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‘유니폼 입은 나정이’…고아라, 우체국 직원 변신 ‘CF 현장 포착’

기사입력 | 2014-01-23 10:41:06


'유니폼 입은' 고아라, 우체국 직원 변신

'응답하라 1994'로 대세로 떠오른 배우 고아라가 우체국 직원으로 깜짝 변신했다.

고아라는 2014년 우체국 금융의 광고모델에 발탁, 지난 10일 이미지 촬영을 진행했다.

지 난 1월 10일 우정사업본부 페이스북에는 "나정이가 우체국 옷을 왜 입고 있는 거죠? 2014년 우체국을 빛낼 모델이 바로 대세 '고아라느님'이기 때문이죠! 눈부셔... '아라느님'을보는 우정이 눈이 멀어 버릴 것 같아요"라는 글과 함께 고아라의 우체국 금융 광고 이미지 촬영 현장 사진이 게재돼 눈길을 끌었다.

공개된 사진 속 고아라는 우체국 유니폼을 입고 촬영에 한창인 모습. 양 손을 허리에 올린 채 환한 미소를 짓고 있는 고아라는 최근 종영한 tvN 드라마 '응답하라 1994' 속 성나정의 '터프·털털女' 이미지와는 정반대의 분위기를 풍겨 시선을 모은다.

고아라는 3월 중에는 TV 광고 촬영에 나설 계획이다. 그녀는 이번 우체국 금융 광고를 통해 '응답하라 1994'에서 보여준 밝고 건강한 이미지를 선보일 예정인 것으로 알려졌다.

해 당 사진을 접한 네티즌들은 "고아라 우체국 유니폼도 잘 어울린다", "고아라 유니폼 자태도 단아하고 예쁘다", "고아라 빨리 광고 보고 싶다", "고아라 다리 다 나았나? 성나정 맞아? 완전 다른 이미지" 등의 다양한 반응을 보였다.

한편 고아라는 '응답하라 1994' 종영 이후 잇따라 광고 계약을 체결, 광고계의 '대세'로 떠올랐다. <스포츠조선닷컴>

Source: http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=201401240100230680014517&servicedate=20140123

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Guest dvdreply1994

Dear Fans of “Reply 1994”,

First of all, we would like to say thank you for your interest in Reply 1994 Director’s cut DVD, especially those who took part in the global demand survey via our email. We are grateful for the support you’ve shown us.

We have some important announcement to make and hopefully this information comes in handy when you put through the actual order to make a purchase in future.

“Information regarding Reply 1994 Director’s cut DVD for customers outside Korea”

 1. No subtitles will be provided: Due to the copyright restrictions, we were told that subtitles will not be inserted in any languages including English.
 2. DVD region code: 3
 3. Production of Blu-ray
   a. Will only be produced if the actual demand is greater than 1000.
   b. If Blu-ray was to be produced: Blu-ray region code - A or 1.
 4. Selection for the online shopping providers in progress: There will be another email sent out once the decision is made and the webpage becomes available to you.
 5. The director’s cut DVD will only be produced in Korea. Any DVD you find overseas will be edited by the distributor, not the director. This is the first and the last chance for you to purchase Reply 1994's limited edition DVD package.

We are not producers of the DVD. We are fans of Reply 1994, just as you are. Our role was to survey the global demand and to collect information in order to help the production company to understand needs and opinions of the fans.

It is very unfortunate to notify you that there will be no subtitles. This was a non-negotiable outcome and we must say we find this news very disappointing as well. However, please do keep in mind that there will only ever be one Director’s cut DVD with special features such as extended / deleted cuts, interviews and bloopers.

It is difficult for us to gain feedback from Soompi posts (partially because we are Soompi noobs) so should you require any further information and would like to know more about some other additional features of this DVD, please don't hesitate to email us (dvdreply1994@gmail.com). Taking part in our global demand survey does not oblige you to purchase the DVD.

