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Posts posted by sight_stv

  1. Finally done with my works, 2 more hours guys!! i already put my seatbelt on and my heart is 80% ready! bring it up! :D:D and i see there is still people who questioning about wrap up party, i agree with everyone that already kindly explain about it :D and i wanna say thank you before to everyone that gonna watch vlive and share what happen there in here or for every content and translation from the fanmeet B)

    • Like 7
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  2. 1 hour ago, triplem said:


    Was this posted before? Notice how she loves to touch him every time there's NG! She's really quite affectionate 

    @martanur Sorry I can't read Hangul either. I was translating something from mandarin the last time ( even that is quite elementary) 


    LOL! its so miracle that you found that and post it here because i made it lol! i post the video several page before lol lol!!!

    • Like 6
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  3. 48 minutes ago, siena said:

    Good morning everyone!!!


    Happy birthday to AJ!! All the best and happiness in life!!!


    I don't wanna bring this up again.....however......

    NG was in Busan only on the 14 Oct afternoon. I don't know if he passed the night there. His new movie co-star UhmJW was there yesterday 15 Oct for her movie screening. His new movie "Strange Family" filming location is probably 3-3.5 hours drive from Seoul. They're not filming in Busan.

    As for the actress from Shark.....actually I hate mentioning her here coz it only makes your mood down. She was in Busan on 12-13 Oct for BIFF and Buil redcarpet, she doesn't have movie screening.


    Ok, the wrap-up party.....you did see tons of reporters was there. Even NG was shocked of it. So did AJ, she was a little bit surprised. It's an open resto and the staff could invite their close friends. There was IG post and the caption said, my close friend was the drama staff. It means they can invite their partner or close friend.


    We judge NG behaviour only from 50-ish second clip. If he's avoiding her, he and she won't be at the second round drinking party at the bar.


    If there's something between them, I think it's at the very early stage. Ofc they will keep it low profile. I don't expect anything, either NG comes or makes video call at AJ bday fanmeet. Nevertheless you can always hope. On the first day of his movie filming, he came back to Seoul. A restaurant he always visited posted a pic of his sign. It said usually he made delivery order but that day he came to the resto. 3 hours of driving is not that hard, the manager will drive anyway. So I guess he will return to Seoul after the filming of the day finishes.


    K Fans manners are way different from int'l fans. They won't touch their actors private life so i don't think they will ask such question about NG. Even reporters won't dare asking such direct question.

    From the way the reporters wrote their articles it seems they respect AJ. Maybe because she's nice and warm.


    Anyways, she's been mentioning about marriage quite often in the article. I think she's really ready. Let's pray for the good news!!!


    Have an awesome day everybody!!!! 


    yes! she is so ready to have family right now! today she even turn to 36... she already drop the hint but her fiance is still busy filming for their married financial LOL!! *kidding* :D fast KNG fast :D 

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  4. omo.. after im done with my works 30 mins ago, i got my six sense and mind work together and i got this..


    warning *its just my thoughts of scenario that i have in my mind, dont take it seriously lol* :D


    King ent as KAJ label curious about drama ratings and viewer response as LUTYN will be air on cable tv and KAJ is rarely doing this kind of romance-comedy genre ( just like she admit herself ). Her label even send her some support ( coffe truck or whatever ). After the drama reached their last episode, king ent representative seen the rating and its good so they curious about the viewer response. They get surprised by the viewer response about KNG and KAJ amazing chemistry and even chance to be real couple. Her label then worried about that and ask her close person like her staff and stylist ( the one that upload KNG KAJ kiss scene lol ) and they said "its true, their chemistry is beyond the limit" King ent taken aback by their response but they still want to know if its really fine to announce later if KNG and KAJ indeed dating, so they test public response by releasing some KAJ solo photo and some photo with KNG when filming LUTYN ( first reason they're doing that is king ent want to promote KAJ as they actress and promote the drama as well, but with this photo with KNG they will know public response about them ). And the response is very good for both of them ( KNG and KAJ ) and almost no one that talking bad about them. After knowing that, King ent believe public is okay if someday they both want to announce or caught on dating rumour. But for now, there is no news about them dating or caught on some rumour so King ent just keep silent too. To celebrate KAJ birthday and her best drama, King ent hold fanmeet on her birthday that will be broadcasted on their channel later. And after King ent read KAJ interview on few days ago, they know that KAJ is already talk about her feeling on KNG and how KAJ is being sincere and truthful. First they want to invite some of KAJ close person especially KNG as her amazing chemistry co-star on the fanmeet but KNG cant come because of his busy schedule so they will invite KJD as her best friend. But King ent still want to include KNG in this joy moment so they will show his wish on the screen as the actor is busy filming right now, to not make it too obvious they will insert KNG birthday wish along with some other KAJ friends


    LOLLLLL thats scenario come into my mind and the truth is king ent is knew all along LOL :D:D:D:D:D 

    okay gonna back to work and join you all later! 



