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[OFFICIAL] JYJ Kim Jaejoong - 김재중 Thread

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I want to summarize the Q&A Video during the Hero Festival (and will also put this up on the first page because this is just too precious <3)

(TRANSCRIPT) Excerpts from Jaejoong’s video interview at Hero Festival


Q1: Three important things in interpersonal relationships:

Networking is really important. My friends disappeared a lot (meaning recently I’ve lost a lot of friends). So I spend more time at home these days. So I’m thinking about meeting new people. This is a really good question for this time [in my life]. Networking. It’s important.

It’s not like you can make new friends that easily just because I try to meet more people. Recently I’ve met a lot of friends with same interests or friends in the same field. When you meet someone, if you’re a good listener and understand that person well, and that person is looking for a friend who trusts him and listens to him well… That’s why people look for me. It sounded like I was bragging.

I think that’s the best method. If you really pay attention and listen to what they say and answer/talk with them with sincerity, then it’ll work.

You’ll be able to become a friend that [people/your friends] will feel truly happy to spend time with.

Ah~ it’s not much fun when I MC alone like this, right? Hehe

Please hold on a second, I have to pick the [next] question.

Oh, this seems like a good question.

Q2: What would you be like in 10 yrs? Please send a “video letter” with love to yourself, 10 years older.

In 10 years, probably, in my option, I’ll look older in terms of outer appearances. Uh… Honestly, as I age, I get younger/I age backwards. Probably everyone experienced acting like a grownup when you were young. And as you grow up, you find your good points or strenghts. You also realize your negative points or weaknesses, and as you do, you learn to depend on others. Uh… over time… you become more like a child over time? I feel that now. Maybe it will be even more so. (meaning maybe I’ll be even more like a baby as I age because I’m learning to depend on others). If I’m married with a child, I won’t be like that though… huh~

To myself in 10 years (video letter to self, 10 yrs older)

Ummm. “JaeJoong. Jaejoong, what are you up to?

Would you be singing…acting… or… living as a regular office worker with a family..?

I don’t know, anyway, I want you to be happy, be really happy so that you are the type of person who can make a lot of people around you happy, too.

Ha… and fans in front of you…I hope they’ll still be all there… so do a good job! Hehehehe

And I’ll answer the next question.

Q3: You seem like you don’t need a lot of sleep. What do you usually do at night when everyone’s sleeping?

Not much. Uh, I surf the internet, look at the city nightscape, drink a bit, sometimes read…

Uh… I talk with friends or my manager when they come visit me, uh… I really don’t do much.

That’s why I tweet late at night often.

I’m exactly like you. You stare at the bright monitor, into the wee hours, hiding from your parents, with the door closed and lights out… look at various things, like, maybe racy stuff, too :phew: . heh, or pictures of entertainers I like. Or even pictures of me.

I… uh… this is a real honest answer. I look for comments you guys leave on materials (meaning pics/vids, etc) about me. It’s emabarassing. But other entertainers do this, too. It’s a lie [if other entertainers say] they don’t.

Oh and, entertainers, behind backs (secretly), at personal gatherins, they talk about that kind of stuff. So please give me good feedback. Ah~ I’m embarassed.

Q4: What is your favorite personal belonging you cherish the most? Is there anything you always bring with you when you travel overseas?

Things I always bring with me… If it’s for 3 nights 4 days, even if I don’t wear them, I have to bring 3 sets of clothes. Because, this is rather funny, a while back, I went abroad for work with the members. One of the members wore the same clothes [at the airport] when he left and came back. So did I.

But [fans] were picking on me only.

Ah, not exactly picking on me, but [fans were] saying “JaeJoong, why do you always wear same clothes~” :lol:

I mix and match my clothes.

Uhhh, I don’t know, in your mind Jaejoong likes and is very interested in clothes and fashion, but I mix and match my clothes very often.

Recently, I wote 3 clothes for two weeks.

Are you shocked?

My lazyness-ism (Korean slang, the practice of lazyness as a way of life) is getting worse.

So I don’t change my clothes that often these days.

I change my underwears very often, though. Heh

Q5: You make eye contact with fans more often than other members. What is your know-how?

Know-how... when fans take pictures, they just, how can I say this? When fans look at us from the audience is very different from when they take pictures of us. When they are videotaping or taking pictures of me, they look like a reporter that’s set on getting a scoop.

