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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Guest Steph1430262970

^ LOL well let's hope nothing too serious happens. XD

i found some pictures off a facebook group! i think these pics are older..

dunno if you guys have seen them already since i'm pretty new to the thread >_< but here! :]


i thought it was official, but apparently it was fanmade.

ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS THOUGH *___* kristen looks beautiful <3



looook! alice and jasper's hair look matching <3 hehee


other people who were potential 'edward cullen's. ROBERT PATTINSON PLEASE!

if you guys haven't seen these pictures, tell me i have a lot more o_o

and if you have... well D: i hope you enjoyed seeing them again ;_; haha. sorry for the big pictures too XD

was i the only one that didn't know eric was asian? XD

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Guest jessyjess

^^ yea those have already been posted and Eric is NOT suppose to be Asian but Ben is so when Justin was casted everyone thought that he would be playing Ben

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Guest babieblue545

^I remember reading on some article that they wanted a diversity in ethnicity groups, so that's why some of the characters may be different in appearance.

-Jessica E.

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Guest jessyjess

^^ oh really? yea I thought so too

LOL. When I told my friend that Laurent was black she was like WTF?! And we went on Twilightlexicon to see what his skin colour was and it said "pale olive-toned skin" and we're like errrrrrrrrrrrr okay that's NOTHING close to what they described! And I was like maybe they're going for this multi racial movie or something!

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Guest Steph1430262970



olive-tone to black o_o hmmm. XD

ohh okay i seee! that's really good of them to be thinking of the ethnic diversity and all (:

goshh i'd love to be an extra in that movie. hahaa

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Guest peeaye

holy moley crocadolie ! ... (.. im such a loser -.-)

i love that MTV article. thanks loveprint for posting it<3

i'll be an evil friend and wish that Kristen breaks up with her boyfriend and ends up with Rob somehow !

TWILIGHTERS WON? For some reason i always thought it seemed like.. (twi)LIGHT fans vs (twi)HARD fans. Yeah, i'm so weird. I love how they split the scene when Kellan and Rob were doing the drum roll. so cute<3

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well it IS an adaptation of the book;

like I said before- movies don't always go by the book- they only concentrate on the important details.

&I'm not surprised though about the switching of character's ethnicities just for the sake of the movie.

It'd be kind of redundant & boring if everyone (or majority) in this film is PALE & of european descent (&/or gorgeous) lols. ^^;

& Those types of fans shouldn't even be called Twilighters - _-;

I mean,yah ok we know yu love Twilight as much as everyone else does

but don't lose the respect for others just because of this movie;

boycotting HP b/c of Twilight is just plain rude & disrespectful to both Twilight & HP.

If it was a controversial movie, then I guess I would more understanding...

but it's HARRY POTTER for goodness sakes. lols!!

Seriously no one knows how to enjoy a goddamn MOVIE nowadays.

It's all controversial, nit picky things that ppl come up with-

I mean, what's the point of entertainment then if ppl are gonna whine and fuss over something so SMALL?

I'm so sick of ppl boycotting movies for the lamest reason.

I'm sry if I offended anyone but seriously, its JUST A MOVIE. T__T;

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Guest babieblue545

^I agree, haha. I didn't get what all the fuss was about with Harry Potter and Twilight. No offense, but I hate when those two books are being compared with each other! Even if I haven't read the Harry Potter series in a very long time, I know a lot of people that love the book to death. And to compare it constantly with Twilight is beyond my comprehension. Both books have a different theme behind the story and are written by two completely different authors. Stephenie and J.K Rowling are not competing with each other for the title of New York Time Best Seller. They are simply writing for their own enjoyment and for our enjoyment, too! So... I'd be really content if reporters and whatnot stop comparing Twilight to Harry Potter, because Twilight shouldn't be famous because it shut out Harry Potter or vise versa. It should be made popular because the fans love them... and both books should be recognize individually as great books in their own ways. The same goes for the movie.

So I'll be watching Twilight because I love the books and Harry Potter, too, because I like to catch up on Harry Potter (in time, I will get to the books =x).

- Jessica E.

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Guest sweet_hunny

OMG I seriously need to catch up with you guys (UGH I was stuck at work).

I can't believe how fast the thread's moving and if that is the official BD cover, then WHOA! Usually the object is not as scary looking but it looks cool.

Haha Robert and Kristen are seriously the love :wub:! It's great they want to perfect their chemistry as much as they can being our Bella and Edward!

EW! These "Twilighters" don't seem like smart fans. I agree with the poster that said that we should feel confident that the movie will succeed because it's gaining popularity fast each time!

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^ i agree...

i hate it when they compare Twilight and Harry Potter...

two completely are VERY different when it comes to styles of writing~

to me Twilight was such a light and quick read

when in Harry Potter the story is more heavy and thick with characters

and things that you HAVE to memorize to get the next books~

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Guest DarkAngelInLove

why would they do that!? downloading movie just so they don't get money, that's how people go out of business!!! They should just watch both HP and Twilight and pay for it!

