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[drama 2008] Who Are You? 누구세요

Guest yeohweping

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t3a26, thanks for those BTS links

Dabin9307..just wanted to correct you on something...its MBC NOT SBS ^^v

Thanks for correcting.....^.^

Tonight's ending makes tv viewers wonder what's really inside the truck....

why is the bad guy went to the orphans home together with reporters???

Have to wait for tomorrow night's story.

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Thanks for correcting.....^.^

Tonight's ending makes tv viewers wonder what's really inside the truck....

why is the bad guy went to the orphans home together with reporters???

Have to wait for tomorrow night's story.

ah its no problem at all ^^..and yes.. the ending DOES make you wonder whats up with that truck...especially after seeing that sly cunning look SH had on his face after he turned and saw JH standing there...OMO..can't wait till tomorrow!!!

snoopyvkd you're very welcome :)

Some BTS pics/stills from Episode 14..as always, PLEASE DON'T HOTLINK!



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tried looking around the page, but couldn't find it,

does anyone know what the name of the person who plays the role of ho jung (one of the bad guys) is?

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Guest hediyung

Thanks K4Ice for these pics

Ep 14 makes me curious about SH and YI in next ep.

I hope a kiss scene

P/S: who has preview of ep 15 :D

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Guest Jinny617

EDIT: Oh my gosh. My summary was too long and it cut me off. D: NOOoOOO.

Wait, wait, got it to work!

Oh god, this scene was ALL KINDS of good. T___T It's almost like CRACK.

Episode summary as far as I can remember it! (I never realized how much I relied on the pause button until I didn't have it anymore!!)

SPOILER!! Episode 14

So the episode starts where we left off. SHDAD punches JH in the face (haha), and he punches him back. Blah blah blah they just talk about how much they hate each other and glare a lot, and then SHDAD SHOVES JH into a display. JH, of course, starts bleeding from that mysterious forehead wound that all drama stars get as soon as they're so much as looked at a little too hard.

YI, worried, rushes over to make sure he's alright. He gets up and leaves, SH tells her to ignore him, and she follows JH out anyway. At this point, he tells her that he doesn't really like SH. He hopes she doesn't really like him either. He drives away in a very "God, yes, I AM badass and bleeding =|" sort of way.

YI goes back inside, and shoves SHDAD aside in anger (who was trying to fix the display), and picks up the upended display. She asks him why he punched JH, and he answered just the sight of him hanging around YI made him furious. She takes this as meaning that the's jealous (yes, yes he is). SHDAD panicks a bit, denies, and then tells her that he doesn't like her, because she's (lol) too pretty, and too young, and too kind for him. Oh, and that's right, because she has an IQ of 99. "It's not even the difference in age...it's the difference in our IQ'S that's the real problem!" <---ahahah, good one, SHDAD. At this remark, she gets mad and shoves him out of the store, haha.

We transition to HJ (geez, all these initials) sitting in JH's lobby, looking pensive and overly evil (and unfortunately, no where near as sexy as he did when he was wearing the glasses in the past episode...), and flashing back to SH talking about his mom, blah blah leeches, I'll kill you you bastard >=[ stuff. JH walks into the lobby, and HJ tells him that they need to CRUSH SH. No matter WHAT. (Like we didn't see THAT coming =/ Really, HJ? Really? I thought after hearing him call your mom a leech, you were planning on asking him for dinner.) JH asks why he's so suddenly interested in SH, and HJ replies that it's because SH is apparently his brother. Ooo, melodrama. <3

We transition back to SH and IG in the car, separately. SH asks in disbelief, "I...hit JH? And then I shoved him down so that he ...bled?" And IG, apologetically nods, "...mm, yeah...that...sort of happened." SH gets mad at IG, but it's considerably different from how he did the past episodes. Now, it's sort of a resigned, "...Why are you doing this to me? Can't you just stay quietly, and leave quietly?" SH turns on the ignition, just as we get the first drops of rain, and my heart beat started picking up. Rain. Ahhh. I see that our scene is coming up.