We are currently collecting interview questions the fans want to ask the casts and the crew! If you would like to participate, please visit our facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/dvdreply1994. Koreans living abroad can also take part in this via http://cafe.daum.net/dvdreply1994. (We are not collecting the interview questions via email)

Once again, we would like to say thank you. Your love and support have been very encouraging to us. We sincerely hope that you continue supporting us.

DVD Reply 1994 team

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Guest itashee

Twitter conversation between Ara and Son Ho-Jun :)

Ara's post:
ARA ‏@FloARA211 10 godz.

처음 머리 자르던 그 날^^* pic.twitter.com/hV4bEYNbmF

Son Ho-Jun's post to Ara:

손호준 ‏@likesun12

@FloARA211 살빼자.....

Ara's post:

ARA ‏@FloARA211 7 godz.

이 사진 속 꽉 쥐어진 내 주먹이 말하고 있다-해태오빠~^^ 뭐라구요?^^ㅋㅋㅋ


Son Ho-Jun's post to Ara:

손호준 ‏@likesun12 8 godz.

@FloARA211 엇.....;;미안...;;농담이였어..;;ㅋㅋ안빼도이쁘다~~와~~~~

Ara's post to Son Ho-Jun:

ARA ‏@FloARA211 8 godz.

@likesun12 @FloARA211 거..짓..말.. ㅋㅋㅋ

Son Ho-Jun's post:

손호준 ‏@likesun12 8 godz.

농담이였따니깐농담농담농담~!!!!!!!!!!! 잘못했어요ㅠ_ㅠ


Son Ho-Jun's post to Ara & sb else:

손호준 ‏@likesun12 8 godz.

@dm33482 @FloARA211 ㅡㅡ형은날위로해죠야지요ㅜㅜ

cr. @FloARA21& @likesun12 twitter

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Guest itashee

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[스타캐스트] 스타 해부학 - 고아라

네이버연예| 기사입력 2014-01-25 12:20

데뷔 10년만에 최고의 전성기를 맞은 고아라는 20대 여배우 가뭄 속에 단비로 자리하고 있다. 데뷔작인 KBS2 청소년 드라마 ' 반올림' 이후 눈에 띄는 히트작이 없었던 고아라는 그간의 아쉬움을 날리듯 지난해 케이블채널 tvN '응답하라 1994' 속 성나 정 역을 통해 몸에 꼭 맞는 캐릭터와 연기로 시청자들과 깊은 소통을 하는 데 성공했다. 
꾸준한 노력 끝에 꽃을 피운 고아라의 다양한 매력을 △이미지 △연기력 △예능감 △패션 △헤어스타일 등 각 분야 전문가들의 분석을 통해 들여다봤다. 

#이미지: 부드럽고 지적이며 시원한 느낌을 주는 ‘여름형’ 캐릭터 
총평: 도시적인 분위기와 쾌활한 이미지의 공존

- 숙명여자대학교 박영실 자문 멘토 교수(교육학 박사)

히 포크라테스는 사람들의 성격 패턴을 쾌활한 봄, 냉담한 여름, 성급한 가을, 우울한 겨울로 나누어 계절별 색상을 성격 분석에 활용했 습니다. 이에 근거해 분석해 보면, 배우 고아라의 이미지는 차갑지만 부드럽고 지적이며, 시원한 느낌을 주는 ‘여름형’ 캐릭터입니 다. 일자형 짙은 눈썹은 도시적인 느낌을 배가시켜주는 촉매제 역할을 합니다. 반면 사슴처럼 커다란 갈색 눈동자와 부드러운 코, 도 톰한 입술이 피부 톤에서 오는 차가움을 희석시켜줍니다. 이런 양면성이 청순하고 여성스러운 역할부터 털털하고 보이시한 역할까지 연 기 폭을 넓혀주는 매력으로 작용합니다. 실제로 데뷔작인 KBS2 ‘반올림’에서는 차가운 여름의 이미지였다면, tvN‘응답하 라 1994’에서는 쾌활한 봄 성격의 이미지입니다.