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Guest loveprint
Both books have a different theme behind the story and are written by two completely different authors.
It's because the fanbases are... very similar. Stephenie has also said that. A LOT of Twilight fans are also HP fans. Many, many, many Twilight fans came from the Harry Potter fandom.
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Guest donghaestalker


Damn Twilight ruining my life. I'm suppose to be studying for my finals that are this week!!!


You need to click on the second box on the left side.

they are showing toooo much of the movie (but its so iuhfgihdhgvyugrdyfv awesome :w00t: )

thanks for the video link, rob's eyes dazzled me (:

cant just december come early this year. rawr

grrr. im facing facing the same problem as you now ))):

i eat sleep talk everything twilight now, i'm hardly focusing on my exam.


opps, i top a page.

does anyone here is like me? like everything you see reminds you twilight?

im just curious...hehe^^

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Guest scorsagian

ok. first off, i KNOW people in this forum like rob as e.c, and im okay with that and i respect that.

and i know people can be frustrating when they don't agree with you but [btw this isnt directed to you loveprint] im just saying that even if someone comes along who doesn't agree with you, you shouldn't be disrespectful towards them.

even words on the internet can hurt, and i know that sounds stupid but its called cyber bullying and its frustrating.

its my personal taste that i like gaspard over rob. i saw one of his movies and i liked it alot and i think gaspard is very handsome and when i FIRST saw him, i was like "holy crap! that's edward!!" yea. this little thing in my brain called my imagination clicked for me and ever since then i thought gaspard should be edward.

and i also think stephenie meyer described edward so beautifully that [for me] rob didn't cut it [lookwise for me. no offesne but i dont think hes very good looking. not everyone has the same taste].

but gaspard did, and edward being this mega attractive vampire IS an important part in this book

ok sorry for writing alot and i know people reading this are gonna be like what the hell is this girl saying. this is bs.

but this is just what i think.

and heartstation.

im trying not to make this a big deal but i just really feel that what someone said to me earlier was VERY rude and im not thetype of person to let that go easily.SORRY :[

and babieblue545[who posted below this post]

i did say i would wait to see if rob "Dazzled" me :]

so lets hope he does.

i am giving him a shot [not like i have any other choice ;] ]

but i guess im really used to imagining gaspard as edward, rather than rob.

You know what, I completely sympathize with you. It's a little disappointing how people close off their minds and simply BASH those who do not agree with them. So what if you think Robert isn't the BEST edward out there. I consider that to be true too.

I didn't like Robert at first because frankly, I don't find him attractive at all, his eyebrow ridges are just too...er for me. But with all that makeup and cenimatography going on, I'm sure he'll look good! So I gave him a chance because on some shots, he does look good.

But yes, he's not the best looking Edward who could have got casted but I'm just glad a movie is actually being made. Plus I'm giving him a chance. Everyone in this thread seem to be a Robert fan and jumps at anyone who might think he's not good looking at all, which I think is narrow minded and childish.

So anyway, I'm not a robert fan and niether am I an anti fan, but I'm a fan of the Twilight Series. Who the hell cares who gets casted? I'm just glad a movie is being made. So what if the guy playing edward isn't up to par? (cause he isn't) I sure as hell would have peed my pants if Gaspard got casted for the role but still, we can't really control who plays the roles in these movies.

Anyway, for those who get their panties in knots just cause others don't like Robert as Edward, keep an open mind, smooth those ruffled feathers and retract your claws. The world isn't going to end just cause SOMEONE doesn't like him. >_>

And this thread is supposed to be about the movie. So lets concentrate on that. JUST BE GLAD THERE'S a movie at all.

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Guest loveprint

I am thiiiis close to starting again. But uh, It's wiser not to.






From Rhonda of TM:

Oh my golly! What a day!!

( This is my recap of Monday as we had to wait for them to be pretty much done shooting there first )

We started out as you know bright ( well, more rainy and cold) and early at Multnomah Falls. Lyndsey and I grabbed food at the Falls restaurant. I was glad that we did as it really poured while we enjoyed a yummy breakfast. Well, the rest of that part you pretty much know. It was a scene with Bella and Edward talking with the breathtaking waterfall behind them. Those falls are one of my favorite places to show family when they come to visit…. But anyhoo…

After they wrapped up filming at the Falls. We headed over to the View Point Inn.

Ive never wanted to be back in high school going to my prom more in my life - but Holy Crow – no matter how many times I whispered bibiddy bobiddy boo – I still wasn’t 17 on my way to the most beautiful Prom ever! We were guests of our wonderful friends who own the inn and also

We have permission from an official at Summit – to post our story and pictures!!!!!!!!

Last night they had a ton of press! There are going to be so many exciting things coming from all the attention the actors and scene got last night that Im freaking out waiting for all the magazines and shows to come out!!!!!!! Tonight is the big night that they really really don’t want any distraction and complete privacy so they can work their movie magic and we totally respect that! ( hence the huge disclaimer we put up at their request.

