로 기획된 작품.

정작 수목극 정상을 달리고 있는 ‘신데렐라 언니’는 방송 분량이 8회나 남아 있어서 인지 는 연장에 관련된 이야기는 나오지 않고 있다. 동시간대 경쟁작에 비해 방송 분량이 많아 제작진이나 시청자 모두 여유로운 분위기다.

출발을 나란히 한 수목극 세 작품이 큰 격차 없는 시청률 성적을 보이고 있는 가운데, 연장 방송을 통해 종영까지 나란히 하게 될이지 관심이 모아진다.

박진희 기자 jini@eto.co.kr

Source- Nate news

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Ohh.. maybe I'm the only minority :huh: .. I thought PP is going very well with the remaining episodes, everything falling into place. Hyeri already finding out the truth about her father, she finally gets who Inwoo really is.. like a puzzle coming together. The next 2 episodes might concentrate on the case being re-opened (just like the child abuse case settled in about 1 episode) and the other final episodes for reconciliation. Extending it another 4.. there's no pending situation, even Prosecutor Yoon-Jin's relationship are going the right path. Hyeri's no longer their 'obstacle' .. not even for Bin, despite the resemblance to her late mom. I mean.. in Kdramas.. they can always provide a time-gap (without new episodes) for the lovers to be apart, ponder and meet again.. like the 15-year murder case.

If it's for the rating.. PP is still up against the same dramas in the timeslot.. CS (which confirms to end at 20) and PT (confirmed a 4-ep extension).. so, there's really no difference from the current situation.. at all.

Now.. I'm getting ready to run from angry fans at the thread. bricks.gif *sorry*

ps: there're always a lot of PP / KSY articles in the media daily but I have to apologize as I couldn't provide any translation gist as I'm not sure myself.. not versed in Korean nor Chinese, mostly guessing from the online translator. As much as I wanted to share everything, really don't want to mislead or create unnecessary confusion.

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lol :lol: rubie, you're so funny

I guess we want to a lot more IW-HR's scenes together too much

I'm sure HR will forgive IW, since she's not the type who hold grudges

plus, she's now compassionate toward victims .. she cried after "the wife killed by her hubby & mistress's case"

So before HR forgive IW, i want her to throw tantrum and torture IW for maybe like 4-5 episodes

there are lots of thoughts and ideas how to torture IW in my head ...

i want HR to learn self defense (i think it's necessary for a prosecutor to do well in self defense)

and then let HR has a chance to beat up IW

then forgiveness and reconciliation :P hehehe .....

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mandalaywith, thanks so much for sharing Soyeon's siggy here.. our girl is always so cheerful, fun and heartwarming as shown in her elaborate & huge signature.. never any empty space left on the paper. :P And always filled with lots of happy hearts. :lol: It's her personal trademark, indeed! :wub: I've added it to our page index to make it extra special. :blush:

The KSY thread index at page 1 (posts 1 & 2) have been updated but it may be a bit "too much stuff" to look through.. hope it helps a little though. But the best way.. always.. is for more fans and friends to join in sharing & talking everything about this awesomely talented actress, sweet & charming woman Kim So Yeon-ssi. :wub:

Hmm.. should we go for another 4 episodes?



yukiyukiku .. totally get the hope and fans' reason for an extension but just unsure -- what if the current 'perfect spark' gets ruined if stretched way too much and unnecessarily to fill a rather 'spacious' 4 new episodes. Unless.. there's new cases emerging to fill the gaps.. although audience are obviously no longer interested in anything else than Hyeri-Inwoo focus. The father's case is already coming into light, a scandal will erupt and settled quickly(?) but we just have to wait & see how the writers are going to convey this convincingly. So far, they did a great job building up the momentum and after-effect .. of course, having such an outstanding lead actress and compatible cast for PP really help covered all the flaws there were. If there's nothing broken, why fix it?

Due to the not-so-good ratings, PP may or may not be.. well-considered for big acting awards later on.. but definitely.. KSY-PSH pairing is already a sure winner, right. :D

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Guest yourasthma

I think we all want an extension solely because we want to see more cute KSY scenes.. storywise, 4 episodes wrap it up just nicely. I have to admit I got excited when I thought there was going to be an extension but I'll be content if PP ending means KSY can make other public appearances or start filming something else.

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Our gratitude to antisocialnot for the wonderful translation and mandalaywith for the article-highlight :wub:

김소연 무개념 ‘마혜리’로 떴다

Kim So Yeon as 'Ma Hyeri - Exposed

SBS '검사 프린세스'서 신입검사 역할 제2전성기

The prime role of the new prosecutor in SBS 'Prosecutor Princess'.

배우 김소연이 '마혜리'로 화제몰이를 하며 제2의 전성기를 누리고 있다.

Actress Kim So Yeon has been enjoying a 2nd wave of fame with her role as 'Ma Hyeri'.

SBS 수목드라마 '검사 프린세스'에서 천방지축 신입검사 마혜리 역할을 맡은 김소연은 캐릭터, 연기는 물론 극중 패션, 대사로도 화제의 중심에 섰다. 비록 시청률은 10% 초반이지만, 문근영 손예진 등 방송 3사 수목극 여주인공 중에서는 단연 돋보인다.

Playing a scatterbrained young prosecutor, Ma Hyeri, Kim So Yeon has been the talk of the town. Be it her acting skills or her fashion sense in the show, she has garnered a lot of interest in 'Prosecutor Princess'. Despite the ratings hovering around 10%, compared to other actresses in the Wed/Thurs drama timeslot, Kim So Yeon definitely stands out from among the rest.