Also, you know how there’s a red light in your digial camera, if I see the red light while on the stage, I somehow look at the red light even though we have to look [the other way].

Sometimes I’m surprised [that I make contact very often]. When I realized that there are so many pictures of me making eye contact [with the camera/video camera], I thought ‘oh, I guess I look [at the camera] a lot’. Then without knowing, I became self-concious about that. So... if there are a lot of cameras,.. from now on... I’ll look at more [cameras]...

How many questions were there? How many? How many did I answer so far?

Hmmm, six. How many did I do till now? I think about six. How many?

Ummm, I’ll answer the sixth question.

(He’s talking with the cameraman to see how many questions he answered so far)

Mmm, hmmm, yes... uhh...

Q6: I pride myself on being your fan because you’re an artist, a singer-songwriter. It looks like you’re working on composing songs these days. Which place is the best place for you to write music? Which style of music is the easiest to write? When you have trouble writing lyrics, what do you usually do? How many songs are there that you already made? How many are you working on right now?

Um, this question’s really long.

First of all, honestly, uh...yes, I’ve always thought this. I’m not partial to creating my own music all the time. Rather than feeling like I have to write music, I write music when I feel like it. Because, for example, if I write music because I feel pressured to, then writing music becomes a job rather than something I enjoy doing. I’m a singer, but I become a composer [if I write music because I feel pressured to].

So I want to focus more on singing, and then I’d like to feel that I want to write music and then compose songs for fans... I think that would be better.

I usually work from home.

As for lyrics, I don’t know. I don’t compose nor write lyrics first. I arrange first and then compose. If I don’t like how it’s arranged, if I don’t like the theme, I throw away that number in the middle of the process. There are countless number of songs that I threw away this way. But I still have some songs left.

I lost a hard disk [hard drive] in Japan while moving to another dorm, so I lost about 30 songs. If I counted [the songs I lost at that time], I’d have quite a lot of songs I wrote.

I have a lot of songs I wrote for you to listen to in the future. There are some songs that’s completed already. So please look forward to them. You say you take pride.. in me being a song-writer... so I’ll work hard, work harder in the future.

Next question. There are many difficult questions.

Q7: Are you still managing your body? (meaning watching what you eat, exercising, etc) It looks like you go to gym. Please teach us some simple indoor exercises you do that fans can do with ease.

Ah, I’ll show you an exercise that would be really good for you guys. Please pick something that’s between 0.5 kg and 1kg, like a dumbell, or a heavy bag’s ok, too. Grab it with your hands. Prbably you all know this, push it forward and hold for 3 secs, pull and hold for 3 secs.

If you keep repeating, eh, this...*put his hands on his chest*... when you see pictures, you know...that... you know... valley between your breasts (cleavage)... here... like this.

The reason why I recommend this to you is... please don’t think anything weird *laugh* ehhh, it’s not like that!

If you do this... *covers mouth and laughs* it’s not anything weird. Eh, it’s something you can do easily when you don’t have any exercise equipments at home.

For example, *picks up Jiji* when you have a cat *does the excerise with Jiji* look how easy it is to do this. You can play with your pet and do exercise. *repeats the exericse a few times then turns Jiji around to face the camera* Like this if you look from the front *repeats the exercise muttering something* But Jiji... doesn’t like this at all. So I’ll introduce Jiji later.

I’ll answer the next question.

Uhhh this is quite racy/risque.

Q8. What kind of kiss would you want with your lover if your body gets switched with a girl like in the show “Secret Garden”?

I apologize, I’ve never watched Secret Garden. Because of the picture I tweeted before, I got a lot of questions like “do you watch Secret Garden? How do you like it?” But it’s hard to answer those questions because I haven’t watched Secret Garden.

But since you’ve asked what kind of kiss would you want with a lover...

Umm, what I want is, In Secret Garden, the foam’s over the upper lip. But, mine’s... a little intense... Chin? It doesn’t seem very romantic. But on the chin.

If there was foam on her chin, I think I’d want to kiss [her] in the chin. And I’d pretend to wipe it but put it on the nose, put it on the forehead *pretends to put the foam on his own chin, nose, and forehead. Then pretends to kisses chin, nose and forehead* Ahhhhhhh *laughs* this is soooo embarassing.