또 시각적인 이미지는 새침하고 도도해 보이는 반면, 목소리와 같은 청각적인 이미지는 소탈하고 친근한 느낌을 지니고 있어 이런 양면적인 분위기가 배우 고아라만의 매력을 만드는 원동력으로 자리하고 있습니다. 

# 연기: 꾸밈없이 드러내는 솔직함과 디테일 강한 표현력으로 승부 
총평: 거리감 있었던 기존 이미지 벗고 인간적이고 따뜻한 캐릭터 창조


- 연기 트레이너 구기환 
배우의 연기를 두고 '리얼하다'는 평가는 다큐멘터리처럼 해당 캐릭터를 고스란히 재현해내기 보다 현실을 바탕으로 본인에 맞게 재창조해냈을 때 가능하다고 생각합니다. 그런 면에서 tvN '응답하라 1994' 속 고아라의 연 기는 실제로 있을 법한 인물에 자신의 생각을 덧입혀 생생하게 살려내는 데 매우 영리했다고 봅니다. 연기자들이 대본에만 의지하는 경 우 '머리로 이해한 연기'를 펼치는 오류를 범하는데 '응답하라 1994'의 성나정의 모습은 대본 자체를 몸으로 체화하려고 노력 한 흔적이 엿보입니다. 
특히 극중 일상과 환상이 적절한 균형을 이룬 표현력이나 역할을 소화하는 데 있어 기발한 아 이디어와 디테일한 표현력이 함께 보여집니다. 극 성격에 맞게 인물의 어떤 지점은 극대화됐지만 인간적인 느낌이 물씬 묻어나는 캐릭터 로 구축된 것도 눈여겨 볼 지점입니다. 과제는 다음 행보를 어떻게 택하느냐일 것 같습니다. '응답하라 1994'의 성나정 캐릭터 가 연기자 고아라와 완벽하다시피 딱 맞아 떨어졌기 때문에 다음 작품이 부담감으로 다가올 수 있을 것 같습니다. 획기적인 변신이 든, 비슷한 성향의 역할을 시도하든 여유로운 마음가짐으로 선택하는 혜안이 필요할 때 같습니다.


- 동아방송예술대학교 심희철 교수(K-POP 미래 연구소 소장)   
고아라의 연기를 둘로 나눈다면 '응답하라 1994'를 전환점으로 그 이전과 이후로 나눠야 할 정도입니다. 이 작품은 고아라의 캐릭터 변신과 연기 스타일에 있어 새로운 지평을 열어주었습니다. 
KBS2 ' 반올림'으로 화려하게 등장했던 고아라는 이후 SBS '눈꽃', 영화 '푸른 늑대' '페이스메이커' '파파'에 이르기까지 집중력 있 는 연기적 시도가 있었음에도 불구하고 대중의 시선은 여전히 그녀를 여신의 이미지와 '반올림'의 이옥림 캐릭터로 기억했습니다. 
배 역과 교감하는 데 있어 '응답하라 1994'는 기존에 보여줬던 여신의 유리막을 깨고 일반인의 눈에 비친 모습으로 따뜻하게 살아있 는 캐릭터로 대중에게 다가갔다는 것이 차이점입니다. 이런 캐릭터와 연기 스타일로 인해 MBC '내 이름은 김삼순'의 김삼 순, KBS2 '직장의 신'의 미스김 그리고 MBC '환상의 커플'의 나상실로 이어지는 캐릭터들과 마찬가지로 여성 안티 팬들을 일 거에 자신의 지지자로 이끌어 낼 수 있는 힘이 생긴 겁니다.