김소연은 마혜리와 싱크로울 100%라는 호평을 받고 있다. 더이상 '아이리스'의 여전사 이미지는 떠올릴 수 없을 정도다. 마혜리와 자신의 실제 성격이 90%이상이라는 김소연의 말처럼 캐릭터를 실감나게 묘사한다는 평이다.

Kim So Yeon has received praise for her complete transformation as Ma Hyeri in the drama. Not once does the image that she portrayed in IRIS appear. Kim So Yeon said that the character Ma Hyeri is about 90% similar to her own, thus she is able to portray the character very realistically.

처음엔 좌충우돌 '무개념' 신입검사 마혜리의 모습을 천연덕스럽게 표현해 시청자들의 웃음을 '빵빵' 터뜨린 김소연은 점차 사람과 사랑을 알게 되고, 다른 사람의 시선도 배려하게 되는 과정을 공감있게 그려내고 있다.

From a bumbling new prosecutor to a mature young prosecutor who understands love, viewers have shown empathy towards Ma Hyeri's situation in the drama.

이같은 배우와 캐릭터의 뛰어난 조화에 힘입어 마혜리 패션도 화제를 모으고 있다. 극중 '된장녀' 검사 캐릭터 설정에 맞춰 매회 치렁치렁한 액세서리, 킬힐, 아슬아슬한 미니스커트 패션을 선보이면서 여성 시청자들의 눈길을 사로잡고 있다.

With her dangly accessories, killer heels, dangerously short mini skirts showcased in every episode, Ma Hyeri has got the female viewers attention, leaving them wanting more.

'검사 프린세스' 제작진은 "김소연씨의 경우 마혜리를 표현하기 위해 처음부터 다양하고도 화려하게 패션으로 설정했다"며 "앞으로도 남은 방송분동안 마혜리를 표현하기 위해 또 다른 패션으로 시청자분들의 눈길을 사로잡을 것"이라고 소개했다.

The production crew stated that in order to portray Ma Hyeri well, " We decided right from the start that the character had to wear flashy clothes.". In addition, " For the remaining few episodes, we'll be giving Ma Hyeri a fresh look, so please look out for it. ".

극 초반 마혜리의 대사도 화제를 모았다. '독도에 검찰청 생겨요?' '시정했어요. 어제 입었던 치마보다 1센티 길어요'를 비롯한 마혜리식 '무개념' 대사가 천연덕스러운 연기와 조화를 이뤄 시청자의 웃음을 터뜨렸다.

Viewers were also amused at Ma Hyeri's lines, with the notable ones being " Has a thief surfaced in the Public Prosecutor's Office? " and " This skirt is 1cm longer than the one I wore yesterday".

한편 김소연은 극이 진행되며 마혜리가 점차 검사로 성장하는 과정을 통해 요즘 또 다른 모습들을 보여주고 있다. 김소연이 어떤 마혜리로 또 한번 시청자들의 눈길을 사로잡을지 기대가 모아지고 있다.

As Ma Hyeri matures into a respectable and reliable prosecutor, viewers will be able to see another side of her. Many viewers are eager to see what and how Ma Hyeri will continue to transform herself.

***translated by antisocialnot***

스포츠월드 탁진현 기자

[ⓒ 스포츠월드 & Sportsworldi.com

This articles is Today Daum Ent News Hot News in No.5

Source- media.daum.net

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mandalaywith, thanks so much for sharing Soyeon's siggy here.. our girl is always so cheerful, fun and heartwarming as shown in her elaborate & huge signature.. never any empty space left on the paper. :P And always filled with lots of happy hearts. :lol: It's her personal trademark, indeed! :wub: I've added it to our page index to make it extra special. :blush:

The KSY thread index at page 1 (posts 1 & 2) have been updated but it may be a bit "too much stuff" to look through.. hope it helps a little though. But the the best way.. always.. is for more fans and friends to join in sharing & talking everything about this awesomely talented actress, sweet & charming woman Kim So Yeon-ssi. :wub:

Hmm.. should we go for another 4 episodes?



yukiyukiku .. totally get the hope and fans' reason for an extension but just unsure -- what if the current 'perfect spark' gets ruined if stretched way too much and unnecessarily to fill a rather 'spacious' 4 new episodes. Unless.. there's new cases emerging to fill the gaps.. although audience are obviously no longer interested in anything else than Hyeri-Inwoo focus. The father's case is already coming into light, a scandal will erupt and settled quickly(?) but we just have to wait & see how the writers are going to convey this convincingly. So far, they did a great job building up the momentum and after-effect .. of course, having such an outstanding lead actress and compatible cast for PP really help covered all the flaws there were. If there's nothing broken, why fix it?

Due to the not-so-good ratings, PP may or may not be.. well-considered for big acting awards later on.. but definitely.. KSY-PSH pairing is already a sure winner, right. :D

yea ... i understand that

And i agree with you i don't want the story/plot to be ruined just because of the extra episodes (like Winter Sonata .. my personal opinion: it got too draggy)

Even though i can feel IW and totally support him to clear & restore his father's name

and to achieve that, he has to go thru pain as well as HR does ... but i still want him to suffer more than HR

(hehehe ... :D he's a cute HOT bad guy ... kekeke)

but again .. like u said, the story line is more important

plus, if i'm not mistaken, KSY has to join LBH & KTH to promote IRIS in Japan, right?

That's also important .... I hope KSY get more spotlight she deserves

and thank u for the pictures, rubie.

it reminds to hug n kiss my mom

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