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  5. 14 minutes ago, Ohsh said:



    Ms Koala seems to have rekindled her love for NG ssi, as do many of his other fans. But the feature is an old one. Now impatiently waiting for his new feature and interviews! I observed somehow the actors are more workaholic than the actresses, with many of them plunging into another project soon with no breaks and no time for interviews :( Similar case for Seven Day Queen, no news on YWJ at all after the drama ends and he is already in talks for another drama. 


    Happy birthday day to beautiful KAJ! Looking forward to her fanmeeting but keeping expectations low since we know how busy KNG is. Hoping that the fans will ask some direct questions though. 


    yes! we wont expect him to be there.. some wish from him on the screen will be more than enough! thats it, some trigger question is really needed right now! no need to ask about dating, just like "are they still close now" or like "do you still keep in touch after drama ends" because that was undirect question that usually used by some reporter to ask about couple relationship 

    • Like 6
  6. 20 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

    Awwww..i am honored to be the captain of this ship. But..without my ship mates, the ship wouldn't sail! *hugss*


    So..is there going to be a v-live? I read from earlier posts that there will be. Let me know what time it will be and i can try to catch it. I watched a vlive for Ruler once. So I can try to do it again for our Gum couple!




    salute sir!! lol :D v-live on 7pm - kst time!! will be broadcasted from her label channel i think, you can refer to several post before, thank you!! gonna wait for it :D 

    • Like 7
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  7. 44 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    @sight_stv I know right, chingu. Seems like we are more excited than KAJ and KNG. I don't mind if they keep the rship low profile but PLEASE JUST SAIL and announce their marriage in a year's time. :D



    yas.. we feeling excited, nervous and worried at the same time, wondering all the time what gonna happen in that fanmeet lol. Suree me too! they can their timee but please at least give us something worth to spazz lol :D 

    • Like 5
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  8. Done to read several page lol you guys are crazy, this thread going fast :D i wanna say thank you to everyone in this thread.. especially our captain that make this thread :D and i wanna say thank you to them that create the fanfic lol!! i become pervert after i read that lol.. and i wanna say thank you again for content maker or analyzer, i always love to seeing that. Lastly.. thank you to those who always give us an information and translation! because without you guys we are blind lol and dont know anything ( even google just help a little bit ) :D 


    FINALLY THE DAY HAS COME GUYS!! PLEASE PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON :tongue: its still 13 hours from noww.. im gonna be patiently waiting to those who can watch or translate or tell us what happen in that vlive.. im still nervous right now! ottoke... im gonna prepare myself to read those content of vlive later *please some good newss* :D:D:D:D:D 



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  9. 3 hours ago, etherealk408 said:


    Happy Birthday to the lady with the beautiful smile our Queen AhJoong!  I hope you will be blessed with more wonderful things to smile about the rest of year all the way to the next, and may that wonderful smile never ever leaves your pretty face:wub:

    5b26OSR.jpg kY2J3y4.jpg



    Alright then, I will translate those comments from that particular clip..please give me some time^^ (the comments at that clip were SO explosive and there were LOTS of them, I'm still wondering in what format I should translate it lol)


    For the time being here's some other translations I think might be interesting for all Gummers to read; just some POVs of KNG Fans regarding Gum Couple chemistry on LUTYN Naver clips comment section. It's fascinating how some of them were truthfully talking about how they feel, because as longtime fans they are the ones who know him the best, and have observed him closely the most for so many years, so I thought their insights are some of the most valuable ones we can get. How they casually noted that something with KAJ is "different", like they aren't fervently shipping like the rest  (of course,as you would've expected), but they acknowledged it's somewhat not the "regular". The way they express their moods of "letting him go" is both funny and bittersweet at the same time.There are some more of these types of comments but for now I hope you guys  enjoy this:)




    I especially enjoyed reading this conversation "thread" between the Muggle drama fan who asked, and the answer she/he received from KNG fans:




    omoo its getting more real now.. even his fans is already prepare theirself and admit KAJ is the greatest match for KNG lol lol :D thank you!!! keep it coming pleaseee specially on this night event!! :wub:

    • Like 12
  10. 4 hours ago, leba said:

    My heart dropped slightly when I read about KNG and SYJ possibly at Busan at the same time and possibly he’s there to support her and etc. Of course I was worried that would mean he and SYJ were still together (oh so drama rite?), but on second thoughts, I recalled that not too long ago, SYJ said in her interview that KNG was someone she would like to keep as a good friend for a long time. So she has already dropped him out of her list. Haha. And even if KNG is there to support her, we shouldn’t be too worried or jealous because he is a loyal friend in friendships. And that makes him more a gem! Anyways, I think it’s more possible he’s there for filming.:wub:


    yeah no need to worry, and you can refer it to @siena post, she already explain it.. there is highly chance KNG went to busan to see the screening movie from his best friend PSW and for SYJ, you can check on her IG that she want to support her friends on screening too because there is different location for each movie :D 

    3 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:


    @sight_stv lol..chingu..i love your drama strip and especially the wedding at the end. But..i will be honest with you: when my eyes came across the word 'strip' i reacted like this:



    :tongue: LOL!!






    thank you captain lol!! :D:D yeahh i intentionally include the wedding because i want to see that in the future lol and i just cant resist myself to no include that in my drama strip :D 

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  11. 4 hours ago, martanur said:


    @sight_stv was there SSC's FMV videos before the wedding announcement?


    I didnt made their video because its already so much FMV maker from that thread :D but you can see on youtube, especially you must see their red carpet ( they do the red carpet for award before the wedding announcement eventually after their label deny the dating rumour ) you will see in their red carpet its like they tell the world about their relationship lol

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  12. @bluehopeatm amazing video indeed!! love it, you cant resist to include the kiss scene at the end arent you lol :D 


    @boingboingracquet omg..my heartbeat stop for a second, what a lovely scene, thank you for amazing picture :D 


    4 hours ago, martanur said:


    Hi...your drama strip is so amusing HAHA. Actually, I'm not a Song Song Shipper...I checked the news about the drama after watching DOTS. Love their chemistry though wasn't as strong as KNG & KAJ (this is off off off the charts). I've watched dramas and movies a lot since my elementary school (not every kind of movies and dramas, of course :D). When the chemistry between lead actors are really strong, I do enjoy the story line...At that time, there's no Internet in my country yet, so I often read magazines or newspapers (entertainment section). Well... the whole things were almost the same, some articles wrote about the close bond or romantic relationships between the male and female actors (mostly lead actors).

    I won't be surprised if it happened to KNG & KAJ...but still, I'd prefer reading their wedding announcement (if there is) rather than dating announcement. Would it be a fate for them? It could be...the production drama itself was special, giving deep meaning for all staffs and actors. There's a good thing (what is the right word to explain it?) in this drama. Really. A good intention definitely will make you receiving many wishes and loves from others. I guess both KNG & KAJ loved each other during filming LUTYN for making the characters alive and real ...(I'll post some gifs I got from DC...they said: There is love in your eyes)



    agree.. wedding announcement will make this thread go 1 page for 10 second lol! i believe its fate! its just like these 2 lead cast bring everything alive and even the atmosphere when they shooting is great too.. omo please post it! so many scene that we can see the real lover eyes right :D 

    • Like 9
  13. 3 minutes ago, MitzB said:

    Closed doors

    (Fanfic scene only)


    Heo Im was busy with the household chores and he got tired of cleaning the entire house by himself. He was thinking that Yeon Kyung will be home at midnight so he went to the bathroom first to brush his teeth.


    He did not know that Yeon Kyung came home early, he did not notice a figure behind the shower curtain because his eyes were about to drop.


    His eyes went big when he heard a familiar voice and he saw a female shadow on the mirror. He was drooling and his toothbrush dropped into the sink. He cursed silently and he hurriedly went out the bathroom while clutching his chest. His heart was going wild.


    HI: Goodness heavens! Mother of all the earth what have I done? 


    He was staring at a wall and his mind went somewhere else. *Insert perverted face* 


    YK went out and changed into her sleeping clothes while she was still drying her hair with a towel. She was wondering why HI is outside, stuck in a moment with his mouth wide open, mind went blank.


    YK: Yahhh, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's cold. 


    Heo Im could not even look at her in the eye, he swallowed a lot of saliva, and lots of images of what happened earlier transpired into his head and he shook his naughty thoughts.