Q9: Are you JiJi’s stylish ? Don’t just dress well yourself, please make some fashionable style for JiJi too

I want to dress him well too. But… Ah~~~ Actually, until now all JiJi’s clothes were gifts from fans.

What can I do? That is clothes bought by you guys. So I dress him like that.

But JiJi really hates wearing clothes. I got him to be dressed once; JiJi’s expression was not good.

I understand it (fans’ heart), JiJi too, but cuz he’s not an animal that can wear clothes…

I need to think for JiJi too. I’m sorry

Q10: Jaejoong’s self-composed songs are usually medium-tempo song or sad ballad. If you can produce your solo album, what kind of album you want to make?

If I produce my solo album, hmm… ballad, R&B or everyone’s favorite rock or dance.

I actually want to mix all the genres at once. Hmm Trot too.

So uh… You won’t get tired of each album’s track. I really want to make an album like that.

I don’t know yet when an album like that will be release.

Please look forward our activities.

Q11. Indispensable thing when you stand on stage?

Yer, I have. It’s rather funny. I can’t stand on stage without my necklace. Without necklace, I feel like some part of my body is taken away, really empty. I feel anxious. That’s the reason why I always wear necklace. Really simple right?

Q12: Do you have any question to fans?

The thing I want to ask is really personal/private.

Fans have shown me their double-sidedness. The fan who is in front of me and the one who isn’t seem so different, though it’s a same person. In front of me, you call “Oppa~~~” but then, when you’re not in front of me, it become “Jaejoong ah~~”.

So I’m really curious. When you’re with friends, what will you talk about me behind my back?

Among my fans, there are students, workers and high school students too. “Our Jaejoongie is like this; our Jaejoongie is not like that”. I’m really curious about how you guys talk about me. If you shoot a video of that (how fans talk about him), I really want to watch.

In the future, please upload that kind of video on youtube or twitter, I’ll definitely watch it!

Q13: You have a pretty strong self-management. We’re being worried that you’re getting tough diet.

After seeing Jaejoong’s legs, many fans wanna go on diet for 365 days. Please teach us some tips (to have thin legs LOL~)

I have some words to the fans that wanna go on diet for 365 days after seeing my legs.

I really eat a lot! I just go on a diet 2 days before the shooting. Compared to Junsu and Yoochun, I’m not on diet very often.

These legs make problem.

I can feel that the part from the waist down of my body is getting thinner. I know it and I was trying to find out the reason. I will honestly tell you. The reason is that..... I don’t move much.

So everybody too~ Don’t move (? -"- ??)

I do exercise a lot, just my upper body. Lower body workout is really tiring. Sometimes when you walk or go shopping?

So maybe my legs will just stay like this. They are too thin. It’s my legs’ complex.

I’ll try my best to have iron legs (legs with muscles) cuz I need to get married someday too.

Q14: Recently fans are jealous the most with JiJi. What made you raise JiJi? What is the hardest thing while raising him?

Well… Actually, every time I look at myself in the mirror, I get this feeling: “Ah~ really like a cat”. I mean, rather than personality, appearance, right?

I have thought much about cat. Then for a moment, a thought passed by “Ah~ Should I try to raise a cat?” And I ended up going to a pet shop with manager hyung.

And Vick…

Vick is at my parents’ house now. I need to say sorry to Vick but………………………………………………

He has become a yellow-dog! Kekeke

That very famous… that luxury kind of dog… has become a yellow-dog now.

It’s just… Compared to dog, he looks more like a cow now.

When I go see my parents, I‘ll take a picture of him and show you guys.

Q15: You use twitter as a tool to communicate with fans. The tweet the most memorable? Twitter’s advantages and disadvantages?

Well… First, the most memorable tweet….

There are many mentions that have same meaning. Cuz I took picture with JiJi…. “I want to become JiJi” or “I want to become JiJi’s rice bowl” hahaha~~

Or “I want to become JiJi’s clothes”…

Many fans tweeted to me like that.

Ha…. Though…. What? Isn’t it? “I want to become JiJi’s food.”

Want to become food, want to become clothes… This is… rather… Ah~ But …. It’s not like that… hahaha

But I really appreciate it, I’m really thankful that you love me that much

Twitter’s advantages…. Uhm….