최근의 경향은 여배우들이 여성들을 대변하는 캐릭터를 보여줘야 여성과 대중의 선호 대상이 됩니다. 이에 반하는 유리공주의 이미지 로 남성들의 시선을 한 몸에 독차지하면 자칫 여성팬의 입장에서는 '도도한 위선자'로 비쳐질 수 있습니다.'응답하라 1994'에 서 성나정의 캐릭터를 설정하는 데 있어 고아라의 일차적인 과제는 대중에게 각인된 기존 이미지를 내려놓고 자신만의 살아 있는 캐릭터 로 거듭나는 새로운 도전이 필요했을 겁니다.
자신을 꾸밈없이 있는 그대로 드러내는 성나정은 보통 여성들의 모습을 담 고 있습니다. 또한 멋진 남자들이 애써 꾸미고 위장하지 않은 평범한 캐릭터의 여자를 사랑하는 스토리는 여성들의 로망이자 보편적 인 정서에 부합합니다. 고아라는 자신과 동떨어진 캐릭터를 열심히 연기를 하는 것이 아니라 진정성 있고 솔직한 자신을 성나정에게 자 연스럽게 투영했습니다. 결국 보통의 여성으로 돌아와 대중을 감정 이입하게 만들었습니다. 
이러한 점은 연기자에게 있어 자신의 본질적인 캐릭터와 연기가 자연스럽게 함께 가야 한다는 것을 말해줍니다.


예능감: 프로그램 특성에 맞는 철저한 준비와 이야기를 이끌어가는 능력이 인상적

총평: 토크쇼와 리얼 버라이어티 모두에 어울리는 분위기

-  SBS 예능국 박상혁 PD

고 아라는 그간 예능 프로그램에 자주 출연하지는 않았습니다. 데뷔 이래 SBS '강심장' '런닝맨' KBS2 '해피투게더' 등 몇 몇 프로그램에 게스트로 출연했고 최근에는 지난해 케이블TV Mnet 시상식인 '2013 MAMA'에 시상자로 등장했습니다. 
예 능에서는 프로그램에 대한 욕심이 있어서 녹화 전 준비를 많이 해 오는 편입니다. 함께 출연한 동료들에게 어떻게 하면 좋을지 조언 을 구하고 미리 자신이 할 이야기나 춤까지 내용을 완벽히 구성해온 점이 인상적이었습니다. 아직 예능 프로그램을 많이 하지는 않았지 만 이야기를 이끌어가는 능력이나 운동신경도 좋은 편이라 토크쇼나 리얼 버라이어티 양 쪽에 모두 어울릴 것 같습니다. 

방 송 관계자들은 고아라가 예능 방면에서는 '숨겨진 원석' 다운 면모를 발휘할 수 있을 것으로 예측하고 있습니다. 아직 예능 쪽에서 는 베일에 가려져 있어 늘 새로운 얼굴을 찾는 예능 프로그램의 특성상 시청자들의 궁금증을 자극할 수 있기 때문입니다. 여기에 데 뷔 전 가수 활동을 준비해왔던 전력이나 영어 중국어 일본어 등 외국어에 능통한 점은 큰 무대 진행에 능한 MC로서의 강점을 보여 줄 수 있는 대목으로 평가되고 있습니다.


#패션: 소녀적 감성에서 도회적 분위기 담은 세련미로
총평: 자신만의 개성 살린 스타일 시도가 필요할 때 

- 크리에이티브 디렉터(CD), 디자이너 채규인
고 아라의 패션 스타일은 소녀적 감성과 여신의 이미지가 공존하고 있어 이전의 전지현을 떠올리게 합니다. 비교할만한 할리우드 배우로 는 최근 내한한 아만다 사이프리드가 있습니다. 아만다에게서는 왠지 모를 동양미가 느껴진다면, 고아라는 서구적인 매력을 함께 가지 고 있다는 점에서 그렇습니다.
패션 스타일 면에서도 두 사람이 비슷합니다. 아만다 사이프리드는 평소 편하고 스타일리 시한 패션을 즐기며, 비율이 좋은 몸매로 작은 키를 보완하고 있습니다. 고아라 또한 주로 무난한 스타일에 긴 팔과 긴 다리 등 자 신의 신체적 강점을 드러내는 패션을 보여주고 있습니다. 또 레드카펫 등 행사장에서는 주로 홀터넥이나 롱 드레스를 입어 여성미를 강 조하고 있는 점이 특징적입니다. 
지금까지의 스타일은 여성들이 대체적으로 선호할 만한 패션을 주로 선보였다면, 이후 에는 자신만의 개성을 살린 스타일을 좀더 시도해볼 것을 권합니다. 예를 들어 tvN '응답하라 1994'로 캐릭터에 반전을 줬 듯 여성미를 강조했던 이전 스타일에서 매니시한 분위기로의 변신도 권해봄직 합니다. 시원시원한 팔다리가 강점인 만큼 신체 를 좀 더 드러내 드레이핑을 활용한 미니 드레스 등도 색다른 모습을 보여줄 만한 좋은 시도가 될 것 같습니다.