IG looks out of the window, and hesitantly asks SH, "You know, I'm sorry about this but...it's raining and dark out, and that girl...she's so careless, going around like this. Can't we just drive her home?" Initially SH starts to drive away...stops...and then reverses because, well, as we all know, love is completely in the air. He says slowly to IG, "...I'll just drive her home. That's it."

We see inside the store, YI out of uniform and ready to leave. Her replacement coworker tells her, "Hey, it's raining! Don't you have an umbrella? The manager keeps his umbrella in the office...you should go get it!" To this, she replies with, "Oh, it's ok. I'll just get a ride from my boyfriend...I told him to go, but he's just been waiting out there for HOURS...haha." And she walks out to find...

SH is not in the car. As we see, he is actually across the street, hiding in the shadows with an umbrella. He watches her as she stands next to the car, pretending to not notice it...pouting...walking away...coming back and looking into the car...and then going back inside the store. At this, the coworker asks if she forgot something, and she replies, "No it just seems my boyfriend must be---" at which point (TADADADADADADA) SH shows up at the door with the umbrella, smiling at her.

She pouts at him, and tells him that she's actually pretty mad at him. And that she has NO desire to get in his car. He just stands there, smiling a little bit. And so she repeats, "No, I REALLY don't plan on getting in your car, so you can leave, ok?" and starts to walk away...at that point, he reaches out and grabs her arm, hands her the umbrella, and walks back to his car and gets in. YI stares in disbelief and starts to walk away, and SH just starts giggling and laughing in his car at how cute she's being. (Whilst we all sit giggling and laughing at how cute HE was being.) IG wonders why they aren't DRIVING her home, and SH just continues to laugh like the amazing, amazingly adorable man that he is.

Now we see YI slowly walking in the rain, with the umbrella above her, the wet pavement below her, and a pair of bright headlights directly behind her. Why, yes, SH is indeed following her, directly. behind. her. by about three yards, in his car. She peeks behind her occasionally, and smiles as she continues to slowly. Slowly. Walk to her house.

When they reach the hill that she lives on, she bids him farewell. Tells him that next time, even if she says no, he should give her a ride anyway. She asks him is he was like this to his past girlfriends. Is it because she's young? He doesn't know. She smiles and tells him to go, she'll watch him go before going home. He tells her to go first, he'll watch her go before he leaves. She tells him to get home safely, drive slow, don't rush, stop at all the lights...Oh god, you guys are killing me. STOP IT ALREADY.

She walks away and SH stares after her for an extended beat...and then asks IG, "If I got out of the car and followed her...that would be bad, wouldn't it? I shouldn't...go after her, should I?" My heart burst, and left a stain on my carpet at this point.

Needless to say, in the next scene, we get exactly. EXACTLY what we want. YI finds out from YD that she is, indeed, SH's first love. She walks out to the porch and calls him, talks about Leon, happy ending, the works. He appears. Drenched. Looking completely lost and determined at the same time. That look in his eyes is what kdramas are made of, or at least the good ones anyway. He strides towards her. The embrace. The scene is a little different from what we've seen in this thread. There is a whole lot more of SH!Tears, and stroking the back of YI's head. She wraps her arms around him...and we all sigh, a collective sigh that leaves everyone completely breathless, filled instead with something that makes our head go light and everything around us blurry. I'm talking about love here guys, not alcohol. Just to make sure we're on the same page.

And now we move on. Haha.

JH flashes back to the scene with HJ, where he basically tells him "If SH won't be your older brother, you can be his younger brother. If it were me, and you were my brother, I'd want to hide you away from the public completely." <-- I could be wrong on this, I only caught the very end of the conversation because I was still sort of semi-high from the previous scene. HJ blah blah says he wants to find SH's most precious thing and make him beg for mercy, etc etc we got it, bitterness. Yeesh. Go listen to some Dashboard Confessional or something. .__.

