Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by TeaHouse

  1. Wow Wow Wow.....episode 12....WTF just happened....my mind is so blown at how better this drama just picked up for me....
    Was I the only one who re-winded the drama up to the part where the accident happened? yeah i watched that like 3 times cause I couldn't even blink cause i was afraid i was going to miss the best part. it was a good thing it was such a tear jerking moment cause my eyes were getting mad dry. 

    Best performance yet by Gun....and MY? the emotions coming from her freaking made my legs cramp up cause i was digging my toes to the floor in such anticipation of her part...I think I am going to have temporary claw toes now cause it was just that good. 
    And now that he finally got a hair cut...Gun is looking SMOKIN'!!!! 

  2. @stuartjmz most people are really passionate about what they like and could at times find faults in other peoples dislikes just to prove a point. I came into this thread a bit too late lol as you know I couldn't possibly leaf through 282 pages of conversation with this drama and keep up so yes, there could be super fans of the lead character that would love to throw darts at me for saying how i dislike his over exaggerated acting. So i threw that comment in there so that I pretty much get myself ready for the eggs and veggies to be thrown at me. Maybe its just too early for me to like this drama, maybe if i watched it a second time it would be better the second time around, but then I just can't get past his crazy laughing. its just so fake. @Hesperide I am watching the same drama, I know that you are saying that out of humor, but I doubt there is two Korean versions running haha. and yes, I watched the greatest love, that one I somehow enjoyed quite a bit and my mother loved that drama so much she watched it three times. @lclarakl I agree on you with that, I think that was one of the main reasons why i loved the Taiwanese version so much because it went back to "serious mode" once in a while which does make it seem like "this could have actually happened IRL" Se-Ra is a selfish character true. I failed to mention that I didn't like her either HAHA wow too many dislikes. The grandmother in this drama though was a lot better then the Taiwanese version though I have to admit. I wasn't enjoying the too cheerful, playful character of the immature grandma in the Taiwanese version, it didn't match well with the feel of the drama or the scenes they were trying to portray, i do understand that they want to make some humor and just make it seem fun, but the Korean grandma wins this one hands down so far. I think its all about Geon's crazy long hair that looks like a wild lions mane that is so awkward and just out of character from the nice neat hair cuts I am so used to in the Korean dramas that has the people portraying the rich men. *shrugs* @annamchoi HAHA I understand that, that is why I said what I said. those who are enjoying the k-version might hate on my comment. Its fine that his outrageous laughter is a defense mechanism, but they really shouldn't make it so fake. It seems like he is trying really really hard to force the laughter out. 

    Thanks for all those who support my opinion as my opinion of the drama and not some crazy person who should just crawl back under a rock and disappear LOL. 

  3. I am probably going to get yelled at quite a bit for this comment but then this is my honest opinion to this drama. I have watched the Taiwanese version and am currently watching the Korean version of FTLY and normally I would always say that I love the Korean versions a lot more then the Taiwanese version, but after watching up to episode 10 today, I am going to have to say that the Taiwanese version was so much better. I just can't seem to get myself to love this drama at all. I dislike the character Lee Gun a lot. His laugh, his over dramatic expressions and also the way he carries himself in the drama just didn't make it enjoyable to me. I do however love Jang Na-Ra's character. she plays such an innocent character so well and she just has this innocent face and aura about her. They casted well with her part. I can't seem to find any chemistry between the characters though a lot of people will say they do, it just didn't click with me at all. I will continue to finish watching it since I don't like to leave a drama half way, but then I was disappointed greatly with this drama.  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know if anyone knows this yet, but Initial D stage 5 just got released! well the first episode that is. And boy, they do NOT disappoint! I still sit at the edge of my seat and get chills when I watch this anime. Freaking AMAZING! the music, the cars, the whole thing is just freaking 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    Well i have the same problem as you but then I have recently started to use the Burt's Bees day and night cream/lotion on my face and it really works. I have used other lotions like Clean and Clear, Aveeno, LOreal, and that Celephaite (dont know how to spell it) but then either way, those lotions sort of hydrates my face, but then it would always leave the dry pealing skin still showing against my skin and I end up having to do a peel before i apply lotion on again. Burt's Bees have been a miracle for me at the moment where it doesn't leave the skin chillaxing on my skin so I have to peel it off. it literally seems to disappear once I apply it and massage it all over my face. LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sherlock_Mowg said: Whenever I see a sexay lady, I throw an empty pokeball at her and so far it's never worked. Do I give up, change tactics, or should I be a jerk and slap her richard simmons hard till her HP's low enough before throwing the ball? 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  7. I thought I was the only one who spends a lot of time in the shower with products lol
    1. Wash and shampoo my hair. 2. Run a shampoo massage comb through my hair to tackle any tangles (i find i loose less hair this way for some reason) 3. While i wait for the shampoo to do its soaking in, I start with the body wash. 4. Rinse shampoo out and re shampoo hair again. 5. Run shampoo massage comb through hair 2nd time. 6. Every other day, I would use my sugar shea body scrub to exfoliate my skin :D so soothing. 7. Letting that sink into the skin, I rinse out the shampoo and then put in hair conditioner or deep repair masque. 8. Run shampoo massage come through hair a 3rd time. 9. Scrub my face with a exfoliating scrub or a regular foaming face wash. massaging face for 2 minutes. 10. Rinse hair, face, body. 11. Shave if I need to, rinse again. 12. Time to get dried and out of the shower :D 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wtf....some of you girls make me want to starve myself because i don't seem to be around them victoria secret model weight for my height....LOL