- 스타일리스트 이은아 이사
tvN '응답하라 1994'에서 보여준 고아라의 의상스타일은 그 시대 여대생들이 즐겨입던 스타일을 대표하는 의상이었습니다. 청 오버롤즈나 후드 티셔츠가 극중 성나정의 캐릭터와 맞게 좋은 조합을 이뤄냈습니다.  
반 면 고아라의 평상시 의상을 살펴보면 올 블랙 컬러를 이용한 시크하면서도 도시적인 스타일링을 자주 선보이고 있습니다. 블랙 트렌치코 트나 블랙 니트 등으로 강하면서도 절제된 연출을 많이 보여줬는데요. 이전에는 예쁜 얼굴과 글래머러스한 바디라인으로  청순하고 단아 한 공주풍 옷을 주로 연출했다면 최근에는 세련된 스타일링에 집중하고 있는 것으로 보입니다.


#헤어: 근접하기 힘든 여신에서 털털한 옆집소녀로 

총평:배역을 위해서라면 단 한 번도 시도해 본 적 없던 과감한 변신도 불사하는 성공적인 메이크오버.

- 헤어디자이너 송주 원장

2003 년 연예계에 신고식을 치른 고아라는 데뷔 이후 긴 생머리로 청순한 이미지를 고수하고 있었습니다. 간혹 컬을 줌으로써 헤어스타일 에 변화를 주긴 했지만 긴 머리 헤어스타일에서 크게 벗어나진 못했습니다. 이런 이미지를 탈피하고 싶었을까요? 90년대 향수를 불러 일으킨 tvN 드라마 ‘응답하라 1994’에서 털털한 성나정 캐릭터를 제대로 연기하기 위해 고아라는 파격적인 헤어변신을 시도했습니 다. 그리고 대중에게 통했습니다. “고작 헤어스타일 하나 바꿨을 뿐인데” 그야말로 성공적인 이미지 변신과 동시에 연기로도 인정 을 받게 됩니다. 

고아라를 여신에서 친근한 옆집 소녀로 만들어 준 ‘고아라 단발’은 일명 ‘푸들 머리’라고 칭하 며 인기몰이를 했습니다. 고아라 단발은 가볍게 층을 내어 레이어드 커트를 한 뒤, 웨이브를 푸들처럼 복슬복슬하게 넣어 준 헤어스타 일로 광택이 없는 왁스로 흩뿌린 듯 내추럴하게 연출하는 것이 포인트입니다. 특히 세련된 느낌보다는 소년 같은 중성적 이미지와 투박 함을 안고 있어 기존에 지닌 고아라의 여성적 이미지를 중화시켜주는 데 큰 역할을 했습니다. 틀을 깬 그녀가 다음에는 앞머리 없 이 원 랭스(모발 끝 라인을 일자로 맞춘 스타일)로 떨어지는 칼 단발 헤어로 시크한 커리어 우먼을 시도해 보는 것이 어떨까 합니 다.

글. 장서윤 기자(텐아시아)
편집. 강소은 기자, 최진실 기자(텐아시아) 
사진제공. 텐아시아DB, SM엔터테인먼트, SBS, tvN

Source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=420&aid=0000000706

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Guest itashee

LOL! article about Ara & Son Ho-Jun's twitter chat:

손호준, 고아라에 "살 빼자"라고 했다가 '종이눈물 셀카 사과'

2014. 01.25(토) 22:54


[티브이데일리 한민철 기자] 배우 손호준과 고아라의 트위터 대화가 화제다.