End flashback, and JH says aloud to no one in particular (well, to us, really. Because even though he's a bad guy, he's still amazingly good looking.) "SH...you can't protect anything. Not the paintings, not YI...not yourself." Muahahaha. Walks in, politics (AKA JH's mom v. JH's ex) etc etc interviews, blah blah.

Transition to SH listening to the 119 call...and SH listening to his brother yelling at him...oh no. Oh no, oh no. They...match. SH arrives back at his office in a daze...it's a wonder he even goes to work anymore, really. He sees his father outside, and invites him to have tea. His father wants to know if he and HJ know each other from before...and SH says not really, but he knows him because he's been chasing him. Why? Because..."The woman I like...I think he killed her father." SH goes on to ask if his father would bring him back the butt of one of HJ's cigarette. The scene is painfully tense, and you feel bad for both of them. :(

HILARIOUS scene between HJ and Secretary Yeo...Hahaha, they go to eat, and there's no way to explain the comedy unless you watch it. I could describe the scene but...It's just not the same in words. Basically, HJ wants to find out where SH goes often, other than his office.

JH brings YI her lunch box, and says some pretty words...a bitter confession, a regretful goodbye...and I'm afraid this might be the end of good JH as we know it.

Meanwhile, YA is at the temple, and she talks to the monk...telling him that she's going out to see the flowers in the back, because they're probably lonely. He tells her, in a conversation DRENCHED in meaning, they've already gone. Life is hard, we meet, we separate...so we can meet again. She needs to let the person in her heart go. Because she should try to be prepared...unlike her parting with the flowers.

SH slowly stumbles down the stairs at his work, a touching scene ensues where IG convinces him to sit down on the steps (despite SH's protests that people can see him...he can't show weakness). IG tells him to sit when he's tired, and he'll feel restored. Someone will come and help him up. Now that he's dead, he can see that all those little things never mattered. He knows that his most important thing is his daughter. Nothing else. SH sits down, and starts to smile a little. On a side note, I am really enjoying this relationship between IG and SH. He's like the dad that he never had. It's so sweet.

Cute scene involving YI, and her two ADORABLE friends (I love these friends. So many dramas, the friends are annoying and get in the way...these guys are awesome.) Sooki is learning to drive!

SH comes to YI, and she asks what he's there for so early in the morning. Has he come to kick her to the curb again? Ahh, what a sad fate, to be kicked to the curb so early in the morning...she pauses because of his expression. "Did something happen?" He tells her that he's planning on moving the paintings today...he'll definitely make sure that she gets them. What a shame, he says. He doesn't think he can play soccer anymore.

HJ comes by (presumably, he heard from Secretary Yeo that this is where SH goes often), and sees his car. He says, "Well, it seems I've found your weak spot already." Oh you evil cutie, you.

Finally, JH goes to retrieve the paintings...we see two suspicious vehicles, only because of ep. 15's preview summary. We see the library van filled with small children, and we see a white moving truck speeding along. JH arrives at the orphanage, where he basically has a reverse spidey-sense thing going, being evil and all. He knows the paintings are gone. He confirms. Oh, oh the horror. He chases the truck. The truck pulls in front of SH's work. (From the preview...we know that the truck is empty). But JH's doesn't know that. So he pulls up, tv crew bringing up the rear, SH calmly standing by the truck. They have a glare off.

End Scene.

And this is REALLY long. I'm so sorry! O_O I just got really excited...Hahaha! D:

[edit] Ahh, and someone did a summary before. :X Sorry! Sorry! I didn't know!