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  9. One of the most depressing anime's I have ever watched. The ending was so epic...I don't think I talked to anyone for 3 days after finishing this anime because i was so depressed about it HAHA. 
    Then I heard that they were going to make a 3rd season...BUT it has nothing to do with Lelouch...blah!!! 
    you can't have code geass without Lelouch!!! 
    its like having Dragon Ball Z without Goku!!! HAHAHA 




























    dazzleanddestroy said:




















    Lol.. all these posts about a man's penis looking ugly are ridiculous. A woman's vagina isnt all that attractive either, they look like clams mussel's.. lol. In bed, it doesn't matter.. your performance does ;O





  11. First off. leave the guy alone with his porn. Unless you can dish out something better for him like actual hands on sex instead of his 2-d sex then you taking away his only form of pleasure is just wrong. 
    Second Thinking about marriage already and only 1 and a half month into the relationship? If you aren't head over heals about him, how can you two be talking about marriage? talking about breaking up in a heart beat? yeah...that REALLY sounds like you are even thinking of trying to make this SERIOUS relationship work. 
    Just because you put an age on something doesn't mean that the maturity just shot up. I know 35 year old's who are acting like they are 12 year old's still...to this day. 
    Being in a serious relationship doesn't mean that the marriage talk should come out the first month. There is also no guarantee that this relationship is even going to work out because you just found the first of many flaw about him that you can't seem to get over. Think about all the other hidden flaws to come as the relationship goes on. 

  12. @Hermit yes, that is correct, only you know what you truly look like, however i couldn't pass up a chance since you like to make fun of yourself all around the forum :D 
    Come now, you can't deny the fact that you never called yourself 40 year old, blubbery, and also having a camel toes somewhere on this forum... 

  13. what's more common these days, downloading or streaming anime?

    also, i'm trying to find
    Berserk Golden Age Arc II: The Battle for Doldrey online. any leads? (subbed would be awesome)


  14. ContraSuper Mario BrothersTop Gun (seriously wtf, I can't land that plane for the life of me!)Track & Field (OMFG FML with this game - this game was too cool for school)Duck Hunt (Dude...the only way you can win this damn game is if you have the gun literally up against the screen...don't even lie about not doing this...)RBI BaseballRad RacerThere was this Nintendo game with a small little car/tank (Breakthru) took me forever to find out what the name of this game was since its rare (should have kept this one augh!!!)...I had to put this as one of my favorites since I was able to beat the game without any of the cheat codes. Old School Nintendo Soccer game (I can't remember the name for the life of me)Ice Hockey - I would always starts fights and pick all the fat players so the skinny ones will bounce off me.
    World of Warcraft

  15. @bakane18
    The Manga industry would probably have to pick up the tab. I personally don't know myself how that industry will work, however, that would still mean a pay cut for Ai. I understand that we are all in LIMBO, hell I started being in LIMBO ever since reading that Ren died.... so i wasn't in a happy place for over a month and was really depressed wanting to see what will happen in the manga. I really wanted to see Nobu get together with Nana finally...and see Nana leave her husband who doesn't seem to give 2 shitaki mushrooms about her. 
    I would really like to see a lot of thinks, but then heck, I am not the only one suffering from Nana withdraw...This was one manga/anime that made me glued to my seat for a while until I finished it...(haven't had a manga do that in a while) 
    I wish Ai well, and I hope that she will really pen something. There is a facebook page for Ai, however no one knows if it is real or fake, so even following that on facebook seems like a waste of time. 

  16. Why don't you try going up and asking a guy out instead of sitting around waiting for miracles to happen?
    They say that if you want something bad, then go and get it...Sitting and waiting around won't do you any good, It will only make you feel the way you do right now about not having someone.
    Either way, you should be more focused on your studies right now then chasing boys...
    Your education is your future. Unless you KNOW for a fact that you are going to die really soon and want to live your last days in romance town then go for it. Other then that, men will still be floating around in your field of vision after you graduate and make something of yourself. 

  17. Well...all i remember was this one guy who i meet in high school...i didn't even know that he was my friend's older brother until a year later, but either way, he would have a class in the class room before mine, and each time i go to class, on the desk i always sit in, i would always see a folded origami with a note inside asking me if i had a good day today, or if i would like to go see a movie with him or if i would go to the school dance with him...
    other times he would leave a little box of candy or something there. 
    One of my friends told me that he specifically asked the guy who sits in my seat if he could change seats so that he could make sure to leave the gifts in the table for me to find... 

    LOL....I thought it was so sweet... 
    but I didn't like him so i felt bad for always turning him down. 
    he chased after me for 3 years... sigh...such dedication...but i always made it clear i didn't like him...

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