고아라는 25일 저녁 자신의 트위터에 "처음 머리 자르던 그 날"이라는 글과 함께 단발머리로 미소를 짓고 있는 사진을 공개했다.

사진 속 고아라는 최근 막을 내린 케이블TV tvN '응답하라 1994'의 촬영 전 모습이었다.

그런데 고아라의 사진을 접한 '해태' 손호준은 "살빼자.... 엇. 미안. 농담이였어. 안빼도이쁘다~와"라는 농담식의 댓글을 달았다.

손호준의 댓글에 고아라는 곧바로 손호준의 어깨에 자신의 주먹을 내민 사진을 올렸고 "이 사진 속 꽉 쥐어진 내 주먹이 말하고 있다-해태오빠~ 뭐라고요?"라며 경고글을 보냈다.

또 고아라의 사진과 글을 본 손호준은 자신의 트위터에 "농담이였다니깐 농담농담농담~잘못했어요"라는 글과 함께 익살맞은 종이눈물을 만들어 사과했다.

'응답하라 1994' 드라마는 끝났지만, 손호준과 고아라의 변함없는 친분에 누리꾼들은 다양한 호응을 보냈다.

Source: http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1390658041643744017

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Guest itashee

Translation of previously posted article

[sTARCAST] Star’s anatomy – Go ARA

naverenter | 2014.01.25 12:20
last updated | 2014.01.25 16:50  

In her prime time, 10 years after her debut, Go ARA has placed as a rain during drought among the actresses in 20s. Go ARA didn’t really have a hit with her films after the debut piece, KBS Youth drama ‘Banollim’. As to release her worries, she successfully communicated with the watchers through her acting and character, Sung Na-jung on the cable channel tvN ‘Reply 1994’.

We have looked into Go ARA’s diverse appeals in her image, acting skill, talent as an entertainer, fashion and hairstyle that she has acquired through continuous efforts with the experts in each field.

#Image:  ‘summer’ character with a soft and intelligent image with a cool feeling

General Critique:  coexistence of urbane and cheerful image

- Sookmyung Women’s University Park Young Shil consulting mentor professor (doctor of Education)

Hippocrates has used categorization of  cheerful spring, cool summer, impetuous fall, and gloomy winter to analyze characteristic patterns of people. If we analyze the character of actress, Go ARA, with the categorization of Hippocrates, she has a character of cold but soft, intelligent and cool ‘summer’ character. Her straight and dark eyebrows work as a catalyst in increasing the urbane look. On the other hand, her deer-like big brown eyes, sleek nose and full lips dilute the cold image from her pale skin. This double-sidedness helps her to be able to pull off her roles that vary from pure and feminine character to boyish character. In reality, if she revealed a cool summer image on her debut drama, KBS ‘Banollim’, her image on tvN ‘Reply 1994’ is that of cheerful spring.

Also, in contract to her dollish and chic visual image, her voice (auditory image) has an easygoing and amiable feeling. This double-sided mood of her works as a driving force in creation of Go ARA’s unique attraction.

# Acting: artlessness and detailed expressiveness
General Critique: removed the original distant image and emphasized on humane and warm character

- Acting trainer Goo Ki Hwan
I think that we could critique an actor/actress’s acting as ‘realistic’ when the character was recreated by the actor/actress in accordance to his/her own personality with the real life as a background, not when the character is reenacted unaltered like it was a documentary. In that sense, I believe Go ARA did a great job in recreating the character that is verisimilar in real life by adding her own thoughts. When an actor solely relies on the script, they tend to make an error of performing an ‘act only understood my brain’. I could tell by the looks of the character, Sung Na-jung, of ‘Reply 1994’ that she tried to digest the entire script with the body. 