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Guest yeohweping

Ep.13 - spoilers

Actually Il Gun doesn't recognize Jae Ha at all, he just wants to create some troubles to give Young In a bad impression of Seung Hyo and Jae Ha was just unlucky to be there. But Il Gun's plans doesn't work at all as Young In mistook his actions as acts of jealousy. Running after Jae Ha who was hurt, Jae Ha finally found his courage to tell Young In that he was not a good person at all before he drove away. Jae Ha met Ho Jong who is still angry at Seung Hyo's ugly comments at his place. After hearing from Ho Jong that Seung Hyo is his older brother, Jae Ha angrily mumbles that he'll only get hold Il Gun's paintings but also snatch Young In away from Seung Hyo as well.

Being angry at Il Gun for the way he was using his body, Seung Hyo wanted to drive away when it started to rain which made Il Gun request that Seung Hyo send Young In back home after she gets off work. Pretending to be angry at Seung Hyo while telling her colleague that Seung Hyo was the boyfriend there to fetch her, Seung Hyo left her walking home with his umbrella while he follows not far behind in his car. Telling Il Gun that "they can't be together, right?" repeatedly after Young In reached her place. Duk tells Young In that she should enter the manhwa contest and then he tells her unexpectedly that she is the first love of Seung Hyo which prompted her to call him and Seung Hyo appeared in front of her just when she says that she wanted to see him. Seung Hyo sends the recording he made of Ho Jong's voice for testing which proved to be a match. Thinking that Seung Hyo was 'bothered' by a ghost when he was deep in thought, Driver Pi chants a prayer hoping to drive the ghost away. Seung Hyo meets his dad after he got out of the car and confessed to his dad that Ho Jong is involved in an incident that involved the death of the father of the girl he loves and requested that his dad help him get back the cigarette taken away by Ho Jong.

Meanwhile Ho Jong asked the secretary out on a date but his real intention was to dig out some news about Seung Hyo.

Jae Ha went to see Young In and tells her that he feels bad because she was pretty and his heart is hurting. And then he bid her farewell and to take care.

Feeling bad after seeing his dad and the guilt of Il Gun's death, Seung Hyo walked down the stairs instead of taking the lift. Il Gun tells him that it's not his fault when he starts to apologize and told him to have a sit on the steps and try to see things in a different light.After having a talk with Il Gun on the stairs, Seung Hyo visits Young In and tells her that it's time to take a look at her dad's paintings.

Running out of time to get the paintings, Jae Ha made use of the media to follow him to the orphanage on the day that the paintings are supposed to be moved. He ended up at the doorstep of Seung Hyo's office when the van that he had followed stopped there.

I think that this a trap set up by Seung Hyo to find out who was the mastermind and the paintings are moved or hidden in the children's school van instead of the moving van.

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Thank you so much Jinny, Yeohweping & Livvie... :wub:

Wow...awesome posts...

Here are the pictures from episode 14...




















I left out a small surprise...can you guess what dad did to JH?

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[edit] Ahh, and someone did a summary before. :X Sorry! Sorry! I didn't know!
^^v that would be me LOL, but no worries!! Yours are more detailed than mine since you have translated bits of the convo in there..(me, I can only understand a little here and there, not enough to actually add it in), plus your little side comments are awesome :lol:

yeohweping, thanks for your summary as well dear!!

Kristy!! Thanks for the caps girl!! Can't wait for the rest!!

for those interested in a CB link, here it is (ental version I think):


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Guest Jinny617

:wub: I'm just happy I could contribute. Thank you to both K4Ice and yeohweping for their summaries too ;__; You guys don't go off on tangents and rambbbbbble like a crazy fangirl D:

<--Oh no.

And thank you so much for the pictures Luv. I'm still cruising on a high from this episode...ahhh, I'm trying to prolong it for as long as I can, just to get me through until tomorrow!! XD



The idea that SH might die ala Leon...maybe...JH will die? :X He is, after all, considerably older...? I don't know. I might just be grasping for straws, seeing how SH's life is semi-falling apart...ahhhhhhh. I want him to be OK! No dying and coming back as a spirit either ;___; That's not good enough!

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