Like you said, I can communicate with everybody and we show you my true feelings. It’s really good.

About disadvantages…

I want to share my thoughts to you but the information I shared get much distorted. Or people write comments for us in the bad way. This is big disadvantages.

I have thought a lot before post those tweets. There are emotional words and rational words too. (It’s hard to chose the word here, he want to say that some of his tweets were posted when he was too emotional and some were not)

But really, you know that I lack a place where I can express my feelings, right? So twitter is an excellent place. I hope that I can talk a lot on twitter. And please don’t blame Yoochun and Junsu for not tweeting much.

I will try to tweet as much as possible. Haha

Q16: We make choices at every moment of our lives. When the time comes for you to make an important decision, is there anyone who you prioritize to talk with or you think of as a mentor?

It’s a really good question.

Honestly, in this career, you need to make choices at every little moment. It's really tiring. Tiring and… Uhmm… For example, people around us, manager hyung, our representative, our members… do help us a lot.

In fact, I chose that life and have been living like that but I don’t have any mentor. Who to admire, who I want to be like, who I don’t want to be like, I don’t have such thing.

I want to be a person like me.


JiJi is my mentor! (Awwww this guy~~)

Look at him. He’s sleeping behind me now.

Really... The most comfortable life in the world haha

There are a lot of things that we can learn from cats. Everybody too... please learn from them. Haha

Translator Notes:

Spring_Breezes: Jaejoong answered 20 questions for the interview, but the person who recorded it couldn't record all of it since her MP3 didn't have enough space. So, sadly, there's no transcript for Q17-20. @The_little_pear already did Q9-16. So please look for it. Phrases in ( ) are my own explanations of things that can be translated verbatim.

The Little Pear: There were 20 questions, @Spring_Breezes is translating Q1-8, and I'm working on Q9-16. Phrases in () is my explanation. I'm not native Korean neither native English so my translation might not be exact 100%. Pls feel free to correct me^^

Credits: 볕좋다 재중아 + Yuaerubi + Telzone JYJ Gallery + DC Inside TVXQ Gallery

Credit trans: @Spring_Breezes + @The_little_pear



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Guest FleetStreet_

110128 Jaejoong - Their Rooms Signing

He looks so manly here!My god, that man is gorgeous! I love the dark hair. :D

And I am so happy to see him with brown eyes. It looks better on him.















Credits: As Tagged

Shared by: DBSKnights

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110128 Jaejoong - Their Rooms Signing

He looks so manly here!My god, that man is gorgeous! I love the dark hair. :D

And I am so happy to see him with brown eyes. It looks better on him.

Yup! I agree, i love his black hair so much <3 Here's more: ^^






credit: as tagged

P.S. I'm so happy today! I received my Music Essay^^

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Guest unknown_to_jj

^I'm happy for you. Sorry still shocked after recieving Jae's Intermodulation, it's rather hard to be sane of what my mind wants to do to him. XD

If anyone want to still buy their copy go here http://www.cdjapan.c...EY=NEOBK-893408

These fanaccounts are mostly about Jaejoong:

FA1: There was a fanboy of Jeje at the fansign event. Jeje gave the fanboy a hug. hehehe, Jeje’s so sweet and nice.

FA2: A few of Junsu-biased fans broke down and cried so hard when they found out Junsu didn’t come to the fansign yesterday. Awww

icon_sad.gif?m=1293711018g  (Junsu was busy with Tears of heaven activities)

FA3: There was another fanboy of Jeje at the fan sign event yesterday. =D

This  fan described himself as short, skinny, and pretty-looking, like a girl.  He went to the fan sign and kept trying over and over to let Jeje know  he’s a fanBOY but to no avail.

He kept calling Jeje hyung (older  brother) hoping Jeje would realize he’s a male fan, but Jeje didn’t  notice and kept saying “ah, yes”. It seems like Jeje thought he was a  girl, the fan explains.

The fan says Jeje is very pale and  so beautiful it’s almost like he sucks the energy out of you. So his  hands and legs were shaking badly. He also says Jeje looks like a  Siamese cat.

So there was no hug for this fanboy. But he swore to be a ppah doh ree and a slave of Jeje from yesterday and on.

Source:  DC Inside TVXQ Gallery + Daum Telzone JYJ Gallery

FA4:  The random coversation between JaeJoong and Me today

JJ: What’s your name?