    HI: I'm fine. I guess- I-uhmm- I- goodnight. *YK caressed his arms and gave him a back hug and he is about to cry* wha-wha-what is it, YK-sshi?


    YK: Why are you avoiding me? You don't miss me don't you?


    HI: It's not like that. I just want to put a limitation between us because it's not yet our wedding night. You understand what I mean right?


    YK: Hey don't be too harsh on me. We had been intimate for quite some time. *Insert playful face of YK meow moments * *HI faced her* *she pulls his tie towards her and seductively whispers into his ear* we have been together for more than a year, honey. 


    HI: What are you doing? *Stares into her lips* *he bites his lips* your grandpa is on the other room.


    YK: Shhhh *puts her finger into his lips* be quiet. No one will know what happened. Just close the door and lock it okay?


    And the great Heo Im got excited..


    And the rest is up into your delulu byeontae minds... 


    Hahaha B)

    After i read your fanfic, its certified..im a pervert too, i already imagine the next move LOL

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  14. 9 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    @sight_stv so many 'LIKES' from those Naver comments. I cannot understand why there would be 'dislike' button unless it is clicked wrongly. LOL


    of course.. there is no way they not notice something that obvious in their acting, they think just like us "it was real not acting" lol.. yeah you're right but i dont mind them, its just like 1% from the like button lol  

    • Like 6
  15. 4 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:


    Haha I thought there was already a specific nickname to refer to us Gum shippers? Are there any other ideas? Maybe we could do a poll and pick one if there are other options? :sweat_smile:


    Translation of some random Naver TV comments on the Acupuncture Kiss clip... look how ImKyung even turned those who hates shipping into shippers! there were many comments here and there (not just on Naver) that kept saying if Gum Couple don't end up dating for real, they need to AT LEAST do a R-19  Mature Melodrama type of the movie together..preferably in the sensual style like In The Mood For Love:love:  lol so many people don't want their sizzling chemistry to be wasted and I AGREE!!






    DAEBAK!!! every person say it, get married already.. look at that thumbs up!! maybe someone that has big follower shipper in IG can share this k-netz reaction.. this is pure gold reaction from k-netz, we need to spread this lol btw thanks again to translating! :D 

    • Like 12
  16. 9 minutes ago, Cynthia kristiani said:

    Hello, I'm an lurker this thread. Before I'm silent shipper for Song Song couple. When DOTS still on air, I have the same feeling like our Gum couple, I can't differentiate their acting and their real life. And after DOTS end, I have the heavy withdrawal like our gum couple and believe they're made for each other.My cousin and I always say about Song Song couple that we hope they won't catch with dispatch or reporter and when they're ready, they can back to announcement their wedding themselves.So when they're really announce their wedding, I'm really in shock but happy at the same time.

    And with our gum couple, I have the same gut feeling. Even I don't care with their past and just focus with our couple. So my hope is the same like Song Song couple, dating silently and back when they're ready for announcement their wedding.

    And after I'm reading KAJ interview, her husband criteria is scream with KNG. And her aura still Yeon Kyung not KAJ.And I'm really girl crush with KAJ.Thanks to LUTYN. 

    So I hope my gut feeling will become reality like Song Song Couple.But if they won't become real couple, I'll say that KNG not good enough for KAJ and KAJ found someone better than KNG.

    And so it's not only me has the same thought that our couple have similar face/similar smile.I see their similar face/similar smile in LUTYN conference pers.

    I heard that someone has similar face, it means mate.Song Song couple is the same, they have similar face and smile.

    I know I'm not supposed to compare with Song Song couple but I can't help they have similar situation and I have the same gut feeling.

    So everyone in this thread fighting! It will long journey but I hope we will have happy result. 

    And for our Gum couple, dating silently and when you're ready announce your wedding happily or drop little bit hint is okay.:lol:


    omoo welcome aboard!!! and welcome my fellow songsong shipper! dont worry.. i already compare them a lot in this thread because im songsong shipper too :tongue: so many songsong shipper have across this thread, you feel it too right, happy to hear thats not just me that feels our couple have so much similarities with songsong  :D i really hope this couple will safety sail just like songsong :D 

    • Like 11
  17. 15 minutes ago, mantleprey said:

    @sight_stv  Hope it sails like SSC and we hear the marriage news in a year's time. :heart: Share more observations if you have, dearest chingu!



