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[drama 2008] Who Are You? 누구세요

Guest yeohweping

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Guest chayeh



I slept through the first part of the episode but. BUT


Ahhh Yeah !!! Thanks for the big info Jinny617

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I slept through the first part of the episode but. BUT


The expected scene :

The kiss scene was not a close up one...it was like KyeSang kissed on the cheek of Ara...then it came a long shot...but I like the way the did it...

Any how GO Ara is too young for shooting this kind of kiss scene.

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Guest sakura_dubai

kekeke~ i always ask this question ... WHEN can i get the CB's link for Shinhwa version .... ? any idea..

well, i saw ental version, but i can't download it.. i'm loyal to shinhwa version kekeke~

any idea though.. i saw a direct link for shinhwa version, so i hope to be able to see the Cb link tonight to download it..

OMG~ he hugged her.. is it as her father.. or for real ??? OMG~


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Guest Jinny617

I do agree that Go Ara is a little bit too young for that kind of kiss scene, especially with someone considerably older. But it was very sweetly done.

In terms of Kdrama, even this level is pretty rare. I think. That's changed a little nowadays, but, usually rare. I'm extremely satisfied. Haha.

Although, ok...

WARNING - episode end spoiler

They kiss again at the end. Only, YI kisses SH. Only...it's out of jealousy, because he's talking to ya.

Oh, that's right.

It's....SHDAD, and he's extremely disturbed by this development. Ahahhahahahahahaha.

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Here is my rough summary for episode 15..as always, please take it with a grain of salt ^^v

- we start out at the end of yesterday's ep at the part where SH and JH are standing in front of Blue Star having their faceoff....JH says something to the reporters standing behind him..and has a mini convo with them...the reporters run over to SH to try to interview them...SH is his brusque and calculating self...

- JH then walks over to confront him..SH yells at them to turn off the camera...then he turns into his calculating self...JH meanwhile yells at SH to open the truck door...the delivery guy does so...to reveal an EMPTY interior...SH then says something (with a nice sly look on his face :wub:)

- YI is walking down the hill of her apt...HJ is lurking nearby watching..then he follows her..

- scene cuts to the bus...with Headmaster in the front seat...in the back are IG's paintings with a guard..

- in SH's office...JH and SH are standing..JH can barely contain his anger...while SH is cooly calm (at least on the outside)..while JH is talking, SH glances over to the side, where IG is standing and listening..SH then asks JH about IG's death (which makes JH start to look quite uncomfortable)

- in front of SH's house, the bus has stopped and we find that YI and Lawyer Yoon are also there...As YI prepares to get on the bus to look at her fathers' paintings, we see HJ lurking in the background still....then walk towards the bus

- YI steps onto the bus, overwhelmed at seeing all her father's paintings...the only one we can see (the others we only see the back of) is the one of the girl that we've seen before (Headmaster was looking at a copy in a book before..(presumably its a painting of YI)

- outside, HJ naturally walks past the bus and around the corner to the of SH's house where he cuts the wire to the alarm system setting it off...everyone runs inside...while HJ comes back out and drugs the last guard...and then onto the bus and drugs YI before driving off..the other guards and Yoon run out in time to see the bus leaving

- back at SH's office where him and JH still are...convo..then IG suddenly yells YI ah out...SH picks up his cell phone...to see a pic of the inside of a bus...the phone then rings...its HJ who has parked the bus at the river front...and is calling to presumably threaten SH with YI...SH and IG then run out pissed...they arrive...IG runs off to try and find YI while SH confronts HJ...HJ taunts SH ...then SH punches his bro and grabs the front of the shirt...SH yells at him to tell him where YI is but HJ says no...they then get into a fist fight..

- we see IG running around trying to find YI...then the scene flashes back to SH and HJ who are standing apart and intense convo again...(they mention their father and mothers)...

- at U gallery, JH's mom is being her usual self...HY is standing in the background and trying to ignore her...convo between them..JH then walks in in a sober mood...his mom and HY then start asking him whats wrong..

- back at the river and by the bus, SH piggy back rides YI off to IG's relief...then HJ drives the buss off (jerk)

- the bus returns to U gallery...HJ gets out and pats the bus...the scene then cuts to JH in his office...then HJ walks in smiling and nodding...we can see JH visibly brighten up

- its night...back at SH's house, YI is lying in his bed unconscious...IG is watching over her relieved that she hadn't been harmed further...he talks...

- outside on the couch...SH is sitting worried....IG then walks out to see him sitting there..and talks to him.....