Me: It’s ChaeDam

JJ: ChaeDam

Me: Can you please write “dear” in front of it? You don’t have to.. hehe

JJ: Oh, it’s okay

Me: Why, thank you

JJ: Thank you

Me: Oppa, do you like me or Jiji better?


Me: Ok… I see… T_T



FA5: There  was a little girl (about 10 years old) at the fan sign event. JaeJoong  said to her, “나중에 크면 오빠한테 시집와, 알았지?” which means “Marry me when you grow  up, OK?” T.T

Source: wjscoeka on naver.com +



JJ: Why is your eyes so swollen?

Fan: ?!?!?!?!

JJ: How long did you went to have surgery on your eyes (for double eye-lid)

Fan: 2~3 weeks.

JJ: Oh, still far away.

And then he shouted to everyone at the venue “She went to have an eye operation”

Source: Via @0101jyjtic + TVXQBaidu

FA7: Jaechun

JaeJoong: Hello everyone, I am JYJ’s J.

Yoochun: I am Y.

Fans: Where is Junsu?? Junsu Junsu~

Jaejoong: There is still another J who is having a full rehearsal for his upcoming musical this weekend, so he couldn’t come.

Yoochun: Because he cannot miss  the full rehearsal, so he is working hard on it. Though we told him he  cannot be like this, but there isn’t any choice

(T/N: Not sure if he is trying to say that he cannot miss this fansign or not practicing hard enough for the musical.)

Jaejoong imitated Junsu by saying “I am happy upon seeing everyone!”

Source: Via @NoNoPark + TVXQBaidu

FA8: Jaejoong mentioned today at the fansign he might starring as a bad guy in his new drama ^^


Credit Trans: @Spring_Breezes FA1, FA2, FA3, FA4, FA5 + @_JJM FA6, FA7 + @JYJshowcaseinSG

Jae has a fanboy HELL YEA. They need to reveal themselves NAO

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He looks gorgeous with the black hair! :o I mean, when was he ever not gorgeous? pft. But wow I'm really mesmerized. I think he looks like a cute anime doll. I want my own JJ doll to hug and sleep with. :wub: Really really jealous of the fans in Korea, why can't JYJ just come back to CA and have a fansign event in LA or something. :( Please come back JYJ..I want to meet you guys at least once before I die lol.

P.S.: Lmao @ Jae questioning the fan who just got eyelid surgery..omg I'd be super embarrassed hahaha! :sweatingbullets:

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Jaejoong's New Drama Announced!!!

Link to Korean Article



Jaejoong stars in a new 10 billion KRW budget drama Hanbando with superstar Jang DongGun and Ha JiWon

Hanbando starts shooting from June/July and will be aired in October!

Jae's role is not minor but one of the three major ones. His role is to make Jang DongGun a president.

cr: @jyjlove1111

JaeJoong's role will be a team leader at NIS (National Intelligence Service)!

cr: @spring_breezes

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Jaejoong's New Drama Announced!!!

(exclusive report) Jang, Dong Gun, Ha, Ji Won, Hero JaeJoong came together in a '10 billion Won drama'

Jang, Dong Gun, Ha, Ji Won and Hero JaeJoong are expected to work together in a new drama Korean Peninsula.

HBD is set in Korea after the two Koreas' reunification.

HBD's production costs are over 10 billion won. The lead roles are;

The first president of unified Korea - Jang, Dong Gun

President's love and rival - Ha, Ji Won

Team leader (Director) of NIS (National Intelligence Services) that make Jang, Dong Gun the first president - Hero JaeJoong from JYJ

They'll star as proud Koreans who defend unified Korea from foreign powers who secretly fight over resources.

If their appearances are confirmed, the drama will have dream casts of three 'one top' lead roles.

Jang, Dong Gun has been deliverating over taking the role since it's a large-scale drama, and his role seems excellent. He informed the production company that he'd take the role as long as the details of his appearnce worked out.

Ha, Ji Won has also expressed her intentino to join [the cast] as soon as she finished filming <7 kwang koo>

Hero JaeJoong has put tremendous amount of effort into appearing in this drama since it's his first time to show his acting skills in a Korean drama after he starred in and in Japan.

Astronomical production costs were invested into HBD as it'd be filled with great scenes including computer generated images, battle scenes and action scenes.