    *prayhard* of course when i found some similarities again i will share it because i feel lonely to known it myself lol! :D even there is no marriage news in the mean time maybe some dating news is great too or maybe even if we can't get that 2 news in a short time, a crucial hint will be enough lol :D 

    • Like 10
  18. 7 minutes ago, MitzB said:



    I can't help but unlurk. I was in lurking mode for a few days and KAJ interview came up and she kept on mentioning about KNG. How wonderful he is an actor, how they complement each other during filming, the natural interaction between them, she praised his wonderful acting...












    The mention of KAJ watching his previous dramas aigoooyAAAAHHHH :blush: maybe she is one of KNG fangirls who really admired him so much and as an actress, she wanted to work with an awesome actor like him but she is just waiting for the right time. *Insert the awarding ceremony wherein she was the MC and she said something on how wonderful KNG character is in QSD as what the others mentioned before* and when LUTYN came, she grabbed the opportunity right away.



    So.... About season 2, she is not closing her doors for it? Hoping that the production team of LUTYN and the main leads will think of it as a possibility. *Please writernim and pdnim* if only it will happen.



    Anyways, we want more of ImKyung skinship and lots of kisses plus wedding scene...







    Happy to seeing you again! :D yass!! tomorrow is the day!! but my heart is not ready yet to feel what we gonna get tomorrow!! andwaeeeeeeee please let it be a good one!!


    • Like 9
  19. 45 minutes ago, Ineng said:

    Hello! Fairly new in this thread but I really adored this couple as they are the main reasons why I enjoyed LUTYN so much esp on the last few episodes. Their chemistry is daebak I'm beyond words. Both are good individually but when they're together.. oh my. My screen couldn't take that much chemistry. I really hope that maybe Fate and the Almighty will bless these two (and let them date for reals hehehe). So yep. Hello again! :wub::wub:


    welcomee aboard :D 

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  20. 32 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:

    @sight_stv   i love your edit of them as bride & groom :wub:...BUT it's really making my craving for a Gum Couple photoshoot really x 100 bad  :( 


    why can't Baskin Robbins just offer them to do a sweet ice cream cf together we know they'd sell the product effortlessly ...it's about time SK BR appeal to the sweet tooth of mature adults through their campaigns I mean sure Idols attract the younger ones but it doesn't mean the older crowd won't enjoy sweet things..they should attempt to attract the other end of their target demographic..give it a Together We're Young Forever tagline or something lol


    These are still one of my faves..they looked so natural and just looked like..themselves:wub:



    I have some more translated stuff for you guys..so please post more so I wont be spamming the thread haha.

     Btw sorry I'm asking this now, but how do we refer to ourselves? Gummers? :D


    thank you! yeahh they need to do something together.. im getting frustated with their drama promotion :angry: i know right.. as usual, they just want so many people know about the products and they know young until mid age k-netz crazy about idol so here we go.. idol on every cf. A gummers is a good name lol!


    omg gonna waiting your translation patiently :D 

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  21. @etherealk408 THANKS A LOT!!! can't thank you enough for what you doing since yesterday, so many people question it too right about how real is them lol :D 


    @martanur yes.. at first i dont mind about their similarities and i thought it was just a coincidence ( like how KNG and KAJ show their true feeling on bts just like songsong ) but after the drama finish, LUTYN ending shooting photo that shown KAJ holding KNG hands differently just like DOTS final photo where there is obvious action that SJK and SHK did, my mind goes like ohh another coincidence okay.. and after that KAJ frequently update her IG for about 1 weeks just like SHK and my mind still ohh another one coincidence okay thats good.. after that the news come out that KNG will be filming strange family right away just like SJK filming battleship island after drama ends hmm at that moment i still keep my head cool and thought another one coincidence again? okay.. and here it comes, their close people like manager / stylist post their scene together. For SHK there is her staff that post her and SJK scene ( intimate one ) and for KAJ there is her stylist that post her and KNG kiss scene, after i saw that i immediately thought WHAT THE HECK WHY THERE IS SO MUCH COINCIDENCE?! and finally yesterday interview come.. after i read all the translation and check it with SHK interview my mind goes like "OKAYY IM DONE WITH THIS, THIS IS FATE!" lol! the difference is DOTS promoted very well even the cast get holiday tickets but LUTYN.. as we all know, there is noting..

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  22. @mantleprey we take that as a hint before right! because we discussed it its like she approve her line lol :D


    @martanur i know right?! because of that i always compare them.. so much simillarities! even SJK is also filming his movie right away and didnt get any interview, only SHK doing interview


    not to mention in the fanmeet when SHK showed up on SJK fanmeet.. its like he told the world about their relationship lol


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