- scene cuts to back in the bedroom where YI is still unconscious but this time SH is there sitting besides her...he reaches over to hold and stoke her hand...then "Hey soccer ball.." then thinks to himelf the rest...YI starts to stir and then awakens....SH asks her if she's alright...YI sits up to asks something... SH has tears in his eyes...and so does YI...SH stumbles over his words...YI reaches a hand up to stroke his cheek...then smiles and says something else...she says its alright and says something...to which SH replies and YI says yes...

- on a stage, SaSang (who we haven't seen in a while) is standing....IG walks up and starts to yell at him...SaSang finally replies...

- back at SH's house...in the living room...YI opens a first aid kit (man, thats a pretty hefty first aid kit LOL)...SH has changed into his casual clothes...YI pulls the kit towards her...SH pulls it towards him...they pull it back and forth LOL...YI says something about treating her boyfriend...SH is like boyfriend? LOL..then he relents and YI treats his wound...(although how she can with him looking at her like that I have no idea...I'd have stopped partway through and just gotten lost in his eyes)...She mentinos something about her father's death

- JH and HJ are in JH's car..when JH pulls over to the side of the road...JH is NOT happy..he starts yelling at HJ...at which point HJ starts yelling back at JH

- back at SH's house...YI is in a state of shock...b/c SH has apparently just told her that her father's death...is connected to U gallery..and JH...YI, of course is in a state of disbelief and trying to deny that JH is involved...SH says something to her...then he says I'm sorry before getting up to walk over to his turtles...YI sits for a min..then gets up and walks over to stand by him...after a pause...YI asks something about the turtles...)almost baiting SH to cheer him up)...cute convo between them with YI teasing and SH only halfheartedly being his brusque self...YI then mentions the soccer ball...and their happy ending...SH looks at her....YI starts to get tears in her eyes and says something else...SH continues to look at her...OMGOMGOMGOMGOMFG he then leans over and down to kiss her almost awkwardly (since he's quite a bit taller than her) at the corner of her mouth (ohh YI all those kissing videos from the beginning will help you now LOL) ..before the camera pans out...so we see him put his arms around her and they kiss again *JUMPS AND SQUEALS IN TOTAL ROMANTIC FANGIRL HAPPINESS*

- the next day...YI is in front of JH's apt (interesting tidbit..she's wearing her clothes from last night still...and it looks like SH's khaki trench coat too)...she then goes up...JH opens to let her in....YI comes in...and then asks if he had anything to do with her father's death..with the paintings...with everything....JH has tears in his eyes...JH finally speaks...his voice breaking (I think he does admit to it but don't quote me on this)...YI falls to the floor breaking down into tears and talking.....JH is still standing there and breaks down into tears also...

- at SH's office..he's sitting at his desk...SH's father is standing in front of his desk...and IG is nearby...SH says something and gets up...his dad then plops down a plasitic baggy with HJ's cigarette butt before talking...SH says something...then his dad says something else..meanwhile, SH is swallowing hard, tyring to keep his composure and then tells him to leave...his dad says something else...

- we see the paintings stacked by category..JH is walking by them and running his hands across the frames...he looks through still more on a table...then his eyes catch the one of the girl (again, I'm assuming its YI)..he reaches out to touch it but stops...

- back at Blue Star, ROFL Secretary Yeo is pacing back and forth in front of her desk, her cell on the table muttering to herself...the phone then rings...HY from U gallery called...Secretary Yeo is rude to her LOL

- inside the office...IG just...appears then SH has a convo with him...then we hear over the speakerphone that JH from U gallery is here...JH then walks in....rudely polite convo between them as always...(I have no idea what they are saying, but JH mentions YI)

- on hte stairs at Blue Star, IG is sitting...then SH walks to the stairs and looks down to see IG....he then walks and sits down next to IG in the middle of the stairway...IG looks at him with eyebrows raised and SH just half smiles and shrugs his shoulders...IG then talks...then a convo starts between them (in a light bantering fashion...awwww I love the relationship IG and SH have between them)

- we cut to a scene with YI anxious..talking to herself...waiting in the lobby of Blue Star...she then sees SH walk by and calls out to IG...before catching herself and then running out after them....SH and IG get into the car..Driver Pi drives away just as YA makes it outside...she then runs to hail a taxi to follow...

- in SH's car, SH talks to Driver Pi...PI sounds a bit awkward replying back LOL (almost in disbelief that his boss is being nice)...SH then says thank you...then in the backseat, SH and IG have a convo...

