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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Guest vi4vi2002

I love the part where Edward tells Bella that she has to marry him in order for him to change her.

Bella: "But I am only eighteen"

Edward: " And I am almost a hundred and ten. I think it is time for me to settle down."

somthing like that, I dont really remember the quote too clearly.

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Guest sweet_hunny

So Ben and Eric are mashed into one? Kinda odd but understandable although I find it cuter if they just kept the characters separate because Angela always has to meet Ben's level (because he's shorter) when they kiss :P.

Ashely looks awesome and very Alice like! I wonder how girly "movie" Alice will be like haha.

My absolute fave lines from the Twilight series (mostly Eclipse)

includes a lot of bickering between Jacob and Edward lol!

"Best of luck."

"Jacob nodded. "Yes, may the best man win."

"That sounds about right...pup"

:lol:! I can NEVER stop cracking up on that one!

EDIT: Plus another fave is definately this line from Jacob too.

"Okay!" I cut him off, and then shoved his arm. "Time for the werewolf to get out!"

He grinned. "Bye, Bells. Be sure to ask permission."

"Is he your warden, now, too? You know I saw this story on the news last week about controlling, abusive teenage relationships and --"
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^ OMG yes, hahaha. Jacob vs Edward quotes were so funny in Eclipse~! ^^* I loved the whole deal w/ Edward being able to read Jacob's mind (and Jacob, obviously ticked, going "Get out of my head") - lol.

Gotta love them. The leech vs the dog, xD

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Yeah!There are too many quotes that either left me cracking up or blushing or smiling.^^

I ordered New Moon and Eclipse right after i finished Twilight.lol..

i especially love these 2 quotes.

"What am I going to do with you? Yesterday I kiss you,and you attack me! Today you pass out on me!"

"Of all the things to be frighten about me, you choose my driving."


AND another one that i finally remembered.

"When you go to someone who you obviously knows that he is gonna to torture you to death,you are brave like a lion.

And now,you are scared of an IV..."

Edward can never stop worrying and caring about Bella.

Oops!another quote popped out.

"Don't you EVEN dare to worry about me." Edward to Bella on the phone.

^Edward is so sweet.

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YAY! i can't wait till the movie comes out x)

but i must agree that gaspard ulliel would make a better edward. HE'S SO HOT!


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Guest heylove

I love the books <3. Stayed up until 4 am for several nights finishing them all :P Though, I think I still love Twilight the most of the three. Looking forward to the 4th book & the movie. What an amazing summer to look forward to!^___^

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Guest Dael.K

haha thanks for sharing the quotes guys.

that pick of justin chon was CUTE! i hope they keep his

hair sexyful<3

i have to remember to join those groups the

next time i actually feel like going on facebook lol

-hanabi- , i don't see the picture with the scrapbook? am i going blind?

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Guest Dael.K

^^ haha it's the picture that i don't see

and JUST in case people missed it,

there's a summary of breaking dawn

in the twi,newmoon, eclipse thread


i just realized it's probably the computer im using

that's not letting me see it since im at school


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Guest yokemun

OMG!!!those quotes!!!!

arrrr...DON'T POST THEM HERE!!!!!

i'm dying to re-read my Twilights book!!!but i don't have it here with me!!!


loveee those quotes...especially Edward's!!!!he's super super sweet!!!!!hahaha

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Guest loveprint



Wow, I guess you don't like full stops.

Kellan looks so good in those pictures. And yay for the scrapbook! :D

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Guest Dael.K

thanks -hanabi-

one may i say: you are SO lucky! i wish i sent something

like that to a star i like T_T

you are now practically famous, congratulations! haha

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Guest yokemun

i think my post's a bit confusing...

i love those quotes...they're making me crazy n i can't wait for the movie...

when i saw those quotes, it makes me wan to re-read all the Twilight series again!!!!

sorry if i'm confusing anyone!!! :blush:

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Guest Judith

Omg so many pages already. It makes me glad . :D

I can't wait til the movie comes out.

OHH i love the quotes, especially the lamb and lion quote.

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Guest Dael.K

^ yeah, that's a pretty popular one

but the funny ones are good too you know!

haha i can't even imagine what this forum will be like

after the movie actually comes out

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