Many top stars has contacted the production company for a role in the drama. The production company has contacted other top stars on top of Jang, Dong Gun, Ha, Ji Won and Hero JaeJoong.

HBD's production company Raemong Raein has produced shows highly claimed for both their quality and popularity, such as . Raemong Raein has spent past three years preparing for this drama with the resolution that they'd produce a great drama that would go down the history of Korean dramas.

An official said "casts of Jang, Dong Gun, Ha, Ji Won and Hero JaeJoong and so on are about 90% confirmed. The planning of this drama is so solid that cable networks as well as broadcasting companies are contacting the production company (wanting to air the show).

HDB will start shooting in June, July and will be aired sometime in October this year.

Link: http://news.hankooki.com/ArticleView/ArticleViewSH.php?url=entv/201101/sp2011013106042794350.htm&cd=2201&ver=v002

Translation credit: Spring_Breezes via Twitter


OMG, *jumps around* please let this come true!! No cockblocking or i'm going to seriously injure Some Mean company


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Guest jae90ful

yosh!!!!NEW DRAMA....with JANG DONG GUN>3 & han ji won....omoO_Oboth are so damn influential in korea right now

jaejae is so lucky can act with them

BAD BOY JAEJAE ^imagine*>>>>the so gorgeous bad boy ever

cant wait to see this


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Guest unknown_to_jj

Jae doesn't even have to speak. Just look into the camera and see the ratings going up. I won't complain. He can just stand there being the bad a** that he is doing nothing and the drama will be the best of the year. XD

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I found some nice vintage photos of Jaejoong in naver so I'm going to share it here LOL:



credit: naver

[Trans] 110131 Japanese Fans Donate To Polio Patients For Jaejoong’s Birthday

To commemorate the 26th birthday of JYJ member Kim Jaejoong, Japanese fans donated 204,348 bottle caps.

These bottle caps were then exchanged for enough Polio vaccine for 250 people, and the fans were known to have collected the items for an entire year.

In addition, Japanese fans, who flew to Korea to attend the recent Lotte Duty Free fan meeting in Seoul, sang happy birthday to the star to celebrate his 26th birthday.

Jaejoong, who expanded his fanbase through his successful debut into the Japanese drama industry, was able to prove his unchanging popularity amongst Japanese fans through these events.

Source: [osen+Yuaerubi]

Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net

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(TRANS) Alcohol by Jaejoong from JYJ Music Essay

Alcohol—Kim Jaejoong (JYJ Music Essay)

Intoxicated, like dragging a heavy bag

Standing in front of the entrance, pressing in the key code

But somehow, I cannot recall the key code that I have memorized by heart

Why did I drink so much to the point of being drunk?

Don’t know if you guys have ever done this before?

Don’t want to watch TV, don’t want to play the piano, don’t want to read any books

And don’t want to look at the people walking back and forth in that world beyond my window

I want to hide

In the end, I can only lie on the sofa motionlessly

Have no urge to move, only stare blankly at the cactus

As I was staring at the cactus I suddenly realized I was talking to myself, “Am I feeling a little bit lonely?”

The fate of a cactus is that if the heart of his core have been fiddled with, his life would be shortened

The cactus seems to say to me, “you are lonely, just like me”

Lonely, frustrated, depressed

There’s nowhere I can go to let out my feelings

At that time, the only friend I could find, was alcohol

But this thing

I would definitely despise it tomorrow

However, I think I would nonetheless continue to pursue it

Credits: TVXQBaidu

Trans: princessepiggy @ DBSKnights

Shared by: DBSKnights

JYJ in Asta Magazine







credit: as tagged

shared by: jyj3

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Guest choliese

thanks for sharing HQ pics ces ^^

really hope his new drama (& a movie too?) will be confirmed soon, i simply can't wait to see his acting again!

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

[PIC+TRANS]110201 Jaejoong's Autograph on a Picture of Himself from 10 Years Ago


Jaejoong signed this picture for a fan during one of the recent autograph signings. After seeing a picture of himself from his predebut days about 10 years ago, he wrote, "This is not me! So Embarassing! So embarrassing!"

Credits: TVXQBaidu

Shared by: DBSKnights

++ More Fansign Pics










credit: as tagged

source: alwaysjaejoong


110129 JYJ Lotte Fanmeet Event!

At 1:10pm I got on the bus and departed for the Children’s Grand Park Dome Art Hall.

