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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest Littobunnie

I play Video games :]

I love games :] and other games[ b-ball paintball etc] guys play :]

I love shooters and RPGS.

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Guest ladee_bug

I don't know..

I mean I try starting, I even put effort into playing as long as I can...

but I end up quiting after, the most, 5 minutes.

like, really. X_X

it's just so boring... unless it's a game with family & friends blah blah blah

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Guest ievani

I'm an x-box head. I guess growing up with all guys, that was my thing as well. I'm into Halo I & II, Ghost Recon series, Rainbow Six3, The Godfather.

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Guest atlanticgal

HECK YEAH! im a gamer!! i love going to arcades. i play Halo, JA, Counter strike (Even though i grew out of it. got bored), half life, vendatte, Battle front II and alot more. mushahaha. ill pwn you in halo

i also play alot of game consoles like xbox 360 etc.... i love playing dead or alive ( I CAN CREAM YOU THERE), Mario Kart DD, Halo, FF etc......... :P

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Guest Nightmare

I like games. I mean, I grew up with video games; from NES to PS2. I never really played much back then, but I always watch my older brothers play games. When I was really little, I've always found the first Zelda game on the NES to be scary. You know, the whole dark and creepy dungeon and the scary music... That's sorta funny, because I was never really scared of Castelvania.

Now, I mainly play RPGs. I wouldn't call myself hardcore, but a casual gamer.

I used to be a pro with Chun Li, but I haven't touched any of the Street Fighter games in awhile. Ein from DOA2 was easy to juggle and easy to hard hit someone to their death. I was able to smackdown about 5 guys at my old HS with Mister Ein. I was undefeative until I had to leave.

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Guest darkanqelxp

i love to play games...and play sports

i love rpg games, ddr, fighting, racing, etc

and my fav. online game is COUNTERSTRIKE....<---sniper

and i love to go swimming, play basketball, and tennis

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Guest theonecalledy2ckt

the girl i fell for plays games. she really likes kingdom hearts 2. we actually met playing ddr one night. ^^ <3

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Guest taceldi

Haha, I use to play a lot when I was little because I liked to copy the things my brother did lol. I would always bug him to play the 2 player team games with me, I think it's because we didn't live together so I always appreciated the times we spend together. But now, piffft, total different story lol, we do our own thing.

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Guest Midnight_Crisis

I am a total girl gamer!! I love Resident Evil (even though it scares the crap outta me with zombies, crows and dogs popping out everywhere, not to mention the creepy music) I love Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, .Hack sagas, Zelda, Devil May Cry(stupid vibrations scared me at random times), Grandia, Grand Theft Auto, Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Castlevania, King of Fighters, Tekken, Bloody Roar, Tomb Raider, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Gundam, Sonic, Mario, Ragnorak Online, used to play Maple Story, Silent Hill(scared the crap outta me), Star Ocean, Tales of Symphonia, Xenosaga, Dark Cloud, Dragon Quest, Shadow Hearts, DDR (LOL) and a whole lot of others I remembered playing with my cousins. Most of the games that have more than 1 parts I've played most of them, like i played all Hack games, most Zelda and Final Fantasy games and almost all the Resident Evil games, etc. I guess it's cause I grew up with my cousins (which are all practically guys . . if you count the ex-tomboys) But yeah! I love video games! But get mad sometimes when other people beat me. . . but other times I can just admit that theu're better than me. ^^;; And as to where my money goes . .all the bloody RPG games I buy for my PS2 >< But I haven't bought any games lately . . I'm waiting for .HACK//G.U. WHICH COMES OUT IN SEPTEMBER! V_V

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Guest pigeons&crumbs

=O Games are part of my life!

And Tekken 5 is awesome. =D and so are FFX, FFX-2, Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter, etc.

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Guest AnglLttlGr

I know alot of girls who play video games. I play video games. too. haha. I'm kinda good at it I think but I wouldn't say I'm great at it.. haha

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Guest Jin91

Well... I only really play the old nintendo 64 mario games like super nintendo, mario tennis, mario party, and mario cart

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Guest Krn_Track_Star

well my sister plays tekken very good cuz i thought her how to play. so if yall guys wanna challange her in a tekken match bring it but beware she is good.

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Guest (^__^)v

i play video games. i love harvest moon. i dont play that much only wen i dont have n e thing to do. some games are soo addicting. i'm not a pro (-__-) most of the time i died easily in the game

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