The brilliant ideas and detailed expressiveness stand our particularly in terms or expressing and digesting the role that creates a right balance between the real life and illusion in the drama.  We should also pay attention to how the humane character was constructed even with some features of the character maximized. Choosing her next move will be the homework for her. The task could be overwhelming since the character of Sung Na-jung from’ Reply 1994’ perfectly overlapped with Go ARA. Whether she chooses a groundbreaking change or a role with similar features, she would need to carefully and composedly think about her options.

- Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts  Professor Shim Hee Chul (head of K-POP future research)  
If we were to Go ARA’s acting life in two, we’d have to put ‘Reply 1994’ as a turning point and divide her acting life into before and after the drama. The piece has opened up a new perspective in her change in character and acting style. 

Even after her concentrated acting efforts in SBS ‘Snowflower’, movies ‘Blue Wolf’, ‘Pacemaker’ and ‘Papa’ after her famous debut with KBS2 ‘Banollim’, the public remembered her for her goddess image and Lee Ock Lim character from ‘Banollim’. 

 The difference is that she shattered the glass barrier of ‘goddess look’ and humane and lively character as she communed with her role on ‘Reply 1994’. With such character and acting style, she has earned the strength to turn her anti-fans to her supporters like the characters, Kim Samsoon from MBC ‘My name is Kim Samsoon’, Ms. Kim from KBS2 ‘God of Jobs’ and Na Sang Shil from MBC ‘Fantastic Couple’ did.

The public today prefer the actress who dramatically changes her character. In contrast, if an actress gets all the attention from men with a princess-like image, women view the actress as an ‘arrogant hypocrite’. The first task for Go ARA in setting up the Sung Na-jung’s character on ‘Reply 1994’ would have been to challenge herself to let go of  her original image and reform herself with her own lively character.

 Sung Na-jung, who expresses herself in a straight forward manner, portrays typical women in real life. Also, the story of good-looking men being attracted to an artless typical woman serves the female viewers as a dream-come-true. Instead of playing a role that differs from her own personality, Go ARA projected her truthful self naturally to Sung Na-jung. As a result, she turned into a common female and made the viewers empathize.

This shows that actors should blend their own character with the role naturally in order to successfully communicate with the public.

Entertaining Talent: preparation for programs and ability to lead stories
General Critique: fits into both talk shows and real variety shows

-  SBS department of entertainment Park Sang Hyuck PD

Go ARA didn’t appear on entertainment show all that much lately. After her debut, she had appeared on SBS ‘Strong Heart’. ‘Running Man’, KBS2 ‘Happy Together’ and etc. as a guest and had showed on Cable TV Mnet’s award ceremony, ‘2013 MAMA’ as an award winner last year.

Since she has acquisitiveness for programs in entertainment, she prepares for the show a lot before the shooting. It is remarkable that she asks the hosts and other guests for advices and prepares the stories she’d tell and dances she’d perform. Although she doesn’t have a lot of experience in entertainment programs, because she has an ability to lead stories and a good athletic ability, she seems she would fit in well in both talk shows and real variety shows.
The broadcasting staffs expect that Go ARA will be able to demonstrate her ability as a ‘hidden gem’ in entertainment field. Due to the field’s nature, they always seek for new faces and Go ARA would be able to arouse the viewers’ curiosity. In addition, her history as a singer trainee and fluency in English, Chinese and Japanese are reviewed as a strength that could lead her to become a MC of bigger shows.

#Fashion: refinement of urbane mood within a girly sentiment  
General Critique: time to challenge to create her unique style

- Creative Director (CD), designer Chae Gyu-in

Go ARA’s fashion style with the coexistence of girly sentiment and goddess image reminds the public of Jeon Ji Hyun. A comparable Hollywood actress would be Amanda Seyfried. Amanda somehow displays Asian beauty while Go ARA does the same of a Western image.

Their fashion style is similar as well. Amanda Seyfried usually prefers cozy and stylish fashion and complements her short height with good proportion. Go ARA also enjoys comfortable style and emphasizes her physical virtues such has long arms and legs. She also tends to wear a halter-neck or long dress to highlight feminine beauty.