There was a lot of snow left all around the venue and it was very cold…

After entering the venue, there was a table set up to place presents that you wanted to pass on to the three members. There were lots of presents piling up on the table that were filled with lots of love from all the fans. Jaejoong… Next time you open your presents you need to ask your older sisters for help okay? *laugh*

After placing my present too, I entered the main area of the venue~

It was different from the usual concert domes as it was a small venue, and the closeness with the stage and the audience was felt immediately. It felt good.

And then the live started.

With dark and causal clothes, the three appeared on stage.

The first song was…


They raised their voices at the right moments which really got the audience excited~

Ready Go (Ready Go)

After the song finished, it was talk time~.

JJ: It’s been a long time hans’t it?

At this time, fans had prepared to sing happy birthday to Jaejoong. But as they started singing the song it didn’t work out well and it wasn’t loud enough.

Jaejoong, didn’t you hear the happy birthday song? You didn’t seem to react to it…

JJ: Could we have some water please?

Although discouraged, the fans gave the signal again and started singing the second chorus. This time, Yoochun started to sing with us too.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear jaejoong~~

Happy birthday to you

Host: How was it? How do you feel?

JJ: I have to say…. Surprises are really great!

Host: So, shall we sit down then?

JJ: Umm…we still haven’t received our water yet.

Host: After the new year opened, you said that you will try harder and work harder this year. Is there anything you feel that you just have to do this year?

JJ: Please answer Yoochun san! (He directed the question to Yoochun)

YC: What I want to do…Umm.. (fans are giggling) Why is everyone laughing~~~~ It’s been quite a while since we’ve been speaking Japanese so…. Compared to last year, with the three members I want more funny…funny? Enjoyable??? More performances that are funny, and also have more activities in Japan although none of this is decided yet.

Host: Their Rooms music essay was released on the 24th in Korea but in Japan it’s being released on the 30th right?

JJ: Yea.

Host: There are still some people who haven’t purchased it, so could you explain it a little bit.

JJ: Yes, please answer Junsu san! (he again directed the question)

JS: Speaking Japanese after a long time I’m feeling a little bit nervous..Anyway. Their Rooms is an album that is in the form of a book. What’s different about this album is that all the songs have been produced and composed by the three of us. So we feel that this album is the best in that sense.

Host: This album ha become best seller in Korea right. There were about 150,000 pre ordered copies. Are there people here who have not gotten it yet but are determined to get it?

JJ: There are some people who haven’t raised their hands…

Host: Previously the fans wished you for your birthday. Jaejoong’s birthday was on the 26th right?

JJ: Yes, that’s right.

Host: Happy birthday.

JJ: Thank you very much.

Host: How did you spend your birthday?

JJ: My birthday~~~ Both Junsu and Yoochun had things scheduled for that day. They had work so we couldn’t spend time together in the evening. So at night it was around 12am? 1am? Around that time the members… Ah! No wait. Junsu came at 9pm. Yoochun came at 11pm. After gathering together late at night, a small party..

Host: Seems that the three of you have a good friendship. A private party too.

JJ: Yea. Counting this party, up until now since I was born this has been my third birthday party. Before when we lived together in dorms, within the dorms it wasn’t really anything special.

YC: Since it’s been three times, Jaejoong is now 3 years old.

JJ: My birthday party… Actually, it turned out quite big. I invited people from the office too, and some of my other friends….

YC: Some friends from Japan came too.

JJ: Yea..they came from Japan too.

Host: Around how many people were there?

JJ: 30? 40?

Host: What kind of place was it at?

JJ: Kind of a combination of a club and a bar… The boss of that place and I are acquaintances and we know each other quite well so he gave me a discount.

YC: Was it free?

JJ: I paid for the alcohol myself.

Host: This time did you receive any presents that were memorable?

JJ: I treated everyone to alcohol right? But in reverse I got a lot of alcohol as presents from the fans. In one of my rooms at home it’s full of alcohol.

Host: To last you another year?