( They can know they are safe as Im sitting on an airplane with my little guy and hubby hehehe as I write this out ) But seriously!! We have pictures of the prom to show you!! We posted a disclaimer along with this thread about this being a spoiler zone! I know I don’t want to be spoiled for everything and even if you said you didn’t too – you know you are peeking!! But – no matter how good or bad my pictures are - they really really don’t do the place justice. The way this whole movie is going to appear on film is just so many moons above what any simple snapshot can capture. The way the actors move and flow thru their characters is something we will all be frothing over come December!!!!

Ok ok, so details details!! As you guys know, the Twilight moms had a dinner there last week that ~Kirsten~ and Endless Twilight ( britten ) flew in from California for ( yeah!! ) and before they left for the airport on Friday we stopped by for a quick peek to see if anything was happening yet. Woah – it was happening. This crew moves in swiftly and bam – prom was being created! They were custom building the gazebo floor and taking out the beyond amazing clear tent that attaches over it. Bravo on the tent! – seriously – huge huge high five to whomever designed and came up with this idea!! This clear tent really sets the whole place off. Especially when you are competing with a gorgeous gorgeous view of the Columbia Gorge just beyond the edge of the lawn. Anything less then – would have just paled in comparison. It couldn’t be too fancy because all we want to see is Bella and Edward – and it couldn’t be tacky or we would be distracted giggling over it – This place sparkles almost as good as the guy who dazzles us!!

They dressed it up with lights and cool globes all over the lawn –

And as you see in the huge lit up archway – It’s a Monte Carlo Themed Prom!!

Im thinking because the big prom themes of 07 – were mostly casino themed because of the 007 movie having just came out - That this is what they went with due to the huge popularity of proms being this theme in the same time frame of when this prom took place in Forks

( hope thats not too confusing! )

From the view above I was in awe. This poor poor cast and crew has had miserable hail and snow and rain and cold – but as they were waiting for Twilight to approach the most spectacular sunset peaked out upon them. Like the Heavens smiled and said – let their be Twilight. ( ok ok , cheesy maybe – but I had goosebumps! )

This is the part of our story where we hold our breaths and fall in love with both Bella and Edward all over again – and in our imaginations we make up our own view of their heaven…. But this came pretty close.

The inside of the inn is very pretty – but they did a good job of making it look cool – but still like highschool kids constructed it – meaning not real Las Vegas high end gambling tables – but something creative students with wood and felt could whip up. It still had that personal feel to it like we all felt with how the book version went.

The extras were all gorgeous! These girls will make us all proud! They did most of their own hair and makeup – but you’d never ever know it as they were all really really well put together! It was so cute to see them all nervous and excited – just like as if it was prom for them! Im also always jealous of a girl who can pull of the scary awesome heals most of them had on! Some of them had on their own dresses and some of them had borrowed from the extras wardrobe. The guys were in all manor of attire. Some in tuxes and some in suits. Edward has a suit on. Holy moly. Uh… yeah…

Edward - Robert – gorgeous. Whatever you call him – needed help tieing his tie. Crap crap crap I knew learning how to do that would come in handy one day!! So why didn’t I! So where we were in the kitchen is right off of the main room. He came wandering in at one point early in the evening. Full on makeup and hair and suit – and well untied tie –

“ Is there a mirror nearby? “

“ huh?” I mumble?

“ I need to fix my tie” He replies.

Lynds and I grab each other for support. ( the View Point owners giggle at us ) And both inwardly sob that we don't know how to tie a tie!!!!

“ upstairs is a bathroom you can use” Angelo ( vpi owner ) says.

As he comes back down, we sneak in a quick picture of him with me and Lynds. ( yeah, I know, again heheheheeeeeeeeeee ) He didn’t remember us at all of course – I don’t think. He was very busy and about to go shoot so we didn’t bug him anymore then that ( and Angelo was the one who asked as me and Lynds were still in shock ) And off he went.

( I did not take the picture - and havn't gotten my hands on a copy of that picture yet... I will share it with you guys as soon as I have it! )

We pretty much stayed out of the way. Helped make coffee and fed the crew cookies and took a few on the tour of the upstairs. It was so much fun! We headed out about 1045, I think they wrapped up about midnight or so. I could still see it all lit up as I stood looking out from my upstairs deck before I crashed into bed.

Of all my following the filming days ( whatever you call it )

This one was by far the most amazing.

It really was an experience of a lifetime. Twilight the story will live with me forever. In my head and in my heart – and so will this day.

That I got to spend it with Lyndsey – all the more amazing. I have been so lucky to have made the most amazing friendships thru all of this. Not only from the ones locally or that I’ve been lucky enough to meet – but so many of you guys that are following along with all of this together. And not just the TMI’s storys and pictures - but our whole fandom – all our pictures and stories and excitement!! I think we make Stephenie proud! If we fans can push this movie like we push her book – I think we will blow the doors off the place once its out!!

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