- awww SH's car stops in front of YI's workplace...Driver Pi gets out to let SH out and SH lets him take off work before he walks up to and hen sneaks up to the door like a little boy to watch YI...YA then slowly approaches him...and then says something...SH turns around..YA calls him by IG and says something....(O_O I have no idea...if its SH or SH/IG that she's actually talking to..I think its SH/IG though)...YA keeps talking...the scene then cuts to them across the street standing and drinking coffee (I think it is SH/IG that YA is talking to)

- we then see YI standing and cleaning the door...before she sees YA and SH/IG standing across the street talking....she gets jealous..then flashes back to the convo she had with YA at the orphanage (the one by the clothesline).she vehemently shakes her head...she then seees them walking across the street to approach the door...SH?IG walks inside and says Young In..wait..Hey Son Young In...ROFLMAO...YI looks jealous then GRABS SH/IG THINKING IT WAS SH TO KISS HIM...REPEATEDLY AHAHHAHAHA while SH/IG is like WTF is she doing?!


No preview as usual..

THE WAIT TILL NEXT WEEK IS GONNA BE EXCRUCIATING!!!! *runs around WAY ward throwing red beans, tweezers and soccer balls everywhere*

Go Ara is young..but I think they made the scene really sweet and romantic noneoftheless...

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ai* wish has been granted..


Long waited kiss tonite but camera zoom far as SH go close to YI.. He wrap his arm around her. (kind of disappointed not able to see the kiss close up) hahaa..

At the staircase, SH mentioned to IG he likes YI. Next scene IG in the car asked SH is he sincered? SH nodded.

Last scene out of jealousy YI kissed SH/IG.. He was freaked out and trying hard to push her away... :LOL LOL:

Shall wait for JavaBeans summary...

ai* wish... Pray hard SH will sing on finale .. keep yr finger cross.

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Guest yeohweping

I'm feeling really sick at the moment as I've been coughing non-stop all day, so I can only do a really short spoiler today. :sweatingbullets:

Young In and Jae Ha's confrontation.

Young In: So you came searching for me because of the paintings? You came close to me, let me stay here, brought me to the hospital all because of the paintings.

Jae Ha: You are right about everything.

Young In: Because of the paintings, my dad..

Because of the paintings, you did that to my father..

How much are they worth? A million or two millions? I don't care how much they are worth, you can have all of them. Just return my dad to me because I miss him so much. Take the paintings and return me my dad.

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ai* wish... Pray hard SH will sing on finale .. keep yr finger cross.

although that's my dearest wish, somehow it doesn't seem to fit into the role of SeungHyo unless he's drunk again?!

if he does sing, i want it all in tenor, the higher the register the better and i want him to belt it all out!

we're are so demanding, right? but we did get our wish this week, didn't we? yay!

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Guest Jinny617

Ahhhh, thank you for the summary K4Ice!! XD I was so mad when I woke up at 6:30. But I made it in time, eh? EH? For the important bit. :X

**Ahhh I'm still somewhat high off of that one scene. ;__; I'm so glad I have people to enjoy it with. I would be dying if I was just watching it with nowhere to turn to.

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I'm feeling really sick at the moment as I've been coughing non-stop all day, so I can only do a really short spoiler today. :sweatingbullets:

Young In and Jae Ha's confrontation.

*hugs yeohweping and hands cough medicine* aww I hope you feel better soon dear!! Get some rest!! and thank you for giving us that little spoiler.

That confrontation made me cry..poor YI...DARN YOU JH *shakes fist* DARN YOU

Jinny617, aahha no probs dear...and yes you made it JUST IN TIME :w00t:

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The scene in front of the turtles...

YI asks SH what their names are...

He says they don't have names - why would they have names, they're turtles...

She says we have to give them names -

and whatever her first attempt was -

SH vetoes it BIG TIME!!

They go back and forth and finally she gives the names...

they have 2 different first names - but the same last name.... AHHHHHH! sweet!

I'll have to watch it again to catch the names.

Too fast - and NO rewind when its live television!!!

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Towards the ending for tonight's eps 15...more surprises...

Ara kisses KyeSang....ha...ha.....she is actually kissing the dad.....this is funny....

Again no preview for the upcoming eps. 16.

hahahawe got what we wished for and more!!! hahahaha that last scene is sooooo funny!!!

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The scene in front of the turtles...

YI asks SH what their names are...

He says they don't have names - why would they have names, they're turtles...

She says we have to give them names -

and whatever her first attempt was -

SH vetoes it BIG TIME!!

They go back and forth and finally she gives the names...

they have 2 different first names - but the same last name.... AHHHHHH! sweet!

I'll have to watch it again to catch the names.

Too fast - and NO rewind when its live television!!!

oh so THATS what the convo between them was about!! I thought I heard the Korean word for 'name' in there but wasn't quite sure..

AWWWWW Thats soo cute :lol:

Thanks Candy!

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