I would recommend her to try to portray her individuality through fashion since she has displayed fashions that most women would prefer up until now. For example, she could transform into a mannish style as she did with her role on tvN ‘Reply 1994’. Also, since her long arms and legs are strengths of her body, she could use mini dresses with draping to reveal the strength.

- Stylist Director Lee Eun Ah

Go ARA’s outfits on tvN ‘Reply 1994’ had the style that represents the college girls preferred during the time in the drama. Jean overalls and hooded shirts made a great combination with the characteristics of Sung Na-jung.. 
When we look at Go ARA’s ordinary outfits, on the other hand, we can see that she uses all black items to create chic and urbane style. She has often displayed moderate style with black trench coats or black knits. If she has shown princess-like fashion that emphasizes her pretty face and glamorous body lines before, she seems like she is concentrating on more modern style lately.

Hair: from unapproachable goddess to easy-going girl next door 

General Critiquesuccessful makeover of bold change for the role she was assigned

- Hair designer Song Ju

After her debut in 2003, she had been maintaining her innocent look with long hair. She had made some minimal changes in her hairstyle with some curls, but she hadn’t broken out of her long hairstyle much. Did she want to break the image? In the tvN drama that aroused reminiscence of the 90s, ‘Reply 1994’, Go ARA made a dramatic change in her hairstyle in order to play the character, Sung Na-jung, better. It worked on the public. “One change in hairstyle” assisted in successfully changing her image and getting approved as a great actress.

The hairstyle that transformed Go ARA from goddess to a friendly girl next door, ‘Go ARA short hair’, also known as ‘poodle hair’ got very popular. The point of the hairstyle is to cut the hair in layers, give poodle-like rich curls and use non-glossy hair wax to make the hair look more natural. The boyish and rough look of the style assisted greatly in diluting Go ARA’s original feminine image. I would recommend her to try short hair style in one length to create a chic career woman look.

Write. Chang Seo Yoon (TEN ASIA)

Edit. Kang So Eun, Choi Jin Shil (TEN ASIA)


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Rough translation of Jung Woo's comments on Go Ara

Just roughly:

From Reply, who do you want to work with again?- Go Ara, Kim Sung Kyun. It would be fun to act with them again. How it's amazing how her cheeks stretch out when he pulls on them. "ha ha" (he says)
When he first saw Go Ara, she seemed like she popped out of a comic book. Even though she tried looking less pretty by wearing less pretty clothes and cutting her hair, still looked like a kid from a comic book. With me it's a 'Beauty and Beast' feeling? Though the beast later becomes a prince.

By @minnieXD in the Jung Woo thread.
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Guest itashee

A series of cute exchanges between Go Ara and Son Ho Joon lead to his tears?

January 29, 2014 @ 5:30 am

'Reply 1994' co-stars Go Ara and Son Ho Joon recently exchanged a few funny and cute tweets that have been garnering a lot of attention.

It all started when Go Ara posted a picture of herself with freshly cut hair for her role in the drama along with nostalgic message, "The day I first cut my hair ^^*." The playful Son Ho Joon then replied, "Let's lose weight......."  Oh no, he didn't!

Go Ara fired back with a picture of them together, posing cutely for the camera. She wrote, "My tightly clenched fist in this picture is saying, 'Haitai (Son Ho Joon's character) oppa~^^ What did you say?^^ kekeke.'"

Ultimately, this did the trick, as Son Ho Joon posted a picture of himself "in tears," along with the apologetic message, "I'm telling you it was a joke, a joke, joke, joke~!!!!!!!!!!!!  I did wrong ㅠ_ㅠ."  Perhaps he had dealt with the fist before.

Check out their full exchange of fun messages and cute pictures below!


Source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2014/01/a-series-of-cute-exchanges-between-go-ara-and-son-ho-joon-lead-to-his-tears#axzz2rmjXa0KI

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