JJ: No. Maybe around 10 years…

Host: Then, maybe you’ll get snacks next year. (T/N: snacks that go along with alcohol)

JJ: No no~~ Snacks are a little bit~~ One time I tweeted that I wanted to eat Japanese ramen to which tons was sent to the office, it was a little bit problematic. Didn’t have a place to put it all…:lol:

Host: Next, Yoochun san. You were in the drama Sungkyunkywan Scandal and you attended the 2010 Drama awards on KBS. There you received awards for best new actor, best couple award, and the netizen award too….

YC: I’m embarrassed~~~ even when receiving it it didn’t seem to be right for me.

Host: The drama was difficult wasn’t it?

YC: It was fun~

Host: What is a memorable episode that you remember?

YC: I mentioned this in other interviews, but it was when Jaejoong brought fried chicken to the set.

JS: Fried chicken???

Host: Fried chicken!!*laugh*

YC: We didn’t come to Japan often, and didn’t get a chance to visit Japanese pubs and such… So Jaejoong brought fried chicken and came to support me but on that day Jaejoong’s car…

JJ: Got into a little accident. (Seems that when he was returning he got into a small accident)

YC: This is why I was able to receive the best new actor award.

They then sang for us again.

Be My Girl

After the song was over, it was the event present time.

Junsu: Gucci sunglasses and necklace. (Junsu actually had only the sunglasses but he also presented a necklace like Jaejoong)

Yoochun: A photo taken with everyone after the concert last year.

Jaejoong: His favorite mirror for 2 years and an accessory set (ring, bracelet, earrings)

For people that won these presents, they got the chance to take a picture with the members.

This is probably a segment in this whole program when all the fans get very excited.

I really wanted Jaejoong’s presents to be given out separately. I was screaming for them to do that! Because if it’s separated then the probability of winning one is higher!!

Jaejoong’s accessory~~ I really wanted it~~~~

Then it was time for Chajatta.

After the song finished, Jaejoong said, “usually we would continue on to the next song but we want to say some last shout outs to all of you.”

JS: Being able to finally meet all of you has made me very happy. This is probably because all of you are with us today, but for a moment I actually felt like I was in Japan. So I get this kind of feeling, and this really makes me want to go back to Japan. I’ve been thinking about this for awhile, I want to create a place that we can go and meet everyone again and it would make me happier if we can meet again in Japan. I’ll work harder and clear everything so I can meet everyone faster. Today was very enjoyable with all of you and it was happiness. Thank you very much.

JJ: Last year, we performed during A-nation and we had a concert, and it’s only been a year but it feels like it’s been after 3 or 4 years since then. It’s been long, huh. It’s been long but there have been things we’ve had to resolve. Anyway for the time being, we will work harder in America and in Asia, and also in Korea. And also so we can meet everyone faster in Japan we will work even harder. So please wait for us.

YC: We will be waiting~~~♪

JJ: Don’t forget us~~~~♪

They sang it to us a little.

YC: I really want to eat ramen from Sapporo right now. As was said earlier, nothing has been announced yet and we don’t know ourselves either, but this year if possible we will start activities in Japan again. Please treat us well!

And then YC’s last words:

It’s time for the last song!! Is everyone ready and OK~~~~~??

Finally, the last song was Empty again.

It was a talk show and music stage of approximately one hour. I feel like the details from their talk are pouring out of me but this was the overall feel of it. Touch event details, to be continued★☆★

credit: lovely-jj

trans by: sharingyoochun.net

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It's already Feb. 4 in Korea! Happy [real] Birthday Jaejoong!!!

Jaejoong was born Feb 4 10:15 A.M. (based on an interview with JJ's biological mother)


pic credit: as tagged

[TRANS] Jaejoong's Lunar New Year Tweet

Translated by @Spring_Breezes

늦었지만 새해에는 저를비롯해 많은분들이 더행복하고 웃었으면 좋겠습니다. 그럼 잘자요 별님들도 최고로 행복하기.

(source: @mjjeje)

It's late but I hope many people including me will be happier and laugh more this year. Good night. Be happiest, stars. (meaning his fans).

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OMG Sun.. I am just too happy today.. finallyJae came to twitter, tweeted thrice and bright my day.. he is such a sunshine.. he said he would tweet a picture of Vick and he kept his promise.. so it means he could spend Lunar New Year together with his family.. Me happy ^_^

Just sharing this Intermodulation wallpaper from Frapbois..

Happy Birthday Jaejoong ♥ ♥ ♥


Credit: Frapbois

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